WMP’s NETWORK OF NATIONAL COORDINATORS stretches around the globe—from Argentina to the Philippines and from South Africa to Finland. These volunteers are bound together with us by love for our God and His Word and the desire to follow Christ’s commission to teach all nations to observe all that He commanded.
This oneness of purpose and mission is achieved only as we each seek the Lord in prayer for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters in Christ. The same Spirit who lives in each of us draws us to prayer and leads us to bear each other’s burdens before the Father’s throne. There we find the mind of God in fulfilling His purpose.
When World Missionary Press receives an order for a new supply of Scripture booklets from one of our 85 national coordinators (who serve in 81 nations), it is invariably accompanied by a plea for prayer. Strategic plans have been made, with teams formed and trained to evangelize and disciple. But each one knows that unless the Lord is in the planning, there will be no eternal fruit, and so they engage us in prayer for wisdom, strength, resources, and a harvest of souls for the Kingdom.
When shipments arrive in the various countries, there are praise reports and enthusiasm for the work ahead—and pleas for prayer. The Enemy is afoot and poised to disrupt any effort to break his hold on minds and hearts.
The obstacles are varied: drought in Uganda and Kenya, leaving the population in desperate need; governments and economies in chaos; floods of refugees challenging the Church to look beyond the status-quo; increasing persecution; and even organized crime. Obstacles encountered by coordinators in clearing container shipments through customs can be illustrated by this recent email: “We have had some real challenges with the release of this container. . . . It seems clear the revenue authority has no willingness to release the container without us paying. All regular documents were furnished.” The promised rebate was not forthcoming. Delay is often a tactic as storage charges mount.
S.P. wrote from India, “We are always in need of your prayers, that God open new ways for us and use me for serving Him to my fullest. Please pray for the people who disturb and distress me and my family very much directly or indirectly and cause harm to us. Every person becomes our enemy, even though we have no link with them. I and my family are very much in need of prayer. I am writing you with so much of a burden.”
Gloria L., WMP’s national coordinator in Mexico and director of Mexico Every Home for Christ—in a report titled “Accelerating the Evangelization of Mexico,” issued as they approached 70-percent completion of an ambitious 10-year strategy to reach every home—observed, “There are places of difficult access—no routes and seldom means of transport—that represent centers of lower concentration of inhabitants. They also urgently need to know the gospel. In many communities, large-scale illiteracy prevails, and the only way to reach them is to go and stoke the Church that remains in place, providing instruction to local leaders in order for them to evangelize their neighbors.
“To achieve this ambitious project, we indispensably need prayer support, and for this purpose we have developed a national network of prayer called ‘Prayer movement for harvest.’ So far we have mobilized hundreds of Christians to be our prayer partners, and it has become a great spiritual support because God has opened doors in new and unsuspected ways for us.”
[Sister Gloria will be our featured speaker at this year’s WMP Anniversary Carry-In Dinner. Reserve Saturday October 21 now, and join us for our Open House and Dinner celebration!]
This bond of prayer works both ways. Every month, when our coordinators and major distributors receive the monthly newsletter and Prayer and Praise letter, we receive replies confirming that they pray for WMP daily. As the Lord answers their prayers for us through the financial gifts of so many faithful donors, we can be His instrument to answer their prayers for literature and support. Our list of waiting shipments is growing longer, while new contacts and opportunities continue to come in.
WMP is committed to providing tools for believers around the world to share the story of Jesus and His love. To meet the need, we must increase production to fill urgently-needed shipments. We have the facilities, the equipment, proficient staff, and hundreds of faithful volunteers to do the work. The cost per booklet has even decreased over previous years! We look to God to touch the hearts of His people to invest in the kingdom of God at this critical time as never before.
Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:34-35).
“Finally, brethren, pray for us.”
You can join the WMP prayer team by requesting the monthly Prayer and Praise letter be mailed along with the WMP newsletter. It can also be emailed to you each month as a PDF attachment. Notifications of the daily prayer requests and/or updates of shipments can be sent to your mobile device when requested through the WMP App. Search your app store for “World Missionary Press.”
[Contributions to keep God’s Word flowing to the nations of the world can be mailed, or submitted electronically at
www.wmpress.org/donate. Every dollar donated for operations provides for the production of 27 Scripture booklets in the many languages available.]
World Prayer Center at World Missionary Press
To encourage as much prayer as possible in and for World Missionary Press, plans are to develop a prayer center in the “fireplace room” and adjacent meeting area in WMP’s North building, west of the main plant. It would be open to WMP volunteers and community church groups interested in praying for WMP and other world evangelism needs.
We believe that a prayer center, modeled as the Lord leads and using ideas from EHC’s Jericho Center in Colorado Springs, will bless the ministry in many ways, including a welcoming and heightened awareness of God’s presence, increased effectiveness and fruitfulness of WMP’s Scripture materials, breakthroughs in difficult areas, and new opportunities and open doors.
The first phase has been completed, with the private prayer room near the chapel in the WMP plant remodeled with comfortable new seating and available prayer resources, including easy-to-use interactive media with Scriptures for meditation, beautiful worship music, world facts, prayer requests from around the world, and staff photo with individuals identified by name.
