Search Results for "our help from above"

June 2021 Newsletter

Growing Openness to the Gospel in Europe

“And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ ” —Acts 16:9

It is especially exciting to receive requests which present new opportunities to provide Scripture booklets and to develop new relationships to reach the world with the Word of God. Such was an email from Denitsa K., who wrote on behalf of a Christian ministry started in Bulgaria in 2003, but which has a wide outreach even beyond Bulgaria.

“We have reached hundreds of thousands of people, preaching in evangelistic tents as well as in the open-air, on the streets of many cities and villages as well as in different institutions: in hospitals, schools, old-age homes and orphanages.

“We believe that every person is precious in the sight of God. His dream is for everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. And we have the privilege to fulfill the dream of God.”

This ministry organizes and carries out different kinds of evangelistic events, working in cooperation with ministers from Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, England, Sweden, Belarus, Russia, Buryatia (in Siberia), Poland, Spain, as well as from the United States.

Their next goal is to focus on Poland, as they have many missionary teams there which are active for the gospel. Denitsa continued, “In view of the fact that Christian literature in Poland is not easily available, we kindly ask for information whether you have available Scripture booklets in Polish. Also, we need booklets and literature in Bulgarian, as we continually serve in Bulgaria and there is a shortage of many kinds of booklets in Bulgarian as well.

“And last, but not least, we ask whether you can offer us Scripture booklets and other Christian literature in Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian, which will be really useful for our missionary work in Central Europe.”

Follow-up with this ministry led to an initial order for Poland and 35,000 Bulgarian booklets supplied though our coordinator in Romania.

Week after week the Lord leads in ways we had not known or considered.

A faithful WMP partner from Finland, with personal street evangelism experience, has felt the Lord’s call to reach out in unique ways. “One project in my heart,” wrote Ed G., “is to travel around Finland in a motor­home with a bicycle, driving into cities and cycling around delivering Scripture booklets door-to-door. There is much demand here for Persian/Farsi, Russian, Estonian, Somali, and Arabic. I recently embarked on new outreaches of seeking foreigners by visiting foreign restaurants. It takes many years to learn Finnish fluently (I am still learning after 20 years). I feel peace when giving people booklets in their mother tongue.”

A pastor in Lisbon, Portugal, who reaches out to refugees, looking for help with literature in Portuguese and Arabic, was excited to receive his first supply of Scripture booklets as “paper missionaries” to offer these refugees a continuing message from the One who loves them.

Friederike S. wrote, “We are the largest distributor of Bibles and evangelistic literature in Switzerland.” They have been a WMP distributor for 30 years, faithfully requesting small supplies of specific languages and titles as needed. The most recent request from Friederike included The Way to God booklets in German, French, Italian, English, Spanish, Arabic, and Turkish.

One current project that is most encouraging is a 20-foot container shipment being prepared for Denmark. Booklets in 23 languages, including Icelandic and Dari (Afghanistan), will be distributed throughout Europe by believers who are faithfully sharing the truth of God’s Word. The shipment also includes 11,000 Persian/Farsi New Testaments which our contacts have been eagerly waiting for, to share with Iranians living in northern Europe who are interested and open to receiving God’s Word.

Our coordinator in Denmark, Tonny M., has been evangelizing on the streets for 25 years, faithfully proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been working on the logistics needed to receive a container shipment and finally believes that now is the time. “Don’t ever give up on us!” he wrote. “We will never give up working for Christ, till the work is terminated from above either way! Receptivity to Scripture booklets/tracts and witnessing conversations continues to be very good!”

One interesting point about the growing openness to the gospel in Europe was shared by a Nigerian pastor in Stockholm, Sweden and reiterated by our coordinator in Denmark. There seems to be “an evangelistic boomerang from Africa and Asia coming to Europe.” In past years, “God’s Word went from Europe to Africa, and now it has come back from those places. Much of the spiritual life in [European] countries now comes from former mission fields!”

Praise God for His sovereign plan and purpose, moving peoples from lands of restriction to lands where the gospel can be freely heard and received. Praise Him for the strong Church He is building around the world for His glory!

[You can help provide God’s Word for Europe and the world. Every donated dollar helps produce 29 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,900 people; $1,000 will impact 29,000 people who need to know God.]


Grateful Quotes

“A great need to hear the gospel in Norway.”

“I just want to send a big thank you to you all for the Norwegian Scripture booklets I received from you last week. There is a great need here for people to hear the gospel. Evangelism and local missions seem not YET a great priority here, but I pray that God will change hearts and that your booklets will all fall on good soil to produce salvation and passionate new-born believers. Will also send a financial gift so that you are thanked not with words only. Many thanks!”

—Alan B., Norway



Meet the Team

Brent M.

Partner Relations Team


My father- and mother-in-law volunteered at WMP in the past, and when I would drive by on the way to Warsaw to visit family, the sign out front would catch my eye, and I would take a second to think about working here. I was looking for a Christian ministry to work with, and the opportunity presented itself to join World Missionary Press and put my skills to work for God’s ministry.

As of mid-April, I have been here almost two months. As part of the Partner Relations team, I help develop and schedule email communications, special projects, and other campaigns that allow us to share what’s happening at World Missionary Press. The thing I like best about WMP is that the work we do here has a direct impact on the gospel being shared throughout the world. It is also a joy to come to work knowing that every person is willing to pray with me. That is not always the case with every job.

When I’m not working, I love to play soccer. I play year-round in both indoor and outdoor leagues. As part of my involvement, I am on the board of my outdoor league. I am also a realtor and enjoy helping people in that capacity. I have set up a woodworking shop at my home and have made a few shop projects and a bench for our dining table. It’s a skill I enjoyed learning in high school and have picked up again in the past few years.

I have a beautiful wife of five years and a two-year-old daughter who is full of energy. We love to go on walks through our neighborhood and enjoy our backyard. A fun fact is we were married locally in January 2016, and also had a private vow-renewal ceremony on our honeymoon in Hawaii that summer. So, we celebrate two anniversaries each year!



WMP Partners Around the World

Steve B.
Nicaragua Update

In 2004 the Messiah Project in Nicaragua began using WMP literature. As they reached more remote regions, the Lord opened doors to bring the Word of God to the Miskito Indians of the Rio Coco for the first time in their own language. What the Spirit of God has done through His Word and the faithfulness of many is a ringing testimony of God’s unfailing love for all people, wherever they are and whatever language they speak.

WMP: Steve, how did having Scripture booklets in the Miskito language help establish believers in the Rio Coco region?

Steve: After years of experiencing their impact first-hand, I believe that God truly inspired the topical format of the Scripture booklets to effectively introduce people to the Word of God. Though many in rural and remote regions haven’t had the benefit of a high-school education, they are able—with the help of the Holy Spirit—to grasp a topic through the selected verses.

WMP: How has the pandemic affected the work of recently established churches and believers?

Steve: On my return to Nicaragua in March, we had wonderful, joy-filled meetings and services. I have been humbled to see how powerfully the Lord has moved during this pandemic phase. At a time of fear and uncertainty, the brothers and sisters of Messiah Project chose to try and make a difference. They took to the streets and marketplaces to share the good news of Jesus. Pooling together the offerings from each church, they purchased basic food supplies and prepared gift bags, making sure to include several Scripture booklets in each bag, sowing the Word of God in homes that otherwise might not receive spiritual food.

WMP: You have called the Scripture booklets “invaluable resources.” Can you elaborate?

Steve: WMP Scripture booklets are an essential part in sowing the love of God and hope for a better future. Though people will listen to what we have to say, they can soon forget. But when we give them a Scripture booklet, we know the Word of God will go back with them to their homes and continue to bear fruit. Many of our brothers and sisters want to do something for the Lord but feel inadequate or unprepared. Scripture booklets are an invaluable resource in training and equipping these precious saints. Anyone can “go” and give someone a Scripture booklet, which is part of the foundation we build upon in making disciples of Jesus Christ.

WMP: Another container of literature is ready to send to Nicaragua. Are you ready to receive it?

Steve: As I reviewed last year’s report of our evangelistic outreaches across the country, I was amazed at the amount of literature they had given out in my absence—over 1,600 boxes! I know the literature from WMP has been an intrinsic part of the Lord’s work through Messiah Project. I have spent the better part of two days signing certificates of baptism, rededications of lives restored, and the dedication of children to the Lord from new members of the Messiah Project churches across the country. We are ready to receive another shipment of literature! After I see how the virus has affected the customs process, I will initiate the process of shipping the literature at your earliest convenience!

Messiah Project is responding to the need to provide New Testaments in the Miskito language by providing a translation and raising funds to help WMP print 25,000 copies! Preparation for printing is almost complete. From not even knowing the name of Jesus, to learning of God’s love through a feeding program in hundreds of centers and being introduced to God’s Word through Scripture booklets, to having churches established along the Rio Coco with the New Testament in their own language—“Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” (Psalm 107:8).






May 2021 Newsletter

Reaching Out in Ethiopia

“Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.” —2 Corinthians 9:10-11

Diriba and his friends have one main goal: to reach the people in their country who are not in Christ. They boldly wrote, asking WMP for help in reaching 5 million Ethiopians in the coming year and requesting one million Scripture booklets! What zeal and vision! While we could not provide that large a number, we offered to provide a beginning order in the languages they requested—Amharic and Oromic (Oromiffa), spoken by the majority of the people of Ethiopia as their first language—which will enable their team to give the story of Jesus and His love to many in this nation of 112 million.

Though bordered by nations often hostile to the preaching of the gospel, Ethiopia is blessed to have laws allowing for freedom of religion, and the doors are open for sharing the good news. The Joshua Project reports 37 unreached people groups in Ethiopia with a combined population of 33 million, almost one third the nation’s total population.

WMP’s national coordinator in Ethiopia, Samuel B., expressed how valuable literature is in doing the work of evangelism in his country. “One of the ways we get to share the gospel here in Ethiopia,” he wrote, “is through Scripture booklets. Literature has a way of getting to places where people can’t. It has a way of touching people’s hearts and changing their lives forever.”

During the recent pandemic, new opportunities emerged, and literature played a vital role in taking full advantage of those opportunities. In Ethiopia literature is especially used in reaching Muslims. During the pandemic, it was used more than ever because it was a safe way to share the gospel. In the northern part of the country, they saw great victory when one of their volunteers organized tables around the city, displaying different kinds of literature so people could come and see and take anything they wanted to read. It was a way he could share the gospel when the churches were closed. Samuel B. added, “Literature is also a way we reach people in prison. We have seen many prisoners’ lives changed through the literature.”

