Search Results for "our help from above"

December 2019 Newsletter

“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” —2 Corinthians 4:6

When God created the world, He spoke, and heavenly light shone, separating darkness from light. When man sinned and broke the blessed fellowship between God and man, a spiritual darkness covered the earth. At the birth of Jesus, God again provided light to bring mankind out of darkness, revealing eternal salvation available for all peoples through His Son. Let us rejoice in this glorious Light!

Ways to share God’s message of Light in this dark world:

Idea #1—A box of Scripture booklets every month

Every day thousands of Christians use World Missionary Press Scripture booklets to penetrate spiritual darkness by sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Many go home to home with a personal witness. Others find a place in a park or on a street corner where they can offer music or preach to passers-by. Beside them will be an open box of WMP Scripture booklets, usually given out one at a time. The booklets complete the presentation and continue the effectiveness of the message as the traveler moves on.

“I along with some British brothers would preach every Saturday night at London’s Piccadilly Circus to the world as it passed by or stopped to listen. Your various language [booklets] helped us when they were having difficulty in understanding or were asking questions. I remember many with their smile, treasuring the booklet as they walked away into the darkness….” —United Kingdom

A regular monthly donation of $25.00 for a “WMP BOX” provides 500 Scripture booklets each month for a street preacher in the United Kingdom or a village evangelist in India to give a lasting message of hope and redemption.

Idea #2—A roll of paper

In an increasingly digital age, the printed page still has a strong and sustaining presence. By providing topical Scripture booklets in 348 languages, WMP offers a unique ministry tool in countries where evangelistic material and Bible teaching tools are not readily available.

“Every time Ruth takes the baby for a walk to get her to sleep, she loads copies of A Bible Study on John at the bottom of the pram. As she comes across local people working or walking on her route, she gives them the gospel. They are so eager to get a copy of the gospel in their own language.” —South Africa

The need for “paper missionaries” continues to grow. To meet the growing need, we must keep the presses running. They require a basic ingredient—paper. A gift of $1,115.00 provides a 1,500-pound 35-inch-wide roll of paper for producing the inside pages for 85,000 48-page Scripture booklets! A gift of $557.50 will provide half a roll. Paper for the booklet covers is used on our sheet-fed 6-unit press. A donation of $370 will supply 8,500 flat sheets for 136,000 full-color covers.

Idea #3—New Testaments in Haitian Kreyol

Haiti is a nation bound in despair, its unrest a reaction to years of wrenching poverty, natural disasters, and hopelessness. In divine love, God has sent faithful servants into the seemingly endless need with tools to help meet the physical and spiritual emptiness. Many of these workers look to WMP for our unique Kreyol New Testament, which includes the entire book of Psalms as well as our Basic Study of New Testament Scriptures study material, provided free of charge.

When several Haitian boys gathered daily to study Scripture, none of them had a Bible. They studied by reviewing a Bible story they learned at church. A WMP distributor gave each of them a Kreyol New Testament. Now they can read and learn for themselves and share even more of God’s Word. Some New Testaments are distributed in the schools, so the demand is great. WMP’s national coordinator in Haiti has requested a 40-foot container of Scripture booklets and New Testaments in French and Kreyol. She needs at least 1,000 boxes (16,000 copies) of the Kreyol New Testament and Psalms. You can help provide the vital bread of life for a nation desperate for hope. A gift of $152.00 will give 100 Haitians a New Testament in their language. With a gift of $1,520.00 you can supply 1,000 people with their very own copy of God’s Word.


Idea #4—Literature for the Democratic Republic of the Cong

Perhaps Operation World best describes the challenges in DRC, Africa’s second largest country:

“The lands under this name have no centralized government, no connectedness between the vast and far-flung regions, almost no functioning infrastructure and no single language or culture to unite its many diverse peoples. More than five million people have lost their lives through war, violence, starvation, and virtual collapse of the health system. The Church is an essential entity for rebuilding DRC. …There is a famine of Christian literature. Distribution and poverty are enormous problems. Most areas suffer a severe lack of God’s Word.”

In order to effectively meet the many challenges of reaching every home in this county of almost 88 million people (with 50% of the population under 16), speaking 200 languages, Every Home for Christ has divided the country into four areas, each with local leadership to meet unique needs. Each region has submitted a specific request for WMP literature. In response, we will be printing more than seven million booklets in six major languages for localized effectiveness. A gift of $2,500 can offer God’s Word to 50,000 people who have nowhere else to look for hope.

Idea #5—Prayer support



Each workday, WMP staff gathers in our chapel for a time of prayer and sharing. Recognizing that our strength and supply come from God, we come to Him daily as one body, bringing our praises and petitions focused on particular aspects of WMP ministry. We remember our staff, donors, volunteers, board members, and national coordinators and distributors. Sharing answered prayer in our individual lives as well as in our departments binds us together in His love. You can share with us in prayer each day by receiving our monthly Prayer and Praise letter via email or standard mail. Our WMP App also lists specific and timely prayer requests and answers. You can follow us on Facebook or our WMP Ambassador Network (, where daily postings keep you informed of needs and praises from major distributors and national coordinators. We welcome you to join hands and hearts with us and be a part of what God is doing in lives and communities through the power of His Word.




Idea #6—New publications

This year WMP was excited to offer four new publications for use in evangelism and discipleship, each one designed to give believers a unique tool in sharing the gospel. They are a welcome addition to the powerful Scripture booklets that have blessed so many around the world for more than 58 years.

Who Do You Say That I Am?—This new 48-page booklet clearly answers this important question that Jesus asked by presenting Christ’s claims of who He is through His own words and the prophecies that foretold His coming as Savior, presenting Him as the Son of God. Translation work to provide this booklet in multiple languages has already begun. Many WMP coordinators and distributors are eager to have this new booklet available, recognizing that this question must be answered in the hearts and minds of people all over the world.

The Path to Life—In this new type of evangelism tool from WMP, Jesus Christ is introduced through Scripture and artwork as Creator, the Son of God, Redeemer, and source of eternal life on eight panels of a single-page folded full-color hand-out. The Path to Life can be produced for less than the cost of a 48-page Scripture booklet and in greater quantity. This hand-out is being translated into several major languages for mass distribution.

Alive in Christ—This 96-page discipleship booklet has been on the heart of WMP’s leadership for many years. A new believer, just beginning their journey with God and needing to build a strong foundation for a life of faith, requires an understanding of how to live in “newness of life.” Alive in Christ offers Scripture portions to show how God fills us and empowers us to know Him and walk in fellowship with Him. This is a wonderful tool for individual study for even seasoned Christians. We are never too old to deepen our knowledge of God and learn more about how we can reflect Him in our daily lives.

God Loves You!—This booklet is a revision of our 8½”x11” salvation coloring book by that name. The smaller size allows us to print in-plant at a greatly reduced price and in greater quantity. New coloring pages reflect the Scripture verses on the associated page, taking the reader from creation to eternal life in heaven. Many WMP distributors have been waiting for the revised coloring book to be available and translations will soon begin in several major languages.

You can help get this new material into the hands of distributors from Brazil to the Philippines. A donation of $250.00 will provide 10 boxes for an evangelist or missionary praying for help to share with children and their families the truth of who Jesus is and the eternal life and hope He offers.

Idea #7—Ink

What would a printing company be without ink? How would the words show up on the paper? Ink often goes unnoticed, but is vital to the process of producing printed Scripture booklets. When ink is applied to the rollers on our presses, words from Scripture make the blank paper “come alive.” A 425-lb barrel of black ink for our web press costs $501.50. A 5-lb can of color ink to print the colored covers of our Scripture booklets (as well as newsletters and brochures) costs $22.35. A donation of $100.00 will provide color for approximately 60,000 Scripture booklet covers.


Idea #8—Overseas printings

Although WMP sends booklets to almost every country that allows for importing such literature, in some places Scripture booklets cannot be received by mail or sea container, or restrictions limit what we can send. Believers in these countries are not silent, however. They seek sound, Scriptural literature to help them share the gospel where open witnessing may be dangerous or illegal. In some of these countries, WMP contracts with in-country printers (referred by our national contacts) to print Scripture booklets. These printings may be more expensive than printings in our plant, but the need must be met. Places such as Russia, Mongolia, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Indonesia receive funding for printing WMP Scripture booklets.

A recent request from Indonesia to print 1,375,000 Scripture booklets and Bible studies included a large listing from Every Home for Christ toward completion of their OIKOS Initiative in Indonesia. With a population of 264 million, Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation. The power of God’s Word must continue to be available to support believers and reach hearts and minds. Your donation of $100.00 will provide Help From Above to 2,500 Indonesians who need to know the one true God who loves them and sent His Son to die for them.

Idea #9—Boxes and pallets

Boxes used for standard packaging represent another necessary ingredient in getting Scripture booklets to the ends of the earth. These boxes must be consistent in size, durable, and cost-effective. Currently, we use about 14,000 boxes per month at a cost of $3,825.36 ($273.24 per thousand). A 20-foot container being prepared for Paraguay will use 2,565 boxes. A donation of $70.00 will provide 256 boxes to hold 128,000 Scripture booklets.

Wooden pallets allow stacking and securing up to 256 boxes as one shrink-wrapped unit which can be moved by forklift on and off a sea container, supporting the individual boxes and securing the precious Scripture booklets inside the boxes. These pallets must be able to support the weight of up to 256 ten-pound boxes. Often these pallets are used in the destination country to keep booklets safe from water or infestation. At $6.55 per pallet, a donation of $131.00 will supply pallets for two 20-foot container shipments.

Idea #10—Shipping to the world

The world’s commerce moves by sea, using ship containers that carry parts, finished products, produce, machinery, and WMP Scripture booklets. The enormous cost savings to send large quantities to a single foreign location makes it possible to print even more booklets for more shipments. Our Freight Shipments Team works with responsible shipping agents to get the best service at the best price for safe delivery to each destination. New laws and requirements for shipments often arise without warning, changing the paperwork needed and sometimes delaying shipments. Once the shipments arrive at the seaport, they are received by faithful national coordinators and distributors who volunteer their time and energy to clear the containers through customs, transport the material to centralized locations, and monitor the distribution of each box.

