Praising the Master of the Harvest!
“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”—John 4:35
When the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon, she came away recognizing not only his wealth and wisdom but also that the God of Israel was indeed the source of all Solomon had and was. After the Ethiopian eunuch, returning from Jerusalem where he had gone to worship, listened to Philip open his understanding of the truth of Isaiah’s prophecy, he responded, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
God continues to draw people of Africa to Himself through His people and His Word. World Missionary Press provides millions of Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments for African pastors, evangelists, and ministries. Much of this material is provided in French, a major language in more than 20 African nations, including many that border on the Sahara region and include Muslim-majority populations.
Mali, a poor, French-speaking country, is predominately Muslim with only about 0.7% evangelicals. Soles for Jesus will soon be shipping a container of shoes along with a large supply of WMP literature to this needy nation of 19 million people.
Guinea is a nation of 12.7 million people, 86% of whom are Muslim, with 29 unreached tribes. One ministry sent a team of two trained Liberian leaders to neighboring Guinea. They visited village after village, introducing themselves to the leader of the village after much prayer and stating their purpose—to start a church where there was no church. Wherever they went, they were received with openness, listened to with respect beyond their expectations, and even encouraged to teach and preach! Over and over again, the “impossible” happened. It seemed that all they had to do was show up in obedience and find a prepared people waiting. This ministry is awaiting a shipment of French New Testaments from WMP to establish new believers in these newly opened villages. WMP’s national coordinator in Guinea has requested two container shipments for his country to meet a challenge of reaching one million people in Guinea with the gospel.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, with approximately 90 million people, is the most populous officially Francophone country in the world, as well as the second-most populous country in Africa. Its capital, Kinshasa, is an enormous city—the third most populous city in all of Africa. In the past year, new doors have opened for WMP to send large supplies into D.R.C. to meet a growing cry for God’s Word. Centralized in Kinshasa, shipments carrying Scripture booklets in regional languages as well as in French are also destined for the southern and central regions of D.R.C. as well as Goma in the East.
Charma W. wrote from D.R.C., “The literature helped us a lot in the work of the gospel. We reached several villages and received many testimonies of the souls blessed through the reading of this literature and now the demand multiplies. Our brothers who collaborate with us in the distribution of these Scripture booklets in the villages demand even more because every day they get requests from people and churches for more Scripture! There is a great thirst for spiritual material and learning. World Missionary Press is much appreciated for bringing the gospel to a neglected population. Please send us literature for evangelism in French and Kituba.”
A new ministry partner from D.R.C. has requested WMP literature. “I don’t know how to praise the Lord of our harvest,” wrote Samuel M., “and how to express my joy to read your materials! I welcome all the evangelical materials you have, especially those in Swahili-Congo, Lingala, and French. (New Testaments and The Way to God should not be absent in the shipment.) As we are a church-planting and humanitarian ministry in remote areas, WMP materials are very important, and I believe God and you will be very happy when we begin working together. Again, I say thank you, and I welcome these materials with two hands!”
French literature from WMP is in great demand in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon, Benin, Togo, Burkina-Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Burundi. In addition to the various titles we produce in French, WMP will be printing more than 100,000 French New Testaments. Each major distributor looks forward to receiving these treasures as the demand is great.
“I bless the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for the great vision He has given you through these decades,” wrote Alfred K from Côte d’Ivoire. “Be strengthened and remain blessed for this wonderful ministry, which contributed to my personal salvation. We are organizing evangelistic concerts and times of distributing food and clothing along with these booklets in popular neighborhoods. I received one of your booklets [How to Know God] as a student and I have kept it until today. If it helped me to know Christ, I believe that it can still save many souls today.”
[You can help provide God’s Word for the harvest in Africa and throughout the world. Every donated dollar provides for producing 29 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,900 people; $1,000 will impact 29,000 people who need to know God.]
Grateful Quotes
“What an awesome way to start the day!”
Each month millions of Scripture booklets are printed at World Missionary Press and packed in boxes weighing 10 pounds each. Many of these are loaded into empty 40-foot and 20-foot sea containers which are brought to our loading dock by truck drivers who usually have no idea who or what World Missionary Press is. Alison B. of our Freight Shipments Team, believing that God brings them to our door, interacts with each driver as the container is loaded by WMP staff.
