“God is a refuge for us.” —Psalm 62:8b

In early April Ben B. requested 10,000 copies of The Way to God Scripture booklet in Spanish and as many Spanish New Testaments as we could provide. He and The Way of the Cross Ministries, long-time partners of World Missionary Press, were setting up a drive-through food give-away in their Texas hometown and were completely out of WMP literature!
After receiving the Scripture booklets and 1,000 New Testaments, and opening up the drive-through food bank, Ben sent an update: “We have seen 2,520 salvations in the past three weeks! This is one of the good things that has come out of this desperate time in America’s life. People are turning to Jesus. Praise the Lord!”
Praise God indeed! In times when lives are turned upside down, when hope is distant and answers hard to find, the Word of God leads the heart to the One who holds the future in His hands and offers a peace that cannot be shattered. Scripture booklets are still being produced and shipped to fulfill requests from believers who are finding new opportunities to share the message of hope.
Nate H. wrote from California, “I am a founder of a local nonprofit that is feeding our community weekly. We are serving 400 families a week. I would like to give out these little booklets about our Father and Jesus Christ. Can you send me 1,000 of each, along with the coloring books for the youth? We will be giving these in our drive-through hot-meal bags. English and Spanish, please.” Nate had been walking through a local store when he saw a little booklet sitting on the shelf, Who Do You Say That I Am? He took this as a sign from God that he needed to start handing these out while feeding people!
One morning in March, WMP received a voice mail from a distraught distributor who had ordered Scripture booklets, only to learn that most Indiana businesses were to be shut down in response to the pandemic, so his request would have to wait. He was adamant that he needed the booklets NOW because “people have never been as receptive” and that “God’s Word is being eaten up by those living in darkness and fear.” He was overjoyed to hear that, in the nick of time, the governor of Indiana (where World Missionary Press is located) had added Religious Entities to the types of businesses exempt from closing. WMP was able to remain open (while conforming to all protective guidelines) and would be processing his request.
While dealing with new routines, many have discovered new opportunities to share the Word of God. In West Virginia, Jennifer R. serves the homeless through a local rescue mission. She requested a variety of Bible study booklets for small groups of ten or less (“these people do not have access to the internet”) as well as the small coloring books for children. “Our community is hurting for Christ.… Due to COVID-19, our initial outreach plans have changed, but we are still diligently sending out the Word of the Lord through every avenue possible at this turbulent time. Thank you so much for all that you do in seeing that the gospel reaches the nations!”
Those directly affected by the pandemic are also receiving words of hope. Juanita S. wrote from Illinois: “Booklets are being used in the hospital/nursing home where I am employed. During this time of COVID-19, I am passing out the booklets to patients and staff alike.”
Increased isolation in correctional facilities can have a painfully demoralizing effect. WMP regularly receives requests from chaplains and prisoners, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new urgency. WMP staff member Sylvia C., who handles these requests, shared her observations: “Since about the middle of March, prisons across the country suspended all visitors, including all volunteers. Since many of the religious services were conducted by volunteers, that is no longer available.” Letters from inmates revealed how much they missed the services which they could no longer have. “All that the chaplains have to help the inmates is literature. Chaplains have told me they can use all the literature we can donate.”
Perhaps one of the most challenging and yet rewarding places to share Scripture booklets just now is in homes. Where schools and jobs are closed, families are spending a greater amount of time together. A man in Florida ordered Bible study booklets, noting that with the children not in school, parents are asking for material for home study. A lady from Texas requested one copy of The Way to God Scripture booklet with this moving comment: “I am leading my daughter to Christ. I need help explaining the way to salvation.”
How we praise God that WMP could remain open to print and mail out God’s Word! On one day, WMP loaded a record number of five containers to be shipped overseas. And before the pandemic, an unusual number of shipments had safely arrived at their destinations and cleared customs!
We praise God also for each one who recognizes the opportunity to share the Word and stays focused on meeting spiritual as well as physical needs.
With the Psalmist we can say, “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” (Psalm 56:3). This is the message we have for a world in turmoil and uncertainty.
[You can help provide God’s Word of hope for people in turmoil. Every donated dollar provides for producing 26 powerful Scripture booklets in the languages of the people. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]
Grateful Quotes
“Doors for the gospel are open now!”
“Yesterday I received the first eight boxes of The Way to God Scripture booklets, and I was very excited to see the other booklets which you have in Bulgarian.
I want to share with you a testimony that happened to me in these days of coronavirus when I was receiving the booklets at the post office.
The word of God that ‘all things work together for good to them that love GOD’ is very actual here in Bulgaria.
When I was receiving the boxes that you sent to me, the people who work at the post office were very scared and desperate. When they understood that I received Christian literature, they expressed their own desire to receive some booklets and to know something more about Christ. I can say that the doors for the gospel are open now, even though the borders are closed!
Thank you for your faithful work in Christ.”