The cost of shipping varies from country to country and is a major expense. A shipment being prepared for Nigeria will contain 4,215 boxes (2,107,500 booklets) on 17 pallets in a 40-foot container. To deliver the shipment from our loading dock to the consignee in Lagos will cost about $15,000, or about $3.55 per box. Your donation of $500.00 toward shipping will help expedite shipments like this and get the Word of God into waiting hands.




October 2019 Newsletter

“We Have No Fear in Our Hearts”

“So we may boldly say: ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear.’ ”—Hebrews 13:6a

The West African nation of Liberia holds many challenges for spreading the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. This land rich in natural resources has suffered greatly from two civil wars, government corruption, poverty, and disease. Into this needy place come the ambassadors of Christ with a message of reconciliation.

During the Ebola epidemic, teams from Sharing God’s Abundance, Inc. stayed in the villages, helping in physical ways as well as giving words of comfort and peace from God’s Word. Their fearlessness in the face of death and their love for the people touched the hearts of many village leaders and government officials, opening the doors for evangelism and teaching.

In a recent report to WMP, Liberian pastors from 15 counties thanked WMP for the Scripture booklets: “The Sharing God’s Abundance team of Liberia is blissful with joy for the unanimous support rendered…for the rural people of Liberia. Every single booklet that you gave was distributed to the loving people of Liberia and they are using them carefully.” During their outreach to 616 villages, “1,381 pastors from different villages participated, 3,230 people rededicated their lives to the Lord, and 5,084 people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior.” In spite of many challenges, their perseverance has led to openings for evangelism in three surrounding countries.

Wordsower Liberia has been using WMP literature for several years as they reach into areas with predominately unreached Muslim tribes.

“Wordsower Liberia exists because our Lord has called and united a team of obedient disciples who have all sacrificed towards a truly plentiful everlasting harvest. The workers are us: the united, the sacrificial, the faithful, the obedient. I believe that as we unite, we will be utterly amazed, far beyond our dreams, at the harvest that will come from our obedient sacrifice.”

Some individuals of the towns have come to the team in private, put their faith in the gospel, repented, and confessed Christ as their Savior. Kim S. of Wordsower Liberia explained that “most of the youth of Muslim parents are not interested in Islam, but their problem is rejection from the family and community, persecution, and possibly death.” There is the potential for a great harvest. “In this region, the cloud of deception seems to be dissipating. Our team is powerful. They gave me the testimony, ‘We do not fear; it is not in our hearts!’ They are full of passion, boldness, and sacrifice. We define passion as suffering and dying for a cause greater than ourselves. We are now participating in a harvest and expect a great harvest.”

Such devoted obedience has received God’s blessing, opening doors for Wordsower to establish ministry in Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, and Northern Nigeria. They will need increasing supplies from World Missionary Press to support their teams. After receiving a recent shipment of French New Testaments, Kim S. sent out this encouraging report about WMP:

“World Missionary Press sends Scripture booklets and New Testaments by the millions all over the world. For many years, they have supplied us with thousands upon thousands of New Testaments and booklets at no charge! Just recently they shipped us 1,560 French New Testaments. They shipped them from their factory in Indiana to our team in Ohio. From there the New Testaments were packed into barrels and shipped to the East coast in a truck, then put on a cargo ship bound for a port in Monrovia, Liberia. From Monrovia, I made a couple of trips by car to carry the barrels from the port warehouse to our Missionary Aviation Fellowship friends, who flew them to our base in Zwedru. Next, the barrels were strapped to the backs of motorbikes to be taken where no car or truck can go—to our Ivory Coast base. They will be used for evangelism and discipleship to the unreached tribes.”

Every Home for Christ is another faithful WMP partner in Liberia. In the past 14 years WMP has provided over 5.7 million Scripture booklets, Bible study booklets, and salvation coloring books for EHC Liberia. Some of these precious Scripture portions have been carried into areas where the name of Jesus has never been heard. An 83-year-old man was given his very first pair of shoes from Soles For Jesus along with a Help From Above Scripture booklet from World Missionary Press. As his new shoes were fitted on his feet, an EHC worker sat next to him and went through the booklet page by page, telling him about Jesus and how he could choose Jesus to be the ruler of his heart. With great joy the man accepted this new treasure of eternal life and peace.

When contacted about the need for a new supply of WMP literature, the EHC’s director for Liberia replied, “Your email is an answer to many prayers as we are in dire need of these materials and grateful to WMP for all the help you have rendered to many Christian ministries in Africa. World Missionary Press has always been a supportive arm to accomplish the Great Commission task through printing literature and making it available to us for evangelism and discipleship.”

The new shipment for EHC Liberia will carry almost one million Scripture booklets and Bible study booklets in English and Bassa. Their need is urgent, their hearts fearless. Will you help expedite the printing and shipping of these words of hope for the people of Liberia? The fields are ready to harvest.

[You can help provide Scriptures for Liberia and other African nations. Every donated dollar provides for production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets. Investing $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]

Grateful Quotes

Now my family and I are Christians.

“There comes to my mind a testimony from many years ago when a WMP team visited our country. We parked the car in a city parking lot where a young man came to serve us. We gave him a WMP Scripture booklet and great was our surprise when he told us, I received a booklet like this and I accepted the Lord after reading this beautiful booklet. Now all my family and I are Christians and gather in a church in Buenos Aires.’ We regularly receive testimonies like this from the churches that distribute this precious literature daily throughout the country.”

“From the high mountains of the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean, from the North to the Tierra del Fuego archipelago in the South, considered the ‘uttermost ends of the earth,’ WMP literature arrives. At the moment, we are waiting for a new shipment, since we are out of stock.

—Rino B., Argentina

Meet the Team

Larry and Dorothy H.


We’ve been aware of World Missionary Press since it was in Winona Lake. In fact, Larry volunteered there before it moved to New Paris in 1970. Our church volunteered the last Tuesday of each month by helping on the bindery from the early 1970s until 1996, when we could no longer supply a full team.

After Larry retired three years ago, we sold our farmhouse and moved into town. We thought volunteering would make a good retirement activity for Larry, but when we asked about how to volunteer, they had a job for both of us working together! For about 2½ years we’ve been helping cut the cardboard dividers for the skids (used in freight shipments and other ways). We enjoy the freedom of coming without a specific schedule and working for half a day a week when it is most convenient for our schedule.

It is a good feeling to be a part of the team by helping get out God’s Word in our own small way. We feel welcomed and appreciated. We have always appreciated the efficiency of the small 48-page Scripture booklets that allow people around the world to get a taste of God’s Word.

We also keep busy serving the Lord by volunteering in our church, Nappanee United Methodist. We’re active in the Gideons, both of us serving as camp chaplains at the present time. We also deliver for Meals on Wheels in Milford twice a month. I still work two days a week at the Milford Public Library, which I often say is my hobby.

Larry taught high-school science for 14 years and then farmed, with his main business being raising ducks for Maple Leaf Farms for 30 years. I taught elementary school for nearly 20 years. We have two daughters and sons-in law and three grandchildren. The oldest grandson was married in August, the second is heading off to Trine University as a freshman, and our granddaughter will be a senior at Lakeland Christian Academy.

—Dorothy H.

WMP Partners Around the World

Bella A.

WMP Coordinator, Chad

The Republic of Chad is a landlocked nation of 15 million people in north-central Africa. The population is a complex mixture of 150 or more peoples. World Missionary Press is blessed to serve alongside Every Home for Christ and their national director, Bella A., in reaching this Muslim-dominated country with a message of life and hope from the one true God.

WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.

Bella: I am from a 99-percent Muslim community, since my father’s family was the first to come to the Lord. No uncle or family on my father’s or mother’s side came to the Lord and they remain Muslims. By the grace of God, I am currently the Director of Every Home for Christ in Chad. We distribute more than 500,000 pieces of WMP literature each year in homes, schools, hospitals, prisons, and military camps.

WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?

Bella: Since 1994, through a friend, I received WMP booklets in Arabic and French, and I distributed them in the neighborhoods of N’Djamena. But since being with Every Home for Christ since 2012, the containers are not enough. Currently, where I write, we do not have a single booklet in our stores in French or Arabic, not even the New Testament.

WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in Chad?

Bella: We are a poor country. The free literature motivates many churches to go into evangelism. The Gospel of John (in Arabic) and A Bible Study on John (in French) are excellent training tools for new converts. The impact of literature in homes is very positive and encouraging.

WMP: How long does a shipment of WMP literature last?

Bella: We most recently received a 40-foot container, but since the first quarter of 2018 we have answered only 30% of the literature requests, and now we have nothing left. Every three years we must receive a 40-foot container to avoid long break-ups.

WMP: What challenges do you face in the free distribution of WMP literature?

Bella: The challenge in the free distribution is at the level of the vastness of the country and that we must have several deposits of literature in different regions. The cost of expediting the literature committed to EHC is a challenge, including the rental of stores in the province.

WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of WMP material?

Bella: The advantage of WMP booklets and why they are appreciated is that they are in French, Arabic, and in the languages of the major peoples of the country. WMP’s literature is useful not only for evangelizing, but also for training new converts (Gospel of John) and helping build them up through systematic follow-up. People enjoy literature in their local language.

September 2019 Newsletter

Help from Above in Times of Crisis

“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” —Psalm 121:2

Across the globe, nations are in crisis, their people fearful, looking for hope. War, drought, political upheaval, disease, natural disaster—all can bring people to the brink of despair. As believers reach out with the love of God, they take with them words of hope and security that can come only from the Creator who loves everyone with an unfathomable love. Here is true help from above, the only source of lasting peace and comfort.

World Missionary Press Scripture booklets, available in 348 languages, are an invaluable tool in giving lasting comfort. Food for the body is accompanied by food for the soul. Water to alleviate thirst and prevent disease is shared with an introduction to the One who offers living water.

Once prosperous, Venezuela is in turmoil as hunger, violent crime, and political unrest have led more than three million from their homeland to seek survival and safety in other countries. We praise God for opportunities to minister to those who have left Venezuela and settled in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Argentina. Our national coordinator in Brazil asked for a special order (500,000 copies) of The Way to God booklets in Spanish. “With the political problem in Venezuela, very large numbers of immigrants are coming from that country, and with this there is a great opportunity to evangelize them.”

