Mission Ideas for Children
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For your children’s ministries, Sunday School, children’s church, or VBS – You will find here a variety of suggestions for your consideration as a focus for your children’s ministry missions offering.
These project ideas relate to reaching boys and girls in other countries with the powerful Word of God.
What better investment can there be! What better way to encourage children to begin focusing on worldwide outreach and the influence they personally can have in fulfilling the Great Commission?
God Loves You! Coloring Books
Your children can provide God Loves You! salvation coloring books, filled with pictures to color and excellent teaching from God’s Word!
WMP can provide a variety of languages for the God Loves You! coloring book so that you can use them to make an attractive poster or project display.
If you wish, you could announce that for every $10 raised, a picture of one coloring book will be added to a display at the front of your meeting room. (You can photo copy the front cover of a God Loves You! coloring book, making enough copies to represent the offering raised.)
Idea #2
Your Change Brings Change
About five cents will print and send one Scripture booklet anywhere in the world! $1 will print and send 21 Scripture booklets on average. Banks can be provided by WMP for this purpose. These banks can be placed in many locations–people always have loose change! When finished, collect the money from the bank(s), write a check to WMP for the amount, and re-use it!
You can also print your own labels at www.wmpress.org/get-involved/kids-korner and tape them on a jar or can.
Fill a Suitcase
Leaders can present a big, empty suitcase at the beginning of VBS, labeled “Sending the Word to the World.” For each dollar a child brings in offerings, he/she can place a (rubber-banded) pack of 25 Scripture booklets into the suitcase. (It actually costs about $1 to produce 21 booklets!)
The goal is to fill the suitcase as full as possible with Scripture booklets!
You can request a supply of The Way to God Scripture booklets for this purpose. They come 500 per 10-lb. box.
Boys and girls in countries around the world need to learn about Jesus and His love. By reading Scripture booklets in their language, they can know how to have their sins forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life!
Idea #4
Thermometer Display
Make a large poster of a thermometer showing funds raised for The Way to God Scripture booklets. Color with a red marker as funds increase. Adjust the numbers on the poster according to your expectations.
Buy a Roll of Paper
One 35″-wide roll of paper for our big printing press, costing about $1,360, can produce the inside pages of more than 85,000 48-page Scripture booklets!
An investment of $680 provides for the inside pages of about 42,500 Scripture booklets like The Way to God!
Idea #6
Faces of the World
Prepare a large colored drawing of the world (about 10 ft. wide) to post at the front of your meeting room. Have the students color the faces of children from other parts of the world. (You can download these faces from our website: wmpress.org/get-involved/mission-ideas-for-children). As every $25 comes in for the missions offering, one of the children can glue or tape one of the colored faces onto the world.
This serves as a visual reminder that your students are touching other children around the world with God’s Word. At some point, each child can be given a copy of a God Loves You! coloring book or The Way to God Scripture booklet as a reminder of the ministry they are supporting! (Request enough free copies for this purpose.)
Boys and girls in countries around the world need to learn about Jesus and His love. By reading Scripture booklets in their language, they can know how to have their sins forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life!
Please send offerings in a check to the address below. If you can, please also send a photo and/or description of the project you used to raise funds.
PDF’s available: Color or Black and White.
Pointers for Success
1. Help young people learn and practice faith by setting a realistic goal that is not simple to meet. Emphasize that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37).
2. Involve elements of suspense, surprise, and challenge, using realistic goals on the one hand, but at the same time acknowledging the power of God and the wonderful faith that children are capable of.
3. In telling the stories about the NEED involved in the project selected, be truthful. Use no fabricated stories. If the teacher has pondered the story so well that he/she is moved emotionally, it will relate effectively to the children. They will catch the impact and will respond enthusiastically.
4. It is good to show each day the total money given that day and the total number of booklets the offering represents. (Each booklet costs 5 cents for production and mailing. Each dollar pays for 20 booklets on average.)
If you have created projects of your own that would help to send out God’s Word, we would like to hear about them. Also, it would be of interest to us to hear about the blessings you received from using the projects listed above.
Projects for Adults
Our Number One Need
PRAYER – PRAYER – MORE PRAYER! Satan will bring every type of confusion, onslaught, and battle against the Word of God, which he despises.
We can send you a detailed prayer letter with a request for every day of the month. As you join thousands of others in prayer for specific requests, we will literally see God’s power at work. To join our prayer team, click here to receive our prayer sheet via E-mail, or click here to receive our prayer letter via regular mail.
Monthly Support
Establish a personal “$30.00 Club” (or “Club 30”). Through World Missionary Press you can reach an equivalent of one person every hour, 24 hours a day, for $30.00 per month.
Smaller Gifts
Perhaps you can’t take on any of the above projects, but you could send $5 or $10 each month, trusting God to provide it for you.Little is much when God is in it!
Projects which Cost Nothing in Dollars and Cents
Have a Garage Sale
Collect and sell items at a garage sale or auction. Several families could cooperate in conducting a garage sale and send proceeds to WMP.
Used Bibles
Many letters come from pastors, Sunday school teachers, and others overseas, asking for complete Bibles. Do you have good new or used King James Version or New King James Version Bibles you could send? Those with study helps are especially appreciated by workers overseas.
Used Postage Stamps
Yes, we can use them, too. They are exchanged for money so we can print more booklets. Care must be taken when cutting stamps off envelopes so the stamps are not cut or torn. Leave 1/4 inch border around the stamps. We can use only FOREIGN and COMMEMORATIVE U.S. stamps.
WMP Videos/DVDs
Invite some friends or neighbors in and show them one of WMP’s videos or DVDs. Give each one a copy of Help From Above and the latest issue of WMP News. Prayerfully introducing the work in this way can pay rich dividends.
For more resources click here.
Boys and girls in countries around the world need to learn about Jesus and His love. By reading Scripture booklets in their language, they can know how to have their sins forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life.
Please send offerings in a check to the address below. If you can, please also send a photo and/or a description of the project you used to raise funds.
World Missionary Press, Inc.
P.O. Box 120, New Paris, IN 46553
(574) 831-2111 – FAX (574) 831-2161
https://www.wmpress.org E-mail: mailroom@wmpress.org