When God told Joshua to cross the Jordan and conquer Canaan, He reminded him of His past PROVISION. “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua 1:5b). WMP claims this promise, being reminded of the many ways God has been our provider. We thank God for His overshadowing providence, making 2024 a year of seed-sowing and bountiful harvest for the kingdom. We are confident of His continual provision for the coming year.

Doors are opening to reach even farther with God’s Word. His Spirit has brought new PARTNERS to join in the sowing and reaping, with new opportunities for evangelism from Finland to Sri Lanka and Brazil to South Africa. We praise the Lord for the 100,000 Scripture booklets given out at the Summer Olympics, and for the new coordinator established in the United Kingdom as a result.
A new major distributor in northern Brazil excitedly shared this news: “We have secured a warehouse to store materials in the state of Bahia. It is a very large place and is in a strategic location to expand the support work in the northeast region of Brazil. But the greatest blessing is that the owner of the warehouse is the owner of a company that has many trucks. The trucks take merchandise to the large and small cities of Bahia and other states, opening the doors to expand the work to the entire region.” –Peniel D.

God is raising up PEOPLE to labor in His harvest fields. This past year more individuals, small groups, and churches caught the vision for evangelizing with WMP booklets. First-time small orders have increased significantly over the past year – from a few booklets to pallets sent to countries such as Italy, the Philippines, and South Sudan. John Y. wrote, “We are doing street ministry in the United Kingdom, using The Path to Life handouts. They were truly incredible. They were so impactful that we quickly ran out and now need to reorder. It’s been inspiring to hear the amazing testimonies of salvation from those who have read these handouts.”
A rare request from Bangladesh was encouraging. “This book is tiny, but very well written and I highly hope the book will be fruitful.” Scripture booklets were sent to Ireland in response to our first contact there since 2000. “I met a man in Belfast who was giving out gospel tracts and I really liked the booklet he was giving out. I have ordered the same booklet, How to Know God, to give out to people of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.” –Drew S.

The POWER of God’s Spirit is moving in many secularized and closed countries, drawing and finding His lost sheep. Ministry partners and individuals are stepping up evangelism efforts. In Côte d’Ivoire, 18 churches with 366 volunteers handed out 174,643 tracts and Scripture booklets. They had 380 positive responses in a predominately Muslim area.
Distributors are ordering larger quantities of material and asking that we ship more frequently to keep supplies available. God has seen fit to increase our rate of production to 11 million per month, enabling us to ship 70 sea containers this last fiscal year. We thank the Lord for this increase in PRODUCTION and we are praying He will continue to build our production capabilities.

“God has been good and merciful in the reaching of thousands of Mexican souls, and we wish to continue being blessed with your invaluable gifts of literature that are seeds sown in the hearts of our people.” –Gloria S.
We continue to receive testimonies of changed lives. A major distributor in Togo writes, “The Biblical writings in WMP booklets have a permanent character.” As PROOF, she relayed this story: “A lady told us that she was a well-off woman who lacked for nothing with a well-kept home. She tore up most of the booklets given to her; however, she took one home without reading it and hid it under her suitcase. Five years later, problems began in her life, and her home had enormous difficulty. The Holy Spirit directed her to go and get that hidden booklet and read it. She obeyed and found it was the answer to her situation. The Word of God touched her and transformed her life. She confessed Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. Today, she is an evangelist and is not ashamed to preach the good news by distributing Biblical writings throughout Togo.” –Madame L., Togo

[Help us reach the world! Every donated dollar provides for the production of 21 powerful Scripture booklets for people across the continents in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,100 people; $1,000 will affect 21,000 people who need to have hope in God.]