Search Results for "our help from above"

August 2023 Newsletter



I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting. – Daniel 9:3a


“Bringing a person to Christ is not always easy,” says a pastor working in a South Asian country that is antagonistic towards Christianity. There is the deception of false religions, political and social persecution, and the individual darkness of people’s sins. “Sometimes, it takes a lot of effort and prayer before I see any results. However, the day that I see their eyes opened to the truth is always a wonderful day for me.”


World Missionary Press is privileged to send booklets to countries where believers are eager and willing to evangelize, even though the government and the general society frown on such activity. Below are testimonies from one such country in South Asia.


“On many occasions during my ministry, God has allowed the gospel to reach villages through the simple act of distributing booklets,” writes Pastor N. “I remember meeting V., a very ‘religious’ man, but also a troubled man. His life, as he described it, was devoid of any peace. When I gave him a Scripture booklet that spoke of the love and peace that we receive in Christ, he was anxious to learn more about how he might receive this hope and meaning.


“The next time I was in his village, I shared more of the gospel with him. We prayed together. I asked him to continue to pray only to Jesus about the challenges he was facing. Before long, V. began to see incredible improvement in his family. This change allowed both him and his family to place their faith in Christ as their Savior. Their family now hosts a fellowship gathering in their home.”


After distributing hundreds of booklets across five villages, Pastor S. was hoping that several people would call him to learn more about Jesus. Even though it is a huge risk, he writes his personal phone number on the back of each booklet. For many weeks no one called. Sad, he and his wife decided to fast and pray. At the end of the first day of fasting, Pastor S. got a call from someone asking him to come and tell more about Jesus. The pastor was excited to no end, praising and thanking God profusely. A church was started and now 20 people regularly meet for worship.


Pastor J. has been praying seriously about reaching out to a people that remain very resistant to the gospel because of their high status in society. One Christmas season Pastor J. and his church fasted and prayed for many days before undertaking a trip to preach the gospel among these people. In a certain village they met R. and gave him the WMP Scripture booklets The Way to God and Help from Above. He invited the team to his house to hear more. Now Pastor J. meets for worship with ten converts in their village. The first church in this entire region!


A container full of booklets (the third this year) is en route to support the many partners and evangelists in this South Asia nation who faithfully take God’s Word to those who do not know of His love for them and the hope He offers. Four more containers with nearly 8 million booklets are soon to be produced here, with millions more booklets being printed inside this country of more than a billion souls.


[Every donated dollar provides for the production of 24 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people; $1,000 will impact 24,000 people who need to have hope in God.]


Grateful Quotes: A Wonderful Discovery in an Empty Desk


First Baptist Church in Shelbyville, Indiana used to share the church office with another church. “When they moved to a different location, one of the God Loves You! booklets was left in a desk. You are now in my contact list. Our church is making a concentrated effort to grow the church. We want God’s lampstand to shine brightly at First Baptist. Our effort now is directed to bringing children to the church. For our 175th anniversary we are preparing welcome bags to give to each family. These booklets will be in the bags. Please pray for us. Thank You.” –Paytse K.




Meet the Team: Nathan F., Assistant Six-Color Pressman

At the end of 2022, I was dreading my old job and ready for a change. I had grown cold in my relationship with God, and developed some habits that were detrimental. The first habit I changed when I started getting back to God was to start listening to worship music. I was listening to WFRN radio when I heard there was a job opening at World Missionary Press.


Each time I heard the ad I felt like I should try it. I felt that working at the Press might be an opportunity to feel fulfilled in my work for the first time in my life. I started as the assistant pressman of the six-color press at the beginning of February, 2023. I like working here because ultimately I am working for God and bringing people into His kingdom. The environment is helping me be even closer to God.


Just a little family history: I am Mom’s only child. Chuck came into our lives when I was 11 and I eventually considered him my father. Chuck was an army “brat” who adopted two sons, Rob and Marty, who I consider my brothers.


Chuck died recently. So now I have the responsibility to care for the LLC that runs his rental houses. I am the primary VA caretaker for my brother Rob who has PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I live with my brothers and am responsible for most of the house keeping.


For hobbies, I play a couple of video games, target shoot, and enjoy paintballing now and then. A few times a year, at area car shows, I show the family’s classic cars.







World Missionary Press continues to receive testimonies of what God is doing around the world through the free Scripture booklets.



July 2023 Newsletter



I will open rivers in desolate heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys. – Isaiah 41:18a


In 2007, Harold Mack, WMP President, visited several countries in South America, meeting with distributors and hearing how the Scripture booklets blessed so many. A primary focus of that trip was to establish a WMP national coordinator for Peru. At distributor meetings in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, prayer was lifted up for this critical need.


God did indeed supply a centralized distribution point in Lima. That distribution point has served the many current distributors in the country and provided larger supplies to encourage other churches, evangelists, and ministries to include the Scripture booklets in their outreach.


As a result, requests for WMP literature have grown, with several ministries asking for large shipments to serve their associated pastors and churches. “We need a lot of evangelistic literature for Southern Peru. We beg you to send more.” This plea from Austin V. is repeated again and again. Two major shipments are currently in line for production to meet these needs.


One shipment will supply 9 pastors and their churches with a total of 920,000 booklets. The second shipment will supply a new ministry partner who learned of WMP through our coordinator in Bolivia. They will be receiving 1,343,440 booklets, including 50,000 copies of The Way to God booklet in Low German (a new item just added to the WMP list of available languages).


During the pandemic, many workers left Lima and returned to their villages in the highlands and jungles. Many of these people live in impoverished conditions. Workers with David B.’s ministry in one of these deprived areas encounter violent young men from troubled homes and “students in the midst of the darkest family struggles. How wonderful it is to be able to give them something beautiful and true.”



After several years of limited opportunities in Uruguay, the close working partnership of Every Home for Christ and WMP has found new energy through Silvana P., the new EHC director, and EHC’s purchase of a 3,200 sq. ft. warehouse “where we can receive all the material that you send us for the blessing of our country.” WMP has sent a container with 466,310 booklets, Bible studies, and God Loves You! salvation coloring books.


Silvana tells why Pastor Sandro, who partners with EHC Uruguay, believes in the booklet ministry. Sandro was a homeless person who slept with wrapped cardboard on the streets of Brazil. One day someone threw a New Testament and an evangelistic tract through his cardboard. They caught his attention and he began to read. “Before long he turned his life over to the Lord and began the process of getting his life back. That is how literature helped him get out of his addictions.”


Silvana explains that Uruguay is “a country where the Word is unknown and where, if one stops in front of a school to distribute evangelistic tracts, the teachers accuse us of being bothersome. We thank God, because despite being known as a sad country, we know that God is moving His hand, so that many will know Him. Thank you for investing in Uruguay.”


[WMP has set a goal to increase production in 2023, by streamlining efficiency, adding capital improvements, adding a third booklet bindery, and extending press hours. Our prayer is that the growing demand for booklets will be filled and the people groups still unreached will have the opportunity to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank you for your faithful partnership with WMP! Every donated dollar helps produce 24 Scripture booklets.]





Grateful Quotes: Booklets in use at ICE Detention Center

“I use the booklets in my service as a chaplain in a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center. The population I serve are non-citizens, currently numbering around 500 and representing over 40 nations and multiple languages. There is a steady turnover in the make-up of those whom I serve because they arrive and depart— some released here and others returning to where their citizenship lies. Seeking to know the God of the Bible and to explore Christianity is an active pursuit of many I meet with daily.” —Donna L.




Meet the Team: Mike C., Strategist


I first heard about World Missionary Press while listening to Pulse FM. They were advertising a job on the presses, but after interviewing with the heads of several departments, WMP offered me work as a strategist.


Before coming here, I had never experienced a job interview that opened with prayer. Scripture says we come up with our plans, but the Lord directs our steps. “He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think,” according to Ephesians. I’m thankful He’s done that by bringing me here to the Press. I’ve been here almost a year.


The strategy job is in the Partner Relations Department, which involves fundraising, communications, and special events. In addition, they loan me out to the Product Development Department for special projects. Right now we’re preparing for a trip to Ghana, to film distribution efforts and collect testimonies. What a blessing!