“This morning we loaded a 40-foot container destined for Ecuador. The driver needed to use the restroom. As he walked through the plant, he saw booklet covers in Arabic! He took a picture and asked me about them. I was able to share what the Lord does through World Missionary Press. Fadi (pronounced with a long a) was so excited! He is a believer who came to the United States five years ago from Egypt—looking for asylum. His family had experienced much persecution.
“Fadi, who is married and has children, was so happy to know that we would pray for him. He left with just about every booklet and Bible Study we have in Arabic. What an awesome way to start the day!”
—Alison B., New Paris
Meet the Team
Accounting Assistant
Could you be the next addition to the WMP team? We are looking for an energetic, detail-oriented person with training and experience in accounting procedures, to assist in our Finance Department. Imagine, playing a key role in World Missionary Press’ mission of producing and sending millions of Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments each month for use around the world free of charge—Scripture materials with the potential of changing lives for eternity!
We are looking for someone with the following qualifications:
- Three or more years of accounting experience;
- Formal education classes through at least intermediate level accounting;
- Working knowledge of QuickBooks;
- Proficient at creating and maintaining complex Excel spreadsheets;
- Familiarity with Accounts Payable and Payroll functions, reconciliation of accounts, and month-end and year-end processing functions.
Jesus said “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Are you looking for an opportunity to make an eternal difference for God’s Kingdom? Would you consider using your accounting background and skills to help reach the world with the light of the gospel? If so, please contact us at: for more information!
From Canada to South Africa to Ecuador
Looking over the Shipment Status Report in this month’s newsletter, we are encouraged to see how many countries are represented and to know the faithfulness of dedicated major distributors and national coordinators awaiting shipments at ports around the world. Each shipment represents hundreds of thousands of Scripture booklets, each designed to reach an individual heart. Without faithful volunteers on the other end of the journey, the anticipated blessing of receiving God’s Word might be missed. WMP is so grateful for each partner who voluntarily makes the final delivery possible.
In every country God’s people are going about the task of taking the Word to the world. In Canada, a WMP distributor gets up at 4 a.m. to walk non-stop for two hours, leaving a gospel packet at every door. The goal in his particular area is 97,000 homes, step by step.

In South Africa, Pastor M and his team of volunteers handed out The Way to God booklets along with food parcels. They reported that the community was highly appreciative not only for the relief parcels but also for the Scripture booklets as they were printed in the vernacular languages, making them easy to understand and share. Volunteers were able to continue to spread the gospel despite the limitations of a lockdown. “Many pastors have been requesting The Way to God booklets as they have seen how people value them. Many people have turned to Christ amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and need guidance. This booklet makes the work of the evangelist very easy.”
In Mexico, a ministry to the women in many communities and churches was limited when the border with the USA was closed to non-essential traffic and a WMP distributor was unable to get many of the supplies and booklets to the pastors and churches. Undaunted, she found a hand cart which she loaded with 10-pound boxes of WMP Scripture booklets and walked across the border regularly as allowed to keep the supplies flowing.
When the pandemic caused lockdowns in Paraguay, a WMP coordinator took booklets and visited every prison that would allow him entry to share the Scripture booklet and perhaps a word of hope and encouragement. From there he went into COVID recovery centers with the same message, and finally was allowed to share the Scripture booklets and words of comfort with government staffs.
In Ecuador, a medical mission/hospital in the Amazon Region found they had one last copy of the God Loves You! coloring book from WMP. Their request was for more of this unique booklet to help them reach children of the poor people in the area as they colored the story of Jesus.
Every day, in places around the world, WMP Scripture booklets are being used to tell the story of Jesus. They are being lovingly handled by thousands of “partners” who are intent on following the Lord’s command to “Go” and “Tell.”
[If you would like to share God’s Word with others, feel free to check out the various titles and languages of available 48-page Scripture booklets and small Bible studies on our website at Booklets are available free of charge and may be ordered online or by phone, mail, or email. Or call (574) 831-2111 to ask for a descriptive order form.]