Building for the Kingdom – Phase II
“…And this work goes on diligently and prospers in their hands.” – Ezra 5:8b

For 61 years God has guided World Missionary Press step by step to accomplish His purposes. Staff members, supporters, and ministry partners have been provided to do the work. Scripture booklets have been prepared in more than 350 languages and more than 2.5 billion items have been sent around the world. Requests for the free material continue to grow as believers recognize the power of the Word as it is received. Thousands echo the testimony from a man in Pennsylvania: “This is part of my personal missionary work. I’m in the transportation business and come in contact with hundreds of people a month. This is a great way to spread the gospel. I hand these out to the people I come in contact with and I feel they have made an impact in their lives helping them and leading them to Christ.”
Now another step has been taken as the need for more efficient production and staging areas led WMP to a new building project. Phase one was to put up a 16,000 square foot building to house inventory and shipment staging. Praise God that this part nears completion and has been fully funded! Now comes phase two, getting everything relocated while continuing printing and shipping operations. This will entail moving existing equipment, the purchase of additional equipment, and relocating the many boxes of literature awaiting shipment!
Additional equipment will be needed, including a reconditioned baler and scrap paper handling system to process the trimmings from three booklet binderies. Praise God that this need has been mostly funded by additional donations received for phase one of the project. A third bindery will be added allowing us to have two binderies running throughout the transition, and increase production going forward. WMP’s Board has approved the purchase of a reconditioned bindery at a cost of $140,000, as funds are received. It is vital that all the equipment be available for installation as the transition begins. Donations toward the purchase of the new bindery will allow the purchase to proceed and delivery be expedited.
Shredded paper from the binderies is baled into large bundles of scrap paper and sold. The cost for the newly reconditioned baler is expected to be recovered in just three years from sale of the scrap paper bundles. We praise the Lord for each detail that He reveals and provides to help WMP be efficient and good stewards of every donation, no matter the size. Every dollar allows us to print 25 booklets with 200-250 Scripture portions speaking God’s heart to those who have yet to know Him.
Once the new facility is ready, the moves begin. The current New Testament bindery must be disassembled and relocated to the southeast section of our main building. The small order department must be taken down and moved to its new home where the New Testament bindery was. That vacated space will then be used to house three binderies and the baler/scrap paper system. Binderies will be installed in their new location one at a time so that we continue to bind and box booklets during all this change.
Even though the planning has been thorough and well laid out, current economic conditions must be recognized. Supply chain issues and difficulty in getting needed material can certainly upend plans. We have seen God provide funding and material in His time and we rest in His faithfulness.
A message from the WMP national coordinator in Sri Lanka speaks of the spiritual hunger in his nation: “It is our trust in the Risen Lord and Hope of His soon coming that gives us no choice but to proclaim His Name to all.” These two facts, the spiritual darkness and hunger in the world, and the soon return of Christ, instill an urgency to supply His Word for thousands of itinerant evangelists and pastors, ministry workers and believers. We are building a physical plant to help build an eternal kingdom! There is no greater task.
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[You can help provide needed funds for Phase II of our Building for the Kingdom project! Urgent needs include $140,000 for the new booklet bindery, and $18,000 balance for the new baler and scrap paper handling system. Might the Lord be leading you to help fund this equipment?]
Grateful Quotes

“You recently supplied me with a boxful of English Help From Above booklets. I gave them to a young man who is in a faith-based one year drug/alcohol treatment ministry called ‘Mountain Ministries’, which is located near Kelso, WA…. The young man’s name is Vladmir, and he is an immigrant from Ukraine. Mountain Ministries takes their program participants shopping from time to time, and Vladmir likes to witness and give out booklets to people he meets at Wal-Mart and other places.
“Thanks for your assistance. Keep up your good work.”
—James O., WA
Vicky Benson
In Loving Memory
The World Missionary Press family is saddened to report that Victoria Raye Benson, 77, passed away of natural causes in her home in New Paris, IN on Saturday, April 23, 2022. Born November 30, 1944 in Milford, Delaware to WMP founders Watson and Rose Goodman, most of her school years were spent in South Africa, where the family were missionaries. They moved to Winona Lake, IN in 1961 when Vicky was a high school senior. She graduated from Warsaw High School in 1962, from Marion College (now Indiana Wesleyan University) in 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and received her Master of Arts in Journalism from Syracuse University in 1967.
That year Vicky married the love of her life, Jay Benson. Together they served as literature missionaries with Kalam Hidup, the publishing house of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Bandung, Indonesia. While there, Jay and Vicky coordinated the publishing of 3 million Help From Above Scripture booklets in 3 languages for WMP, many of which were distributed through C&MA.
In 1976 the Bensons returned to the U.S. with their new son, Jeffery, to work with WMP, where Vicky served for 45 years as study booklet compiler, prayer coordinator, treasurer, and vice president. She loved writing, editing, and immersing herself in Scripture. Vicky also enjoyed sharing her favorite books with others and especially loved the romance novels of Grace Livingston Hill, fascinated by their historical accuracy and insight into human nature.
Vicky was preceded in death by her parents and husband, whom she has rejoined in the arms of Christ. Surviving are her son, Jeff, her 4 grandchildren, her siblings Ruth and Harry, and many cousins, in-laws, nieces and nephews. She is greatly missed by all at WMP, her family and loved ones, and everyone with whom she prayed, laughed, adventured, and shared spiritual wisdom and support. Memorials may be sent to World Missionary Press, Inc., PO Box 120, New Paris, IN, or online at /donate

WMP Partners Around the World
The situation in Haiti can best be described as chaotic. A WMP distributor working in Haiti began their report thus:
“To say that 2021 was a difficult year is an understatement; the year began with the entire country of Haiti in a state of unrest and things only got worse. We had a presidential assassination, multiple kidnappings, fuel shortages, out of control gang activity, plus 2 earthquakes and a hurricane; and yet through it all God still reigns.” —J.O.
Yes, God is still seeking the people of Haiti, sending His message through His messengers. For more than 30 years Pastor Thony P. has been serving faithfully in Cap Haitian, northern Haiti, including WMP Scripture booklets in his various ministry opportunities.
WMP: Please share about your background.
Pastor Thony: I was a tall, skinny 16 year old boy with no life, unable to read or write, living under the influence of voodoo. Three men met me one day and said, “We have good news for you.” Their words made me curious so I walked to a church where I saw happy people clapping and singing. I was surprised because in my place no one is happy. The witch doctor comes with things to make people afraid. My eyes and heart were opened and I accepted Jesus into my life.
WMP: How did your current ministry develop?
Pastor Thony: God gave me a vision to see a big tomorrow. My goal became to build a people to transform a nation and to “dig a big hole and bury the voodoo”! God has helped our ministry to establish 15 schools with 3,000 students, a medical clinic, and 22 churches.
WMP: How has literature from World Missionary Press helped the people of Haiti?
Pastor Thony: We need New Testaments (in Kreyol), particularly. When you give a Haitian a New Testament it is a fortune to him. The churches are crying for the booklets to share with a people that are without hope. Over the years WMP has sent us 1,757,597 Scripture booklets, New Testaments, coloring books, and Bible studies. As much literature as we have, it is like a drop in the sea.
In a recent phone conversation with WMP, Pastor Thony pleaded for more literature for the northern part of Haiti, knowing that his people need God’s Word as much as they need anything else. A new shipment containing 796,500 Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments has been prepared and is en route for him and another ministry working in the same part of the country. May God bless His message and His messengers!