In my personal life, I’m learning French, developing a startup, and earning credits at Ivy Tech. My favorite TV show is a black-and-white series called Combat, about soldiers fighting in Europe during World War Two. As followers of Christ, we’re also called to fight the good fight, to retake fallen ground. But our weapons are not carnal. They’re spiritual. Not planes and tanks, but prayer and Scripture.


My dad passed away a few years ago. I have a kindhearted, godly mom, who lives in South Bend, and a daughter who lives out east.


One thing I know working here, no, two: we’ve been given the Words of Life, and prayer is crucial.






World Missionary Press continues to receive testimonies of what God is doing around the world through the free Scripture booklets.



June 2023 Newsletter


The LORD has made known His salvation; His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations. –Psalm 98:2


The goal of WMP’s Founders Challenge is to bless all of Africa with the gospel of Jesus Christ, starting with shipments of gospel literature to Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa. One third of the world’s languages are spoken in Africa.


It is hard to communicate the immeasurable opportunities waiting for WMP booklets. A new ministry partner in Rwanda will be receiving 3,000 boxes (1,485,000 booklets) in the Kinyarwanda language. “Literature is the key. We can’t do it without the literature,” he insists. His ministry will also work in 8 other countries of East Africa. In addition, the WMP national coordinator in Rwanda will be receiving a new supply to meet the continuing needs of many other ministry partners.

The demand for booklets is growing as many organizations learn of the resources offered by WMP. New Covenant Missions of Ethiopia is a new contact, with 200 missionaries excitedly and patiently waiting for close to 1,402,000 booklets. Our national coordinator in Ethiopia just received a 40’ container of booklets that will quickly be sent out to waiting distributors.


Nigeria, in West Africa, is the most populous country in Africa. One major distributor there wrote: “People are coming every day to request World Missionary Press booklets. Through our Bible College and surrounding Bible Schools, we have thousands of pastors and missionaries requesting your booklets.” Four different WMP distribution points have been established in Nigeria, one of which reaches into the northern states where Muslim insurgents have a strong presence. Persecution is a strong possibility and yet Christians are boldly evangelizing. Presently, two 40’ containers are in production, providing 3,354,340 booklets in 11 different languages.


Clifford, a distributor in Malawi, Southeast Africa, reports that the Yao language “is commonly spoken by Muslims and these booklets are so unique to them. Your booklets will give them knowledge of salvation by the remission of their sins and take them out from total darkness.” Clifford will soon be receiving a large shipment, to help reach souls throughout Malawi. We have also just sent another container for neighboring South Africa, which is en route, carrying 2,029,825 booklets in 24 languages.


We pray that the Founders Challenge will help meet the growing demands and fill current gaps throughout the continent. Through the Lord’s provision and guidance, we have a good beginning. Across the continent, WMP has 41 national coordinators plus an additional 36 major distributors. Since the start of our fiscal year, 27 million Scripture booklets and Bible studies have been shipped to Africa.


Many nations could use two containers a year. Although 27 million booklets sounds like a lot, in perspective, it is only enough literature for 1.97% of the estimated 1.37 billion people living in Africa. God’s Word never returns void and can produce a hundredfold— reaching far beyond statistics.


[Thank you for your support of the Founders Challenge and the continued production of Scripture booklets. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people who need to have hope in God.]

Grateful Quotes: Small Orders Going Into Haiti


“A senior member of my church helped build a church in Haiti a few years ago and loved the inspiring messages/words of God that are written in your booklets. He asked that I order Help from Above, How to Know God, and The Way to God booklets in Kreyol for an upcoming missionary trip to Haiti.

I’m quite familiar with your organization and the wonderful work that’s being done to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now more than ever before your booklets are tremendously valuable in helping spread the Word to parts of the world that thirst for the gospel.” —Mak S.


Haiti desperately needs the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are thankful that we can get books into Haiti through men like Mak and his fellow church member. We have a container shipment of booklets ready to send to Haiti, but because of the political unrest and chaos in the ports, our coordinator cannot bring the container into the country. Please pray for Haiti’s political, economic, and spiritual needs.



Meet the Team: Clark H., Volunteer


My definition of “retire” is you put on a new set of tires and get going again as fast as you can. I have been a volunteer at WMP for almost three years, working 8-hour shifts every Tuesday and Thursday.


Those two days allow me to keep my teaching schedule at Indiana University South Bend. I have a Master’s Degree in Chemistry, which I teach to freshmen and sophomores. I worked for Miles Laboratories for 40 years, first as a research scientist and then as the Lab Manager. My PhD studies were sidetracked when I became manager, but while managing I was able to complete a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, and a Bachelor’s Degree of Accounting.


I have four children, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Avon, my wife of 60 years, passed away five years ago now. The last two years of her life, I went morning and evening to the nursing home and fed her breakfast and supper. Her passing left an emptiness, so I asked my daughter, a teacher at Elkhart Christian Academy, if she had contact information for any church-related volunteer work that I could help with. She gave me the World Missionary Press information.


I have no traditional hobbies, but I enjoy working with and being of service to others. I would recommend volunteering, or even working at WMP, to anyone who wants to help people and to have friends while you are working. I like helping produce Scripture booklets that will benefit others all over the world. My desire to serve others comes from my relationship to Jesus Christ, which started when I was eleven years old.


On April 7th my WMP friends celebrated my 90th birthday with a surprise party.

WMP Partners Around the World


World Missionary Press continues to receive testimonies of what God is doing around the world through the free Scripture booklets.

May 2023 Newsletter

Only Jesus Saw Me with Loving Eyes

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers.” 1 Peter 3:12a

Daniel felt disregarded and humiliated by many in his city. Today he testifies, “How can I not cry for joy and raise my hands before my great Redeemer since He is who had mercy on me? Only He saw me with loving eyes, restored me, and liberated me from the claws of the enemy and made me feel loved.” Daniel’s life was changed because ministries are making extensive use of WMP materials in Mexico and Honduras.

“We cannot thank WMP enough for providing booklets to reach 30,000 children in over 200 locations across Honduras through the Backpack program, as well as the many other events we have throughout the year where WMP materials are shared. We can personally testify to the impact WMP has had on national evangelism, soul winning, and discipleship. We use the booklets in the inner cities, rural areas, mountainous villages and even the extreme regions of the jungles of the Moskitia.” – Ken H., Honduras

In Mexico, Susan K. has a system that she encourages churches to follow. “The Way to God is used for evangelism. The booklets, Victory in Jesus Christ, Help from Above, The Power of God, and How to Know God are all used for building the faith of members. The Bible studies in Genesis, John, and Romans are used to teach the congregation. I encourage this simple pattern so the whole congregation becomes solid together and are on the same wavelength regarding what God did for us, what Jesus did for us, and how we are to live.” The result is that the congregations have a desire to get out on the streets to evangelize and share the gospel.


Every Home for Christ Mexico has also developed ministries among marginalized people such as prisoners, indigents, prostitutes, immigrants, and those who are despised and lack love.

Juan, from Guamuchil, is one whom Jesus found. “We have been studying this little book, Who Do You Say That I Am?. It has been very beautiful knowing who Jesus is, why He came to earth, and how we can live our life in the best way and receive eternal life. Every study has been enriching for my life. It was due to these studies that I managed to approach Jesus Christ, ask for forgiveness for my sins and accept Him as my Savior.”

World Missionary Press is currently producing 11.4 million Spanish booklets. Paul S., a major distributor, will be delivering many boxes to “new distributor” churches among the 7 million people living in Mexico’s southern peninsula. “I feel led to saturate this area with as many beautiful Scripture booklets as possible since this will be our first opportunity to share Scripture booklets in great quantity to the very end of the Mexican Peninsula.”

[This large production of Spanish materials is made possible by donors like you. It still takes only $1 to print 24 booklets. Thank you for your continued support for the production and shipment of the Scripture booklets.]




Meet the Team

Kaitlyn D.

Media Creation Specialist


Blaike and I got married in the summer of 2022, and the Lord led us to Indiana. I had recently graduated college and was looking for a position where I could keep growing my skills in video production. I was browsing and came across a position at World Missionary Press. The position felt like a good fit for me. I was excited to use my skills for a faith-based organization where the environment would be Christ-centered.