Although the gospel came to Ethiopia in the first century, many Christians today face persecution and confrontation. Muslims who have accepted Christ often face violence and death threats. Recent news reports tell of militant attacks on Christians, with many believers living with the ongoing threat of attack (Barnabas Fund, April 2021). By providing free topical Scripture booklets in the languages of the people, WMP comes alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ, offering tools for reaching out to those in need, even in sometimes hostile situations.

For almost 30 years World Missionary Press has provided Scripture booklets for Ethiopia, sending 3.7 million booklets to help various ministries as well as individuals and small groups. Biniyam G. is an example of an individual who wrote, “Me and my friend are born-again Christians who strive to solve one of the problems in our location—the English language. So, we are trying to train people with a different background. In this process we are going to give them Christian books [in English] as working materials to read and discuss. Besides that, we need to read these books to grow in our spiritual understanding of the Word of God.” He ordered three copies of each of our English titles.

On behalf of his ministry, James M. wrote, “It’s been a year and a day since we last spoke via email, and I am happy to note we passed out every single gospel booklet you sent us at this time last year.…Thousands of people in the most remote and tribal places on earth are being evangelized by the dear missionaries I support. I just got notice that they need more, so I am reaching out to get another year’s worth (or so). We are in need and praying for 7,000 copies of Help from Above in Oromiffa (Borana).”

Ethiopia is no longer locked down, and our national coordinator reports that they are doing the work of the ministry across the nation. “To sum up,” he wrote, “literature is essential to reach countries like Ethiopia with the gospel. It is a shining hope for the people in the rural areas that have never heard the name, Jesus Christ; for the Muslim girl who has no way of reading the Word of God; and for those that have backed away from God and need encouragement to go back to Him. Literature is the way many people’s lives are changed for the better.”

WMP will soon be sending the 40-foot container (2 million booklets) requested by Samuel B. The door is open, hearts have been prepared, the workers are ready, and it’s time for them to receive the precious seed of God’s Word. Will you help them go boldly through the open doors and reach out to those who have never heard the precious name of Jesus?

[You can help provide God’s Word for Ethiopia and the world. Every donated dollar helps produce 29 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,900 people; $1,000 will impact 29,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes


Help from Above saved my life.

“We have a community labour booking office from which we’d like to distribute Help From Above booklets in terms of evangelism.

“One of these booklets really helped me to get to know God after trying to commit suicide. I found the booklet in a Muslim person’s home, so I believe it sometimes may not be for the person who takes the booklet but for somebody elsewhere, just as it saved my life.”

—R.P., South Africa



Meet the Team

In Memory of Robert G. Moore, Sr.

April 12, 1937—February 21, 2021

Board of Directors (1980-2020)


“I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16b).

Bob Moore lived this verse, sharing the gospel with all through word and deed. Bob often witnessed to others and helped those in need, including them in his network of friends. When the Lord put someone on Bob’s heart, he prayed faithfully for them, sometimes for years.

Bob frequently brought people to the Press for a tour, chapel, or invited them to WMP’s anniversary celebration. He was generous, always first to pay the tab at a restaurant or get involved in a project. Most importantly, Bob was a strong believer in the power of God’s Word. He served as a board member for 40+ years (chairman for 11), and on the Finance Committee for many years. During his decades of service, Bob had a major role in making WMP the ministry it is today.

Bob was funny and quick-witted. Often, when meetings got lively, Bob would make a joke to get everyone laughing. He also brought his business savvy to our discussions, lending valuable experience. Even when a decision didn’t go his way, he supported it once it was made. He valued and exemplified unity.

In 1988, Bob wrote, “I believe in World Missionary Press because I believe it is the most efficient way to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. The printed Word eliminates the possibility of building a monument to men. It is the purest form of the Word incarnate – Christ Himself. Habakkuk 2:14 says it best: ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.’ I am happy to be a small part of the fulfillment of that verse.”

During Bob’s tenure, WMP produced nearly 2 billion pieces of gospel literature. Imagine the souls reached! How many are even now thanking Bob for the part he played in introducing them to Jesus? WMP will miss Bob greatly; we look forward to seeing him again in the presence of the Lord.



WMP Partners Around the World


Frans K.


Frans K. has served as the WMP National Coordinator in Indonesia since 2010. Because printed materials in national languages may not be imported, WMP materials are printed in Indonesia under Frans’ capable direction and reporting. After the death of his precious wife, Frans took up the task of translating WMP’s new God Loves You! coloring book into Indonesian.

WMP: How are you able to distribute WMP literature in your country?

Frans: We partner with individuals, churches, Christian organizations, bookstores, and schools, providing material for revival meetings, pastor’s meetings, prison ministry and mission outreaches to other islands.

WMP: How have the pandemic, natural disasters, and attacks by militant Islamists affected distribution and effectiveness of the Scripture booklets?

Frans: PRAISE THE LORD, in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic pressures and challenges in life, God has still poured out His love. He gave us Sunday School teachers, volunteers, evangelists, and pastors, in many and wide opportunities to bring the Good News to many young and old through distributing WMP booklets.

WMP: Can you tell us about the reception of the new God Loves You! coloring book and Bible studies you recently printed?

Frans: God used those booklets as tools to reach many children and adults. A group of the Sunday School teachers visited an island near Manado, the Island of Siladen, 1.5 hours by small boat. They gave the Bible studies on John and Mathew to the pastor of the Protestant church in the island. These booklets brought them to know more of Jesus Christ the Savior and confirm their faith in this time of great challenges.

WMP: How can our readers pray for you and Indonesia?

Frans: We need prayer for distribution of the WMP booklets to people and churches who ordered, and for our volunteers and staff in the field. It’s our determination that as long as God gives us time and opportunities, we will proceed to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will continue to distribute these booklets to many places in Indonesia. We would like to express our gratitude to WMP Director, staff, and donors that make every effort to provide, print and distribute the booklets through WMP Indonesia. Thank you very much. In the precious name of CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD.

In the past four months, Frans has overseen the printing of 1.3 million WMP Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and salvation coloring books in the Indonesian language to send throughout this predominantly Muslim nation of 276 million people, spread over thousands of islands.




April 2021 Newsletter

Offering Resurrection Life!

“Because I live, you will live also.” —John 14:19b

My life was in hell when my husband drank,” said Anita. “There was nothing but physical aggression and he did not provide for our home.” Anita saw no way out of the continuing cycle of hopelessness and despair. But God saw the need of this family in Mexico and sent visitors to their door who brought the powerful Word of God into their home. Joyfully, Anita and her husband Francisco accepted the gift of God’s grace and salvation, bringing peace and new life. “Now that Jesus Christ is in control of my home,” said Anita, “I now know what it means to have peace. My husband treats me well and provides for our needs; before he did not have work. I thank my heavenly Father for the blessing we have received and, as the Word says, ‘As for me and my family, we shall serve Jehovah.’ ”

In this season, we focus more intently on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead—the foundation for our hope in this world and the world to come. His power to defeat the Enemy of our souls, who offers only death, is also the power for victory in our daily lives.

Millions who have never heard the name of Jesus, who are living without the eternal hope found in Christ, are waiting to discover “new life.” Directing people to this discovery is the vision of World Missionary Press. Offering Scripture booklets in 350 languages demonstrates that God’s love and salvation is for ALL—no matter who they are, where they live, or what language they speak. And, oh, the joy that comes when the Spirit implants the Word into the heart!

Kadeem B. wrote, “I must first [express] how much I have loved your booklets! My first experience with them was when my mother brought one home from her visit to the Salvation Army here in Jamaica. I was so entranced, I spent literally hours going through and through that little booklet, Help from Above. It came to me in a time when I needed it most, as I had only just accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Sadly, it has become a bit worn now, with the cover all but falling off. Recently my mother came with another tiny booklet, The Way to God, and I was sooo excited. Now I have two!

“Excitement aside,” he continued, “I am part of a group of young men and women in my church who have joined together to dedicate time to encourage each other in the Lord. I would love it if each of my brethren, or as many as possible, could have an opportunity to experience these booklets as I have. I am one hundred percent positive that it WILL be as great a help to each of them as it was for me.”

For almost 60 years, World Missionary Press has been providing topical Scripture booklets in multiple languages. The effectiveness of the booklets has led to increased demand year by year, bringing us recently to a level of producing the equivalent of 10 million Scripture booklets the size of Help from Above per month! Shipments are lined up, waiting for clearance to send out to several nations.

New products have been added, which include God Loves You!, a beautifully illustrated coloring book with associated verses, ideal for children and adults; Who Do You Say That I Am?, containing some of the powerful things Jesus said about who He is and why He came to earth; and Alive in Christ, a new study book designed to disciple new believers in their walk with God. Of particular interest is a new handout entitled The Path to Life, which features striking illustrations designed to support the reality of the accompanying Scripture verses. A new online animation feature has been added to this already popular ministry item. QR codes on four of the pages can be scanned, taking the reader to an animation based on the Scripture topic of the page. The four animations can be viewed collectively here:

To request a sample packet with a copy of each of these new products, e-mail

A recent matching-funds campaign, “Blessings for Brazil,” offered opportunity to help provide multiple containers of Scripture booklets for Brazil. This project has been strongly supported, providing for 6.4 million booklets. We want to continue this momentum by raising funds for an additional 3.6 million booklets (for a total of 10 million booklets) that will go throughout this vast and populous nation. We praise God for His provision through those who sense the need and answer the call. There is so much more to be done!

“I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,” wrote Eliana C. “We need a lot of Scripture booklets for evangelizing in our community.… We have many boys involved in trafficking and teenage girls already pregnant. We ask your help to evangelize and win those souls for Christ!”

From India, Bishop Amil W. wrote, “One of my pastor friends told me about you and gave me your website information. We have ministry among students who don’t know Christ. We have a burden to carry the gospel to them; we have a jail ministry among them. We also have ministry to 35 villages where nobody knows Christ as their personal Savior. Dear sir, kindly provide.”

The transforming power of the Word of God is demonstrated in homes and hearts across the globe. The single act of offering a clear and concise presentation of the gospel through a WMP Scripture booklet can rescue a soul from a Christless eternity, possibly beginning a divinely-inspired chain reaction that will affect an entire village.

[You can offer LIFE by providing God’s Word for free distribution throughout the world. Every donated dollar provides for producing 29 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,900 people; $1,000 will impact 29,000 people who need to know God.]




Grateful Quotes

God is an awesome provider!

“I left a message and sent an email through the website to see if you had a record of my last order because I wanted to duplicate it. Well, I hadn’t heard back, so I thought I had better figure out the amounts and get online to order because I had used up what I had on my previous Haiti flight. (I’m a flight attendant with Missionary Flights Int’l.)

“I got home that day, and the order was at my door! What a blessing! You’re wonderful. God is an awesome provider!