As personal crises deepen in Venezuela, the need for God’s Word grows greater. WMP will be sending a container of almost one million Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments to our national coordinator there in response to his request for material while the door is still open to receive the shipment.

Frontline Fellowship reports from Sudan that while the news from that nation is filled with talk of war, riots, poverty, and persecution, their team experienced firsthand the powerful advance of Christ’s Church and a hunger for spiritual truth.

“More and more pathways for the gospel and discipleship are opening up in Sudan. I am constantly hearing testimonies of Sudanese coming to Christ in unconventional ways. Hundreds have surrendered to Jesus in refugee camps around North Africa. Many asylum seekers have heard the gospel, living in safer countries. People from all over Sudan have come to Christ through the opportunities made available by the effects of war. Some of these people are going back into Sudan to share the Good News with their families and friends.” —John C., South Africa

A recent WMP shipment to Frontline Fellowship included two million Scripture booklets in 15 languages for teams to distribute in countries from South Africa to Sudan. Here again, the joy of offering the Word of God in the language of each country is found in the ready acceptance of the booklets.

Civil unrest in Central African Republic has engulfed much of the country in violence and destruction. Hundreds of churches have been burned and yet the Spirit of the Lord cannot be deterred. A recent message from WMP’s national coordinator in CAR clearly describes the faithfulness of God’s people no matter the situation:

“Despite the very difficult environment under which our brethren are called to work, much progress is being made. With more than half of the country under rebel control, opportunities to share Christ with Muslims and nominal believers have never been greater.

“Just across the Oubangui river from Bangui, CAR is the town of Zongo in Democratic Republic of the Congo. We plan to open a new depot there to serve cities and towns in northern Congo with Scripture booklets. With new entry in our Bible schools and short-term missions teams preparing to reach many target areas in the region in August/September, our present stock of booklets and New Testaments is sure to be depleted. Kindly send us one 40-foot container and one 20-foot container for the depot in DRCongo in the first quarter of 2020.” —Edet O., Central African Republic

A report from Global Media Outreach noted that “12,000 Christians were physically attacked for their Christian beliefs in India in 2018. A recent report showed Christians in India experience ‘extreme persecution’ for their belief in Jesus. However, data suggests the gospel is still spreading at a record pace.”

In the face of growing persecution, Christians in India continue sharing their faith and showing the love of Christ, refusing to retaliate against those who falsely accuse or even attack them, their families, and their churches. Voice of the Martyrs reports that “despite greater government restrictions on Christianity, the Church is growing. The most growth is among those with Hindu backgrounds who have a deep spiritual hunger.” To support Indian Christians in their continuing ministries to all of India, WMP has recently sent another 40-foot container (2 million booklets) to our national coordinator, with three more container orders in process, one for our coordinator and two for another major distributor. Along with printing in India, WMP will have provided 20 million booklets for India this year.

These scenarios are being repeated in several other countries as well. In each case WMP works with national coordinators and major distributors to get the Word of God into the hands of those in crisis, offering hope and peace in a dark world. To do this we must have the resources available to send. Our partners are looking to us to aid in the rescue!

Summer has brought a cutback in our monthly production due to lower than budgeted monthly income. This means distributors waiting for new supplies will need to wait even longer. Our staff is praying daily for the Lord to provide the resources to not only get back to producing the equivalent of 7 million Scripture booklets per month, but to increase to a much higher monthly production level that will see shipments going out with exciting frequency and joy.

Will you help those standing up to the Enemy by providing God’s Word as their most effective weapon?


[You can help provide Scriptures for nations in crisis. Every donated dollar provides for production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets for people in their own language. Investing $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]


Grateful Quotes


I gave my life to Christ 25 years ago.

“I pray and pass out WMP Scripture booklets daily. Twenty-five years ago, I gave my life to Christ after reading Who Am I That a King Would Die in My Place? I thank God for WMP and all the people who support this ministry.” —Isac G., Michigan



Meet the Team

Volunteers for Mailings

Volunteers have formed an integral part of World Missionary Press from the very beginning. Retirees, teens, adult Sunday-school groups, home-schoolers, and individuals find joy in stuffing envelopes and fellowshipping with other volunteers.

Over the course of 3 days each month, 20-25 volunteers (about 8-10 volunteers per day) stuff 16,000 envelopes with the WMP newsletter and other material. The average stuffing rate is about 1,000 newsletters per hour, saving considerable expense. What a blessing they are! And they receive a blessing as well.


I enjoy helping with the mailing to let others know what an amazing work goes on at World Missionary Press.” —Edna M.


“I enjoy the fellowship while serving the Lord with others.” —Joann M.


“The best thing that I like is knowing that God’s Word is going out to brothers and sisters in Christ who are not as fortunate as we are to have the Word. I also enjoy the fellowship. What could be better than to send out God’s Word and to enjoy fellowship with other sisters in Christ? Highlight of my month for sure.” —Coral M.


“I enjoy the environment as well as getting God’s Word out.” —Laura B.


Other mailings (introductory packets, letters to chaplains, Scripture-text Datebooks sent to prisoners, annual dinner invitations and DVD’s) also keep the volunteer room humming. Some volunteers are not able to assist on our bindery or other duties, but they can sit at a table and work with their hands and hearts, being a part of what God is doing through World Missionary Press.

Mailing volunteers work flexible hours between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm on stuffing days. Some bring a snack or, if staying for the day, bring their lunch and eat in the kitchen with the staff. We are looking for additional volunteers to help during the winter months, when retirees often head south and teachers are back in school.


“We appreciate our volunteers giving of their valuable time to impact the world for Christ. They are making a difference and serving an important purpose in the work of the Lord. Thank you to all who help make this possible!”

—Karen M., WMP Volunteer Coordinator



WMP Partners Around the World

Soles for Jesus

Sub-Saharan Africa


It is always exciting when the Lord brings His people together to accomplish His purpose. Ministries with different emphases and contacts find themselves sharing in unique ways, being blessed and blessing people in distant places with God’s love. World Missionary Press has been privileged to partner with Soles for Jesus in several African countries. Meeting material needs in a spirit of servanthood opens hearts to receive the written Word of God.

Recently, Soles for Jesus (SFJ) contacted WMP regarding additional future joint shipments (shoes and Scripture booklets). Looking over the open orders and production status, we found that both ministries were preparing shipments for Lesotho in southern Africa. In just a matter of days, WMP shipped 632,000 Scripture booklets in English and Sesotho to the SFJ facility in Wisconsin to be combined with 4 pallets of donated shoes to share with the people of Lesotho. What a joy to see the Lord direct in such a wonderful way!

A second project for this year was also discussed, and plans were made to send a 20-foot container with 5 pallets of WMP literature and 5 pallets of shoes to Mozambique.

WMP is organizing a campaign to gather new or lightly-used shoes here at our plant in New Paris, Indiana, wrapping up during our Open House Saturday afternoon, October 19, 2019. The shoes will then be sent to SFJ for processing. This is a unique opportunity for this area to show the love of Christ to adults and children in Mozambique who do not own a pair of shoes or who have outgrown what they have. Would your church or business like to be a collection point? Questions can be directed to WMP at 574-831-2111. Those who live too far away to bring shoes to WMP can contact SFJ directly at 414-365-1392 about being involved in this exciting opportunity.

Diane Studer of Soles for Jesus will be sharing as a Field Flash speaker at our annual Anniversary Dinner on October 19, 2019 at Maple City Chapel, Goshen, Indiana. Since 2009 SFJ has provided 476,000 shoes for the people of Sub-Saharan Africa in countries such as Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Swaziland. They offer an amazing way to be involved in providing for some of the 853,000,000 people of that part of Africa. Please visit the SFJ website at and learn “Why Shoes?”, “Ideas for Involvement,” and “How to Host a Shoe Drive Anywhere.” Or contact them by Email at

WMP will soon be printing Scripture booklets for the upcoming Mozambique joint shipment. The five pallets from WMP will include 619,000 items in five languages, primarily Shona, Chisena, and Ndau. Donations toward this timely need can be made by calling WMP and referring to the special shipment for Mozambique. A $50.00 donation will provide Scripture booklets for 1,300 individuals as they are fitted with a pair of shoes in the name of Jesus.


Past collaboration between WMP and SFJ in Zambia resulted in a report that warmed our hearts. A village that had been closed to the gospel was open to receiving the gift of shoes for the people. As the shoes and Scripture booklets were shared, hearts were opened to the gospel message as well and new life entered that village. God used WMP and SFJ as a united team to open a door that was once shut.








Meeting the Challenge

“For I, the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’ ” —Isaiah 41:13

Darrell’s smile grew wider as he described trying to navigate tree-lined pathways that serve as roads in Haiti to reach a village that had no gospel presence. His smile reflected his joy at being able to take God’s Word and His love to this village. The difficulties in getting there just seemed to enhance the blessing of reaching some of the unreached.

In Cambodia, Tom and his team trekked over difficult roads to reach another village with words of life and hope. Years of trying journeys have not dampened his enthusiasm and faithfulness in pushing on to the farthest corners with the love of Jesus.

Teams in India continue to use World Missionary Press literature prayerfully and strategically in the face of growing opposition. “As the pioneer evangelism, church planting, leadership training, and intercessory prayer ministry is growing,” wrote J.K., “Satan is also busy in hindering the work in his own ways, which is nothing new to the early church.”

Reaching every home in the world with the Word of God seems to be an impossible task. Objections abound as to the practical details of such a vision, but our God is the God of the impossible, and His direction to His Church is to go into ALL the world—to preach the good news to ALL nations. As His people obey, His blessings flow.

The OIKOS Initiative of Every Home for Christ—to reach every home with the gospel in the next 20 years—is in full swing. From door to door, teams are sharing the gospel, leaving the written Word as a continuing testimony. World Missionary Press Scripture booklets are part of this challenging project in many nations.

EHC Mexico reported: “In the first six months of 2019, the Lord allowed us to reach 4.8% of the outreach we have as a goal until 2034. In May we distributed 933,134 pieces of literature and reached 427,420 homes. Our promoters are in the field, working hard with great faith as they mobilize every pastor and leader of evangelism they find in their own territories. If we continue with this faithful effort, the Lord will allow Mexico EHC to reach 100% of the national territory in less than 15 years! Pray for this, please.”