For the past 8 months I have served as the Media Creation Specialist. I am responsible for all things video at WMP. I create video concepts, write scripts, conduct interviews, film people and events, and produce compelling content for our partners. I love growing my skills as a video producer. I get to learn new film techniques, experience new content styles, and write creative scripts. Most of all, I get to tell meaningful stories that bring the mission of World Missionary Press to life.


When I’m not at work, I love taking walks with my husband, trying new dinner recipes, and playing soccer. Blaike and I stay busy with church activities and apartment updating. We also love to explore new places, make tasty food, and watch movies together.


I grew up in a big family of 8 in Maine. My dad works in IT and my mom stays at home. Two of my sisters are married, and I am an auntie to a little niece and nephew.


Grateful Quotes

Sharing the gospel in Japanese homes

Dear World Missionary Press,

Warm greetings from Japan! Just wanted to share this with you.

The other day, the kitchen hood cleaning person came to our house. He stayed about an hour and while he was cleaning I played the Japanese worship music and Gospel music. After he finished the work, I told him that Jesus loves him enough to die for him. His eyes were turned brightly and I gave him a Way to God booklet to read. God gave me joy unspeakable!

God bless you always!

Every Blessings,



WMP Partners Around the World


World Missionary Press continues to receive testimonies of what God is doing around the world through WMP Scripture booklets.






April 2023 Newsletter

I Am Now in Jesus

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.  And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” John 11:25,26

Gilbert was addicted to drugs and other evil habits. When a team from the Alliance of Evangelicals of The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) met him, it was indeed the day of his salvation. “I could have died as a result of drunkenness, but I was given literature from World Missionary Press. I was told that God still loves me! From that moment on, I began to reason and made the decision to distance myself from evildoing. I will not go back. I am now in Jesus. If He had not sent these precious men to me, I would have died, not only physically, but spiritually.”

This testimony of a new life in our resurrected Lord comes from an evangelistic crusade held in four districts of the Northern Province of Kivu, DRC. The Rev. Israel N., Secretary General of the Evangelical Alliance in DRC, encountered believers in Rwanda handing out Help from Above and The Way to God booklets. He contacted the WMP coordinator in Rwanda, asking for booklets for his denomination to use in the upcoming crusades.

In response to this request, his team received 500 boxes of WMP Scripture booklets in Swahili, French, and Lingala. The crusade was carried out by 566 volunteers from 82 churches, distributing 182,000 booklets, with reports of 1,289 positive responses.

Rev. Israel writes: “We are grateful to World Missionary Press for giving us Christian literature through the coordinator in Rwanda. This Christian literature is helping to spread the Good News in DR Congo especially in the districts of Walikale and Goma in the Northern Province of Kivu.”

The Alliance has not been able to access distribution data in the districts of Masisi and Rutshuru because of armed conflict between government forces and the M23 rebellion. “What is important to remember,” Rev. Israel says, “is that the distributions have been done in these areas and that to date we have a huge demand for more Christian literature and Bibles.” Many refugees of this conflict have scattered and are living in poverty in the Goma district.

Our coordinator in Tanzania, a country bordering Rwanda and DR Congo, has increased his standing order to two containers a year, so his group can continue “spreading and sharing the literal gospel, free to all, for a free salvation offered by Jesus Christ.” Two containers of booklets arrived in DRC in February and a container is leaving soon for Tanzania.

Rwanda’s inventory will be restocked and increased through the Founders Challenge. The Founders Challenge will help fund the production and shipping costs of 40-foot containers to South Africa ($82,493) with 21 different languages in its hold, Ethiopia ($91,570), Rwanda ($94,098), and Nigeria ($100,481) in 2023. WMP is trusting the Lord that the Founders Challenge will exceed its goal and cover all of Africa with the gospel.

[The 182,000 booklets would not have been available to Rwanda or the Democratic Republic of the Congo if it weren’t for generous people like you. Thank you for your support of the Founders Challeng­e and the continued production of the Scripture booklets.]


In Memoriam

Alun Rees
Bindery Operator
October 19, 1958 to February 25, 2023

Alun served at World Missionary Press for ten years. We miss his presence among us and we thank the Lord for his life and contributions. “Alun was a good friend. I enjoyed the discussions we had as we ran the binderies and will miss them and him immensely,” remembers Kent, Alun’s supervisor.

Devon, a fellow bindery operator, reminisced, “Alun taught me the bindery, and we learned a lot about each other. We loved to aggravate each other and then jokingly say, ‘Just trying to be helpful!’ Our friendship continually grew and I will surely miss him.”

As Alun’s health continued to decline, Jerry, our VP of Plant Operations, acknowledged, “We are going to lose a wealth of knowledge.” Alun was an asset to WMP with the mechanical skills and expertise that he gained refurbishing printing equipment and operating a print shop before coming to WMP. He set up maintenance programs for each of the WMP binderies and followed through with regular maintenance. He was good at diagnosing and fixing the machines and ordering needed parts. He was involved in finding and installing much of the bindery equipment we now have, including the new-to-us Bravo Plus bindery recently installed. He worked effectively and joyfully with volunteers and staff.

Alun also took his turn leading WMP chapel services. He was very interested in theology, church history, and World War II history. Alun read widely, enjoyed pipe organ music, and trains. Alun lived his life as a faithful follower of Christ. World Missionary Press has lost a good worker, a close friend, and brother in the Lord. Our hearts go out to his wife Lois and three children.




Grateful Quotes

Egyptian Christians Share the Word in Canada

“I met some Christians from Egypt in a coffee shop here in Niagara Falls, Canada. In order to stay in touch we exchanged addresses. They gave me the booklet Help from Above on which was written their name and the name of their church. The booklet appears to be a very good evangelistic tool. I am ordering Help from Above to hand out to tourists during the summer here in Niagara Falls where I live.”

Petrus G.



WMP Partners Around the World

Peter H.

Frontline Fellowship, South Africa

Frontline Fellowship has partnered with WMP for 40 years, and currently serves as the WMP national coordinator for South Africa. The following is taken from a recent report.


World Missionary Press has been part of every Frontline Fellowship mission that I have been involved in over 40 years. No Frontline Fellowship mission would be complete without WMP Scripture booklets. As itinerant evangelists, we prize WMP Scripture booklets because they are compact, light-weight, saturated with Scripture, topical, and extremely relevant to the issues and challenges of people in Africa.

The literature fills our saddlebags when traveling by foot, on bicycles, on motorbikes, and in dugout canoes; is packed into our trucks, or on our roof racks and trailers. We can reach more people with the Word of God carrying in WMP booklets than in any other way. We have delivered and distributed well over 7 million WMP Scripture booklets throughout Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Malawi, Tanzania, the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, and as far afield as Nigeria.

As a literature evangelist, I appreciate that every 10 lb. box of WMP booklets includes 500 booklets, each with 48 pages of Scripture. Literature distribution has always been our life-blood. It is not only a point of contact in beginning conversations, but it is gospel seed sown, and provides essential Bible teaching, and discipleship follow-up for those who are led to Christ. A wide variety of pastors, evangelists, missionaries, teachers, and chaplains come to our mission stores at Literature4Africa for the evangelistic and discipleship resources they need.

These Scripture booklets have helped establish Bible study fellowships in schools and military bases and plant congregations. Pastors and Evangelists in Sudan and Zambia and chaplains in Zimbabwe, use the WMP topical booklets as the outline of their sermons and Bible studies. They are also widely distributed in prisons and hospitals.

People have told us how they came to Christ through a WMP Scripture booklet that they found lying on the ground, or in a trash can! Even those which some enemies of the gospel may have thrown away have been used of the Lord to bring people to repentance! We know of people who have been brought to repentance and delivered from witchcraft because of the Satan vs. Christ booklet.

We praise God that there is now freedom for open distribution across the border into Mozambique and Angola. The military chaplains that we have trained and supply in Sudan, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the Congo continually request more. We never have enough. The need is so much greater than our logistical capabilities.

Thank you for investing in our mission and equipping and empowering us with excellent Scripture booklets, bringing the lost to repentance and salvation.




March 2023 Newsletter

Islands in the Son

“The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters.” Psalm 24:1, 2


“We were adrift in the open Philippine Sea. Our bamboo boat was overloaded with 1,500 pounds of World Missionary Press booklets and too many men. As a result, our propeller hit a rock and came off. The captain and first mate jumped into the water to find it. One of our Living Word outreach team members called 911. The rest of us went to prayer.

