“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1)
Dear Partners,
As the new year begins, it presents an excellent opportunity to contemplate the achievements of the previous year while anticipating what God has for 2025. Your prayers and support have played a vital role in our success over the past year, and I am eager to share some uplifting developments resulting from your efforts in 2024. The impact of World Missionary Press is evident in the countless lives transformed through the sharing of God’s Word to millions. Remarkably, our WMP supply chain of hope has successfully supported over 36,000 distributors with 48-page topical Scripture booklets and Bible studies in 352 languages and GROWING.
In 2024, your invaluable support helped to spread hope across the globe. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering eternal investments, which have accelerated the Gospel transformation in countless lives, the establishment of new churches, and the training of disciples. We have made life-changing messages accessible to those in need by printing and distributing over 130 million Scripture booklets. These resources empower pastors, evangelists, missionaries and people to share the hope of Christ, particularly in some of the most impoverished regions of the world.
With your help, we have a vision to increase our impact in 2025! Our Share the Light campaign marks the beginning of our efforts to achieve greater accomplishments for His Kingdom than ever before. The demand for Scripture booklets is at a record level over last year, and we pray to meet that demand for His glory.

Serving together,
Darryl E. Ramey
President, World Missionary Press
There’s Only One Way To God
“My name is Didier, a 32-year-old single man, and I live in Bukavu, in the eastern part of the DRC. I was living in poverty and insecurity, and each day seemed darker than the last. Around me, I saw other young men my age looking stylish, connected, and surrounded by material comforts, sharing food and the internet with pleasure. But I had nothing.
In desperation, I turned to a group of young men in my neighborhood. They seemed to lead an exciting life and quickly brought me into their circle. The first step to be part of their group was to adopt their lifestyle, which included using drugs. Drugs became my escape from reality, allowing me to carry out the orders of our “Big Gang” without pity or guilt – robberies, thefts, and assaults. Within a few months, I became the leader of a sub-gang. The solidarity within our group meant that even when I was arrested, they paid to get me released, reinforcing my belief that this life was the right one.
But on the morning of Saturday, August 17, 2024, my life changed. An evangelism team came to my house, sharing portions of the Bible and offering me a small booklet called The Way to God (Njia Kwa Mungu in Swahili). As I read the booklet, I learned what it meant to live a righteous life and how the righteous would have access to Heaven. This opened my eyes, and I realized that my lifestyle was keeping me far from any hope of salvation. Guilt began to flood my heart, but the evangelists spoke to me about God’s love and the grace available to everyone who comes to Him.
That day, I felt something indescribable, as if Heaven had opened for me. In a leap of faith, I confessed my sins and decided to follow Jesus Christ for the rest of my life. Since then, I have walked this new path with a peace I had never known before, determined to live according to Christ’s teachings. Today, this church supports and guides me in this new life, and I am learning each day to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and to grow in faith.”

The worldwide demand for World Missionary Press Scripture materials far exceeds our current levels of production. Peniel of Brazil observes, “The phrase that has influenced me lately is that the Gospel is eternal, but we don’t have eternity to preach the Gospel. If we do not go, they will not have the eternal Gospel.”
Andrew, our coordinator in Nigeria, excitedly received a 40-foot container of Scripture booklets on April 8, 2024. Requests for the booklets overwhelmed him, long before the container arrived. “I tried to distribute with caution so that the inventory of 4,219 boxes could reach at least 80% of our nation (geographically).” He did this by sending boxes to substations in various state capitals. From there, the booklets went out to churches, evangelists, missionaries, and outreach centers. By May 31, 2024, distribution of 2,109,500 booklets had resulted in empty warehouses. Those evangelists will need to minister without World Missionary Press resources until another container arrives — in early 2025. Andrew continues to receive requests for more booklets. Thankfully, the distributed booklets Share the Light on their own as people read and share them with others.
A new coordinator has been appointed in Venezuela, generating enthusiasm among the team as they prepare to oversee the logistics for transporting 11 pallets of material into the country. In this shipment, each pallet contains 240 boxes and will be distributed to 10 strategically selected drop points, enhancing the accessibility of the booklets.
Last year, we shipped 7,781,000 booklets to distributors throughout the USA, many of whom are immigrants who Share the Light in their mission field. Our longtime friend, Yuri, a Ukrainian immigrant in Atlanta, tirelessly distributes our printed materials. When he doesn’t have certain languages on hand, he texts links for people to access the materials on our website or mobile app.
How Can You Share the Light?
Every dollar donated to WMP provides for the production of 21 power-packed Scripture booklets!
– Remembering WMP in their will, or naming WMP as beneficiary of financial instruments, enables donors to leave an eternal legacy, often at a crucial time of opportunity.
– Transferring appreciated stocks as a tax-deductible contribution is an immediate blessing.
Our Edward Jones account number is 943-07667-1-8; the DTC# is 0057.
– Making a distribution directly from an IRA can benefit those 70.5 years old or older as well as bless the world with God’s Word.
“I am so glad to be able to send a little money to help out with ALL you folks do for the Lord. No one else does what you all do, sending the Word of God all over the world in so many different languages so everyone can hear who Jesus is and hopefully be saved. God bless you.” -Helen D., Georgia