“Global Outreach Day was a success in both Mauritius and Rodrigues Island.” EHC Mauritius reported that 608 homes were reached in three towns, with 1,574 pieces of literature distributed by their members and partners from other organizations, and 39 positive responses. “We are waiting for a consignment of literature from our partner (World Missionary Press). Pray for safe arrival and smooth clearing through customs. We are extremely thankful to WMP for providing us with this literature which is used for the work of God. We pray for them to be always blessed for their amazing work.”

A newly established EHC office in Paraguay will soon receive a supply of WMP Scripture booklets to help meet their challenge. “It is a great joy for us to be able to receive this beautiful news that we are going to count on the WMP booklets. As an organization we have a challenge to reach 262,000 homes this year and through the volunteers leave a portion of the Word of God in each of them.”

From Africa came this response: “I was glad and grateful when I saw your forwarded mail attending to the dire need of literature in Liberia. World Missionary Press has always been a supportive arm to accomplishing the Great Commission task through printing literature and making it available to us for evangelism and discipleship.”

As Every Home for Christ Philippines gears up for their OIKOS Initiative project, they “are praying and thanking God as He blesses with more church partners, more strength, and more wisdom” to reach every single Philipino home in the next 20 years. “Thank you, dear partners at World Missionary Press! Thanks, and God bless your staff, your volunteers, and your donors. The materials that we receive from you will again bless every hand that will receive it.”

Recently WMP’s national coordinator in Puerto Rico, Adalberto S., contacted the EHC team there about coordinating coverage of every home in Puerto Rico as a part of the worldwide OIKOS Initiative. Touching every home in his country with the gospel has been a long-time desire of Brother Adalberto’s heart, and he prays for the Spirit of God to move over Puerto Rico through the combined efforts of many churches and Christian leaders as they join together in the OIKOS program.

Friends of WMP and EHC have taken on the challenge in their own way by financially sponsoring needs of the OIKOS initiative in a particular country. Supplies and staffing can be arranged and the work started more smoothly and effectively, making the timely completion of the project more possible.

In the past eight months WMP has shipped 17 million pieces of literature to EHC national directors in 13 countries. Current orders in line for production total 22 million items for 16 countries involved in the OIKOS Challenge. (Up to 25 percent of some shipments may be used for continuing requests from other ministries.)

Would you consider sponsoring one of these countries to help reach EVERY HOME?





Dem. Rep. of the Congo









Sri Lanka



[You can help provide Scriptures for 16 nations involved in the OIKOS Challenge. Every donated dollar provides for production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets for people in their own language. Investing $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes

I’m writing this email from Afghanistan.

“It’s about 5 years that I’m following Jesus and learning Christ­ianity. I just download some topics from the internet and translate in my own language, then spread [it] between the followers who need God’s words. If you have any Christianity books in Dari language, kindly send me … for my people here in Afghanistan.

“I need to add that Afghanistan is an Islamic country. I’m very careful and hidden doing this holy job for Christ because I know He loves me as I love Him.

[After double-checking the postal address to ensure delivery, we sent the requested quantity of Dari Help from Above in February. He later sent word that the materials arrived safely!]

“Thank you so much for sending Scriptural literature. I have received it—1000 copies—and distributed to our people. It’s confirmed.”

—A., Afghanistan



President’s Corner

Dear Friends,

God’s Word is eternal, it’s life-changing, it accomplishes His purposes. God’s Word is a sharp sword, dividing even between soul and spirit, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

What we are doing together—donors, volunteers, prayer warriors, distributors, staff—is bringing the light of God’s Word to those living in darkness. The harvest today is VAST. The potential to reach billions is real. It’s urgent. TODAY is the day of salvation.

Over the past several weeks we’ve introduced two new products, Who Do You Say That I Am?, and the God Loves You! salvation coloring book—both full of God’s Word, both pointing people to Jesus. Today I want to share about two more tools for the Harvest: The Path to Life and Alive in Christ.

The Path to Life is an 8-panel full-color handout with Scripture verses introducing people to their need for a savior, and the redemption available through Jesus. You can view The Path to Life here:

Alive in Christ is a discipleship booklet, intended to help new believers discover who they are in Christ, and who Christ is in them. It helps Christians discover more about their new identity as children of the living God, and what it means to live in the light of eternity. Visit to read Alive in Christ.

We have been challenging you recently to join with us in stepping up to the next level. We are ready, the need is compelling. The significance of your partnership cannot be measured in earthly terms. Thank you for joining us, as we wade into today’s harvest!

 Harold Mack
WMP President



WMP Partners Around the World

Laurent T.


World Missionary Press has partnered with Every Home for Christ in Cameroon for almost 16 years, providing more than 8,000,000 Scripture booklets, Bible studies, New Testaments, and salvation coloring books. Since 2011 Laurent T. has been EHC’s national director and WMP’s national coordinator in Cameroon. We welcome this opportunity to introduce Laurent to our readers.

WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.

Laurent: I worked for 11 years with the Cameroon Bible Student Fellowship, preaching the gospel and monitoring students in two regions of my country. I have also been a parish pastor. Today by God’s grace I am working with EHC with the opportunity of reaching in a systematic way every home of my country with the Good News.

WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?

Laurent: I have been using WMP literature since I became a believer in 1986! I grew up with gospel literature. When I joined EHC Cameroon in 2011, I discovered that WMP was a privileged partner of this ministry. Very quickly, I realized that all the churches and brothers who love evangelism are constantly refueling with WMP booklets. Christian literature is an indispensable tool for us, not only to create contacts, but also to speak permanently when we leave it in a house, or when we give it to someone on the street.

WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in your country?

Laurent: In the past, personal evangelism in our country suffered much because of a lack of literature. EHC-CAMEROON, with the support of its partner WMP, has made free evangelical literature accessible to Christian communities and Christ groups, even in the most remote parts of the country. This “evangelical seed” has made it possible for EHC-CAMEROON to partner with hundreds of churches and volunteers who are deployed daily in evangelism. It has also made the message of the gospel permanent in homes, hospitals, prisons, schools, military barracks, etc. The proof is how many new distribution points needed to be established. In 2011 we started with five mission fields in three regions of our country. We now have sixteen mission fields in the ten regions of Cameroon because of the ever-increasing demand both for evangelism and for follow up. We have noticed that Christians are more willing to use the booklets as a springboard to start a discussion with someone with whom they want to share the gospel.

WMP: How long does a shipment of WMP literature last?

Laurent: While we work with more than 300 Christian assemblies throughout Cameroon, about 170 churches have a systematic evangelistic work in their localities. Several Christian ministries also use tracts to achieve their goals. The demand is such that we can distribute the equivalent of one 20-foot container of booklets per year. It would be better to have a 40-foot container to last two years.

WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of WMP material?

Laurent: The topics covered in WMP Scripture booklets meet the needs of people in our country. For example, Satan Versus CHRIST has been effective among those who suffered demonic attacks and in convincing people of the sin of idolatry. In one area it was the main booklet used that could really speak and transform people. The Power of God has been used effectively in families going through various sufferings to demonstrate that Jesus is more powerful than anything else.

The Way to God beats the record of demand by volunteers and partners for evangelism. Personally, I experienced a lot of lives transformed through this booklet. The salvation coloring book for children so captivates families and older people that follow-up becomes easy after leaving it in homes. New Testaments in French and Arabic help converts become familiar with the Good News. They are much preferred over other types of New Testaments because of the topics with verses that help believers study the Bible.

More and more churches are dividing their big assemblies into small disciple-training groups where they study our literature. These booklets appear to be the most efficacious way of keeping Christians balanced and unshakable in the faith.

July 2019 Newsletter

Seeing God at Work in Europe


With great joy we share our thoughts and observations after visiting four European countries on a ten-day trip, talking to distributors and seeing first-hand how WMP literature is used, appreciated, and needed. We felt the Spirit’s presence in each country as we saw the devotion and faithfulness of missionaries, evangelists, and individuals to the call of God to ‘go and tell!’

—WMP 2019 Europe Team


Romania: A Light Shining in the Darkness


Pastor Raul pointed to a map on his office wall. Colored pins marked the cities and villages where 60 missionaries had established a presence for the gospel. In southern Romania, where 7,000 villages have no evangelical church, only a handful of pins were on the map. But Raul was encouraged and moved on to the next map which showed another county and then to a map of the Balkan nations. They would keep on until all the maps were filled with pins!


As the WMP team that recently visited this less-reached region of Romania, we found a mission force fully committed to the work in spite of difficulties and few responses to the gospel. Missionaries must gain the trust of the people, and that takes time and devotion. Mircea and Cornelia have labored in a small community on the Danube for seven years with only a handful of people responding to the gospel, and yet they have a vision to establish a Bible-training center there on the banks of the Danube!


Each missionary we met expressed great appreciation for the Scripture booklets and a desire to have them more available to use as their situation directed. Many had used WMP booklets for years, pointing out that the booklets—presenting the Word of God—can stay with someone to be read over and over. This is invaluable in a place where overt evangelism is difficult. Although the work is hard and people are bound by poverty and remnants of a Communist worldview, the WMP team felt the strong presence of the Spirit of God moving through these faithful ones to bring precious souls to the Savior.


Finland: Revitalizing a Strong Christian Tradition


Visiting with WMP’s national coordinator in Finland was most encouraging and revealing. While WMP communicates regularly with its national coordinators by email and phone, sitting down to talk and share a meal gives new insight into a person and their vision. Brother Ali has a passion to reach the lost, with a focus on those who have been rejected by society, working with ex-criminals to present the transformative power of the gospel. Ali’s time is given to presenting public evangelism activities, working with ethnic groups through the Scripture booklets to reach specific communities, and daily providing WMP literature to churches and individuals who call and ask for more and more booklets in a variety of languages. New doors are opening to send material into neighboring countries, including Germany and Russia, to support growing outreach efforts.

While Finland has a strong Christian tradition, it is a secular nation that is generally affluent and peaceful. The power of the gospel witness has been blunted by humanism and materialism. Here again, however, the WMP team found a vibrant Christian community, including many from African nations working alongside Finnish believers to present Jesus Christ as a personal Savior and Friend.