“We were on our way to the smallest and most densely populated island in the Philippines. One of the men noticed that there was a storm passing over the island and we knew God was protecting His Word from being damaged by the rain and keeping our overloaded boat from sinking. After an hour God showed up again! Instead of a rescue craft, the captain discovered the propeller in 8 feet of water, undamaged. We put it back on and completed our evangelistic mission.”

Mike R. travels to the Philippines for 3 months each year to follow-up on the distribution and effectiveness of the WMP literature. From his home in the USA, Mike regularly ships boxes of WMP Scripture booklets to various ministries and pastors of the Camotes Islands.

“Every year as we go, God opens different doors with divine appointments, like meeting Esther, Director of ‘Christ for Asia Cebu’, one day in a drug store. She was a catalyst for me to meet the ‘Living Word Church’ outreach prison ministry team.  We did prison ministry with them and outreach for a few years. They are some of my best friends and the most dedicated Christians I have ever seen. They will get up at 5 AM for Bible studies, fast for days on end, and travel by vans into mountainous areas or into the inner cities passing out booklets and having Bible studies. I just love these men and women of God!

“We are in the praying and planning stages now of a mass evangelism explosion with multiple crusades on the Camotes Islands. The Living Word team and 50 pastors are on board.  We will definitely need World Missionary Press literature to reach the local indigenous peoples from the market places, schools, prisons, and beyond.”

World Missionary Press also provides literature for the Philippines through Agape Ministries Press, Ontario, Canada, that sends it to their mission headquarters in Mindanao. “Over the last three years, our mission was able to open up 19 sites for distribution. They were able to host many different Christian churches and mission groups. Together, we were able to gather volunteers, full time ministers, and gospel workers for these distributions.

“Mindanao is our main focus despite the fact that it is a very hard-to-reach place.” The island has a tense history of Hindu, Muslim, and colonial interests vying for power. In 2017, there was a five-month civil war. In 2019, Muslims declared the province of Bangsamoro an autonomous region. “Many different challenging groups don’t believe in the Lord Jesus, but we’re grateful to many zealous front-line volunteer workers who help us do the work.

“Our Agape Press coordinator from Mindanao reported that she was so thankful to hear from several men who received copies of the gospel booklets. She stated that the booklets were ‘very helpful for youth and adult Bible studies, especially to those churches who were pioneering or had just started a church. Their members are increasing in number and even children’s programs are now growing because youth are being encouraged to help follow up and gather children for church worship.’”

These two distributors are just a sample of the many Filipino ministries relying on WMP Scripture booklets to give the Word of God to all Filipinos. Container shipments have just been shipped to our national coordinator and major distributor in the Philippines. May God bless His Word and His people as the booklets are given and received.

[Every donated dollar provides for the production of 24 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people; $1,000 will impact 24,000 people who need to have hope in God.]

Meet the Team

Mike and Colleen B.
Production, and Partner Relations/Receptionist


I (Colleen) first heard about World Missionary Press while searching online for good Biblical tracts to give out on the streets of Chicago and at homeless shelters. As a result, I have been a distributor of WMP literature in the Chicago area for 15 years. In time, Mike believed that the Lord was calling us to serve at WMP. We scheduled a tour of the facility, and afterward were interviewed.

This opened a door for us, about five months ago, to move to New Paris and work here. I (Mike) work in production, mostly operating the paper cutting machine. I also fill in where needed throughout the department. Colleen is the receptionist on Thursdays and Fridays. She also helps out in the Partner Relations Department, assisting the director with whatever is needed

The opportunity and privilege to participate in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20) is one of the best things about working here. I am working with Christian brothers and sisters sending the Word of God out all over the world. I (Colleen) like our chapel times where all the employees pray together. It’s also a pleasure to meet distributors of the Scripture booklets from all over the world.

When we are not working, we have continued to be distributors of the booklets in our new location of Indiana. People here need God’s Word just as much as people around the world. We like to sing and make music in worship and praise to our almighty God. (Colossians 3:16)

We have two daughters, one son-in-law and two grandsons. By God’s grace, we all know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:8)



Grateful Quotes

Evangelizing the Residents of my Neighborhood

“Many years ago, in the late 1990’s or early 2000’s, before I believed and accepted Christ in my heart, I received a booklet The Way to God. That booklet and some radio programs made me believe in Christ and having Christ as the only Savior. At that time, I kept the booklet to remind me of this event.

“Nowadays, in a small group linked to my church, I preach the Word of God. We go down to evangelize the residents of the neighborhood, distributing flyers with the Word of God. One day while cleaning my house, I found the little book that I had kept and I decided to research more about it. I ended up finding your website. How exciting that I can order these booklets to use in our resident outreach.”

Jorgeani P., Brazil



WMP Partners Around the World

Gary H.

World Missionary Press supplies more than 36,000 distributors who faithfully place God’s Word in the hands of those who need it most. We asked Gary H., one of our local distributors, to tell of his unique ministry.


WMP: How did you learn about World Missionary Press?

Gary: I was at a point in my life where I wanted to “do” something. Like many Christians, I was just treading water spiritually. I was introduced to Fred and Betsy Eiler, the field representatives of WMP. I asked what he did. He took the booklet Help from Above out of his shirt pocket, handed it to me, and began to explain all about WMP. By the end of our conversation, my heart said, “That’s what I want to do with my life.”


WMP: How did you start?

Gary: Fred gave me several booklet displays to set up. The same day he gave them to me, I set up two booklet displays in the Salvation Army in Frankfort, Indiana. A few days later, I set up a display in the Salvation Army in Lafayette, Indiana. My aunt lived in Marion, Indiana and she agreed to keep the display stocked at the Marion Salvation Army.


WMP: How has this personal outreach expanded?

Gary: Twice, a friend of a friend, who wanted to move to Oregon, paid me to drive her car from Indiana. I thought, “Just driving the car isn’t very productive,” so I decided to leave early and put up displays in Salvation Army Corps along the way. I spent months researching all the Salvation Army Corps locations along US Route 80. It was hard to make it to each one while they were still open. I was in Moline, Illinois and wanted to get to Des Moines, Iowa. I felt that the only way to get there before 5:00 pm was to skip lunch. So I did, and I made it. The post commander was so grateful for what I brought him.

WMP: Would you do another cross-country trip?

Gary: Yes, I would love to. I work in the WMP small orders department and often see orders from the Salvation Army in cities I have never been to. I wonder if the word is spreading about these booklets, providing spiritual help for people. I also see orders for individuals living in the towns I have been to, and I wonder if they picked up booklets at the Salvation Army.


WMP: What made you identify the Salvation Army Corps as a place for the displays?

Gary: The Army has always had an open door for displays. It was created to help people in need and does a great job in caring for the physical needs of the people who come through their doors. They have been appreciative of WMP’s booklets for people’s spiritual needs. This is a way to reach people without disrupting the Army’s services. Most officers are very excited to have the booklets available to their clientele.


WMP: What are you doing now with booklets and displays?

Gary: My friend Randy and I are reaching out to our neighborhood (Elkhart, Indiana) by putting up displays in Spanish grocery stores, laundromats, mechanic shops, restaurants, barber shops, hair salons, and donut shops…anywhere displays might be accepted. When eating lunch one day, Randy and I observed a lady stopping and taking two booklets. It was the first time I got to see a booklet display in action, which was really fulfilling because we know those booklets are going to make a difference.

February 2023 Newsletter

God Loves You!

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.  —1 John 4:7, 8

People are hungry for love – a love that is real and can be trusted. Rose Goodman, cofounder of WMP, wrote a children’s coloring book titled God Loves You! to introduce God’s perfect love to children from every corner of the world.

That original book has been reformatted with updated pictures to fit WMP’s production processes, allowing us to print more copies more economically. The response to this new coloring book has been phenomenal with demand continuing to grow.

In the new format the right page is a picture to be colored that depicts a scene in Jesus’ life – including His incarnation, baptism, temptations, ministry in Word and miracles, crucifixion, resurrection, and triumphal return. Other pictures depict the creation story, Adam and Eve’s sin, and the giving of the Ten Commandments. The booklet closes with pictures of children responding to the need for salvation, reading the Bible, praying, helping others and suffering for their faith.