“Here are a couple of my best stories of giving the booklets to missionaries on our flights, and their joy in the unexpected provision. One group was so excited because they had hoped to get some Kreyol tracts but ran out of time before the trip. Another group had planned to meet with a translator in Haiti and decide what to do for the men’s Bible Study they were planning. I always package several English copies with the Kreyol. The Bible Study of Matthew was perfect! To God be the glory!”

—Cyndy H., Florida




Meet the Team

Noah B.

Full-Color Press Apprentice

When I was younger, I heard about World Missionary Press on the radio. I really liked the mission’s vision of sending out the gospel by literature. I’ve always been fond of missionary work, even as a child.

During college, my perspective changed on what it means to do outreach, as I realized how much need there is to have tools like WMP’s Scripture booklets. I really appreciate how concise and portable the booklets and handouts are. They really help direct conversations when witnessing to others.

I come from a family of seven and have a twin sister. How I came to work at World Missionary Press is a long story, but after we moved from Boston and I saw an open position at WMP online, the choice was easy.

I’ve been working at World Missionary Press for about three months now as an apprentice learning to operate the full-color offset press. What I love best about working here are the people and the ministry goals.

My hobbies are canoeing, art, and wilderness first aid.




WMP Partners Around the World

Bob & Mary H.



In highlighting the many, many WMP partners who receive and share larger quantities of Scripture booklets around the world, we find new appreciation for God’s plan to use families, churches, large ministries, etc. to accomplish His purpose. What a blessing to supply those who are willing to give of themselves and be involved in presenting Christ and His wondrous love in word and deed.

One couple, working through an extension ministry of their local church, has been faithfully packing boxes of WMP Scripture booklets, Bibles studies, and New Testaments for shipment to Haiti for more than ten years. This vision guides the efforts of the ministry:


“God is glorified as despair and suffering are alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed, and churches are established and nurtured.”


WMP: Bob and Mary, please describe how you share WMP literature for Haiti?


Bob & Mary: Our local church’s Haiti committee has been involved in sending sea containers with Bibles and material aid to Haiti since 1987. We first started helping in 1989 with collecting materials and packing the containers. Since 2010, we have been in charge of shipments which go to Hospital Lumiere in Haiti. When the hospital asks us for more WMP literature, we drive up to New Paris to pick up the boxes. A shipment from WMP is enough for 9-10 months.

WMP: How did you learn about WMP material?


Bob & Mary: One of our pastors had visited World Missionary Press and recommended to our committee your resources in Kreyol. The first written order that I have in my file was in 2009, but the missionary requesting the booklets and New Testaments had been distributing them before that. (Over the years, Bob & Mary have packed 776 boxes from WMP with 109,574 pieces of literature.)


WMP: How does having free literature help the hospital staff share the gospel?


Bob & Mary: It’s very helpful to have such an excellent resource of Scriptural materials printed in Kreyol. The hospital chaplains feel the Scripture booklets are a valuable asset in starting spiritual conversations and sharing the gospel individually with the patients. New Testaments and copies of A Bible Study on Matthew are used in discipleship.





November 2020 Newsletter

“Together we are Stronger.”


“The effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”—Ephesians 4:16b


Alan wanted to serve the Lord through urban evangelism in his city in eastern Brazil, but he had no material that would help him share the gospel; so he contacted World Missionary Press.

“I need donations of materials for evangelism,” he wrote. “Whatever you can donate to me will be a blessing in my life because I will be using it for urban evangelism activities that I carry out by the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ…. If you have any material that can help me to improve my way of evangelizing, I am ready to learn a little more for the benefit of the Kingdom of God that will be done through your donations and my going to the field. Together we are stronger.”


Alan shared his personal testimony: “I was [once] arrested for drug trafficking and guerrilla training. Today I am free because someone told me about the love of God through Jesus Christ. Today I am 22 years old.…Help me to bring others to Jesus Christ through your beautiful and blessed evangelism material.”



Reaching a populous, multi-ethnic nation spread out over one half of the land surface of South America requires a master plan of organization, staff, and resources. Our all-wise and loving God has called out preachers, evangelists, missionaries, and individuals to take His Word to every corner of Brazil through many media sources, including Scripture booklets in Portuguese from World Missionary Press.


From Rio de Janeiro, WMP’s national coordinator, Erno E., sends material into the far regions of Brazil—a daunting challenge over distances of up to 2,700 miles—as well as concentrating on the 6.7 million people in his city.


Clovis N., located in the city of Guarulhos in the State of São Paulo, mainly serves greater São Paulo, with its more than 20 million inhabitants.


Francisco R. serves from São Paulo as well, but also sends hundreds of thousands of booklets into Brazil’s northeastern states, where idolatry and witchcraft are rampant. Local pastors have seen the gospel replace witchcraft centers with churches established by new believers as light pushes out the darkness (see page 4). He wrote, “Two brothers took boxes 1,700 miles by truck to a major distributor in a remote city in the state of Para, who would spread the booklets all over the state, which has more than ten million people. Praise the Lord!”

Long-time distributor Ademir C. has concentrated his work in the Amazon region, supporting ministries working up and down the river and reaching out to the more than 20 million inhabitants of this region.


Pastor Leandro, who lives in the northernmost and least populated state of Brazil, wrote: “I live 160 kilometers from the capital. Here we cannot receive a telephone line signal, only the internet, so we can communicate only via WhatsApp or Email. I am writing to find out how I can acquire material so that I can do evangelism in this community that needs to know Jesus. Around 350 inhabitants live in the village, with many other nearby residents in rural properties.”


A pastor in Ariquemes, the third-largest city in Rondônia State, reported that when he received eight boxes of assorted Scripture booklets, the church distributed the booklets to the local people. “Many became Christians,” he wrote, “after reading the rich booklets and are being discipled by the pastors of the church.”

[You can help provide God’s Word for Brazil! Every donated dollar provides for producing 26 powerful Scripture booklets. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God. Every dollar earmarked for Brazil will be matched—up to $110,000—doubling your impact on this vast nation!]




Grateful Quotes


They received the Word with joy!


“We are faced with difficult situations due to the pandemic. Please keep us in prayers as we take the Word of God, reaching out to people with the Scripture booklets. Pray for us to be guided by the Holy Spirit on how we can continue to reach out to people, as the pandemic has caused a lot of fear among our people.


“People were in fear even of taking the booklets we were giving them, but we found a way. Having tangible things to hand them, like a pair of shoes from Soles for Jesus, which they needed, opened a door for us to also give them the Scripture booklets. We shared the Word of God with them, and they were joyful. We gave them Help from Above, which is Thuso e tsoang holimo in our language (Sesotho).

“It’s always our prayer that more people will be saved and be reached with WMP materials in the nations of the world. We bless the Lord for the ministry that WMP is doing. Continue the good work; the mission is possible.


—Ts’epo M., Lesotho




Meet the Team


Aaron K.



I heard about World Missionary Press from my fiancée (now my wife). We also heard about the housing option for people who work at WMP, and that caught our attention. In March 2020, I immigrated to the United States from the Netherlands to get married and am not allowed to work until I get a working visa or green card. Having a lot of free time, I decided to do volunteer work for the Kingdom of God. WMP is a great way for me to help build the Kingdom of God. I started in April, 2020, and was still waiting for my working permit at the end of September.


During the strict COVID-19 lockdown, I worked at one of the binderies four days a week. Now I am a press assistant at the 6-color press. Together with Brian L., we print all the full-color booklet covers as well as The Path to Life handouts.


I like to work at WMP because it has such a great impact on the global Church. If you support WMP in any way (for me, it’s by volunteering), you contribute to a monthly distribution of millions of Scripture booklets sent free all over the world. These booklets help other Christians have a deeper relationship with God and tell unbelievers about Jesus and the salvation plan God has for their life. The idea of being part of that makes me excited! Since I also feel called to be involved in sharing the gospel around the world, WMP is a great way to be a part of that right now.


In my free time, I play guitar and spend a lot of time with my wife. I like to read and walk in nature. It is interesting to see how American nature is different from Dutch nature. I also study English, go to church, and video-call people in the Netherlands. I was born and raised in Dordrecht, where my parents and siblings still live, so my only family in the U.S. is on my wife’s side. I am the youngest of my family with two brothers and one sister. I am also an uncle with four nephews and five nieces.




WMP Partners Around the World


Francisco R.




The South American nation of Brazil is home to more than 200 million people living in rain forests, highlands, mega-cities, and coastal villages. World Missionary Press has provided Scripture booklets in Portuguese for distributors in Brazil for more than 50 years. Help from Above in Portuguese, one of the earliest translations, was first printed in 1967.


Dr. Francisco R. has actively shared WMP literature in Brazil and around the world for 36 years. He has mentored many others in using WMP Scripture booklets to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.


WMP: Francisco, please describe your background and current ministry.


Francisco: We have distributed WMP Scripture booklets at the door of subways, in bus stations, airports, and marketplaces all over Brazil. I have sent them by mail to pastors in remote areas of Brazil, where idolatry and witchcraft prevail, as the pastors cannot afford to buy the written Word to give out to the people. For thirty years we traveled in 36 other countries in five continents—from Australia to Belgium and into the Middle East—giving booklets to people in their own language, with many testimonies of joy as people received the booklets and conversions began after a quick reading of the Bible verses. The work continues in Brazil. We’re not traveling as before, but sending once in a while to another country.


WMP: How did you get involved in distributing WMP literature?


Francisco: I came across a World Missionary Press booklet and then asked for booklets in Portuguese. In 1984 I received my first two boxes and began distribution.


WMP: How long does a container shipment of Scripture booklets last?


Francisco: We are now receiving one 40-foot container (2 million booklets) a year. It lasts about six months, because Brazil has more than 200 million people and the requests are many from all over the country. [Francisco also receives shipments of booklets in Spanish for areas on the border with Paraguay and Bolivia.]


WMP: How effective are the topical Scripture booklets in your country?


Francisco: The effectiveness is great because the people here in Brazil like the written Word very much, and there are many testimonies of conversions. For instance, in two cities in the countryside of Piaui state, two witchcraft centers closed, and now there are two churches full of new converts as a result of reading the booklets from WMP. In our travels, a lady in Vienna, Austria, came to me smiling and giving thanks for the Help from Above booklet in German that I had given her. A girl in Hong Kong, after reading some verses from the booklet in Chinese, asked me for the address of the church that I belonged to. I gave her the address of the Baptist church that was hosting me there.


WMP: How do the Bible studies and Scripture booklets help establish believers and strengthen churches in Brazil?