Sweden: A Change in the Air


WMP has seen an increase in requests for Scripture booklets from Sweden in recent years, so it was exciting to hear from some of these new distributors as they shared how they use the booklets in the ministry the Lord has given each of them. A retired couple works with the homeless, building relationships and sharing the love of God in practical ways as well as through the written Word. An Iraqi evangelist is on the streets and in Stockholm’s central plaza almost daily with a book table filled with WMP Scripture booklets and other Christian literature. A former drug addict, he is a visible, passionate representative of the One who brought him from death to life.


A group of street evangelists shared their appreciation for the Scripture booklets in Swedish, commenting that because the booklets are often out of stock in the WMP plant, the evangelists consider them precious and highly valuable. They are eager to have an additional title available in Swedish to help counter the growing influence of Jehovah’s Witnesses. As in Finland, Sweden has experienced an influx of immigrants from African nations. A pastor from Nigeria shared an earnest testimony of seeing a change in the culture as more and more people are open to receive the Scripture booklets and discover what God has to say. While many traditional churches have declined over the years, there is new life in these young street evangelists, ethnic churches, and newly-established Swedish congregations. WMP will be looking for ways to keep supplies of Scripture booklets on hand in Sweden to fill the growing demand.



Norway: Transforming Norway

The WMP team was able to deliver 13 boxes (6,500 booklets) in Norwegian to Pastor Ferkah in response to his appeal for Christian literature for his congregation’s intensive soul-winning campaign in the capital city of Oslo from May to September. This is just one example of the increasing number of requests from Norway, where believers have a vision to reach the growing Muslim population, immigrants, and nominal Christians with the message of life eternal through Jesus Christ.

Operation World reports: “Oslo and the surrounding area have a lower number of evangelical Christians, but over half the population live in these areas. Norwegians of a non-Christian persuasion are concentrated here. The majority of adherents to other religions also reside in and around Oslo. To see Norway truly transformed, Oslo must be a focal point of church planting and ministry.”


A long-time WMP distributor described how he shares the booklets in various languages in shops and in personal evangelism in Oslo. WMP currently has 103 active distributors in Norway, with more than 80 in and around Oslo. A couple in the far north uses WMP literature in their airbnb apartment rentals, in which many different nationalities stay. This year, five people came to faith in Jesus through reading the Scripture booklets while on vacation.


Every step of the way we met brothers and sisters in Christ intent on reaching their communities and nations for Christ—caring for the needy, lifting up the fallen, welcoming the stranger, and drawing back the wayward. What a privilege it was to meet them and offer them assistance through WMP literature in multiple languages! We came home challenged and humbled, ready to follow their example and put our hands to the work of the Savior.


Please visit: to view a video report of the Europe trip.


[You can help provide Scriptures for Europe and around the world. Every donated dollar funds the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets for people in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]



Grateful Quotes


A framework for walking with Christ.


Help from Above was a huge encouragement and help for me as a new Christian back in the 1970’s. Back then I corresponded with WMP and ordered a quantity of booklets. I have now been a pastor for thirty years, and after not being in touch with WMP for many years, I remembered your ministry and your publication. I remember how these key Scriptures helped give me a framework for walking with Christ and a foundation for understanding. I believe I will be able to make good use of HFA in conversations with people just coming to faith—both outside our church context and within the church. Thank you for your ministry!”

—Michael W., California



Meet the Team


Brad L., Artist


[Brad recently illustrated the cover and inside pictures for WMP’s new Who Do You Say That I Am? booklet.]


I moved to Indiana to get closer to jobs and industry. I had a client in South Bend who sometimes requested auto­motive illustrations, but I was unable to find another client. I began working part-time at a grocery store and met Karen, a cashier. Learning we’re both Christians, I explained my frustration at a lack of art jobs. She told me her husband, Steve, worked at World Missionary Press and that I should visit. After a few months, I finally scheduled a tour and then filled out an application. I stapled a few examples of my work to the back page and said a prayer.


About two weeks later, Harold and Andrew requested an interview. We spent 2½ hours getting to know each other and almost immediately I was asked to re-design the cover for the Bible study on Psalms.


For the past year I’ve been happily working for Andrew in the art department, helping update the artwork in some of the booklets. Artwork has always been used to help readers understand the lessons. I provide Harold and Andrew with sketches and concepts for review, then refine the rough sketches into finished artwork. It has required me to learn to illustrate digitally—an “old dog” learning new tricks!


I feel a sense of accomplishment because my art is finally being used for the Lord’s work. These booklets are on the front lines of ministry. My work as an industrial designer for 25 years was always for secular clients, as was my automotive illustration for the following 20 years. Now that I am working with WMP, my work is used overtly for the spread of the gospel.


My wife Sheryl and I have been married more than 30 years and have two adopted children. Jacob is in the Marines, and Jacki is in high school. Sheryl and I are both artists and work from studios in our home. She specializes in equine art and, until recently, I specialized in automotive art. I’ve been a car-nut all my life. I appreciate vintage cars as well as small-scale models and have collected both for over 40 years.


I’ve also spent many a late night working on writing and illustrating a series of kid’s books. I feel a burden to create stories for younger readers that have underlying Christian themes.







June 2019 Newsletter

Offering the Word of God to the World

Last month we presented a world map showing the scope of WMP’s activity around the world through national coordinators, major distributors, and individual believers. We will return to our regular format next month but we want to offer another look at the map with the current status of shipments to each country. New doors continue to open and we must be ready to respond to those openings. The current world population is listed at 7.7 billion with a population growth of 25.6 million per year! As encouraging as this map is, it also represents the vast harvest field of souls yet to be reached.

As WMP’s partners around the world share topical Scripture booklets, they often experience the joy of seeing heavy hearts released from their burdens, lives rebuilt in God’s design, and communities transformed into centers of peace. They are eager to receive more and more booklets to share with more and more homes and villages, even into regions where the power of God’s Word has not yet been released.



“Tsunamis and floods occurred in several places in Indonesia. This meant a change for us distributing the Word of God. As churches provided rice, food, and other needs, our teams had opportunity to distribute 20,000 WMP booklets. When floods happened in Manado, our workers had opportunity to distribute 8,000 booklets. This year our workers will start visiting schools they have not visited before. Now our stock for Help from Above and The Way to God is less than 30,000 copies. We are surprised with the unsuspected opportunities we still have.”

—Frans K.



“The Philippines is made up of around 7,641 islands, with eight major dialects. The need to reach out to people through the Scripture booklets is always increasing and challenging at the same time. The Muslim population is growing fast. That is why we are asking for more of your reading materials here in our beloved nation.”

—Rene L.



“Is it possible to make two requests for literature this time around? There is [such] a huge request for literature now that I feel it may not be possible to meet the demand in one consignment.”

—Gilford M.



“I have the material in different parts of Finland. Now Russia, Estonia, and Germany are opening up, and in the summer, they are going to pick up a lot of literature. In Germany, they need a lot of material. They do a lot of work and now I get them Arabic material also.”

—Ali M.



“In a country like Ethiopia this literature is a [bright] hope for that Muslim woman that is scared to be seen associating with Christians or for that young farmer boy that lives far in the rural areas where people can’t reach him. This literature is a means for them to see things from a different perspective than the reality they live in.”

—Sam B., EHC Ethiopia


Democratic Republic of the Congo

“How great was our joy to receive this literature, which constitutes for us a powerful lever in the hands of God for the salvation of souls. We divided the booklets into five parts, then each part was sent for distribution in the villages which surround the city of Kikwit. Unfortunately, the amount was very small for Kikwit, which has more than 700,000 inhabitants. It is difficult to find even a portion of the Word of God in these villages. We received from these villages many testimonies of the souls blessed by the booklets. Thus, to allow us to continue our evangelical work, we kindly ask you to send us a large amount of literature in French and Lingala.”

—Charma W. 


“Venezuela has been in the news, over and again, during the past months. As Christians, we ought to awaken and realize that there is a great spiritual battle going on in all that has to do with Venezuela. The Holy Spirit is working, and the end result will be a great harvest of souls. We are grateful for the partnership with World Missionary Press, and very, very grateful for their help in reaching the multitudes in this country.”

—Hiske E.



“We can use as much [literature] as you can send. We presently have a network of 300 churches and over 4,000 people.”

—John R.



“I personally received a couple of boxes of this booklet (The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ) last year. So many people got saved and blessed by your work. Now I need more and more boxes every week, because many people are coming to Jesus.”

—Marle I.



Watch and pray as Alison B. shares about shipment status and the great need to provide for a backlog of 120+ million booklets:






Meet the Team

Liz M.



I retired over seven years ago after many years of factory work and quickly settled into enjoying not getting up early for my job. But soon I realized I wanted to do something with my days that was productive, meaningful, a way of serving other people. One day I was having lunch with a friend who works full time at World Missionary Press. She shared how much she enjoys her work, how friendly the people are, just like family, and how meaningful it is to be involved in sending Scripture to people all over the world who do not have it. Listening to her, I knew that was what I longed for, so I went into the office to see if there was anything I could do—and there was! The following week I started working as a volunteer a couple times a week. It’s thrilling to hear accounts of people who receive booklets and, with the help of missionaries and pastors, not only believe, but grow and remain steadfast in their faith, serving the Lord themselves. It is important to me to pray for the people who receive the booklets going out each day.


My husband, Ray, and I have been married 51 years. We have three children, four grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. We are so happy they live locally and that we get to spend time with them. Ray enjoys playing the tuba with local community and brass bands and I enjoy playing the keyboard on the worship team at our church. I also enjoy making greeting cards, which can be a way of encouraging others.



January 2019 Special Edition Newsletter

God’s Plan to Use His Word

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;…
it shall accomplish what I please.”
 —Isaiah 55:11

For 57 years World Missionary Press has been “holding forth the word of life” to the world through topical Scripture booklets, demonstrating that the God of the Bible is indeed the one and only true God who loves all people, no matter ethnicity or language. God has faithfully provided for the production of more than 2.2 billion pieces of literature, which have been distributed throughout the world in 348 languages. People from the high mountains of Nepal to the icy expanse of southern Argentina have received WMP Scripture booklets introducing the God who loves them. “For God so loved the world…” rings a welcome chord in any language. This is the vision and continuing mission of World Missionary Press—until the whole world knows!