Praying while at World Missionary Press is a wonderful opportunity for volunteers. We would encourage volunteer groups to include one or more volunteers to pray during the time their group is working in the plant. The small prayer room would be ideal for individuals or couples to pray. The larger prayer center will soon be available for larger groups. We are seeking designated funds to add a bathroom and make minor repairs.
For more information, or to schedule prayer times, contact Joe Chadburn by email joe@wmpress.org or phone (574) 831-2111 Ext. 211.
Meet the Team
Booklet Formatting Specialist
I first heard about World Missionary Press in the 1970’s, when my uncle used to volunteer here with a group from his church. I had a job I really enjoyed with a local school system, but in the spring of 2014 I prayed, “Lord, if you want me to work somewhere else, I’d be ok with that.” The Lord needed to make that happen because I was content where I was. Within a month I heard my job was being eliminated. I applied for a new position at the school but wasn’t selected. In mid-December, 2014, my job at the school ended. The Lord blessed me to start here in mid-January, 2015. It’s a tremendous blessing to be where the Lord wants me, doing His work and touching lives for Jesus.
I’ve worked at WMP for 2½ years. I assemble booklets into files to be uploaded to the website and the mobile app. My job involves a lot of proofreading. People have noticed that the Lord has blessed me with proofreading skills—skills I never dreamed I had!
What I love best about working at WMP is getting a Scripture booklet ready to upload. It is great to think of all the lives the Holy Spirit will touch through it. It’s also great to work with wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ.
I enjoy computers, photography, and gardening. When I’m not working, you might find me helping friends and family with their computers or working on things at church.
I’ve been married to my incredible wife, Susan, for eight years. Often, if you can find her, you can find me. Since we got a late start on marriage and share many common interests, we love being together whenever possible.
If you think you see me around town, look twice . . . I have an identical twin! In addition to my twin brother, I have one sister and my mom. Dad passed away about three months after Susan and I were married. My in-laws are wonderful! I gladly count them as family, too.
WMP Partners Around the World
David K. — Paraguay
David K. is an invaluable partner of World Missionary Press in providing Scripture booklets for Paraguay, particularly through Trans-Chaco Mission. From his home in Canada he serves as an intermediary for communication with those working directly with distribution. Having spent many years of his life in Paraguay, his desire is to make the truth of God’s Word available to all.
WMP: Could you please describe how the Lord led you to be involved in mission work in Bolivia and Paraguay?
David: I spent my childhood in Paraguay until I was 18 years old, when my family immigrated to Canada. When I was three months old, I was poisoned with DDT and got over this only by the grace of God. When I was 12 years old, my appendix burst; it took five days until the doctor knew what was wrong. I had two big operations. When they were talking about a third, I was afraid and, taking it seriously, I promised Jesus that if He would heal me, I would tell others about Him. I got well. But later in Canada, I came in contact with friends who didn’t live a God-pleasing life and fell into a godless, sinful life until one day in 1991, at an evangelistic crusade, I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and to forgive my sins. With a greater desire and joy in reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit led me to read Matthew 6:24 and 33 and Acts 1:8, and I was reminded of my promise to Jesus.
About that time my father was very sick, and I was asked to manage the cattle ranch my parents kept in Paraguay. It was a great joy to manage the ranch with more than 3,500 cows and incredibly loyal and efficient workers. But God put it in my mind that He wanted me to serve Him. The ranch was sold, and my father gave part of the proceeds to the Trans-Chaco Mission, which concentrated on evangelism and Bible booklet distribution. Through my involvement with them, I saw the great need for the printed Word of God and the lack of literature. When I met missionaries working in Bolivia and accompanied them on a mission trip, it gave me satisfaction that I had never experienced before.
WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?
David: The Lord opened the door to attend Amsterdam 2000 (the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s ten-day conference in Holland for evangelists from around the world). Because God had put Paraguay on my heart, I was paying close attention to what He would show me. I believe God’s purpose was for me to get to know WMP! It wasn’t until the fifth day that I saw the WMP booth, manned by Harold and Marie Mack. I filled out a request for literature, and since 2001 WMP has been a constant and abundant supplier of Scripture booklets—first for Paraguay and later for Bolivia.
WMP: How does the availability of free literature help evangelism and church growth in Paraguay and Bolivia?
David: When Trans-Chaco Mission began using The Way to God Scripture booklet in 2003, Paraguay was experiencing economic crisis and long periods of drought in the country. They couldn’t afford to print Bible books. In God’s great mercy, WMP provided hundreds of thousands of free Scripture booklets when Paraguay was ready for harvest. The goal is always to work with mission organizations and local churches with absolute respect. The result is that Paraguay and Bolivia are covered with the living printed Word of God, and the work continues. Praise, honor, glory, and thanks be to our God for all who are involved. I am only a go-between in the name of Jesus Christ, with joy under His yoke! It is a joy to pray for WMP daily.
Note: Since 2001 WMP has shipped 10 million pieces of literature to Paraguay. A new shipment with 1.2 million Scripture booklets is in production to be sent to Trans-Chaco Mission.