November 2016 Newsletter


CHRISTIANS ARE FORWARD-LOOKING PEOPLE! We look forward to our Lord’s return. We look forward to answered prayer. As we see what God is doing in this world through the Body of Christ, we at World Missionary Press continue to look forward to new opportunities—and new challenges!—to send His life-giving Word to increasing numbers of people around the world.p1a

What a great year this has been at WMP! We have seen God move in so many ways—providing needed staff, new equipment, and new technology—all toward increasing production to meet the growing number of requests for His Word.
He has also brought additional partners to sow the seed world-wide. A vision to reach every home in Guyana is involving denominational leaders in strategy and prayer events across the country, preparing for literature evangelism, to be followed by at least 30 crusades, trusting God to save souls. Dr. S. wrote, “And guess what! The Lord has directed personnel from Suriname, French Guiana, and Trinidad . . . all asking for me to do similar projects for them in their countries. I have given them some hope, but will need your assistance to bring this to fruition.”
Paul S. wrote to express his gratitude for 200,000 Spanish New Testaments and Scripture booklets. “Churches and pastors p2aon both sides of the border are mobilizing to help transport this shipment of Christian literature across the border into Mexico and down into the Peninsula of Baja, Mexico. God is the Captain of this team effort!”

New national coordinators have been established in several countries, with initial shipments sent to meet open requests. Other coordinators have expanded their outreach and are asking for more material in additional languages and in greater quantities. A pallet of booklets in Russian and Ukrainian was sent in May 2016 even as doors in that area seemed to be closing.

A major thrust to reach the people of India, launched this year as PROJECT INDIA, involves developing direct relationships with a larger number of major ministries in India and providing Scripture booklets from within the country. The goal is 100 million booklets in three years for the unreached of India.

p2-shipstatusRecently a former distributor reconnected with WMP. More than 20 years ago he was very involved in taking WMP Scripture booklets into Eastern Europe, China, Latin America, and Africa. He is now developing a new ministry to facilitate the distribution of WMP material to all corners of the globe. Early communication with just a few of his many contacts from 40 years of ministry has brought eager interest from Korea, Laos, and Zambia. More will follow, and WMP is looking forward to establishing new points of distribution to ease the famine for the Word of God.

The continuing movement of refugees has also opened new doors. A group of ten Syrian refugees in Europe was  brought to the Savior by a pastor in Munich. Now intent on sharing the good news with the thousands of Syrian refugees in Germany, they have asked for WMP booklets to help in this eternal venture. African refugees are stranded at the border between Panama and Costa Rica. A ministry leader wrote, “We are helping to feed them but have no French material.”

WMP’s Language Team has completed work on an encouraging number of projects. Two additional titles are now available in Malagasy and titles were added in Kirundi, Korean, Tigrinya, and Ndau. The salvation coloring book He Is Risen! in Haitian Kreyol has been completed. Fijian Hindi, Ojibwe, and Herero were added as new languages.

The list of Scripture booklets that can be read on our website and the new World Missionary Press app is constantly expanding, p2band people around the world can now also listen to a variety of Scripture booklets being read in twelve languages on the app. We praise God that enhanced technology is making Scripture booklets more readily available to the nations!

Yes, the opportunities, the partners, and the tools are available. And with confidence that God will answer prayer to provide funds to bless where He is leading, we look forward to a new year of abundant harvest for the Kingdom of our God. Praise His Name!

Even in the United States, Scripture booklets are bearing fruit and enlarging the ministries of God’s people. Jessica, from North Carolina, picked up a copy of The Way to God at a church she visited several years ago and thought, “What a great booklet! It explains everything so well!” Since then she has ordered 1,500 booklets in Simplified Chinese and taken most of them into China to supply missionaries there and to give out herself.

A couple from Guam received three Scripture booklets from a Christian woman they met at O’Hare Airport in Chicago. Now they want copies to “share Jesus’ love with others and bring lost souls to Christ.”  Mark, in Hawaii, received a booklet from a woman giving them away on the street in their town. “As I read it, I was amazed at how informative and thorough this little treasure is. I will be passing these wonderful booklets to the lost in my current ministries. I have never seen such teachings laid out so simply yet thoroughly informative.”

A year after receiving a booklet at a flea market, a man reported that he “finally got around to reading that green booklet of
John” and “was now soundly saved, baptized, and a member of a church.” Buddy, who learned about WMP booklets at a bakery in Georgia now wants to use booklets in his Breakfast in the Park ministry to the homeless.

p2-plsprayA 27-year-old inmate, in prison for the first time and serving a 5½-year sentence, wrote, “I am a new-born child of Jesus Christ.  I gave my life to our Lord Jesus Christ a few days ago. I am very happy about the decision I made. It is because of you that I was able to make that decision. A few weeks ago, my cellmate who went home left me one of your Scripture booklets, Help From Above. Not only did this booklet save my life, but it also taught me about being faithful, loving, and caring to the ones I love.”
When George called WMP from Louisiana to share about people being saved and healed as he presents the love of Jesus wherever he goes, he was overflowing with the Word, bursting with joy and excitement, and so happy to be a part of what God is doing.


