When the angel appeared to shepherds on the Judean hills so many years ago with “good tidings of great joy” which would be to all people, he was announcing the fulfillment of the prophet Isaiah’s promise from God centuries before. The Child which was born that day—a Savior, Christ the Lord—would bring peace, a peace for the heart that would continue because of His presence and authority.
Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, mankind has known the unrest of separation from their Creator. God’s plan of love was to provide for reconciliation to replace that unrest with everlasting peace. Paul writes, “For He Himself [Christ] is our peace” (Ephesians 2:14), agreeing with Isaiah that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is Himself the source of true peace.
As we look around our world, our neighborhoods, and our families this Christmas season, we realize that we can offer no greater gift than Peace—through God’s loving gift of His Son.
Ways to share God’s message of life & peace with the world:
Idea #1—A Box of Scripture Booklets Every Month
In Jesus’ confrontation with Satan, He affirmed, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). God’s Word is vital for spiritual life. An essential in any family budget is food. Without the strength that food gives, we cannot grow or even exist. Millions around the world are spiritually starving to death without the spiritual bread of the Word of God. One 10-pound box of WMP Scripture booklets provides precious life-giving food for 500 spiritually needy souls.
Often just one 48-page Scripture booklet can be the catalyst for wide-spread outreach. A church member in Nigeria who works with youth was given a booklet in his language, Yoruba. “I was personally blessed by the content when I read it. I must have read it over 10 times,” he wrote. As he shared it with others with “tremendous results,” he realized that using the booklets in his personal evangelistic outreaches would make his work for the Lord Jesus easier and more fruitful. “As I travel from place to place, there are ample opportunities to speak and to distribute booklets, particularly in vehicles where public speaking is not allowed.” Along with this testimony was an order for 2,500 booklets!
A regular monthly donation of $25.00 for a “WMP BOX” can supply a continuing flow of “spiritual food” and make an incalculable difference in the lives of hundreds. Or sponsor two boxes—1,000 booklets—for just $50 per month.
Idea #2—A Roll of Paper
Before the printing press was invented, writing had to be completed painstakingly by hand, using clay and papyrus, wax and parchment. Few had access to God’s Word. With a high-speed web press (using large rolls of paper for printing inside pages) and a six-unit sheet-fed press (for printing full-color covers), World Missionary Press is producing the equivalent of 7 million 48-page Scripture booklets each month, with the capacity to increase production up to 10 million a month, providing booklets for distributors from Australia to Iceland in 348 languages. What a wonderful opportunity!
From the Philippines, the assistant pastor of a little church on the island of Leyte wrote, “We value so much all of the [booklets] you have given us in the past. They are so very effective in our evangelism. Almost no one has a Bible, and those who do mostly have English Bibles. However, in reaching the people for Christ, it is absolutely imperative that we be able to put the Word of God in their hands in their own native tongue. Please help us. We have dedicated the rest of our lives to the Lord to distribute His precious Word to the people of the Philippines. Please pray for us. Thank you so much.”
For a gift of $1,086 you can provide for a 1,500-pound 35-inch-wide roll of paper, yielding the inside pages for 85,000 48-page Scripture booklets (or provide half a roll for $543). Stock for 136,000 full-color covers (a stack of 8,500 flat sheets) costs $358. Donations specified for paper (either rolls or sheets) make it possible to send the message of God’s peace into the remotest corners of the world.
Idea #3—New Testaments
A New Testament takes one from the wonder of Christ’s birth, sinless life, death, and resurrection to the exciting beginnings of His Church on earth, foundational teaching of the epistles, and the final marvelous completion of God’s plan to redeem man and bring him back into eternal fellowship with his Creator. Many Christians have no access to a New Testament—so vital to strengthen one’s faith.
Open orders for New Testaments in six languages produced by WMP (Spanish, French, Kreyol, Arabic, Persian-Farsi, and Congo-Swahili) total 179,708 copies—40,000 in Kreyol for distribution in Haitian schools; 20,000 in French and 20,000 in Arabic for work in Muslim areas of Senegal; 15,000 in Congo-Swahili for distributors in Democratic Republic of Congo, plus the increasing number requested from distributors using WMP New Testaments in Spanish.
A gift of $50.00 will—for example—provide a New Testament for 47 French-speaking African believers eager to know more about their Savior.
Idea #4—Hong Kong and Macau
Idea #5—Prayer Support
You may request the monthly prayer and praise calendar to be sent to you by mail and/or by email along with the colorful 4-page newsletter.
