“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,

And whose hope is the Lord.”

-Jeremiah 17:7



“I wish all could learn of the Jesus I had never been told of.”


Together we are making a significant difference in people’s lives by spreading hope, as the Gospel of Jesus Christ advances throughout the world. In a world where many people struggle for the basics of life, often in dangerous circumstances, there is a deep desire for something to believe in, something that satisfies. The Gospel introduces all people to the comfort and hope that only God can provide in this life and for all eternity. When people respond to the Word, they experience God’s “abundant mercy [that] has begotten us again to a living hope,” regardless of life’s circumstances, and the “peace of God which surpasses all understanding,” giving them a bright hope for tomorrow. Maria testifies, “Since the day I learned about Jesus Christ and I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior, a fervent love for lost souls was born in me. I wish that all could learn about the Jesus I had never been told of and who has transformed my life, so that they may feel this joy and happiness that there is in my heart.”


“My teenage son has just become interested in Jesus and has even joined a Christian youth group,” writes Tannia. “I can hardly contain my excitement. Now that he’s a part of this youth group (where his soccer coach and team learn about God together), it has created a spark of interest in him about God and I want to ignite the fire. I [will] give these booklets to them because they have helped me to study the Bible in the past and made a difference in my walk with Jesus. I would like them to do the same for these young boys.”


We continue to receive emails confirming the Scripture booklets make a big difference to people hearing about Jesus for the first time. “The impact WMP booklets are making is invaluable and transformative, as they not only provide knowledge about Jesus, but also offer hope and a path to faith. The booklets have enabled many people to discover a relationship with God and find comfort during difficult times.”



A time-warp away from the stresses of prison life


In the words of Jesus “…I was in prison and you came to Me” (Matthew 25:36). For years, we have supported churches and ministries with tools to share God’s Word with prisoners around the country. We’re expanding our reach even further with those who do prison ministry through our new program, WMP: UNBound. WMP is fortunate to have partners like you, enabling the establishment of a specialized department focused on supporting prison chaplains, prison ministries, and inmates.

This past year, we printed 750,000 Scripture-text Datebooks as part of our commitment to expand our outreach to approximately 1.9 million individuals across 6,245 correctional facilities in the United States and Puerto Rico.


We consistently receive inspiring testimonies about the transforming power of Scripture. Tamere of California writes, “Prior to my incarceration I served 8 years Active Duty in the United States Navy. It goes without saying that my life has taken an unexpected detour. I lost a household of goods, furniture, memories, family, friends, and my fiancée. [These] were all trappings of facade and arrogance. I was living a double life, beautiful as viewed from the outside, but corrupt, neglected, and soul-sick within.…I, and my fellow Christians at this brig truly appreciate the work that you do. Bible studies serve as a time-warp away from the stresses of prison life and can teach us empathy through the stories written in their pages.”

“I am an inmate and more importantly a serving member of the body of Christ,” says Joshua from Virginia. “The impact of these materials cannot be described in mere words.  There have been so many times I have been able to minister to someone, or have it been easier because I am able to offer a stranger a [booklet]. This has led many times to new membership [in the prison church]. There have also been many times a [booklet] fed my spirit exactly what I needed.”


Our WMP: UNBound prison ministry program is another reason WMP is adding a second web press and a fourth bindery to our production facility. These booklets provide hope to people whether they are guilty or innocent, serving a life sentence or a misdemeanor. A chaplain in Hawaii, thanking us for our booklets, said, “Your books are popular and sought after by our brothers here at Waiawa. Our men grow in the Word thanks to the sound biblical exposition provided by your booklets.…They help equip our men to change their lives through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”


Our coordinator in Mexico recently sent a thank you video of a container of booklets being unloaded into an empty winery warehouse. Because of you, our partners, this warehouse is now full! She added that “Mexicans [are] eager to know that they are not alone. That there is a loving and heavenly Father who cares for them. God performs a great miracle every day by reaching Mexicans who aim to have a real hope and blessings for their life, that, for many, has been times of darkness and frustration. Only Jesus is the hope for our people and WMP is very important for us to reach our goals. Thank you very much for your faithful support.”












A way for the light of the Gospel to bring hope to Oaxaca

Twenty-five percent of small orders shipped to distributors in the United States are in the Spanish language. Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria in Acts 1:8 are WMP’s local community, the USA, and North America.

One of our faithful partners is a good example of this outreach. Allen is actively involved in a Spanish church plant in Goshen, Indiana. He attends Comunidad Vida Internacional Church (which now has over 100 people), but he also takes the Gospel to the most southern state of Mexico.


On February 7th, Allen left on his latest trip to Oaxaca state, where he worked with Foundation For His Ministry (FFHM). The first week he represented WMP at two FFHM sponsored pastoral retreats, introducing the booklets and training 500 pastors (and spouses) on how to use them effectively (see photos above). Using one of FFHM’s 69 orphanages as a base, he spent the next week handing out booklets and ministering in prisons and drug rehab centers.


Oaxaca state is the most ethnically rich state in Mexico with over 150 language dialects. Over 80,000 people have never heard the Gospel, and many more reside in towns that have no established Christian church. Although some attending the retreats have taken Bible correspondence courses, many of the pastors have minimal training; many motivated solely by the “call of the Lord on their life.”


The booklets bring hope to these men and women as they find help and encouragement for their own spiritual well-being. Plus, they are introduced to an effective way of evangelizing the hard-to-reach mountainous areas.

Allen has been advancing a growing interest in Scripture booklets in Oaxaca over the past few years. As an active partner, he has been diligently working for several months with the WMP shipping coordinator, to find a way to ship booklets directly into the cities of Juxtlahuaca and Huajuapan, where the retreats were held. As a result of his efforts, two pastors have agreed to spearhead future ordering and distribution, opening a way for the light of the Gospel to bring hope to Oaxaca for years to come.







Ways to Get Involved: Pray, Share, Give



-Ask God to give you the boldness to share the Gospel and for discernment on how to best show Christ’s love.

-Ask God to open the hearts of all who receive His Word, and for guidance for our distributors as they share Jesus.

-Ask God to enable WMP to increase production to meet the ever-growing need of hungry souls.



-Distribute the Gospel in your neighborhood! Did you know that more than 300 languages are spoken in the United States? Find out what languages are spoken in your area at languagemap.us and order booklets to share in those languages. Check out your local county website to find nearby public events and see if you can distribute booklets there.

-Tell others about WMP by reposting and sharing on social media (we’re active on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube).

-Download or order resources to share with your church or small group (see the enclosed insert for VBS ideas and other ministry resources).



-By contributing to the production of our booklets, you can extend hope to more than 21 individuals. Since the current cost of production is under 5 cents per booklet, every dollar you provide facilitates the delivery of 21 messages of hope to a world in need.

-Your commitment to our Twelve:24 Capital Campaign can significantly multiply the production of God’s Word. This initiative will provide the acquisition of a second web press and an additional bindery, allowing us to keep the supply chain to the front lines of missions flowing with the Word of God.

To learn more about Twelve:24, please go to: www.wmpress.org/projects/capital-needs