Each year seems to be more exciting and challenging than the one before, as God opens doors and brings new ministry partners—each with their unique focus and methods—to share God’s Word. After many years of limited activity in Europe and Russia, WMP has been contacted regarding major distribution in Europe. Through the impetus of one man’s passion and vision, WMP is planning for a 20-foot container of literature in many of the languages of Eastern Europe. In addition, a request for a shipment to Kazakhstan would make WMP literature available to 18 million people (70% Muslim) in a pivotal nation of Central Asia.


In response to increased requests from churches and individuals across Europe, plans for major distribution points to reach all of Europe are being reviewed, so that booklets will be more readily accessible, with major savings in mailing expenses.


Shipments to Russia have been halted in recent years, even though the work of the Kingdom continues there. A new request for WMP literature for Russia has prompted WMP to authorize the printing of 250,000 Scripture booklets in Russia! We continue to pray for the day when we can again send container shipments full of Scripture booklets into Russia.


Growing persecution in many parts of Asia increases the sense of urgency to proclaim the good news of salvation and hope through Jesus Christ to 4.6 billion people! WMP was able to produce 21 million Scripture booklets for India in the past year, providing thousands of pastors and evangelists with “seed” to sow. Teams continued to take booklets deep into China as the Lord led. Thousands of tourists from mainland China have come to Christ while visiting Hong Kong and Macau through the personal witness of believers and gift bags which included WMP booklets.


Two major shipments to the Philippines filled empty shelves and waiting requests for Scripture booklets in 16 Filipino languages. Shipments are planned for India, Thailand, Pakistan, Hong Kong, and Macau this year. Printings of 1.3 million booklets in Indonesia will help fill requests from our coordinator and another partnering ministry in the world’s most populous Muslim nation.


Scripture booklets are often carried into dangerous and challenging areas where there is great resistance to the spread of the gospel. In Liberia, teams boldly and prayerfully seek out villages controlled by witch doctors or “devils” feared by the people. As the Holy Spirit moves, and God’s power and love is demonstrated, ancient barriers are broken down and new life takes root. Many in Africa are seeing such a moving of the Spirit. Recent shipments to Africa have impacted nations which have been without continuing supplies of Scripture booklets for years. New contacts in Benin, Togo, Ethiopia, and Democratic Republic of the Congo now have Scripture booklets to leave in every home they visit, confident that God will use His Word as He has planned. Shipments projected for Africa total 54 million booklet equivalency for 25 countries!


WMP Scripture booklets can be found in every country in Latin America. Requests from national coordinators and individual distributors are increasing in frequency and volume. In countries experiencing political and economic turmoil, believers are finding new receptivity to the message of a sure foundation in Jesus Christ. Migration from country to country brings new challenges to reach across national identities and meet common needs.


A group from California which works to provide essential aid and the Word of God to needy children in Mexico was challenged by the plight of immigrants leaving their home countries to find help and hope in the USA. They contacted WMP for help in providing Scripture booklets to accompany the humanitarian supplies they had gathered. WMP quickly shipped 5,000 copies of The Way to God in Spanish.


A woman from Jamaica discovered a copy of The Way to God Scripture booklet someone had given her 40 years before. She realized she had never read it! At a time of difficulty and change in her life, the truths in that booklet encouraged and blessed her. She believed it was just for this time that the booklet had been kept, and she determined to give her life to the Lord.


We do not know all that God will do with the millions of Scripture booklets that are printed and shipped, but we are confident that God has a purpose and plan and that as we do our part in being obedient to offer the Word, His purpose will be accomplished.


[You can help provide a sure foundation in an unstable world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]




Looking Forward

When looking forward to an exciting time, we often keep asking, “Are we ready yet?” Bags are packed, the chores all done—what are we waiting for? Sometimes that feeling haunts the prayers of WMP’s staff as we ask God for increased production to meet the ever-increasing demand for Scripture booklets from every corner of the world. At this time last year, we cited new property, newer and up-graded equipment, and increased efficiency in production. Today we can look back on 2018 and praise God for the new cutter-trimmer we needed (provided by designated funds), key staff members, access to the Digital Bible Library, and two new Scripture booklets which will further develop the range of material available from WMP.

Even as God continues to prepare us, He is enlarging our borders. Requests for WMP literature continue to grow as the effectiveness of the booklets is discovered by pastors, evangelists, and individuals. We sense the urgency of the times and the peril of those who may soon face eternity without ever hearing the gospel. Our prayer is that God would provide the financial resources for WMP to increase production by almost 43% (from the equivalency of 7 million Scripture booklets to 10 million per month), allowing us to fill requests sooner. Given the increased efficiency of high-volume production, we can produce and ship each extra million above our base of 7 million per month at acost of just $30,000!


The container shipment summary for 2017-2018 shows 53,296,941 pieces shipped. Projected shipments for 2018-2019 account for 109,796,515 pieces! Coordinators often wait a year before receiving their next shipment. Some are asking that we send two containers at a time so that the supply will not run out so quickly after filling requests which have been accumulating for up to a year.


The stark statistics and pleading for literature from so many faithful friends keep us on our knees, asking our great God for the opportunity to meet these needs, echoing His heart’s desire that none should perish.


The story of David reminds us that while God was preparing David to be king, He was also using him to defeat Goliath and to be a testimony of faith to all Israel. WMP will continue to fulfill God’s immediate purpose for us, even as He continues to prepare us to produce at the level of His choosing.



August 2018 Newsletter

Vital Partnerships in Reaching Every Island and Village in the Philippines

One day a faithful gospel worker knocked on the door of a home in the Philippines. The man who lived there was known as a violent, drunken abuser with many vices. The visitor left a Scripture booklet at the home and traveled on. As a result of that encounter, the man accepted Christ as Savior and now happily attends a local church.

The availability of free Scripture booklets for such distribution is a vital key in fulfilling the mission of bringing the gospel to every home in the Philippines.

Emer E., National Director for Every Home for Christ (EHC) in the Philippines, expressed the importance of working together. “Without partners like you (World Missionary Press), how are we able to bring this sign of hope, the gospel message of salvation, to every doorstep in the Philippines?”


The enormity of reaching every home in a nation of 103 million people—spread over 7,500 islands (700 are inhabited), making up 81 provinces and 120 cities—requires great effort and expense. Receiving a supply of WMP Scripture booklets free of charge is a great help in light of limited local resources to bring Christian literature to every home.

EHC reports that literature distribution has resulted in enormous response and exciting testimonies! The simple, clear message of the gospel can reach through any confusion and deception of traditional or tribal religion. When offered a Scripture booklet, a devout woman of another religion received the message and is now serving the Lord with excitement and joy.

WMP has provided Scripture booklets for our national coordinators in the Philippines for almost 30 years and for EHC for 8 years. Over these years, WMP has provided these partners 27,901,000 pieces of literature with two new shipments currently in process.

“Boxes of the booklets are distributed through mail and shipping, especially in the islands of Visayas and Mindanao, where some of the provinces are infiltrated by communist and Muslim rebels,” wrote Rene L., WMP’s National Coordinator for the Philippines. “Our distributors in this area are fearlessly bringing the Scripture booklets from street to street and house to house, knowing that the Word of God will not return void when it reaches the hearts of their neighborhoods. Some churches there are also doing massive evangelism through these booklets and as a result, new converts are added to their churches.

“Late last year, Bishop Vic R. visited our warehouse here in Bataan to pick up some boxes. What he told me amazed and inspired me. Upon entering our warehouse, he asked for a specific booklet—Help from Above. He wanted to see that booklet again because, according to him, that was the booklet he was reading back in 1982 in college. He said that while sitting in the office of his subordinate, he found this booklet inside the drawer of a table, and while reading it, his subordinate came and shared with him what was in the booklet. Through that booklet he was converted, and today Bishop Vic R. is 53 years old and oversees 30 pastors with 30 churches. Hallelujah! He has been a blessing in many churches all over the Philippines. He is truly unstoppable in spreading God’s Word through these booklets. Today many Christians are inspired and challenged by his testimony to boldly spread the gospel of salvation through these booklets.”

Pastor Rene concluded, “We are praying that the great demand for these booklets will be met through the generosity of hearts there in America. May the Lord continue to touch your lives as we move forward to this great harvest in the end times.”

[YOU can help supply powerful Scripture booklets for the Philippines and around the world. A gift of $50 will provide for the production of 1,300 Scripture booklets; $200 will help produce more than 5,000 booklets!]



Grateful Quotes

Sharing a treasure—Help From Above

“I shall be handing out these [booklets] as I seek to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and show God’s love for all people in my home area. Almost 90% of the population in this area are Chinese nationals, and many now eagerly respond to the gospel. We have many false religions about, so the work of evangelizing for Christ Jesus is very important all the time.

Help From Above is an important booklet to give to new or [mature] Christians. This is the booklet I received over 40 years ago when I was growing in the faith. I have treasured this booklet and love to share it with others. It is my reward to see a face light up with the words of Jesus and His gospel and to hear a voice say, ‘I believe in Jesus.’

“THANK YOU in the name of Jesus for your work for Him and His glory, and for enabling the gospel and the Word of God to go forth in these wonderful days of missionary work. God bless you.” —Alison R., Australia


Meet the Team

Landon K.

IT Assistant

I first heard about World Missionary Press when my high-school youth group volunteered here for one of the marathon events that goes late into the night.

I was coming to the end of a college internship in October of 2017 when my dad heard an advertisement on WFRN for an open house tour of WMP. He ended up going and found there was a full-time position available in the IT Department. Initially I thought WMP would be a good place to work because of the positive and caring environment and that this would be a wonderful opportunity to give back to God after all He had done to get me through college. I thought income could be somewhat of a challenge, but as the Lord had provided so much for me time and again, I went ahead and applied and have been working here since November of 2017.

My main duty is assisting Greg, WMP’s Systems Manager, in helping employees of WMP when their computers have issues (or refuse to work altogether). I also put together informational presentations about WMP that are displayed for staff, volunteers, and visitors to view throughout the day.

I love seeing a group of people come together like a family and truly care for each other beyond the expectations of a standard work environment. Although I don’t always express this, due to my somewhat reserved nature, I truly appreciate all that the WMP staff does for me and admire what they do for each other.