To access the monthly prayer and praise letter digitally, or to be notified of daily prayer requests, the status of specific shipments to destinations around the world, and other timely information, download the free WMP App (look for World Missionary Press in your app store) and turn on the desired “push” notifications.
Earlier this year, a World Prayer Center was dedicated in our complex as a place for local supporters and church groups to pray for the nations, for the ministry of WMP, and for their own needs and ministries. A local believer wrote, “Your organization is carrying out the Great Commission, and it’s so cool to be a part of it!” Prayer resources are available for small or large groups and individuals.
For more information, or to reserve a specific time to pray, please contact Joe Chadburn, the Prayer Center Director, by phone (574-831-2111, Ext 211) or email (joe@wmpress.org).
Idea #6—Alive in Christ
WMP is developing a new discipleship tool in response to requests from coordinators and distributors around the world who recognize the need for new believers to be grounded in their faith. Nearing completion, this 96-page topical Scripture booklet, which outlines God’s plan for believers to be ALIVE IN CHRIST and LIVE IN THE LIGHT OF ETERNITY, will be ready for production soon.
“God’s desire is to breathe new life into us and restore the relationship with Him that we were created to have. . . . This life is in His Son, Jesus Christ. . . . When we accept this new life—His life in us—He fills us with Himself by His Spirit and empowers us to know Him and to walk with Him.”
You can help provide this discipleship tool to 260 new believers with a gift of $40.00.
Idea #7—Powerful Ink on Paper
Ancient civilizations found ways to mix dyes, pigments, resins, etc. for writing on parchment and papyrus. Such mixtures are still the basis of ink used in modern printing, as on the presses used at WMP to place Scripture on paper in 348 languages. Without ink, paper could not carry the message. A 425-lb barrel of black ink for WMP’s web press costs $501 and transforms rolls of blank paper into the inside pages of approximately two million powerful 48-page Scripture booklets.
WMP uses red, yellow, blue, and black ink to create colorful booklet covers that invite the reader to look inside and read the message. Each 5-lb. can of color ink costs $23.72. A donation of $100.00 will provide color for approximately 60,000 booklet covers.
Idea #8—Project India
One of the challenges of reaching India’s 1.3 billion people is the widening gap between a young, modernistic population and the millions still living in remote villages as their parents and grandparents lived—far from the fast-paced outside world. Each segment of India’s population needs the same gospel, the truth of God’s Word. Whether they worship ancient idols or modern personalities, they need to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
The Scriptures found in WMP booklets are effective in reaching all of India’s people through the power of the Holy Spirit. Ravindra K. wrote, “This booklet has been very effective in sharing the gospel as we go to different places/villages. People receive it cheerfully . . . . It is great. I have been using this booklet for several years…”
WMP distributors report that as pressures increase, opportunities for open evangelism are fewer, but the value of having literature to simply hand to someone or leave at a home increases. Your gift of $250.00 will help print and ship 5,000 Scripture booklets in one of 45 languages of India produced by WMP, continuing the work of reaching all of India for Christ.
Idea #9—Boxes and Pallets
To transport 4,215 boxes securely in a 40-foot ship container which will travel across rough seas on a cargo ship, WMP uses heat-treated 42” x 46” wooden pallets, each supporting up to 256 boxes. Each pallet is then shrink-wrapped and strategically placed in the ship container, which accommodates 17 pallets of WMP literature. The cardboard boxes are custom-made to the specific dimensions needed to hold ten pounds of WMP booklets.
When a container arrives at its destination, the boxes are transferred to a storage site. The pallets continue to be used to keep the boxes dry and protected until needed for distribution. Each pallet costs $6.55, a small price to pay for safety and ease of handling. A gift of $65.50 will provide enough pallets to ship 2,560 boxes on a 20-foot container to Peru, Namibia, or Romania.
Boxes cost $277 per thousand. At our current production rate, we use more than 14,000 per month. Your gift of $83.10 will provide 300 boxes to transport 150,000 Scripture booklets to some distant land, to people you will not meet on this earth but may rejoice with in eternity.
Item #10—Shipping to the World
Much of the world’s trade moves by means of cargo ships. Reliable freight forwarders work with our staff to get 20-foot and 40-foot sea containers to 80+ volunteer national coordinators and major distributors in 75 nations. Millions of booklets are delivered at a fraction of the cost of postage for individual boxes.
A recent container of 2,411 boxes for the Democratic Republic of the Congo cost $6,549 to ship ($2.72 per box). Sending individual boxes via the postal service would have cost $40.40 per box for a total of $97,404.40! With your help, WMP can send more container shipments, and—with the cost savings—print more booklets!