Francisco: I have an example from a countryside city of Pernambuco in northeast Brazil. Evangelists gathered the people of the city in a school, and as they were explaining the plan of salvation, the leader asked the people to open their booklets to such and such a page and so on. That night 62 people accepted Jesus as their Savior! Most of the people in these places don’t have a Bible, so it isn’t possible to estimate the value of these booklets with topics and 300 verses in each one. To many of them, this will be their Bible for a long time, or even until their death.

October 2020 Newsletter

Enjoying the Blessing of Knowing Jesus


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation! —Isaiah 52:7a

Pastor Abelino was burdened to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ into the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, with the support of Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press. The church he pastored faced challenges, as the people of the community refused to listen to the Word of God! But they prayed and fasted. Then something happened!


Pastor Abelino received a phone call asking for prayer for a sick person who was paralyzed. He moved to that community and began to pray for the sick person. The Lord healed her! He was now able to share the Word of God with the whole family, who received the Lord as Savior. Carrying Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press, fellow workers began sharing the gospel house to house. They were able to baptize a beginning group of new believers who continue to be discipled. These are the first fruits of the passion and prayer to reach this area for Christ, seeing souls place their faith in Jesus, renounce the world, and be baptized. The Scripture booklets and Bible studies support them in carrying out the Great Commission in southern Mexico.


Christians in the region of Chiapas, Mexico, continue to face persecution. Churches are burned; believers are marginalized and harassed. Still, they continue faithful to the Lord and His call to share the gospel.


Pastor Piedra reported, “The material for evangelism that was sent by World Missionary Press is of paramount importance. This encourages us to continue in the surrounding communities that have no Christian church and need to get the printed message. In spite of the very difficult circumstances that we go through, we are eager to continue carrying the Word of God to different places. Some of the children who have been reached for Christ had been abandoned by their parents. Thank God they are enjoying the blessings of the Lord today.”


Several years ago, World Missionary Press produced Help from Above in the Tzeltal de Oxchuc language for the Chiapas area. The first shipment was received with great joy. A major distributor there gathered the pastors and church leadership in that area in a big meeting. He trained them how to effectively use the new booklets, gave each one a supply of booklets, and sent them out to their towns and villages to spread God’s Word. Pastor M. was deeply touched and thankful to God and World Missionary Press for this miracle—to have the message of Jesus Christ in their own language!


A new shipment, with a new supply of Help from Above in the Tzeltal language, will soon be ready to ship to Mexico. We are blessed to have wonderfully committed partners to help supply the distribution in Chiapas. Their report reminds us that God is sovereign, that He loves the whole world, that He speaks their language, and that He has a divine plan to share His love with everyone.


“More than 250,000 people who read and speak only this language are concentrated in Chiapas, Mexico,” wrote J.B. “Chiapas is the most southern state of Mexico and the main pathway from Central America to the United States. However, the materials that go to Chiapas are shared with pastors in several other states in southern Mexico. The shipment that will leave World Missionary Press will allow Pastor Andres to share these resources not only with other states in southern Mexico, but also with some of the countries in Central America. Isn’t that just like God? We think the materials will help the 350 Solo Cristo Salva churches in Chiapas, and God says, ‘No, all of the churches of Chiapas.’ Then we think, ‘OK, that is good,’ and God says, ‘No, all of southern Mexico.’ Then we think, ‘OK, that is better,’ and God says, ‘And I want Central America to be included too.’ And we think, ‘That is even better!’ ”

What a privilege to be a part of what God is doing in this part of Mexico! To labor with those faithful ones who are going into villages where the gospel is not known and where the Enemy has been entrenched for so long. The new shipment destined for Chiapas will carry 1.8 million Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments, including 42,875 copies of Help from Above in Tzeltal. Workers are ready and trained, conquering the high mountains for their King.

[You can help provide God’s Word for Mexico, Central America, and other nations of the world! Every donated dollar provides for producing 26 powerful Scripture booklets in the languages of the people. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]









Grateful Quotes


Thank you for helping my walk with Jesus.


“I am currently doing life in prison. I use your Diary Datebook with Bible reading and prayer. I know these booklets are useful to grow in the Word of God as well as [providing] an encouraging word as needed.” —Henry


“For sixteen years you have blessed me with your little Scripture-Text Datebooks. I use them for morning prayer journals. I read the Scripture, then write a short prayer in the daily blanks. It has been wonderful to go back through these books and see how my prayer life has changed over the years. I’ve grown to trust God so much. Thank you for helping me along this journey and for your love and compassion for others.” —Richard


“I’ve been receiving your Diary Datebook since 2001. You have always honored my request without fail. Thank you for your concern and helping my walk with Jesus. It means a lot to me.” —Michael


This year World Missionary Press will produce 750,000 of its unique Scripture-text Datebooks in English for distribution in all types of detention facilities in the U.S. In their solitude, prisoners drink in words of hope and redemption.


Because WMP Scripture booklets are available in many languages, detention facilities rely on them to offer hope and comfort in uncertain and strange situations. A center in Texas requested 2,300 booklets and Bible studies in twelve languages. E.S. wrote, “Books are used to encourage our residents.” Many share what they learn, helping others learn about the love of Jesus through Scripture booklets.



Meet the Team


Jeff V.


Accounting/Payroll Manager


I first heard about World Missionary Press through Indeed, a job search website. I felt like the Lord was giving me an opportunity to fulfill a desire to serve the Lord in ministry in His perfect timing. I have been working here since March 2020 as the Accounting/Payroll Manager, filling the role of Tom E., who recently retired.


I think the best thing about working at WMP is having the opportunity to be part of equipping those who are sharing the gospel to the ends of the earth in fulfilling the Great Commission.


When I’m not working, I love to spend time with my grandchildren. I also love golf (fore!).


My wife, Dee, works for a local firm caring for a handicapped adult. My daughter, Melody, who lives in Ohio, is married and has three children: Izzy, Eliana, and Oliver. My son, Jonathan, who lives in Warsaw, Indiana, is married and has a son, Ira, with another on the way. My brother Victor is married and lives in Elkhart. He has two sons and five grandchildren.







WMP Partners Around the World




For more than 25 years World Missionary Press has provided literature for believers in Russia to help build the Church by providing tools for evangelism and discipling those who come to the Savior. At times full container shipments were sent, but in recent years other means have had to be used to provide WMP Scripture booklets and Bible studies in Russia. In the face of many difficulties, God’s people are still reaching out to their neighbors with words of hope and eternal life.


In 2019 WMP supplied funds for printing 150,000 Scripture booklets in Russia, to be used by Every Home for Christ teams in central Russia. Each coordinator was so grateful to have this free literature and eagerly set out to share each and every copy. Their reports warmed our hearts as we read recent testimonies from coordinators in different areas.


Anton: “Every month, together with a team of volunteers, I distribute The Plan for Your Salvation booklets in R—. Every so often I hear this question, ‘What are you handing out?’ We say, ‘This is a Word that will change your life.’ The information that is written in the booklet is very important for people, because it talks about who God is and what He has done for each person. Some people thank us and tell us that we are doing the right thing. I thank you for these booklets, understanding the role that the Word of God plays in a person’s life. Thank you very much.”

Alexey: “Ten thousand booklets were distributed throughout the city and region of N—. Against the background of the pandemic of Covid-19, people are increasingly thinking about God and gratefully accept the booklets.”


Denis: “I am the coordinator of the EHC mission in the V— region. When our team of evangelists distributes New Testaments and evangelistic newspapers, we always try to give a person a booklet, The Plan for Your Salvation, because it contains the necessary passages from the Bible that reveal the need for salvation and the plan to achieve it. Thank you very much for the opportunity to spread the Word of God!”

Andrey: “I am one of the coordinators of EHC in M—. A few days ago, we had a wonderful evangelization; 15 people heard the gospel, we prayed for four people, and they were very open! Somebody had given one of them a booklet before we met him. He was very open. We explained why we need to pray the prayer of repentance and explained how to pray to God in general. He said that he would pray the prayer of repentance at home. The Lord did not lead us to pray the prayer of repentance with people right there, because many of them were at work, but they took the booklets with such gratitude, listened to the gospel, and promised to pray at home. Some were strongly affected by God! I remember one person who, when he heard that God loves him, was very touched by these words because he does not have a father and he had never heard that God was his Father in Heaven and that He loves him.”


Denis: “I am coordinator of the mission EHC in the Y— region. I believe these booklets are the most informative of the entire range of our literature. Therefore, I consider it necessary to distribute them to every home in my area, despite the coronavirus.”

Yuri: “In this difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic, I distribute booklets to the mailboxes. Unfortunately, I am not able yet to preach directly, but I continue to preach the gospel using your booklets. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the salvation of Russia!”


Such responsiveness led to requests for more Scripture booklets. WMP has authorized the printing of 300,000 copies of How to Know God (named The Plan for Your Salvation in Russian) to help meet the growing hunger for the truth of God’s Word among the Russian people.

September 2020 Newsletter

“We’re Excited to See God Moving in Thailand”

“And the word of the Lord was being spread throughout all the region.”—Acts 13:49

Marshal A., originally from Nigeria, found himself in prison in Thailand, serving a lengthy sentence for drug-related offenses. A friend from the U.S. sent him some Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press which touched his heart.

From his prison cell in Thailand, Marshal wrote, “Reading your booklets gives me hope and encouragement. I have also been making use of the Bible Reading Plan.” He expressed how grateful he would be to receive anything that could be of help to him and how glad he would be to also share booklets with his fellow inmates. “May God continue to empower World Missionary Press and help you to go further in reaching people who are perishing in sin. Thanks so much for all your efforts in my life and others through your booklets.”

When Marshal’s letter was received at the WMP offices in the USA, it was then sent to WMP’s national coordinator in Thailand for handling. They gladly sent booklets to the prison for Marshal to study and share.

What a demonstration of God’s mercy and grace—to get His message of salvation and hope to a needy soul! God saw Marshal in that prison and moved a friend to send him Scripture booklets from half-way around the world. The Word of God found fertile soil in his heart. His request for more of God’s Word traveled back to the USA and then back to Thailand, where booklets were available and could be sent to his location. Knowing that God has a plan for someone to read and receive His Word in each small booklet spurs us on to prepare the Scripture booklets for all who request them.

Like much of the world, Thailand has been impacted by the virus pandemic. At the beginning, Thailand was second to China with the number of people affected. But as of late July, they were among the best (number 97) in preventing the virus, with no affected persons for 50 days. However, as the director of Every Home for Christ Thailand, a WMP partner ministry, reports, “Millions are affected financially. Many are unemployed. People are fearful and have lost hope for the future.”