Scripture verses on the left page of the booklet tell the picture’s story. We know that the gospel can be understood by a child as the Holy Spirit speaks to the heart. If an adult reads the booklet to a child they can also be drawn to the Lord. They will see that the gospel message of love is not for children only.

The reformatted booklet is ministering throughout the world in schools, mission hospitals, evangelistic children’s ministries, youth camps, and mental hospitals. To date, about 7.5 million copies of the booklet have been provided in English, Indonesian, French, Malagasy, Portuguese, Spanish, and four South Asia languages to 98 destination countries. Another 1.5 million booklets are in production with two new languages being prepared for printing.

Recently the Pentecostal Church of God-International Movement sent an urgent request for 480 boxes of Spanish God Loves You! booklets for a special evangelistic project in Puerto Rico. “This way they will have a nationwide impact on a great part of the population of the children of Puerto Rico. Children and their families will be impacted and we pray many will join a church of their choosing along with their families.”

A mission hospital in the Ecuadorian Amazon region found one last copy of the original God Loves You! in the hospital. The chaplain asked about getting new ones for the children and was delighted with the new booklet format he found on the WMP website. Several boxes of booklets in the Spanish language were provided for the mission hospital.

Rosa in El Paso, Texas works with immigrants from Venezuela, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ecuador, and El Salvador. She writes, “The children are fascinated because they say they have never been given a book in Spanish.” She says the God Loves You! and The Way to God booklets have been great blessings.  “We welcome the immigrants with joy and with God’s Word and many have repented and accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior”.

Mission organizations in the USA send God Loves You! to missionaries in the Philippines who work with thousands of children in poverty. Ruth testifies from Canada: “I am so thankful for your coloring book God Loves You! It has helped me spiritually again and again. This Christmas I am giving 25 copies to the Drop-In Centre (a mental health place.) Please pray they will be gladly taken and that God would be glorified and that many of them would accept Jesus as Savior!”

In Northwest Ohio seven public schools allow students with parental permission to be bused to an off campus church or building for one period of Christian instruction. Over 600 copies of God Loves You! were used last year for this special class instruction. Each one goes with the child into a home in the community.

In New Jersey, Eric shares God Loves You! at red lights in traffic and at doctors’ offices. He says. “Lives have been touched with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Carolina wrote on her order form: “One day someone gave me a God Loves You! booklet and it completely changed my life. I want to be able to give it to someone so that Jesus can change his or her life too. Thank you so much! God bless you!”

[Every donated dollar provides for the production of 24 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people; $1,000 will impact 24,000 people who need to know God’s love.]




Meet the Team

Susie F.

Volunteer Coordinator


I was devastated when I lost my job after 19 years of service. I could not imagine looking for a new job at my age. I have worked in the secular sphere my whole life, so when World Missionary Press popped up on a job search engine, I didn’t think I would be a good fit.

After my interview, however, I knew this was the place for me. I needed all the kindness, prayer and comfort that WMP offers its staff and volunteers in-house—via e-mail, by the machines, and in the offices. This isn’t just a job, but more like a home. I feel very blessed that WMP came into my life when it did.

I have worked for 7 months as the Volunteer Coordinator. Each morning, afternoon and some evenings people come from various churches, organizations, families or as individuals to package the booklets as they come off the bindery. My job is to coordinate and schedule these groups, as well as welcome them to the plant and pray with them before they begin their shift.

All my family lives in this area. My son lives with me and my daughter is in Fort Wayne. When not working I hang with my friends, walk my dog, and have fun with my 7 year old grandson. I also love to garden, cook, decorate, and read.



<Your Name Here>

Bindery Operator

For whatever reason you apply to work at World Missionary Press, like Susie above, you might find you are a better fit than you think. You do not have to be a pastor or evangelist to do the work of the Lord. Operating a machine that produces booklets of Scripture in 350 languages going to 200 nations is also the Lord’s work. If you are energetic, mechanically-minded, detail-oriented, quality and production-minded and able to trouble-shoot and fix mechanical problems World Missionary Press wants to talk with you!

To learn more visit or scan on the QR code. You can also set up a tour of the facility to learn more about the work environment. Find out how you can become a member of our team, impacting lives for eternity!



Grateful Quotes

Sharing the Gospel with Hawaiian Passengers

“Aloha from Hawaii,

I praise the Lord for your hard work for the kingdom of God. Here in Kahului, I used to display the booklets like a little library on the side walk in front of my house, where miles of students pass by every single study day. I passed out Help From Above and God Loves You! booklets in the English, Spanish, Tagalog, Marshallese, and Ilocano languages.

Now I am working Lyft and Uber and had the idea to give my “aloha” to every single passenger by giving them one of these booklets. I use the time of our ride (sometimes long) to share my personal experience with God Almighty. I see people confessing Jesus as Savior inside my car and this is priceless joy!

Thanks for letting me share what God is doing around me. So much love and prayers.”Sheila C., Hawaii






WMP Partners Around the World

Albert K.


Worldwide ministries large and small are supported by the free Scripture booklets provided by WMP. Their needs vary, but their gratitude and sincere appreciation is the same – “Thank you, your help is vital.” Albert K. directs a ministry in Uganda and has been using WMP Scripture booklets for several years. Last year he received 200,000 booklets in 10 languages directly from WMP. The following information is gleaned from his expression of gratitude for the work of WMP.


WMP: When did you first learn about WMP?

Albert: I got to know World Missionary Press through Frontline Outreach Ministries. WMP has continuously beefed up our ministries in the form of prayers and supplies of the famous Scripture booklets. The presence of WMP is always felt on all our outreach mission journeys into vulnerable and hard to reach communities and villages (and other parts of the world wherever the Lord leads). We therefore thank the entire team at World Missionary Press and all those who stand in the background and avail themselves to be used by the Lord to support WMP in all its work of supporting evangelism across the world. All your efforts are not in vain.


WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in your country?

Albert: Since WMP Scripture booklets are not for sale, the Word can reach every soul at no cost, which alone goes a long way in putting a smile on the faces and in the hearts of many who literally can’t even afford two meals a day! By His grace and mercy, the good news, in the people’s heart language, is able to reach the communities/villages with the love of Christ, and the Word of hope that melts every heart with peace and joy.


WMP: How do the Scripture booklets contribute to your ministries goals?

Albert: Our goal, as we continuously pray for more open doors, is to make the gospel of Christ the most famous of all things in the world. In all our mission work, beginning with Frontline Outreach Ministries, the partnership with WMP continues to be a source of encouragement in keeping the Gospel fire burning here in Uganda and throughout Africa.


WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of the topical Scripture booklets in your country?

Albert: As folks continue to hear the Word in their heart language, the Word not only brings salvation, but acts as a tool helping many to overcome all kinds of barriers and resistance! It’s indeed that heart language learned at home from the earliest age that holds the key to any person’s heart. So, thank you to World Missionary Press for using that “key” very well which has continued to ease the Great Commission work across the world to the glory and honor of the Lord Almighty.


WMP: How do the Bible studies and Scripture booklets from WMP help establish believers and strengthen churches in your country?

Albert: The pocket-friendly size of the Scripture booklets makes it easier to transport the booklets from one place to another. The size continues to come in handy when handing them to others. Also, the recipient gets a convenient way to read the Word as he/she has a few moments on a commute or other journey. The booklet format makes evangelism, from start to finish, a worthwhile experience in the company of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Scripture booklets, catering to all age brackets, are formatted in such a way that they suit the desire of every heart. They continue to be very resourceful reading material at every stage of ministry – far beyond what anyone would have imagined! To the editing and printing team at World Missionary Press, thank you and praise the Lord for His wisdom, knowledge and understanding.



December 2022 Newsletter

Celebrating Jesus!

World Missionary Press exists only because the zeal of the Lord (Isaiah 9:7) sent Jesus into the world so that the speakers of every language, members of every tribe, descendants of every race, and citizens of every nation could know the thrill and wonder of forgiveness, salvation and sanctification in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

It is also God’s zeal that moves people to donate to WMP. It is He who ultimately provides the printed Word through the hands of faithful witnesses. WMP is only the facilitator. We have a holy and solemn privilege to print the story of God’s redemption in a form easily used to witness. We are very grateful for every dollar given to help us fulfill the work God has laid to our charge. Costs of production have increased significantly this past year. This newsletter details ways you can designate your funds at this joyous Christmas time; ways to help publish the good news and send out God’s message of hope and joy to hungry hearts, eager for the Hope Jesus brings!