—D.T., Bulgaria
Meet the Team

Charlotte W.
Partner Relations Associate
I heard about WMP from my parents, who both work for an organization which partners with WMP. I felt so much peace when I left my interview, knowing this is a place where the Holy Spirit dwells. I felt like the Lord led me to World Missionary Press, and now I know He definitely did! I have a call to ministry and previous experience with donor relations, so this job was a perfect fit for me. I have worked here since January, 2020.
My primary responsibilities include donor and new distributor communications. I write thank-you cards and make thank-you calls. I love talking to and praying for our wonderful partners! I also research foundations and organizations who give financially to ministries like ours.
I feel overwhelmed that the Lord has chosen me to play a part in sending His Word to those who have never heard it. I love that we are workers in God’s kingdom on earth. The staff and volunteers are passionate about everyone coming to a knowledge of Christ. Each day I am surrounded by wonderful believers who count it a joy and privilege to serve the Lord. We are so blessed to be a part of carrying out the Great Commission.
I am currently finishing a college degree, so homework is my main hobby. I also enjoy reading, writing, baking, and cooking. My favorite thing to do is play the piano and worship in my prayer room. When I am not working, I am usually spending time with my friends or family. We typically play games, watch movies, and laugh together! I spend a lot of time dreaming about my next mission trip as well. I have been to Honduras five times, and every day my heart aches to go back. Hopefully, my family will be going together this fall.
Both sets of grandparents raised their children to love the Lord, and I am blessed with a wonderful Christian heritage. My parents, Roger and Susan, live in Elkhart and serve in ministry. I have one younger sister, Claire, married to Greg. They live in Texas. I also have a one-year-old puppy, Honey, who brings me much joy!
WMP Partners Around the World
Andrew D.
The recent worldwide pandemic has deeply affected Italy, putting a nation of 60 million people in lockdown, awaiting the unknown. Someone has written, “Under pressure, the true and deep commitments of the heart are exposed. When facing hardships, we reveal what is really important for us.… The need for a robust, biblical witness is as relevant as ever.” Andrew D. is one of many who have shared the gospel through WMP Scripture booklets over the years and in Italy’s hour of need has stayed faithful to that task, bringing light into a darkened world.
WMP: Andrew, how did you become involved with WMP?
Andrew: I have been using World Missionary Press booklets for more than twenty years—since at least the late 1990’s. I returned from New Zealand late 1995, and by 1998 I was reaching out to Bangladeshis and Pakistanis regularly in Rome.
WMP: Could you please describe your current ministry?
Andrew: As the ministry based in Rome grew to serve other nationalities, I was also equipping fellow believers in various parts of Italy to reach out to South Asians and North Africans (and others) with the gospel. Soon, young men and women serving the Lord from Sicily to Tuscany were establishing small fellowships and Bible studies as well as offering Scripture booklets in Arabic, Bengali, French, Somali, Dari, Urdu, Farsi, Hindi, Simplified Chinese, Nepali, and Punjabi. I am glad to be the middleman who—though limited personally because of finances, family needs, and health issues of my own—can be in contact with effective, younger believers throughout Italy, encouraging them to contact you for suitable materials to reach the nations throughout Italy.
WMP: How has the pandemic affected your ministry in Italy?
Andrew: Before the pandemic, booklets were ordered for reaching South Asians in various parts of Italy.
Christians in Reggio Calabria received booklets in the Punjabi language, and a church leader in Monfalcone received booklets in Bengali. They were expecting to begin distributing these booklets after the 15th of March, after the weather improved. But now with the pandemic, a very real lockdown situation impedes us from freely moving about to distribute booklets to people on the streets.
In smaller areas such as Mascali (Sicily) we are also not able to travel to nearby towns to reach the unreached with the gospel. Those already present in larger cities have greater possibility of reaching Asians with the gospel.
WMP: How have you seen God at work through the pandemic?
Andrew: Alessio, an evangelist in Catania who has been active in reaching Italians with the gospel, has in the past few months developed a desire to also reach out to the Chinese people here. He wanted How to Know God booklets in Chinese. There are Chinese people in almost every town of Italy now, with their own stores. Some of these Chinese are believers, but many are not. I requested materials in Chinese and Bengali on his behalf, for reaching Asians in the city of Catania. He received them in April 2020, during the lockdown.
Laura, a Christian from the church we attended when we lived in Rome, is typical of simple people who love the Lord. She does not know English or any language other than Italian but is willing to come alongside a needy Punjabi lady (who isn’t fluent in Italian) and accompany her for medical visits. When she receives the booklets in Punjabi which I requested on her behalf, Laura will be reaching her Punjabi contact and the Punjabi lady’s husband with gospel booklets in their language.
Here is that “robust, biblical witness” in action under pressure. One person reaching out in Christian love to another, using a WMP Scripture booklet to bridge the language barrier and join hearts.