“Praise God,” she wrote, “that He is turning the coronavirus to be a blessing to Thai people through His Word! We sent out packages of gospel portions, including your small booklets, The Way to God and Help from Above, inside each package, together with a rice bag and some dry food. Our food distribution receives very positive input about the love and concern of Christians toward society. People are far more open to the gospel than in the past.… Many local churches have asked us for gospel books to give out with their food as well. Many churches are giving daily personal-use items to prisoners who have no relatives to visit them during this time of need, along with the booklets they get from us.”

As she expressed thankfulness for supplying EHC Thailand with Scripture booklets in large quantities, she concluded: “They are the small but powerful Word of God that one can carry along anywhere and read at any place at any time. May God bless you and WMP richly.”

In Thailand, a nation of 69 million people, of whom 94.6% are Buddhists and only 1% listed as Christian, God is moving! The Thai people are receiving the Word.

-A man who regularly travels from the UK to Thailand takes WMP Scripture booklets with him.

-A distributor from Australia planning to visit Thailand requested Help From Above in Thai to share.

-A group from the USA traveled to Thailand with Scripture booklets, describing their trip as “very fruitful” and thanking WMP for the booklets.

-A lady in Bangkok who hands Scripture booklets to taxi drivers and monks also shares booklets in Punjabi with Pakistani refugees.

-A man from Chiang Mai, Thailand, asked for individual copies to help him learn about God and Jesus Christ and understand Christians and the Good News!

WMP will soon be sending a new shipment of Scripture booklets in the Thai language to help keep God’s Word spreading throughout this nation. The one million booklets being prepared for Thailand will provide seed for the sowers, promising a continued harvest.

[You can help provide God’s Word for Thailand and other nations of the world. Every donated dollar provides for producing 26 powerful Scripture booklets in the languages of the people. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes

“Man! I would love some of these to share!”

“I am a believer, saved, and so very grateful for my salvation!

“I was in my doctor’s office recently and as I was waiting, I started looking for something to read. On the table in front of me were a number of full-size magazines, but what stuck out to me was this little booklet called The Way to God! I was able to sit there and read the whole booklet, and I never heard or told the story nearly as well and complete as that little booklet tells the story! Then I thought, “MAN!!! I would love to have some of these to share!” That’s when I read on the back that I could order a few from you!

“I would like to order 50 booklets, or if that’s too many, whatever you can send will be just fine. I would like them in English please.

“I am a youth and adult Sunday School teacher, and I have a new, small nursing-home ministry. I would love to be able to share this beautiful little book with others.”

—Harold L., Ohio



Meet the Team

Jackie H.



All my life my family has worked and volunteered at World Missionary Press. I enjoy volunteering—not only to help out, but because the booklets are freely given, I enjoy volunteering even more. I’ve volunteered here on and off for about five years. I mainly help with mailings, but sometimes I also make boxes or work on the bindery. I love the friendly, cheerful environment at the Press.

When I’m not volunteering, I enjoy playing the piano, drawing, writing stories, and being outdoors. I have four brothers and nine sisters. My sister, Jenny, and my brother, Joel, have both worked at World Missionary Press within the past few years. I love to spend time with my family, especially my in-laws and nieces and nephews.



WMP Partners Around the World

Jim T.



More than half the population of Honduras lives in poverty. For more than 20 years WMP has supplied free literature to major ministry partners who share the Word of God and the love of Christ with the people of Honduras. Jesus Es Real Ministry has provided valuable assistance by receiving container shipments into Honduras and has also used the Scripture booklets in their own programs.


WMP: Jim, please describe your background and current ministry.

Jim: I have been a self-employed businessman my entire life. In January 2009 I felt led to form and organize a 501(c)3 religious non-profit, the Ministry Jesus Es Real ( with a focus on Honduras. Since I am fluent in Spanish, I preach at churches, prisons, and events. Jesus Es Real has outreaches to prisons, single mothers, churches, schools, municipalities, hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, and the general public. Each year we ship 8-12 containers to Honduras, filled with school and medical supplies, wheelchairs, food, clothing, shoes, sewing machines, and much more.


WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?

Jim: Jesus Es Real began our affiliation with WMP also in 2009. We were introduced to WMP through the late Don Wollard of Abundance Ministries. He is survived by his wife, Linda.


WMP: Do you face any challenges in openly distributing literature in Honduras?

Jim: Honduras has always openly welcomed the distribution of Bible literature.


WMP: How has having free literature affected evangelism in your country?

Jim: The pastors that we send out into the communities have told me, “When we were looking for a reason to talk to the people in our area, it was always awkward. However, having food and Scripture booklets helps us open the door to evangelizing.” These booklets are a door-opener for persons evangelizing communities from door to door. They give the churches a tool to open the door and lead people to Christ. These booklets are slowly read and meditated upon inside of prisons. The general public—in this time of COVID-19, shut inside their homes—are more prone to pick them up and read.


WMP: How effective are the topical Scripture booklets in your country?

Jim: We honestly would not support this WMP program if it weren’t so effective in winning souls. WMP literature has played a bigger role in our ministry this year—2020—than ever before. People are looking for answers. No matter if we are out beating the streets giving out food through our feeding programs or counseling prisoners, the Bible literature is invaluable. We include a How to know God booklet with every item we donate. Even during these times of shut-down, we are still harvesting 20-50 decisions for Christ consistently each and every week.


WMP: How long does a shipment of WMP literature last?

Jim: Jesus Es Real has played a role in helping WMP deliver numerous 40-foot containers to key distributors in Honduras. Typically, one container per year seems to be sufficient for a one-year distribution for many churches and ministries.


May 2020 Newsletter

Brazil for Christ!

“That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.” —Psalm 67:2

Sebastian described himself as lost and aimless. The young Brazilian found nothing to give him purpose and a solid foundation on which to build a life. Then one day a stranger handed him a copy of How to Know God from World Missionary Press. Reading the Scripture portions, he found Someone to believe in and follow. He accepted Jesus as his Savior and his life changed forever. Eighteen years later, Sebastian saw the need to go beyond the walls of his church and out into the streets to share the gospel, just as someone had done for him many years before.

From the streets of Brazil’s large cities to its rural northeastern regions and on to Amazonia, World Missionary Press Scripture booklets are being shared one to one, leaving a silent but living witness to touch empty, aching hearts.

A doctor in São Paulo gave one of his patients a Help from Above Scripture booklet. Over the following weeks, she read and reread the booklet, soaking up the words of hope and redemption. When she returned for a medical follow-up three months later, she reported that she was now a Christian!

Marcos came to Jesus as a child after reading WMP Scripture booklets and tried to distribute booklets during his walks in the city. When he received another booklet in 2017, he again felt he should take the Word of God to those who need it. He admits he is “starting timidly,” as he works alone, but he looks for ways to distribute booklets on buses and in public squares, hoping that others will find the truth the same way he found it.

Hundreds of boxes of WMP literature in Portuguese have been sent to Brazil’s northeast states. Here, in areas often dominated by witchcraft, the Word of God has taken hold. In one city, the leader of a witchcraft center came to Christ and then led all those involved with the center to the Savior! In another city in that region, six new churches were opened, full of new believers who had come to Christ after reading the Scripture booklets.

WMP has several major distributors working throughout this vast nation of 211 million people. On Brazil’s Amazon border with Colombia, the Chowning family ministers to Brazilian pastors and churches on one side of the river and Colombian churches and villages on the other side of the river. Through the simple plan of sharing Scripture booklets in both Portuguese and Spanish, they have bridged differences and built a spirit of unity to reach people on both sides of the river.

“Every Christmas,” they write, “we give two packets to every military person stationed in Leticia, Colombia, to help them celebrate Christmas. One package is a care package with soap, toothpaste, etc. and another is filled with things to read—mostly Scripture booklets. It is interesting to me that what the soldiers remember the most are the Scripture booklets. The military officers here say this is the only place in Colombia where evangelism goes to the military. It means a lot to them. Thank you for your help with this. Only eternity will tell the huge change it has made.”

Like the Chownings—who have extended their reach beyond Brazil’s borders—others in Brazil are finding ways to take the gospel to those coming into Brazil from other countries. In late 2019, WMP received a request from Boa Vista, close to Brazil’s border with Venezuela. They had The Way to God booklets in Portuguese for the Brazilian population, but Venezuelan refugees were pouring over the border, needing that same booklet in Spanish.

“We are providing these booklets for everyone up here who is using them, we think,” wrote Jay E. “The MISSAO BRASIL VENEZUELA use what we provide, but they and almost everyone else are out. About 500 people per day walk into Brazil from Venezuela here on the northern border. That is a lot, but it is way down from a few months ago. They tend to come in waves. All of the booklets we distribute are used by those who hand them personally to recipients who want to receive one.”

Pleas for more booklets come from all over this nation.

A pastor wrote from southern Brazil, “I work in the area of evangelism and missions. I live in an area where drugs, idolatry, child prostitution, and other things prevail. We need thousands of booklets to evangelize in the streets, city center, and other places of booklet evangelism. It is a very needy place for the gospel. I need your help.”

To answer these pleas, WMP recently shipped seven million booklets on four containers to Brazil. These orders were placed more than a year ago. Seven million booklets will not last long with orders waiting and more believers discovering WMP Scripture booklets as a valuable tool in their personal lives and ministry.

Brazil is not the only nation, however, where distributors are pleading for more booklets and anxiously waiting for shipments. Opportunities abound. Workers are waiting for tools, and time is short. Souls are dying, having never heard that Jesus loves them and died to give them eternal life. WMP is wholly committed to providing God’s all-powerful, transforming Word for the people of the world while there is time.

[You can help provide God’s Word for Brazil and other nations of the world. Every donated dollar provides for producing 26 powerful Scripture booklets in the languages of the people. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes

I feel totally revived!

“Lately I have been depressed, not feeling well-fed spiritually and not knowing what to do about it. I read my Bible faithfully, but somehow I didn’t feel fulfilled, even though a friend and I study Isaiah every week.

But this week we read your newsletter and prayed, as well as reading Isaiah 53 and 55. It did so much for me spiritually. I feel totally revived, and I love to share the gospel booklets you sent in the mail.

My friend and I have changed the way we do our Bible study, [now] including your newsletter. It has given new life to our meetings, and I felt led to send a cheque and a request for more booklets. I’m asking for more of the booklets God loves You and more [copies] of your newsletter on a regular basis. It is so good to hear what you are doing in Haiti and around the world. Keep up the good work and God bless you as He has me through you.”

—Neil O, Canada



Meet the Team

Twilight D.


I heard about World Missionary Press when my family attended the same Goshen, Indiana, church as Jay and Vicky Benson. Jay and Vicky were leaders of the small group my sister and I were a part of, so we heard a lot about WMP and decided to volunteer there. We prayed for many things—printers, paper, funds, etc.—and would volunteer there in the evening with our small group if needed.