Idea #1 – Founders Challenge

Recently, one of our partners donated $150,000 for Scriptures for Africa. He challenged us to raise another $150,000 for a total of $300,000. We are accepting the challenge and calling this our Founders Challenge because our founders, Watson and Rose Goodman, had such a heart for Africa. During their missionary career in South Africa, God gave them firsthand experience with the worldwide hunger and need of God’s Word in printed form. They began meeting that need on a small scale while on the mission field, but in 1961 they came home to begin a larger ministry known as World Missionary Press, that provides Scripture for almost all of Africa and the rest of the world!

In September, 2022, the General Secretary for Evangelical Alliance in DRC Congo wrote to our distributor in Rwanda, “I recently got your contact during my short visit to Rwanda. I encountered believers sharing Christian literature in homes and other places. Some of the literature used was Help from Above and The Way to God.  I was very much moved that these materials could be a platform for Evangelical Alliance in DRC Congo…. We plan to use them in our upcoming major evangelistic campaign in Goma, Masisi, Rutshuru and Walikale, where we envision reaching 300,000 individuals in homes across our entire province.” Our distributor had booklets in stock and was able to fill the General Secretary’s request. WMP is committed to Africa!

The Founders Challenge will help fund the production and shipping costs of 40-foot containers to South Africa ($82,493) with 21 different languages in its hold, to Ethiopia ($91,570), to Rwanda ($94,098), and to Nigeria ($100,481) in 2023. You can get on board our Founders Challenge with a gift of any amount—no gift is too small or too large to help impact souls for eternity!



Idea #2 – A box of Scripture booklets every month

As trimmed 48-page Scripture booklets come off our binderies, volunteers pack 500 copies into each box, weighed to about 10 pounds, and strapped for shipping. These boxes serve as convenient carriers for Christian workers around the world as they trek from village to village, and door to door.

A regular monthly donation of $25.00 for a “WMP BOX” provides 500 Scripture booklets for a church planter in Congo, river ministry along the Amazon in Brazil, and village evangelists in South Asia—bringing glad tidings of great joy into the darkness and leaving a lasting message of hope and redemption.

Idea #3 – A roll of paper

By producing topical Scripture booklets in over 350 languages, WMP provides a unique ministry tool, free of charge, for multiplied nations of the world where materials are not readily available or affordable. The need for “paper missionaries” continues to grow, even in a digital age.

Rolls of PAPER are needed to keep the web press running! A gift of $1,430.74 provides a 1,500- pound 35-inch-wide roll of paper for printing the inside pages for 85,000 48-page Scripture booklets! (The cost per roll of paper increased almost 25% from last year’s $1,147.00 per roll.) A gift of $715.37 will provide half a roll.


Idea #4 – Paper for full-color covers

All WMP topical Scripture booklets and Bible study booklets now have full-color covers. Attractive colorful covers are appealing to the eye, sparking an interest in what might be inside. The contents are still the same precious Scriptures to share the “good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.”

Printing full-color booklet covers is done on our efficient 6-unit sheet-fed press. Each stack of 8,500 sheets costs between $578 and $978 depending on availability, and provides colorful covers for 136,000 48-page Scripture booklets or 68,000 full-color covers for the variety of Bible studies that WMP produces. You can help keep color covers flowing!

Idea #5 – Powerful ink on paper

Ink is vital to the process of printing. When black ink is applied to the rollers on our web press, words from Scripture bring “dead” paper to life! A 425-lb barrel of black ink costing $650.00 transforms rolls of blank paper into the inside pages of approximately two million powerful 48-page Scripture booklets.

A 5-lb can of color ink used to print the full-color covers of Scripture booklets (as well as newsletters and brochures) costs $23.75. A donation of $100.00 will provide color for approximately 58,000 Scripture booklet covers.


Idea #6 – Overseas contract printing

God continues to lead World Missionary Press to provide booklets for certain nations which restrict importing from the USA. Reliable in-country printers are contracted to print the Scripture booklets, which WMP’s national coordinators are able to provide to Christians waiting to share in the joy of giving God’s Word to friends and neighbors. Such overseas printings are generally more expensive than printing in our plant; however, God continues to provide the contacts and the resources to meet the need.

Current contracts in process or pending include printings in S. Asia, Indonesia, and Myanmar. The request from Indonesia for our 2022-2023 fiscal year includes 575,000 copies of the God Loves You! coloring book, which is being well-received. Printing will also include 500,000 Scripture booklets and 350,000 Bible study books.

A donation of any amount will help support believers in these countries by printing God’s Word there.


Idea #7 – New Testaments

Requests for New Testaments are included in many orders from national coordinators and major distributors. Currently, WMP offers New Testaments in just a few languages, but each one is a vital part of building newfound faith in Africa, Latin America, and Haiti. To have one’s own copy to read at any time, and to sense that God’s Word is personal and belongs to you, can deepen the relationship between God and His child. The work begun with the Scripture booklets and Bible studies is continued by studying the entire New Testament. Meeting the pent-up need for Spanish New Testaments for the coming year will require a printing of 200,000 copies. Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Honduras are waiting.

Arabic New Testaments are invaluable in African countries. There is curious interest in the New Testament and the story of Jesus. The New Testaments are gladly received, and the truth of who Jesus is can be presented by the Holy Spirit as the pages unfold. A printing of 50,000 copies will reach into Senegal, Guinea, South Sudan, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, and beyond.

A donation of $150.00 will send 175 Spanish New Testaments to brothers and sisters in Christ who long for His Word. A donation of $200.00 will provide 235 Arabic New Testaments that can open seeking eyes and prepared hearts.

Idea #8 – Shipping materials: boxes, strapping, pallets, shrink-wrap

Sending Scripture booklets to the far corners of the world entails using all types of transport—sea containers, postal delivery, trucks, buses, trains, motor bikes, pack animal—before the package arrives at its destination. To prepare shipments for transport, some necessary “little things” involve expenses which are included in the overall cost of providing Scripture booklets to the world.

World Missionary Press uses sturdy cardboard boxes specially designed to hold certain weights. Boxes are strapped closed, rather than depending on tape. Most boxes are loaded onto heat-treated pallets for transport in ship containers. After pallets are loaded to a limited height, they are shrink-wrapped to secure them until the container is unloaded thousands of miles from our dock.

A donation of $99.58 will provide for 256 boxes to be packed with Scripture booklets and fill one pallet. A donation of $96.00 will purchase one coil of strapping and $119.00 will pay for 17 heat-treated pallets to fill a 40-foot container. A gift of $67.00 will purchase 1 roll of shrink-wrap.


Idea #9 – Shipping to the world

Challenges to shipping sea containers have become formidable. Rising prices, closed or congested ports, limited shipping lanes and berths, availability of empty containers—all make for uncertain schedules, but day after day God shows that He is sovereign and that He will make His Word known to the world. As container shipments are completed in production, the task of arranging the delivery to faraway places begins. One by one they leave the WMP dock safe in God’s hands. Shipments are currently en route to 18 different countries. Although delays are often encountered, shipments arrive intact and find their way to the prescribed destination, safe and undamaged. Surely God has His hand on His Word!

This past fiscal year, 59 containers were sent to 45 countries, covering the globe! Shipments carried booklets in languages such as Guarani, Kalenjin, Zulu, Sango, and Maasai. Millions will receive God’s Word, some for the first time in their own language!

We are encouraged to continue trusting the Lord! Even with all the current uncertainties, sending via ship container is still the most economical way to send Scripture booklets, Bible studies, coloring books, and New Testaments. Shipping-related costs to send a container shipment of 4,215 boxes going to Nigeria will amount to $20,481.00. Sending those same boxes via the postal service would cost $225,552.00. Sending 4,215 boxes to Bolivia will cost $11,347.60, saving $148,824.40 over shipping by mail. Such savings allow WMP to print more booklets for more countries, using every donated dollar to the fullest capacity.

Your donation of any amount will help container shipments continue to flow out of the plant, over the seas, and safely into the harbors of the world.



November 2022 Newsletter

Dynamic Emergence of Language

“For You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” —Revelation 5:9

Languages (or tongues) are not static. According to “There are about 7,099 languages spoken in the world. This number is constantly increasing because new world languages emerge every day. These languages are dynamic and living.”