  [YOU, too, can be a part of what God is doing! Every donated dollar puts 24 powerful Scripture booklets into the hands of those in need. An investment of $25 will provide a Scripture booklet for 600 people; $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people.




Meet the Team

p3-HelenHelen W.

Freight Shipments Coordinator

When my husband and I started attending a church in the New Paris area, someone there mentioned World Missionary Press and suggested that I visit. When I stopped by and was given a tour, I decided then to volunteer to do whatever I could. I began volunteering daily in April, 1997, nineteen years ago; in 2006 I became part of the paid staff.

The year before I was introduced to World Missionary Press, I had felt the Lord leading me to stop working. I spent that year asking Him where He wanted me. My visit to WMP relit the interest in linguistics and Bible translation I had in my college days, when I studied Greek and Hebrew. I had also wanted to serve on a mission field somewhere. Thirty years after college, the Lord had brought me to a place where both of those desires of my heart could be fulfilled.p3-GQ

As Freight Shipments Coordinator, I work with national coordinators around the world helping to supply them with WMP material by processing their large and often complex orders. I lead WMP’s Language Processing Team meetings, facilitating new language projects with translators and our Prepress Department. I am also part of the editorial team that plans and prepares monthly WMP newsletters.

I love reading reports and testimonies from distributors and sharing them with our staff and supporters in regularly scheduled chapel times. I am blessed by the staff here. Each one brings something unique to my life. Perhaps my favorite part of what I do is working with the volunteer coordinators and major distributors in nations around the world. They are so grateful for the Scripture booklets and what WMP does to help the cause of Christ in their countries.

My husband Jack and I met in college in Minnesota. We have two daughters and four grandchildren. Five years ago Jack suffered a major stroke. He cannot move or speak, but he is aware and can communicate by facial expression and by mouthing words. We have been marvelously blessed by our church family, which provides someone to stay with Jack every day while I am at work and every night so I can sleep. We have felt the Lord’s love and care in a way we had not known before. It’s drawn us closer as a family and taught us how to live day to day with the Lord. This summer we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary.

As far as hobbies go, I love to read! I am an avid crossword puzzle and Sudoku solver, and I love gardening and yard work.


WMP Partners Around the World

p4aDr. Phillipson P.


WMP is excited about the opportunity to work with a new ministry partner—Salem Ministries International of Kerala, India. Their director, Dr. Philipson P., also serves as the new president of Christian Salvage Mission of Canada, a ministry which for many years has included quantities of WMP Scripture booklets in the sea containers they ship around the world.


WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.

Dr. Philipson: I was born and brought up in a Christian family. My Dad is a full-time evangelist, actively involved in literature distribution. Alongside my father, I started distributing Scripture booklets at the age of ten. Now I serve as the Director of Salem Ministries International, equipping evangelists and missionaries with materials for their work in many mission fields. I have a deep passion to reach the unreached at any cost.


WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?

Dr. Philipson: I have known about WMP for many years and used to request WMP booklets in Indian languages for distribution in Canada and India. But in 2014 we started a strong association with WMP and look forward to receiving a large shipment from WMP for large-scale distribution in India. (A 40-foot container has now been received in Kerala, India.)


WMP: How does having free literature available affect evangelism in India?

Dr. Philipson: Of India’s population of about 1.25 billion people, only 2.3 percent are Christians. The rest belong to multiple religious and ethnic groups. WMP literature is great, as it contains Scripture in simple and pure form. The Word of God contained in them has turned many souls to Christ. India has more than 100 languages, and WMP booklets are available in most of the prime languages. This helps us to work even in provinces where we are not familiar with the local language. It helps workers quickly share the gospel with someone. It’s the shortage of literature which makes it difficult to work in some areas.


WMP: How long does a shipment last?

Dr. Philipson: Since we receive literature requests from many churches and ministries, supplies do not last long. The need for literature is very high in India, and we almost always face shortages. We estimate a need of four million booklets per year as of now. The need increases daily as more missions evangelize in India.


WMP: What challenges do you face to freely distribute literature?

Dr. Philipson: Since India is predominantly non-Christian, gospel workers often face opposition from gospel haters. But by God’s grace, efforts to spread the good news have increased more than ever. WMP literature provides a way to pass around the Word quietly, even in places with heavy opposition. God’s Word is powerful, and it continues to stir hearts. We hear testimonies from people who got gospel literature out of the trash, read it, and gave their lives to Jesus!


WMP: How effective are WMP Scripture booklets in evangelism and discipleship?

Dr. Philipson: They are very effective, as they are concise, compact, and contain only Scripture. The more we distribute, the more our Lord works in the hearts of the people. One testimony stands out to me. An evangelist asked to place literature in a shop in our town so that people coming in could grab one. The shopkeeper was not a Christian, but was kind enough to let the literature be placed in his shop. When the evangelist went back to replenish the supply, he was shocked to hear that the shopkeeper himself had read the literature and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart! He is now actively involved in literature distribution in our town.

The Bible-study booklets are simple in language and easy to understand. They are particularly helpful for new believers who are eager to learn the Scripture. In some areas, believers gather in small groups to conduct Bible studies, and they find the Bible studies very useful.