World Missionary Press

Steve Chupp, Interim President; Novella Homan, Treasurer ; Jerry Whitener, Vice President Plant Operations;  Helen Williams, Orders and Distribution Director; Alison Bontrager, Partner Relations Director; Joe Chadburn, Promotions Director; Eric Homan, Production Manager; Twila Yoder, Prepress Team Leader; Brian Burton, Web Press Team Leader; Zach Martin, Bindery Team Leader; Brian Lacher, 6 Color Press Team Leader;  Dale Crim, Small Orders Department Supervisor; Immanuel Patrick, Freight Shipments Coordinator; Andrew Beverly, Product Development Team Leader; Steve Kooistra, Prayer Coordinator; and Angelee Yoder, Executive Secretary; and many more full time and part time volunteers.


Please pray for our staff and volunteers.

WMP employs 49 full-time and 8 part-time workers.  About 700 volunteers from 106 different churches donate their time each month.