Although WMP currently prints in over 350 languages, we are continually adding new languages, and/or revising languages of booklets already in print. Many of our 25 titles still need to be translated into more of our existing languages. The decision at any one of these levels depends on many factors – starting with one of our major distributors making known the need.

Our distributor in Bolivia is eager for us to publish The Way to God booklet in Plautdietsch (Low German). As production of this new language progresses it is interesting that we might hear a dialect of this language spoken by the Amish and Mennonite people around us. WMP is located among one of the largest Amish/Mennonite communities in the United States.

Mike R., a distributor in the Philippines, reported: We had “15,000 Cebuano [booklets] and Gospel materials. We have distributed most all of them to pastors, missionaries, crusades and true Christians leading Bible studies in the rural homes and inner cities alike.” He concluded with, “Hopefully WMP is printing some more Cebuano as we speak.”

Cebuano and Tagalog languages (spoken by a majority in the Philippines) have updated versions of the Bible that are well-accepted and widely used. As per our distributor’s request, these languages are slated for production, but WMP wanted to revise the booklets first before reprinting them. It was an exciting moment and answer to prayer, when final corrections for Tagalog and Cebuano came back from the field just weeks before going into production.

Our Bible Study on John is available in 16 languages, and is an excellent Bible study for new believers and for discipleship. There is much demand to have this Bible study translated into more of the languages we produce.  Alexis H., of Youth for Christ Benin, included these comments as she placed an order for more copies: “Just last Saturday, while following up with a new believer in Christ, I was promising to teach her how to study the Word of God when she brought out your Bible Study on John mentioning how to study the Bible. She has learned a lot about the book of John by reading   and answering the questions.”

Recently a distributor asked us to produce booklets in the Birifor language of Ghana. To accommodate this type of request, WMP must first determine the “viability” of a new language, of revising booklets, or of expanding translations of some of our booklets. Viability is based on many factors. There typically needs to be a well-accepted, conservative translation of the Bible or at least New Testament in the requested language (we do not translate the Bible), and a willing volunteer translator able to convert non-Scripture wording (such as titles). We also look at the number of speakers and literacy rate for the candidate language. Finally, we must be able to obtain permission from the copyright holder to use their translation.

If viability cannot be established, we would encourage the use of our literature in a language the people group might also speak. In this case, the people group that uses the Birifor language is comparatively small. We may still do the translation, but we would likely make it available online only. This has already been done with The Way to God in Belarusian and Help from Above in Ojibwe.

Once viability is established, the booklet is formatted with the accepted Scripture and wording provided by the volunteer translator. The draft document is meticulously reviewed many times, being sent back and forth to the field two or three times; checked by the translator and WMP to ensure that wording, punctuation, diacritical markings, etc. are accurate. Months (sometimes years) later, the printed booklets emerge from the bindery, packaged in our 10-pound boxes, and ready for shipment.

Through these efforts many are drawn to Christ by the truly living, dynamic, and unchanging Word of God in the ever-emerging, energetic, and dynamic common languages of the people.

[Every donated dollar provides for the production of 28 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,800 people; $1,000 will impact 28,000 people who need to have hope in God.]

Meet the Team

Scarlet F.

Bulk Mailing Specialist

Because my home church has always supported and given to WMP, I have grown up knowing about it. One of the highlights of my youth was attending the yearly dinners with my grandmother. My own salvation experience gave me the desire to work for a Christian organization, making an impact and helping do God’s work.

Before working here, I volunteered on the bindery. I started full-time work in June as the Bulk Mailing Specialist. I prepare the monthly newsletter, Prayer and Praise letter, and Prison Inmate Newsletter for mailing. This involves working with mailing lists, sorting, and barcoding addresses. It also involves relating to and working with the volunteers each month who help stuff the newsletters into envelopes. I enjoy their friendly faces and I am very appreciative of their work. I also like working with Christian staff in a Christian atmosphere.

When I am not working, I delight in drawing, painting and making jewelry. My goal is to eventually make jewelry to sell. In high school, I became involved in a cat rescue and adoption program, which I still volunteer for. I currently have two cats I rescued. I also spend time traveling with my family.

I grew up in New Paris with my parents and younger brother. I was adopted from Guatemala when I was 5 months old. My brother is 2 years younger than I am and was adopted from Guatemala when he was 8 months old. I feel very grateful to have been adopted by a Christian family and raised in a Christian home. Being adopted has made me more aware of the need to spread God’s Word to the world. At some point in the future I would like to do some type of mission work in Guatemala.


Grateful Quotes

Inventing New Ways to Make Disciples

“Dear Friends,

As you know, after two years of COVID-19 things in the world are a little different.

During the crisis people didn’t get out. As a result there were less people to witness to in the plazas and streets. Our ministry leadership (at Mexico for Jesus) woke up to the reality that just about everyone has a cell phone – using the internet, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and so on. So during the crisis we started sending the Scripture booklet, How to Know God, to their WhatsApp, Twitter and so on. You would not believe the response!

People started responding back, so we started small groups via Zoom to study the Scripture booklet. From there many have gone on to study the New Testament. Some have completed that and are now in the process of going through the Old Testament. God has helped us to invent new ways to make disciples whether on the internet, here in person, and across Mexico.”

—Jim J., Mexico

WMP Partners Around the World

Kim S.


Many ministries look to World Missionary Press to provide a particular item to help broaden their outreach and effectiveness. In Franco Africa, the French New Testaments provided by WMP are in great demand and provide a means to encourage and disciple new believers.


WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature? 

Kim: Our first shipment of WMP literature for Wordsower was received in 2013.


WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry. 

Kim: Wordsower Africa has four indigenous missionary bases in Liberia and one each in Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. These bases are strategically located in the midst of resistant, unreached tribes. In the regions of our bases are towns that have never had churches. In the midst of these strongholds, we are seeing salvations. We are baptizing, discipling and starting churches.


WMP: What challenges do you have to the free and open distribution of the literature from WMP?

Kim: World Missionary Press printed 141,000 French New Testaments and Scripture booklets that we need for former Muslims in Guinea and Ivory Coast. They shipped them to Christian Aid Ministries who put them in a container and shipped them across the ocean. The 7,000 pound load was trucked to Hope 2, for free storage. A fourth ministry, Kingdom Earth Builders, took a truck load to Missionary Aviation Fellowship in Monrovia to be flown to our base in Zwedru. A trailer load was hauled from Zwedru to the sixth ministry, Hope in the Harvest Missions International, in the city of Ganta. From Zwedru and Ganta, Wordsower Africa took the literature across the Guinea and Ivory Coast borders via 55 gallon barrels strapped to the back of motor bikes. Harassment by border guards, accidents, bruises and blood are the norm when crossing the border. Stitches and broken bone treatment are sometimes needed. Bike breakdowns are common, resulting in sleeping along the road in the mud, against a tree or on a log. Our base leaders will give the [New Testaments] and Scripture booklets to the new converts to use for evangelism, discipleship and church planting.


WMP: Can you share a specific testimony that stands out to you?

Kim: There is a town in Liberia called Dejieh. This town was a powerful Animist, demonic stronghold. Their spiritual leader, called “the devil”, had made a law, stating that no one was to go to church, no church was allowed in his town, and no one was to baptize. The penalty for breaking this law was the fine of one cow. It was also stated and known that if anyone tried to enter the town with Christianity that they will be severely punished. Our Wordsower Africa disciples entered knowing the threat and consequences. Many came to Christ through their fearless efforts, including “the devil” himself! Our team goes to them discipling regularly. The town has agreed that they need a church and has given land for a church. We have never entered an Animistic demonic stronghold, through Christ, and not crumbled its foundation. Pray for this town.


WMP: How has the free literature helped churches to establish believers and encourage evangelism?

Kim: This testimony from our indigenous missionary team in Sierra Leone is typical. “We are training the new converts from 36 different communities to be used as soldiers for our Lord Jesus Christ… 97% of the 615 new converts that were baptized were Muslims. We are training them to know the Scriptures, teach the Scriptures, correct self-mistakes, live righteous lives and be equipped for every good work. A designated team works with them. The team sets up fellowship groups in each of their communities. Pray that the Holy Spirit will make our plan successful.” We love the God Loves You! book. We take these from town to town, village to village, door to door. We gather the children together, and give them colored pencils. They will color as they listen. In my 14 years in Liberia I have never seen material for teaching children.

