World Missionary Press, Inc.
Financial Accountability Standards – Member of ECFA
World Missionary Press, Inc. has, since 1982, qualified as a member in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), now comprised of more than 2,000 evangelical non-profit organizations. To maintain its membership WMP is required each year to go through a fairly rigorous renewal process, subjected to close scrutiny by the ECFA Standards Committee. In 1999, and in 2008, WMP was randomly selected to undergo a full-scale on-site field review by ECFA personnel and passed the review with high commendation.
ECFA maintains standards of financial accountability which are consistent with responsible Christian faith and practice and thus materially enhances credibility among present and prospective donors.
By clicking on the ECFA member logo, you will go to the WMP page on ECFA’s website. You may view our audited financial statements, IRS Form 990, and our annual report at the following links: (Adobe PDF reader is required to view these documents)
World Missionary Press imposes upon itself the following standards:
1. World Missionary Press is accountable to donors through reports of production and finances at the annual Anniversary Dinner in October and through the Special Edition WMP News published in January. A copy of the audited financial statements is available upon request, along with Supplemental Information containing details of functional expenses.
2. WMP has a responsible governing Board of Directors, a majority of whom are not employees/staff or immediate family members. These twelve mature Christians meet regularly twice each year. Board members donate their time and travel expenses.
3. The Board of Directors determines the pay scale for employees, all of whom – including management – are paid an equal modest hourly wage.
4. The Board of Directors requires an independent annual audit by a public accounting firm (as it has throughout the history of the work), performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
5. An active Finance and Audit Review Committee, a majority of whom are not employees/staff and all having financial experience, meets semi-annually to assure that the financial policies, financial functions, and financial responsibilities of the Board and the organization are being fulfilled. They also make recommendations to the Board.
6. WMP carries on its operations with the highest standards of integrity and avoids conflicts of interest.
7. WMP activities are consistent with its stated purposes; donated funds are applied where designated. Fund-raising approaches meet the standards set by ECFA.
Disclosure Statements to Donors