I Am Now in Jesus
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” John 11:25,26

This testimony of a new life in our resurrected Lord comes from an evangelistic crusade held in four districts of the Northern Province of Kivu, DRC. The Rev. Israel N., Secretary General of the Evangelical Alliance in DRC, encountered believers in Rwanda handing out Help from Above and The Way to God booklets. He contacted the WMP coordinator in Rwanda, asking for booklets for his denomination to use in the upcoming crusades.
In response to this request, his team received 500 boxes of WMP Scripture booklets in Swahili, French, and Lingala. The crusade was carried out by 566 volunteers from 82 churches, distributing 182,000 booklets, with reports of 1,289 positive responses.
Rev. Israel writes: “We are grateful to World Missionary Press for giving us Christian literature through the coordinator in Rwanda. This Christian literature is helping to spread the Good News in DR Congo especially in the districts of Walikale and Goma in the Northern Province of Kivu.”
The Alliance has not been able to access distribution data in the districts of Masisi and Rutshuru because of armed conflict between government forces and the M23 rebellion. “What is important to remember,” Rev. Israel says, “is that the distributions have been done in these areas and that to date we have a huge demand for more Christian literature and Bibles.” Many refugees of this conflict have scattered and are living in poverty in the Goma district.

Rwanda’s inventory will be restocked and increased through the Founders Challenge. The Founders Challenge will help fund the production and shipping costs of 40-foot containers to South Africa ($82,493) with 21 different languages in its hold, Ethiopia ($91,570), Rwanda ($94,098), and Nigeria ($100,481) in 2023. WMP is trusting the Lord that the Founders Challenge will exceed its goal and cover all of Africa with the gospel.
[The 182,000 booklets would not have been available to Rwanda or the Democratic Republic of the Congo if it weren’t for generous people like you. Thank you for your support of the Founders Challenge and the continued production of the Scripture booklets.]
In Memoriam
Alun Rees
Bindery Operator
October 19, 1958 to February 25, 2023
Alun served at World Missionary Press for ten years. We miss his presence among us and we thank the Lord for his life and contributions. “Alun was a good friend. I enjoyed the discussions we had as we ran the binderies and will miss them and him immensely,” remembers Kent, Alun’s supervisor.
Devon, a fellow bindery operator, reminisced, “Alun taught me the bindery, and we learned a lot about each other. We loved to aggravate each other and then jokingly say, ‘Just trying to be helpful!’ Our friendship continually grew and I will surely miss him.”
As Alun’s health continued to decline, Jerry, our VP of Plant Operations, acknowledged, “We are going to lose a wealth of knowledge.” Alun was an asset to WMP with the mechanical skills and expertise that he gained refurbishing printing equipment and operating a print shop before coming to WMP. He set up maintenance programs for each of the WMP binderies and followed through with regular maintenance. He was good at diagnosing and fixing the machines and ordering needed parts. He was involved in finding and installing much of the bindery equipment we now have, including the new-to-us Bravo Plus bindery recently installed. He worked effectively and joyfully with volunteers and staff.
Alun also took his turn leading WMP chapel services. He was very interested in theology, church history, and World War II history. Alun read widely, enjoyed pipe organ music, and trains. Alun lived his life as a faithful follower of Christ. World Missionary Press has lost a good worker, a close friend, and brother in the Lord. Our hearts go out to his wife Lois and three children.
Grateful Quotes
Egyptian Christians Share the Word in Canada
“I met some Christians from Egypt in a coffee shop here in Niagara Falls, Canada. In order to stay in touch we exchanged addresses. They gave me the booklet Help from Above on which was written their name and the name of their church. The booklet appears to be a very good evangelistic tool. I am ordering Help from Above to hand out to tourists during the summer here in Niagara Falls where I live.”
—Petrus G.

WMP Partners Around the World
Frontline Fellowship, South Africa
Frontline Fellowship has partnered with WMP for 40 years, and currently serves as the WMP national coordinator for South Africa. The following is taken from a recent report.
World Missionary Press has been part of every Frontline Fellowship mission that I have been involved in over 40 years. No Frontline Fellowship mission would be complete without WMP Scripture booklets. As itinerant evangelists, we prize WMP Scripture booklets because they are compact, light-weight, saturated with Scripture, topical, and extremely relevant to the issues and challenges of people in Africa.
The literature fills our saddlebags when traveling by foot, on bicycles, on motorbikes, and in dugout canoes; is packed into our trucks, or on our roof racks and trailers. We can reach more people with the Word of God carrying in WMP booklets than in any other way. We have delivered and distributed well over 7 million WMP Scripture booklets throughout Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Malawi, Tanzania, the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, and as far afield as Nigeria.
As a literature evangelist, I appreciate that every 10 lb. box of WMP booklets includes 500 booklets, each with 48 pages of Scripture. Literature distribution has always been our life-blood. It is not only a point of contact in beginning conversations, but it is gospel seed sown, and provides essential Bible teaching, and discipleship follow-up for those who are led to Christ. A wide variety of pastors, evangelists, missionaries, teachers, and chaplains come to our mission stores at Literature4Africa for the evangelistic and discipleship resources they need.
These Scripture booklets have helped establish Bible study fellowships in schools and military bases and plant congregations. Pastors and Evangelists in Sudan and Zambia and chaplains in Zimbabwe, use the WMP topical booklets as the outline of their sermons and Bible studies. They are also widely distributed in prisons and hospitals.
People have told us how they came to Christ through a WMP Scripture booklet that they found lying on the ground, or in a trash can! Even those which some enemies of the gospel may have thrown away have been used of the Lord to bring people to repentance! We know of people who have been brought to repentance and delivered from witchcraft because of the Satan vs. Christ booklet.
We praise God that there is now freedom for open distribution across the border into Mozambique and Angola. The military chaplains that we have trained and supply in Sudan, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the Congo continually request more. We never have enough. The need is so much greater than our logistical capabilities.
Thank you for investing in our mission and equipping and empowering us with excellent Scripture booklets, bringing the lost to repentance and salvation.