October 2022 Newsletter

Building For New Horizons

“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” —John 8:12b

The sun just cresting the horizon on a mild and beautiful cloudless day makes the heart rejoice and the mind fill with words of praise. It is with that feeling of gratitude and wonderment that on November 5th, World Missionary Press will be dedicating our new building that the Lord has provided for the expansion of His work. Interestingly the new building’s ground breaking took place 60 years to the day from the dedication of the original building that housed World Missionary Press in 1961. Eight buildings the size of that first building would fit inside this 16,400 square foot warehouse.

This warehouse is not just so we can be a bigger company, or have a larger presence in the community. As stated in our September, 2021 newsletter, “Our vision is beyond buildings and machinery. It remains a calling from our Savior to take His Word to the world.” The vision for the building began forming in 2013 when the property was bought with two standalone buildings. It was felt that a building connecting the two could someday be constructed. The new warehouse is a memorial to our faith that God would build it “in His time for His purpose.” For the past 8 years procedures have been put in place, staff hired, and production increased. When the time was right (and we asked for your help) the funds poured in from willing hearts.


In this fiscal year fifty-three containers have been sent, with ten more slated to leave as shipping is available. We are producing at a rate equivalent to more than 9 million booklets a month. The new building facilitates keeping up with increasing production demands by creating more shipment staging space, more room for equipment, relieving workflow bottlenecks, and the addition of a new booklet bindery and baler. It is exciting to consider what God will do with this increased capacity– “The sky’s the limit!”


The truth of the light of the gospel crossing more and more horizons is borne out in the ever-increasing demand for materials. For example, in Peru our coordinator could only take a few pallets at a time (showing how a lack of space can hinder the work), however two other ministries have emerged in Peru and are requesting increased amounts of literature. In South Africa a former WMP national coordinator has seen his own ministry increase to the point that he has requested an additional container of literature because of the expanding open doors for outreach.


From a human stand point there is always urgency in production. We must work while it is day, there are souls lost every second, and doors are sometimes open for a limited time. Thus we have worked and prayed hard that production would continue without interruption. Romania is one example of open doors into many of the Balkan states, Ukraine, and other bordering countries. In Africa, a new ministry partner, New Covenant Missions, is asking for materials to use in 26 countries. Many of our distributors are increasing their orders as churches and mission organizations in their countries are continuing and renewing their outreach efforts in a vital way. The Lord is also working to get Scripture into closed countries like Mauritania through Senegal. Our partner ministries are growing in Ghana, Chad, Kenya, and throughout the African continent.


Even with this urgency we know and believe that all literature leaving our plant goes in God’s time and under His direction. Although the internet is ever growing in popularity (WMP has a website, a mobile app, and various social media sites), the vast majority of the 8 billion people on this earth use printed materials for information. Often we receive testimonies of people who find a booklet in a trash can, or lying on the street; or they remember it in their pocket, or on the table; at just the right time they read it, and accept Jesus as Savior. A lady from the USA related how someone gave her a Scripture booklet and it changed her life completely. In requesting more copies she wrote, “I want to be able to give [them] to someone else for Jesus to change their life.” This is the power of God’s Word.


We are dedicating this building and rededicating this campus to sending the light of the gospel beyond our present day horizons.

[You can help fund Scripture booklets containing the light of the gospel for worldwide distribution! Every donated dollar provides for the production of 28 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,800 people; $1,000 will impact 28,000 people who need to know God.]



Meet the Team

Steve K.

Prayer Mobilization Coordinator

I became aware of WMP in 2004 when I moved to northern Indiana from Kansas City, Missouri. Recently my term on the Indiana Haiti Benefit Auction ended (which raises money for Mennonite Haiti missions), so I was praying about another ministry opportunity. My daughter noticed from the highway sign that WMP was hiring and I felt impressed to check it out.

WMP offered the Prayer Mobilization Coordinator (PMC) position, which I accepted at the end of July. PMC is a new position, designed to close just some of the gaps created by the home going of Vicky Benson. As PMC I am collaborating on newsletter content, preparing the Prayer and Praise Letter, promoting and scheduling the usage of the World Prayer Center and Fireplace Prayer Room. In short, promoting prayer.

I appreciate this opportunity for two reasons: first, without self-aggrandizement or fanfare World Missionary Press is consistently fulfilling its mission, devoted to Christian ministries around the world that need literature, and completely dependent on prayer to victoriously spread the Word of God. Second, this position pulls together many of my experiences in pastoral ministry, in the publication industry, and as an editor/writer.

I am an ordained minister, a published author, and a master electrician. My wife and I live in Milford, by Lake Waubee, where we spend much of our time kayaking, bicycling, remodeling our home, landscaping, gardening, crafting, reading, and entertaining our 7 children and 8 grandchildren.

Grateful Quotes

“Because of this I now know who God is in my heart.”

“I pray that this finds you highly favored and truly blessed.

“Originally, I just obtained one of your datebooks because it was a free calendar, but a nagging sensation compelled me to start reading the Scripture contained within. Because of this I now know who God is in my heart. I do my best now to spend time with Him in prayer every day. I delve into the Scripture so much that I have a great deal committed to memory. Thank you for helping me rekindle that spark which ignited my fire and passion for a relationship with God.

“Blessings in Messiah”

—Thomas S.



WMP Partners Around the World


Ademir C.


As we introduce one of our faithful ministry partners each month we are reminded of how many have served for years and years and how the Lord has blessed that faithfulness. It is a blessing to the WMP staff and supporters to provide the seed for the sowers who continue to labor while it is day. We praise God for their example. 


WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry. 

Ademir: I am coordinator of the Chaplaincy for the Assemblies of God in Belém, Brazil. My role here is evangelism; we distribute WMP material, Bibles, and other reading material. I focus on two areas. First is the prisons. Brazil currently has nearly one million people incarcerated in prisons and jails. Through the Assemblies of God ministry, we have been able to reach almost all of them in some way with these materials. Second, Amazonia; a very large region where transport relies on boats. God gave me a vision of someone traveling on those routes but not having anything to do during the trip. What’s he going to do? He’s going to read. What’s he going to read? He’s going to read about God and His plan for salvation. Above all, I want to take the message of God summarized by John 3:16, the love of God, the plan of God for mankind.


WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature? 

Ademir: I first heard about WMP through Pastor Erno E., who is the WMP coordinator here in Brazil. We have worked and ministered together now for over 30 years.


WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in your country?

Ademir: A huge portion of the population in Brazil today is evangelical! I praise God for your lives and ministry because you have everything to do with that. Only in eternity will we know the real scope of your work because I know you operate in many countries, but in Brazil the number of people who are evangelical has increased significantly, and continues to grow.


WMP: How long does a shipment of WMP literature last?

Ademir: I do my best to stretch a shipment for one year – but I would love to receive two [containers]     of material per year. Brazil is a huge country, and the material that I receive is excellent but doesn’t quite cover the number of people I’d like to reach throughout the entire nation.


WMP: What challenges do you have in your country to the free and open distribution of literature from WMP?

Ademir: The largest challenge I have is that I support missionaries and missionary families spread throughout the Amazon region. They work full-time as missionaries to spread the Gospel and rely on support. Recently we have had some financial difficulties which have been a significant challenge. Another issue is shipping in the Amazonia region – so much relies on boats in that region, which can be very costly and slow. It can take a long time and cost a lot for the literature to be distributed fully in that area.


WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of the topical Scripture booklets in your country?

Ademir: We distribute the material in hard to reach locations or other areas where people move around a lot, so it’s hard to speak of one specific testimony. We have seen great change in our nation over time and again, eternity will tell just how effective these wonderful booklets of pure Bible text are here.


WMP: How do the Bible studies and Scripture booklets from WMP help establish believers and strengthen churches in your country?

Ademir: Thirty years ago, Brazil was primarily Catholic or even Catholic in name-only. God raised up ministries like WMP and others – and today we have a huge number of Evangelical Christians of different denominations. We are so thankful for you, for the people who support the work both in prayer and otherwise. May God reward your work; without it, this wouldn’t be possible. You are helping us win a nation for Christ. Thank you.