I had been an ICU nurse for 35 years at Goshen Hospital, but when I had to retire in 2012 because of MS, Jay asked if I would help with the WMP mailings once a month, and eventually I started helping on the bindery on Monday afternoons as well.

My favorite part of volunteering at WMP is working with people who help pack God’s Word to send out for others to receive, use, and believe.

When I’m not volunteering, I enjoy doing word puzzles, crocheting, and playing games on my computer. My sister, Dawn, who works at Interra Credit Union in Goshen, also volunteers at WMP, helping with the monthly mailings. We live in New Paris, next door to my parents, who are also retired; we are all active in our church and looking forward to moving to Greencroft, a residential community for seniors in Goshen. My mother was a piano teacher and did a lot of sewing. My sister and I have been helping her use up the last of her supply of material by knotting comforter tops for quilts which are donated to the Salvation Army.



WMP Partners Around the World

Don and Ellen F.

East Coast USA and Beyond

Volunteers are at the very heart of World Missionary Press, helping keep costs low at our production facility in Indiana. Volunteer national coordinators and major distributors in more than 80 countries receive and process large shipments of Scripture booklets for churches and ministries in their nations. Volunteers all over the world take the booklets into villages, cities, mountains, and deserts. WMP is blessed to have these shoulders to help carry the load of fulfilling the vision to give God’s Word to the world.

WMP: Don, please describe your background and current ministry.

Don: Ellen and I are retired business owners, celebrating 53 years of marriage. We dedicated our lives to serving the Lord in 1974. After retiring, and in full-time ministry since 2009, we share the good news on the streets and highways along the US East Coast from Florida to Maine, where there are more than 100 million people of all nations. We are also large-volume distributors of gospel materials to businesses, churches, and organizations.

WMP: How did your association with WMP begin?

Don: Our introduction to World Missionary Press was through a direct intervention from God. Early in the ministry, we purchased a case of Spanish New Testaments from another source. With all the other expenses at the time, a decision was made one night to no longer provide Spanish. The very next morning, a man drove up to our ministry vehicle and asked if we could use 1,000 Spanish New Testaments! These originally came from WMP, and a new connection was made.

Our purpose is to educate, encourage, and energize the body of Christ and those now seeking God, to help make disciples of all nations. World Missionary Press prints the exact type of products we need for this type of ministry. Our first motive in ministry is to reach out with the compassion and love of Christ. The topical Scripture booklets accomplish exactly that without condemnation.

WMP: How has WMP literature helped churches and ministries reach their communities and beyond?

Don: The Bible study books and Scripture booklets can be used by churches and ministries for outreach. Making connections with missionaries is a priority, as many cannot get material in the languages they need for their countries. In every church we visit, we put out a table at service times with all of the products for the members there. This gives them the opportunity to have good free materials for their own use and personal outreach.

The US East Coast is our launching point from which to reach the world. The I-95 corridor connects with hundreds of exits, with crowds of people traveling the interstate. The time to spread the gospel is now, and only through Christ is real life found. We have materials in stock in many languages, and more readily available thanks to WMP. This has also enabled us to reach into some 30 countries. The adventure begins all over again every day, as Florida is one of the greatest mission fields in the world.

WMP: How do you reach into other nations?

Don: As an example, in the Florida Keys early this year, we discovered a need through the church that had sent us out in ministry eleven years ago. Two boats were being loaded with needed equipment and supplies for the northern Bahama Islands devastated by the hurricane last year. Cases of WMP material (25 boxes in four languages) were put on board. After spending three weeks restocking locations throughout the Upper Keys, we traveled on to Key West. Outreach from our church partner there and throughout the city continues to grow. New connections with pastors and businesses were made. Boxes of booklets go out from here to the Bahamas, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Cuba.

WMP: How do the Scripture booklets work in conjunction with other material to reach hearts?

Don: The new booklet Who Do You Say That I Am? has been perfect to put with the Jesus film DVDs. Watch the film and then read in depth who Jesus is to establish a solid foundation. Ellen and I firmly believe in establishing converts in the Word of God to become lasting disciples of Christ. The materials do exactly that.

We would like to thank WMP for supplying quality products in many languages since the beginning of this ministry. The connection with WMP was made by the Holy Spirit and is an amazing story in itself. We have found many new locations, and the volume of booklets going out is ever increasing. We see limitless potential for further distribution of the gospel.

April 2020 Newsletter

Scripture Booklets Speak!

“The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” —John 6:63b

Brother S. carries the love of the Lord into a difficult area of northern India. Trekking through desert, dense forests, and snow-covered mountains with boxes of World Missionary Press Scripture booklets, the cry of his heart is for souls who are perishing. He met Brother K., who had recently accepted the Lord and was willing to help in ministry by distributing the Scripture booklets.

One day Brother K. gave a Scripture booklet to Brother R., who was addicted to alcohol. “The anointed Word of God started to work in his heart. He gave up alcohol and gave his heart to Jesus.” Now Brother R. ministers with Brother K. to share the message of freedom and hope in Jesus Christ. And so the chain continues.

Our Brother shared the above testimony to illustrate how the vision to evangelize through Scripture distribution is passed along, sometimes repeatedly, from distributor to recipient.

Gopi was a broken and discouraged man. He had lost his job, and all efforts to find a new job had failed. He received a booklet through Pastor M., who regularly reaches new villages, distributing the free literature he receives from a ministry and praying for those who receive it. Gopi’s heart was touched by the words, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” God gave him hope for the future. After reading the entire booklet, he gave his life to the Lord and prayed that the Lord would give him a job. The next week he found a good job. He shared the news with Pastor M., who thanked the Lord for this miracle and shared the gospel with Gopi’s family. They are all now attending church.

The power of God’s Word can never be discounted when facing the daunting challenge of reaching a nation of 1.3 billion people. Pastor L., 77 years old, rises early every morning to go to the railway station in his city to distribute Scripture booklets for two hours. Each evening he spends two hours at one of the city’s busiest shopping malls, handing out booklets. He says that the booklets are the best tool to use in sharing the gospel. An auto driver carries WMP booklets to share the love of God with his passengers. Every Tuesday he meets with a team of four auto drivers for an hour to pray for the salvation of the people they have reached through the booklets.

Joel J., part of the youth league of his church, came across a WMP booklet, The Way to God, which a family friend from the U.S. had left for his brother. “I was thoroughly impressed in how simply and easily you put forward the gospel, and realized instantly that I had to get copies for my fellow church youth members as well as for the large community of non-Christians in our locality to whom preaching about the joyful news of Christ isn’t that easy.” This youth league, in their desire that their people come to know the truth, conducts weekly studies and prayer cells as well as camps. Joel believes the booklet “was placed there as a part of God’s amazing sovereign plan.” They immediately decided to contact us, as “the resources are very useful, especially to reach people who are brought up with different beliefs and in various religions.”

India is considered the most ethnically diverse nation in the world, with 438 languages, of which only 280 are listed as having any Scripture available. From the early days of Christian missions in India, it was clear that translating Scripture into the national languages was a priority. Many gave years of their lives to such work. Today, building on that labor, World Missionary Press offers Scripture booklets in 43 languages of India. As persecution of Christians grows, literature distribution remains a vital ingredient in reaching all of India with the gospel.

Tradition holds that the Apostle Thomas took the gospel to India in the first century, planting seed that continues to bear fruit to this day. Although Christians number only two percent of India’s 1.3 billion people, the gospel is being carried daily to remote villages, crowded marketplaces, mountains, hospitals, prisons, schools, and homes.

In the coming months, World Missionary Press will be producing 16 million Scripture booklets in 23 languages—to support those who daily carry the good news to all of India—from those bound in deep poverty and spiritual bondage to the growing Indian middle class and youth who are seeking satisfaction in material things. In spite of potential opposition and resistance, hundreds of new evangelists are going out with faith and a bag of Scripture booklets to join the thousands covering India with the gospel.

[You can help provide God’s Word for India and other nations of the world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets in people’s own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes

Help from above fell literally in my lap.

“This booklet [Help from Above] was left on my wiper, and I stuck it over my visor. One day when I was struggling in a bad situation, it fell from over the visor literally in my lap, and my true walk with Jesus began. On occasion I still turn to this booklet, which I carry with me at all times. I feel that if this booklet changed my thought and direction, maybe I can hand out 100, and if I reach just one, that’s one more that learns the way of my God.

I would like to make it a goal to try to put 5 in different people’s hands every day for 20 days. If I am successful, I would like to get more. In appreciation for what this did for me, I want to share with others.”

—T.C., Virginia

Would you challenge yourself to give out at least one Scripture booklet a day? Maybe the Lord would lead you to share more than one per day.

“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).


Meet the Team

Kelby G.

Copyrights and Permissions Coordinator

I first heard about World Missionary Press years ago from a friend of my mother’s. Her son, Landon, started working here while I was still in college.

During my final year at Gordon College, I had a crisis of faith. My grandfather out in Massachusetts passed away, and new theological and spiritual dilemmas bombarded me. After coming home, I sought to live for Jesus and grow in my faith, so when my summer job at Sweet Corn Charlie’s ended, I tried to find a job where my work mattered eternally. The grace of God led me here. I applied for an open position at WMP, and though I did not get that job, they offered another I could claim. I’ve worked here since January 21.

As the Copyrights and Permissions Coordinator, I am responsible for requesting permission to use the translations of the Bible we use in our Scripture booklets. I also am responsible to provide annual distribution reports for each language to the respective Bible societies, and to keep physical copyright and correspondence records.

I love being in a community of believers living out the Great Commission. It’s a tremendous honor! I also love that we can openly discuss our faith, our struggles, and just be honest with each other while offering Christ-centered encouragement. And I love the short drive—ten minutes to and from home.

I am an avid fan of history, regardless of the era, continent, or people group. I enjoy reading anything from the Scriptures to biographies and fantasy novels, playing video games, watching TV shows, and exercising to music. When I’m not working, I’m usually helping my mother around the house. I am involved in two small groups, one from Maple City Chapel and another called Oasis. I am currently looking for opportunities to volunteer. I also enjoy walking around Fiddler Pond with my Dad and hanging out with friends.

My parents divorced when I was young, but I have been able to live with each of them my whole life, as my father lives in Middlebury and my mother in Goshen. My older sister, Shelby (and yes, I am VERY aware that our names rhyme), lives in Minnesota and will be married this fall. I also have a dog, Lucy, a golden retriever/German shepherd mutt who is 12.


WMP Partners Around the World


Peter G.


Next Generation Ministries learned about World Missionary Press booklets when one man stored boxes of booklets in another man’s garage. On returning to pick them up, he asked his friend if he had read any of the booklets. He hadn’t, but as he looked them over, he realized they were just what he was looking for to reach the children of Bolivia! By 2015 more than nine million schoolteachers and students had been reached with the gospel on a personal level. (This story was featured in WMP’s August 2015 newsletter.)