When I’m not working, I’m either volunteering at my church youth group or spending quality time with friends and family. I play sports and bike for exercise and enjoy reading from time to time. I keep my mind sharp by playing strategic board and video games and by working on jigsaw and Sudoku puzzles. I am currently living at home with my parents and have an older sister who has been married almost two years.



WMP Partners Around the World

Harry and Echo V., Swaziland

Harry and Echo V. with The Luke Commission (TLC) have been using WMP literature in Swaziland, a small African nation, since 2005. From a small shipment of 303 boxes to a full 20-foot container with 2,560 ten-pound boxes of Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and salvation coloring books in English, SiSwati, and Zulu, their involvement with World Missionary Press has grown as opportunities to minister to the Swazi people have grown.


WMP: Please describe the vision and purpose of your ministry.

TLC: The primary purpose of The Luke Commission Compassionate Ministry is to take Jesus Christ to those who are physically and spiritually sick. By establishing a strong trusting relationship with patients, the gospel is received with greater confidence. Operating since 2005 under the direction of Dr. Harry and Echo V., we take free healthcare to the most isolated and under-served populations in partnership with the Swazi people and the Ministry of Health.


WMP: How does WMP literature help fulfill your purpose?

TLC: Since first partnering with World Missionary Press in 2005, we have distributed thousands of your Scripture booklets at TLC rural mobile hospital outreaches set up at rural Swazi schools throughout Swaziland. Every adult patient who sees one of TLC’s doctors receives a booklet in SiSwati. TLC so appreciates that way back at the beginning of the ministry, when we could not find any tracts written in SiSwati, World Missionary Press stepped forward and offered to print two Scripture booklets—The Way to God and Help from Above—in the languages of the people we serve.

Thirteen years later, these booklets are still preferences among the patients and their families. We watch Swazis read them and put them in their pockets for later, knowing they are hearing from Jesus through your booklets. Countless booklets and Bible studies are also circulated in English, which is taught extensively in Swazi schools.

WMP: How does the printed material from WMP touch the hearts of the children you treat?

TLC: Receiving a booklet declares a child’s worth in the eyes of Jesus and His followers. It gives them something to call their own as well as something to share. It lets them read about God in their own language or gives them practice in English while receiving the clear gospel message. Their delight is obvious in their smiles and the skips in their steps.


WMP: Please explain how WMP booklets reach throughout Swaziland.

TLC: Every patient, young and old, who comes through the pharmacy is given two or three WMP booklets in their bags of medications. Hundreds of patients from each medical outreach take these booklets home to read at their leisure, to absorb as the Holy Spirit leads, and to share with family and friends.

In the past 13 years, TLC has given two million services free to Swazis who live in rural, often forgotten regions. Accompanying those services, and the patients who receive them, are the printed Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press. To God be the glory!

“When we first drove up to the World Missionary Press headquarters in Indiana years ago, your staff helped us load our SUV with booklets bound for Swaziland. We were impressed by their commitment to spread the words of Jesus to people throughout the world. That commitment and your partnership with us have never faltered. Now we receive containers in Swaziland, and for that we are more than grateful.” —Dr. Harry V., chief medical officer and co-founder of The Luke Commission


July 2018 Newsletter

APRIL IN ZAMBIA IS A MONTH when most people in rural areas are harvesting their crops, so Every Home for Christ (EHC)-Zambia made plans to conduct most home-to-home outreaches in the afternoons after people returned home from their fields.

During the month of April, 45,000 pieces of literature were distributed by 819 volunteers to 44,382 homes across the nation, and 1,496 souls were won to Christ. What “showers of blessing” in just one month! Pioneer missionaries made follow-up visits to the new converts in their communities. New believers who did not belong to any church were placed in already-existing Christ groups so they could be nurtured spiritually. World Missionary Press Scripture booklets such as The Amazing Life of Christ and How to Know God played a key role in the April campaign.

Snatched from fire by The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ

Siampeyo of Kayuni village used to drink beer every day. He says, “My family never saw me in a sober state. I went to bed drunk and would start drinking early in the morning. People of my village nicknamed me ‘the moving grave.’ But April 11, 2018, was a different day for me. As I arrived home, I was met by people leaving my home. Seeing the state I was in, one of them handed me a gospel booklet. He never spoke a word, and they left.

“The following day, I sat down and tried to read. The bold words on the booklet read The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ. At the end of the booklet were instructions on how to pray to God for salvation. I did as I was instructed, and I received such peace in my heart. For the very first time, my family saw me in a sober state, and I started reading that booklet to my family members. After a few days, I called the number on the back of the booklet and one of the EHC-Zambia team members answered. I thank God my family has since joined a Christ group. I was snatched from fire by words in this booklet.”

“I don’t miss my old friends anymore”

Efas was 26 years old and not a believer.  On April 2, 2018, an EHC-Zambia team introduced Christ to him through the booklet How to Know God. By God’s grace, Efas accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, then spent days reading the booklet that had helped him come to know the Lord. When the EHC-Zambia team returned to his house, they introduced him to a Christ group, where he is learning more about Jesus and enjoying fellowship with others. “I don’t miss my old friends anymore,” he says. “I have new friends in the Lord.”

“The devil blinded me, but Jesus opened my eyes”

Stanley is 32 years old and works for the Ministry of Health as a Lab Technician. He had been going to church but was also involved in sinful activities. However after receiving the Word of God from a Pioneer missionary, his understanding about Christianity changed. Through the booklet, The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ, he came to understand that Christianity was about having a personal relationship with God. “I renewed my commitment to Christ as I received Him as Lord of my life. I thank God my eyes have been opened. Now I know the truth, and no one will take me away from the Lord.”


“My life will never be the same again”

Medrine, a Pioneer missionary, has discovered that people are hungry for the Word of God. “I have seen people transformed and become responsible people. The training has helped me in training others in evangelism and discipleship. I can boldly testify that my life, my family, and our church will never be the same again in terms of knowing, serving, and sharing Christ with others.”

Every Home for Christ–Zambia anticipates mobilizing 25 churches in July for the Harvest Project among Lozi-speaking people in Mongu, Western Province of Zambia. Please pray as more volunteers are trained to reach home-to-home and that God will draw hearts to Himself in this new outreach.

[YOU can help supply powerful Scripture booklets for outreaches in Africa and around the world. A gift of $50 will provide for the production of 1,300 Scripture booklets; $200 will help produce more than 5,000 booklets!]


Grateful Quotes

Scripture booklets carried to remote areas

“Two teams will be using these booklets, one team of 17 students spending 28 days in the mountains of Peru and another team of 24 students working in Panama. Both teams will be doing street evangelism, ministering in schools, marketplaces, orphanages, etc. This is the 25th anniversary of our ministry. We have sent over 13,000 missionaries into 52 countries carrying your booklets and have seen thousands upon thousands come to Christ.”  —Walker M., Oklahoma

[WMP is supplying 4,000 copies of The Way to God in Spanish.]

“I lead a team to remote areas of the western province of Zambia every year. We have had amazing success evangelizing the lost sheep. Last year we had over seven hundred salvations. So far seven churches have been planted, and they continue to grow. Many of these people had never heard the name of Jesus prior to our arrival. Having booklets to pass out has been a real blessing. We are on foot in many of these areas and are limited due to weight, bulk, and cost to carry very many Bibles. . . . I am a donor, as I see the great value in having booklets in a local language.”         —Jess N., Washington

[WMP is providing 1,000 Scripture booklets—Help From Above and The Way to God—in Lozi for their team, which leaves in August.]


Meet the Team

Brian B.

Web Pressman

As a kid I volunteered with a group from my church. The group had been organized by an employee of World Missionary Press.

In 2008 I was working at Carriage, an RV manufacturer. For some reason I changed my route to work every day, and I started driving by WMP. I believe this was God at work. The thought came to me that I should apply there, but because of the low pay I didn’t think I would be able to afford it. Four months into having thoughts about applying, Carriage began laying people off and I was one of them. For seven months I applied to work everywhere; no one would hire me because they thought I was overqualified.

I went to church with Jerry, the Plant and Facilities Manager at WMP, and he encouraged me to apply. I was skeptical, but God confirmed through prayer that I should submit my application.

At that time my house was getting repossessed by the bank because I hadn’t made a payment in six months (having been laid off). They planned to auction off the house, but nobody showed up to the auction except one realtor from Syracuse, who bought out my entire debt! She paid over the asking price.

When I interviewed at World Missionary Press, and they asked me where I’d be living, I said, “No clue.” They told me about WMP’s rental housing available for me and my family. It all worked out.

In September of 2018, I will have been working here for 10 years. God has provided my every need, including paying off any debt I had when I started here. I run the Web Press, which prints the inside pages of Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments. I enjoy working here because I get to be a part of something bigger than myself. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my kids.


WMP Partners Around the World

Frans K., Indonesia

Frans K. is WMP’s national coordinator for Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation (267 million), with thousands of islands stretching across 3,575 miles of ocean. Of five main islands, the volcanic island of Java is home to 145 million. A democracy with over 750 distinct peoples, Indonesia is 80% Muslim and 15% Christian. Printed materials in national languages may not be imported, so WMP materials are printed in Indonesia.

WMP: Brother Frans, please describe your relationship with WMP and your ministry today.

Frans: Through Mr. Willard S. , your liaison with YAKIN (CLC), I met Brother Jay [Benson] when he visited Indonesia. I became Director of YAKIN in 1980. Though still chairman of YAKIN’s Board, I turned over management responsibilities in 2010 and have had more time to be WMP’s coordinator. We partner with individuals, churches, Christian organizations, and schools, distributing both in our bookshop in Surabaya and other Christian bookshops, providing material for revival meetings, pastor’s meetings, prison ministry, and mission outreaches to other islands.

WMP: Please describe opportunities you have had for sharing WMP Scripture booklets?

Frans: Last October a youth team from Surabaya took 2,500 copies each of Help From Above and The Way to God to distribute in Timor. When we learned that the Boy Scouts in Manado could use 5,000 copies each of the Bible studies on John and Matthew and He Is Risen for a week of camping in November, WMP funded a quick printing of those.