WMP: Peter, please describe your background and current ministry.

Peter: My twin sister and I were born into a Mennonite family on October 12, 1964 in Cotoca, in the province of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. We grew up with Christian parents in a village where we attended a one-room school taught in High German, though at home we spoke Low German.

When our family moved from Bolivia to Canada in 1980, I found myself—at the age of 16—in an English school not knowing any English. In the summer of 1983 I asked Jesus Christ to be my Savior and Lord.

In 1990 my wife Mary and I went to Bolivia with the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference (EMMC), which worked with the Spanish-speaking community as well as with the Mennonites. During eleven years in Bolivia we worked for the mission full-time for two years, then farmed as other Mennonites in Bolivia did, as well as working in the local church. The last four and a half years were spent working with the EMMC part-time. We moved back to Canada in 2001.

In 2016 Next Generation Ministries (NGM) asked us to help them with the work in Bolivia. That is when we were first introduced to World Missionary Press. We have been involved with NGM since then.

WMP: How has the ministry of NGM grown and changed over the years?

Peter: NGM had been focusing mostly on reaching the schools in Bolivia. This work was done by the Spanish-speaking people; however, several years ago a revival in the Mennonite communities resulted in churches being burdened for the unsaved and asking for literature. Mennonite communities became interested in the work of NGM and have been involved since the beginning of 2017. Now most of the work in the schools is being done by the Mennonites, while the Spanish-speaking people focus on street evangelism, prison ministry, and ministry in orphanages, etc.

WMP: How has WMP literature helped believers in Bolivia?

Peter: The people are so grateful for the material. We were told about one couple who handed out literature by making copies of what they had. Sometimes they had to decide whether they would eat supper or make copies so that they would have material to hand out. When they received a box of WMP material, they wept for joy.

Even some of the Christian police have asked for material, as they have found that reaching criminals with the gospel has been very effective. About two years ago, when the Bolivian government was trying to make it illegal for people to teach children about Christ, some police officers asked for some of the material. The people being asked were skeptical, as there already had been some persecution in different areas. They called us and asked what to do and after thinking it through, we told them to give the officers the booklets.

These are just a few of many stories. It is a great encouragement to see how the work has grown. By His grace we, NGM, are privileged to be part of this ministry. May all the honor and glory be given to our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To date a total of 7,483,000 Scripture booklets have been sent to support the growing work of Next Generation Ministries. Another container with 1,339,000 booklets is currently ready to ship.

March 2020 Newsletter

A Solid Rock for the People of Puerto Rico


“He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” —Psalm 62:2

Romualdo was 17 years old, living in Chicago, Illinois, when someone gave him a Scripture booklet, The Way to God, first in English and then in Spanish. Later, when living in Puerto Rico, he received a copy of the same booklet in Spanish from a youth group at his high school. There he read the booklet and accepted Christ as his Savior.


One day he met Adalberto S., WMP’s national coordinator in Puerto Rico, who gave him a box of Scripture booklets to share. The box contained copies of The Way to God! Now he could offer the same hope and salvation he himself had received, using the same booklet God had used to bring him to the Lord.


Many years later, Romualdo’s wife received multiple boxes of WMP Scripture booklets for distribution in their area of Yauco and other towns affected recently by weeks of daily earthquakes. God’s plans are often hidden from our eyes, but He brings them to wonderful completion for His glory.


Each of the 6.5 million Scripture booklets produced every month at World Missionary Press has a designated journey known only to God. Some may not be read or used for months or years, while others will draw a definitive response to the message. For some, the message settles in the mind to be recalled at a future appointed time. WMP often receives letters from someone who has carried the same Scripture booklet or Bible study for 30+ years until it has finally worn out. They ask for another copy, relaying the comfort that comes each day from that portion of God’s Word.


WMP prints with ink on paper. A faithful Christian provides hands and feet. God gives the increase, a work of grace in the heart.


Julio, from Yauco, sat in a prison cell in Ponce, Puerto Rico. While there, he was given a Spanish New Testament and a Help from Above Scripture booklet produced by WMP. He began to read it, just 10-15 verses every day until he had read the entire booklet. And then he gave his life to Jesus. The Lord blessed him, and his prison sentence was reduced to 1½ years. Julio shared his story with Adelberto by phone from the banana farm where he now works. He has graduated from a Bible institute and has been preaching and evangelizing since his release from prison seven years ago. A Scripture booklet, faithfully shared, was used by God to rescue a troubled soul. Now that rescued one shares with others the hope and joy that can be found only in Jesus.


As the people of Puerto Rico reeled from weeks of tremors and earthquakes, uncertainty filled the air. Many lived in make-shift tent camps along the highways and in stadiums opened to house those whose homes had been destroyed or were in danger of collapse. In areas filled with fear and loss, believers offered hope through the spoken and written Word—Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press.

In the Ponce highway area, eight people gave their lives to the Lord. In the stadium, four people responded to the Lord’s call and received Christ, and one was reconciled back to Him. During a weekend tour of five affected towns in mid-January, 32 people turned to the Savior. Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments were distributed to almost everyone in ten refugee camps as well as placed on the beds of those not present at the time of the visit.


Much healing is still needed among the people of Puerto Rico, particularly in the heavily affected areas. In response to a plan presented by a group of 500 Puerto Rican churches, WMP will be sending a shipment of 200,000 Scripture booklets along with Bible studies and New Testaments in Spanish for a major outreach to the five towns most affected by the ongoing earthquakes. This will be carried out over several months as lives continue to be uprooted and in turmoil.


Though the previous hurricane and the most recent earthquakes have drawn public attention to the needs in Puerto Rico, there has for many years been a strong presence of God’s Word there through many, many WMP distributors.


William, who works in a detox center in the mountains of central Puerto Rico, came at 6:00 a.m. one morning two years ago to meet with Adalberto in the southern coastal town of Ponce. William received WMP Scripture booklets to share in sessions at the center as well as through his evangelistic outreach in diverse areas of great need in several towns of the central mountains and in coastal towns like Ponce. He also had contact with a fraternity of pastors, who were to be provided with literature for their churches’ outreach. At that same early-morning hour, a new chaplain supervisor of the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation came to get materials.


All over Puerto Rico hope is being offered to those who see no hope.


[You can help provide God’s Word for Puerto Rico and other places of crisis in the world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets in people’s own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes


The Bassari tribe in Senegal are now 80 percent Christian.


“Many years ago, World Missionary Press printed the New Testament in the Bassari language at our request for the Bassari tribe in Senegal, West Africa. I just wanted you to know that the Bassari tribe in Senegal and Guinea are now 80 percent Christian and are building a Bible school in the bush for themselves. We just wanted to thank you!”

—James S., Canada


[NOTE: In 1987 and 1992, WMP printed a total of 4,236 New Testaments in the Bassari language. The population of that tribe is listed at 10,000-30,000. WMP offers the Help From Above Scripture booklet in Bassari for continued evangelism among this tribe.]



Meet the Team


Cindy O.


Partner Relations Database Specialist


In the 1980’s, I drove a small bus full of senior citizens from our church in Columbia City, Indiana, to World Missionary Press in New Paris to volunteer.


During five years of substitute teaching, I prayed that God would open the door to a “job” where I could not only be used to help spread His Word, but also look forward to going to every day. He did that! God opened this door, 100 percent. I’ve worked at WMP for 4½ months now (by the time you read this, it will be closer to 6 months).


As Partner Relations Database Specialist, my “biggest” job is making sure the newsletters are mailed each month. I also send out Intro-packets, Datebooks, and bulk emails—pretty much all our communication mailings. I also do a lot of data entry, allowing me to send the mailings to the right person in the right location.


What do I like best about working at WMP? I love the passion and drive everyone here has in their desire to see God’s Word spread around the world. I love that we do not compromise on God’s Word; I love seeing or hearing how one piece of literature changes a person’s life; I love the feeling of family we have here. I also like “Donut Wednesdays!”


I am very active in my church. My husband is the pastor at Syracuse Church of God. We have been there for more than seven years but have been in full-time ministry for more than 30 years. I love to go on mission trips to northwest Ontario whenever possible. Before starting to work at WMP, I was able to go up to three times a year.


As far as hobbies, I paint, make jewelry, and embroider. I love baking and re-doing small wooden furniture items. I also love writing short stories and poetry. In 2011 I wrote a book called Hello! Is the Pastor Home?


My husband and I have a daughter who is married and lives in Wisconsin and a son who is married and lives nearby in Wakarusa.



WMP Partners Around the World


Paul H.




A life-transforming experience in the life of Paul H. led to the formation of Sharing God’s Abundance, a ministry reaching into remote areas of Liberia. Paul’s story represents the commitment, passion, and love that motivates WMP’s many national coordinators and major distributors to give their time and energy to making known the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ through WMP Scripture booklets.


WMP: Please tell us about the experience that changed your life.


Paul: In 1987 one of my employees drowned in my pond. I was the only person in the water to save him. Leon got on my back with his arms around my arms. He held my arms down with a death hug and I almost drowned. I failed to save Leon. I couldn’t live with myself. That day at work, Leon and I had talked about Christianity and Christ, but I never asked him if he was ready to die. I prayed, “Lord, I let you down. I let Leon down. If I can ever make this up to You, I AM WILLING.”


WMP: How did God lead you to start your ministry in Liberia?


Paul: In 2004 my wife and I agreed to go to Liberia to help Christian Aid Ministries put up the first phase at Tower Hill. We saw a country destroyed by years of war. Most of the people were involved in witchcraft and human sacrifice. As I worked with these native people, went to their villages, and visited some of their churches, I realized that so many were in desperate need of Jesus. Older men, who weren’t Christians, asked me to tell them about Jesus. There were so many suffering and helpless people.

One day a strong feeling came over me, like God talking directly to me, saying Matthew 25:35-36: “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me, but you, Paul, bring souls to me.” I saw the suffering, the poor, and the lost. People cried, asking me to teach them the gospel. Hearing from God and the people, I couldn’t shake it. From there, Sharing God’s Abundance was formed. I thank God that WMP is helping SGA reach these needy Liberian bush people.


WMP: How has having WMP materials helped the bush people in Liberia?


Paul: Challenges abound, but the Word of God is spreading through remote areas of Liberia. Pastor William, who has served many bush villages with SGA for ten years, shared, “Because of the Muslim-dominated groups in the country, we put ourselves aside for the sake of Christ and are denied everything.” He felt like they were orphans and at the point of collapse in ministry because of a lack of materials and full Bible knowledge. When SGA brought WMP Scripture booklets along with other ministry material, they went from having nothing to an abundance of free material. He praises God for the spiritual support given to the Liberian Christians.


WMP: How has your involvement in Liberia changed you?


Paul: I was once a hunter, shooting whitetail deer, hogs, black bear, turkeys, elk, big-horn sheep, mountain lion, and moose. I always felt a calling and love for mission work, but I also controlled my time and made money so I could go hunting. Flying home from Liberia, thinking how God had called me to be a bush missionary bringing souls to him I wondered, “If I had $6,000, would I go to Alaska to get a grizzly bear and caribou?” Thinking of God’s call and hearing the people’s cry, I committed to God right there, saying, “Yes, Lord, I am willing. When Leon drowned, I made You a promise. Now I feel Your call.” For 15 years I have not hunted. My horses are old, my guns are rusty, and I have no bullets. But in another way, I still hunt, and I have lots of ammunition. For as long as God grants me health and safety, I will continue going to the Liberian bush people, hunting souls for Jesus.


WMP first sent one box (500 booklets) to SGA back in 2006 in response to Paul’s request. Today, a shipment of 1,131,000 Scripture booklets recently left our warehouse and is on its way to SGA in Liberia. Praise God for a man who heeded God’s call and for all those who help WMP print and ship the precious Word of God free of charge.

February 2020 Newsletter

Deliverance for Haiti Through God’s Word

“When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” —Isaiah 59:19b

Many of the images and reports from Haiti are heart-wrenching. One of the poorest nations in the world has endured natural disasters, disease, and political upheaval, leaving behind a people without hope and living in fear of what the next day may bring. To many in Haiti, the recent violence and economic stagnation is worse than anything they have ever experienced. Thousands have fled to other countries, looking for ways to save their families and build new lives. Those who remain have only the cold breath of despair to welcome each new day.

Churches in Haiti struggle to care for their own, unable to reach out to their communities with needed food, water, clothing, and shelter. Their hearts ache for their island nation and its people. They cry out for help—and help comes! Over the years, many U.S.-based ministries have provided continuing assistance to the people of Haiti. WMP Scripture booklets in Haitian Kreyol and French have been a part of this assistance.

The recurring theme for many Haitian believers is to take the Word of God along with any practical and humanitarian aid, because only the Word of God changes hearts and can deliver a nation from the grip of death and destruction. In the past three years, WMP has shipped 13,520 ten-pound boxes of Scripture booklets, Bible study booklets, salvation coloring books, and New Testaments (the equivalent of 6,760,000 booklets the size of Help From Above) into Haiti through individuals, ministries, WMP’s national coordinator, and the Haitian Bible Society.

One WMP partner ministry in Haiti is Love Worth Sharing, founded in 1998 with the mission of reaching Haiti for Christ. Since 2006, Jim O. has been using WMP Scripture booklets and New Testaments for the various outreaches of LWS. In a recent conversation, Jim shared that while the current situation in Haiti is desperate, in many ways the work and the Word is fruitful. Feeding stations have been established in three areas of southern Haiti. Each week 750-1000 children receive a healthy meal and a lesson from God’s Word. The programs are run as Bible camps with Bible teaching, booklet distribution, and a hearty meal. Some of the children who were fed and taught when they were 7-8 years old are now teachers and leaders in the program! When Jim and his teams go to a new area, they claim that place for Christ, wresting it from the voodoo traditions that have long bound minds and hearts.

Large shipments are planned for WMP’s national coordinator and three major ministries in Haiti. From our national coordinator, Gladys M., came this email:

“Thank the Lord for all of you at WMP, for the impossible work that you’re all doing to carry the Word of God all over the world, including Haiti. I stand in awe seeing how the Lord is using so many of His servants to bring His Word all over Haiti. Again, on behalf of the Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ, ‘Thank you.’ We are blessed to send our deepest appreciation for providing us with 4,000 boxes, as this new container is even more of a blessing compared to our last shipment, although due to the rise of extensive demands we have been exposed to, it would be of great help if we could receive more than 4,000 if possible. Thank you again for partnering with us in getting God’s Word out to the world. We are very grateful to be part of this life-changing work you guys have been providing for years.”

The Haitian Bible Society also plays a major role in helping provide WMP Scripture booklets and New Testaments in Haitian Kreyol, offering 20,000 New Testaments free of charge to churches and ministries whose members cannot afford to purchase a Bible or New Testament.

Another group which has been receiving WMP literature for Haiti for several years was recently able to obtain the documentation needed to import a shipment of literature for their base in northern Haiti. When WMP committed to providing literature from our upcoming printing of Kreyol material, tears welled up in the eyes of their representative, who was overwhelmed at what the Lord was doing and will do for His sake in Haiti through His Word.


WMP’s upcoming production of Kreyol booklets, Bible Studies, and New Testaments for Haiti totals 2,466,180 items, including material to supply teams going from the U.S. to Haiti for evangelism conferences, medical missions, and Vacation Bible Schools, to name a few.

A group from Kansas will be fixing broken wells in Haiti. “Before we begin, we pray with the local people and hand out Scripture booklets. After we fix the well, we give testimonies to Christ and explain the booklet as well. We appreciate WMP for providing these booklets for the Haitian people.”

Many Haitians who fled to other countries have been reached with the gospel through WMP Scripture booklets, as local believers saw the opportunity and requested Kreyol booklets to share with those seeking hope. Shipments to Brazil, Dominican Republic, and Chile included Kreyol material to serve new Haitian communities. Haitian communities in the U.S. are also active in receiving boxes of Scripture booklets and sending them on to Haiti through church and family associations. Praise God! His powerful Word is flooding into Haiti, bringing deliverance and hope.

[You can help provide God’s Word for Haiti and other places of crisis in the world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets in people’s own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes

When we have these tools, I feel armed & ready to share!

“We want to express our GRATITUDE for the WMP Scripture booklets you sent us for ongoing outreach! It means so much to us to have these good materials!

“As you know, I’ve been evangelizing over 47 years, and every day I have these booklets in my pockets in six or seven languages. The very arduous journeys into distant places in Asia for 32 years were intense, but I had the good booklets to toss, give, send, and even TEACH about, as I held them up in front of tribal crowds and Bible Schools in jungles and inner-cities.

“I recall handing out 1,200 booklets and 700 Bibles in front of a Buddhist temple all in one day, with a team. Great blessings! The police came over to ask us to leave because it appeared we had more powerthan they, they said!

“When we have these tools for gospel trips—and daily wherever we go, as we meet Burmese, Thai, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Spanish, Hebrew, English-speaking people—I feel armed and ready to share and see souls saved! We feel RICH when we have these blessings you sent! THANK YOU!

—Pat C., Asia



Meet the Team

Jean G.


I first heard of World Missionary Press more than 40 years ago when I was given a Help From Above Scripture booklet. I still have it after all these years!

For more than 30 years it was a dream of mine to come to New Paris and see the work and help out. Life has kept me very busy and, until recently, I could not make the trip. Since I don’t drive, I came by train. This is the most amazing and wonderful thing I have ever gotten to do in my 60-plus years! This is my first time to volunteer and, God willing, I will be here many more times.

This place is here all for the glory of God! It is truly the work of the Lord. I love every minute helping with the mailings, and it is great to help pack booklets for the world! Everyone has been so nice and helpful. There is a real spirit of Christian harmony here. I love that every day there is chapel for all. The tour was amazing, too!

At home in Pennsylvania, I like to read, decorate, work with plants, work in the church, and watch my little nieces. I am widowed and don’t have a lot of family nearby. I try to see them when I can. My two little great nieces, Adrianna (4) and Annabella (1), are the joy of my life. They are real gifts to me, as are their momma and daddy.





WMP Partners Around the World

Ibrahima D.


The West African nation of Senegal is described as spiritually both open and closed. While there is religious freedom and tolerance, Islam dominates the lives of 90% of its 16.5 million people. Over the past six years, WMP has provided shipments of Scripture booklets in multiple languages for believers to use in sowing the seed of the gospel through Ibrahima D., WMP’s national coordinator for Senegal.

WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.

Ibrahima: I grew up in a Muslim family in Mauritania. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ when I was 13 years old, after my family was forced to leave Mauritania and settle in Senegal in desperate conditions. As my family situation worsened, I prayed to God, asking that if He would deliver my family from their troubles and potential break-up, I would testify that He is the only true God and follow Him whatever the cost. The Lord answered my prayer. Since then, my only desire has been to announce salvation in Jesus to all Senegalese. When I heard about Every Home for Christ for the first time, I left teaching and chose to evangelize my country with EHC! The idea of God using me to reach out to my own people with the gospel, sharing with and encouraging the broken hearted, perfectly matched my deeply-entrenched yearnings.

WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in Senegal?

Ibrahima: In Senegal, people avoid being seen publicly with Christians or going to church. Having literature at home, in the office, in cars, in the fields, etc. allows them to look for the truth without persecution from their parents or family. If they find the truth and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord, then the church grows secretly. It would be difficult for churches to evangelize publicly without literature. Literature guarantees that the gospel remains in a family, doing its work, available to be consulted by anyone at any time. Literature allows people to teach themselves and discover truth and grow in their spiritual life. Literature in Arabic, French, Wolof, and Serere is needed. [Note: WMP does not currently have material in the Serere language. Work has begun on a booklet in Wolof.]

WMP: How long does a shipment of WMP literature last?

Ibrahima: Even those who like literature do not accept everything that comes from Christians or churches, so we need to form relationships with non-Christians to assure them before the distribution. This takes time. As we want to do our work well and not be in a hurry, it takes two or three years to use a shipment.

WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of WMP material?

Ibrahima: WMP booklets are more complete and more appropriate for Bible studies and follow-up for believers. The only problem is the languages. It would be great if we could have these tools in all the languages listed above. We also need New Testaments in Arabic and French, 20,000 for each. All the Scripture booklets will be used in Muslim areas. In home-to-home campaigns, open-air evangelism, and street film-projection, every participant will receive one of each booklet. We will leave one copy of each in every home visited. [Note: In response to Brother Ibrahima’s request, WMP’s most recent shipment to Senegal included 20,000 copies each of The Gospel of John, How to Know God, and A Bible Study on Genesis in Arabic as well as 46,900 New Testaments in Arabic and French.]

Ibrahima has a special burden for the Wolof people in Senegal—99% of whom are devout Muslims. The few churches in Wolof communities typically do not have Wolof Christians, but only foreigners and people from other minority groups. A translation project to provide WMP’s booklet, How to Know God, in the language of 5 million Wolof-speaking Senegalese is in process and awaits final corrections from the field. Please pray for the completion of this much-needed title in Wolof!