We praise God for distribution to 80 churches in the suburbs of Surabaya during the Christmas season as well as other churches in the city. We ran out of Help From Above and The Way to God for some of the churches, so WMP helped us reprint 75,000 copies of each in January. That’s when our team in North Sulawesi were making plans to visit schools. Thanks to WMP, they had enough stock of the main five titles to begin, but we still needed to reprint the bilingual English-Indonesian edition of How to Know God; 50,000 were printed in February. Booklets have also been requested for revivals in various places, including 1,000 distributed in a one-night revival in Surabaya.

WMP: Speaking of Surabaya, you had asked for prayer after three churches were bombed on May 13. You had a pastor’s meeting scheduled for May 15-17. How did that go?

Frans: There was another explosion the following day in the police station, and the situation was very unstable. The government was standing by, and the military troops were prepared for war. We are grateful that God is in control. He gives His love so we can give our love to others. All the churches in Surabaya were praying, especially for the victims. Only 850 of the expected 1,500 pastors came from various islands. They gladly received WMP materials and asked for more to be sent to their regions. The police had told us not to post anything outside our event; we found later that a house nearby had been the headquarters for the terror group, and arrests were made. We thank God for HIS protection.

In June and July many churches and Christian schools will have retreats and distribute WMP booklets. We need your prayers. We could use a new booklet like The Bible Study on Romans, which we could translate and print.




June 2018 Newsletter

A Light That Will Not Be Put Out!

THE HORN OF AFRICA is a Muslim-dominated region of four nations, with 101 million people representing 160 ethnic groups. In a region rich with Biblical history, Christians today are often marginalized, persecuted, betrayed by family, and even martyred. In spite of an environment hostile to Christianity, the gospel still shines through faithful believers, who are standing strong and devoted to their precious Savior.

In a recent interview, Samuel B., WMP’s National Coordinator in Ethiopia, spoke of the challenge of sharing the gospel in one of the toughest areas of the world for evangelism. With him were leaders from Eritrea, Somalia, and Djibouti nodding in agreement that their nations need the gospel (and WMP Scripture booklets!) and that they are willing to take this gospel into dangerous territory. It is this courage that Samuel emphasized.

Church growth in Eritrea and Somalia is evident in spite of increasing opposition, and the Church in Ethiopia has experienced strong growth partly as a result of vigorous evangelism. Last year 194 Ethiopian churches came together for focused prayer and evangelism training, asking God to pour out His Spirit on their nation and praying for the lost to come to Jesus.

Improved literacy in Ethiopia has created an increasing demand for literature. As WMP Scripture booklets are used for outreach, more booklets are needed to carry out a bold venture to reach every home in the region. Samuel emphasized, “Your booklets enrich our ministry.”

A new shipment with 685,000 Scripture booklets in Amharic, Oromiffa, and Soomali will soon arrive in Addis Ababa to be disbursed by “light-bearers” throughout the region.

Outlining prayer needs for the region, Samuel noted that the gospel is holistic, touching more than just an individual’s spiritual life, and can change the very spirit and mind of a nation. “We believe that our gospel is strong,” he said. “It can change and transform the life of the community, and we need transformation for our area.”

Spiritual opposition in Eritrea, Somalia, and Djibouti dictates that great care must be taken in how the Word of God is shared. Churches have been driven underground and believers often worship alone, not sure who they can trust. Yet, the light shines.

Samuel requested prayer for open doors and for volunteers to be involved in outreach. Also needed is prayer for political stability in the region, so that the gospel can be more freely shared, for economic empowerment in each nation, and for leaders to be raised up who will lead their nations back to God.

When Samuel visited WMP in 2017 as speaker for WMP’s 56th Anniversary Dinner, he saw first-hand how the Scripture booklets are produced and the many, many languages being prepared for so many countries. With a new understanding of the ministry of WMP, he returned to his team in Ethiopia and together they began to pray earnestly for WMP, forging an even deeper bond in carrying the light of the gospel into the darkness.

Muslim resistance to the gospel comes in many forms, pushing back against the revealing light of God’s Word, but believers in the Horn of Africa who are standing firm bring to mind a beautiful verse from the Old Testament. “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and forever” (Daniel 12:3).

The request for WMP Scripture booklets from Ethiopia has been echoed by other major distributors and national coordinators in Africa. The last shipment to Nigeria lasted only a few months, absorbed by the many outstanding requests which had accumulated.

 “We greatly appreciate your effort and the good work of WMP for sending the precious Word of God to us in Nigeria for propagation of the gospel to the unreached. The distribution of the [booklets] has gone very far and wide of Nigeria and her coast. The demand is high and greatly appreciated. One 40-foot container is not enough for a year.”

A new shipment to Nigeria includes 30,000 copies of Help From Above in the Kanuri language—a new language for WMP and eagerly expected by those working in Northern Nigeria.

Shipments for Togo, Benin, Congo (Brazzaville), Cameroon, Tanzania, Uganda, and Democratic Republic of Congo are also nearing completion. A total of 14 million booklets from a recent production schedule are heading to Africa, where eager and willing hands wait to introduce Africans to the Light of the World.

[YOU can help supply the light of God’s Word to nations in Africa and around the world. A gift of $50 will provide for the production of 1,300 Scripture booklets; $200 will help produce more than 5,000 booklets!]

To view Samuel B. sharing about using WMP literature to reach Ethiopia, visit:





Grateful Quotes

“I doubt he’d even listen.” Wrong!

WMP Scripture booklets are included in free “gospel bags” given to tourists coming to Hong Kong and Macau from mainland China. In just the first three months of 2018, more than 361,000 bags were distributed; through one-on-one witness, 6,268 received Jesus Christ as Savior “on the spot.”

“We would be lying if we didn’t doubt sometimes, ‘Nah. I doubt he’d even listen.’ Especially not one as big and gruff as Mr. Z—until someone was brave enough to walk up to him with a gospel bag. It turned out that Mr. Z was a friendly person. Not only did he listen to the gospel, he said he wanted to become a believer too! Be strong and courageous, indeed.”

“Mr. J’s wife was overjoyed when she saw we were spreading the gospel, and urged her husband to listen. Although he was reluctant at first, his attitude turned completely when he heard how God had died for him. At the end, he finally understood why his wife chose Jesus and decided to follow his wife’s example.”

—Volunteers in Hong Kong tourist ministry


Meet the Team

Abbi R.

Bindery Operator/

Data Entry Assistant

I first heard of World Missionary Press, which now sometimes feels like a second home, when I was 5 or 6 and the uninterested participant on a tour with my parents, eager to get back to my books and bike and designing river tributary systems and cities in the mud of my parents’ driveway.

I believe that God’s plan for our lives, no matter where we work, is to realize how much we are loved by Him and to let that love spill out onto every person right in front of us. Doing that accomplishes His purpose of winning His creation back to Himself.

I don’t have a fancy story about how I came to work at World Missionary Press. I knew the former plant manager, Ron Link, through a job I’d had at a local printing company and he encouraged me to apply. I wasn’t sure about it, since my childhood memory of a noisy, boring place was still intact! But I applied and started work in January, 2013.

It hasn’t been boring! I’ve had a menagerie of jobs from mopping floors to helping in the bindery department. My favorite is entering orders for the Scripture-text Datebooks we send to correctional facilities all over the U.S. It makes my heart happy to be part of a team working to bring a bit of God’s light and hope into what is often a dark and soul-numbing place. I also enjoy the friendship of my band of adopted older brothers in the bindery department, my friends in the ‘Under 30’ group, and everyone else I’ve had the pleasure of working with, including the volunteers and people from different cultures and backgrounds I’ve met.

Outside WMP, I’m a part-time cook at a carry-out pizza restaurant and will be going back to school at a community college this summer. I like spending time with family (I’m the oldest of three siblings who live nearby) and with friends, solitude, walking trails, biking, playing board games, reading, learning about and working for social justice, learning about different countries, cultures and cuisines, and last—but certainly not least—having conversations about faith.

I encourage anyone reading this to remember that God is more loving than you can ever think. He is always pursuing your heart and ever longing for the day when His heart’s desire (you) will no longer be looking through a dim glass but seeing Him as He is: the humble God-man whose love you can never lose.


WMP Partners Around the World

Tonny and Susan M.,


The first knowledge of Christianity came to Scandinavia through traders in 826 A.D. Almost 1,200 years later Tonny and Susan M. are faithfully proclaiming the message of salvation by grace through faith to the people of Denmark. They have used WMP Scripture booklets for 20 years and have helped make WMP booklets available in Danish. Immigrants and refugees in Denmark provide opportunities to share God’s Word in many languages with those whom the Lord has brought from near and far.

While living in the U.S.—14 years before he was saved—Tonny had his first “life-saving grace experience” when a giant metal piece flew through the air and hit his forehead with great speed. It could have meant his death, but instead of hitting him directly, it hit from an angle and bounced off, only tearing some skin. Now in Denmark, Tonny and Susan write, “We count it a joy that He has been pleased to add us to His work force in His vineyard in Denmark.”

The Great Need for Persian/Farsi in Denmark

In 2016, Tonny and Susan began to plead for more Scripture booklets, Gospels of John, and New Testaments in Persian/Farsi for Iranians.

“In Europe we rejoice to see a great move of God among Iranians. Iranians have a memory of freedom during the Shah’s reign . . . so when they get freedom to hear the Word of God in Europe, they respond. On an internet site, a Danish church had the evangelist’s message interpreted into Persian/Farsi, and at the end of four days of meetings, nine Iranians were baptized. A good number more were saved and touched.”

WMP sent all the Persian/Farsi materials available.

God Answers Prayer!

As WMP began to work on reprinting Persian/Farsi New Testaments, communications to obtain Bible Society permission and questions about the availability of other versions delayed its printing. For months we requested prayer for the impasse to be resolved.

At a recent conference in Thailand, a lady representing the Iranian Bible Society “happened” to sit next to WMP President Harold Mack and coworker Andrew Beverly at breakfast. Not knowing each other at first, they soon realized that the Bible Society and WMP were currently in discussions about the needed permissions! Seeing this meeting as of the Lord, they worked out the few details needed and discussed future opportunities to work together. WMP will soon be printing 15,000 copies of Persian/Farsi New Testaments for Iranian believers in many parts of the world. Praise God for His sovereignty!!

The Need for Multiple Languages in Denmark

Tonny M. also requested a shipment of Scripture booklets in 25 other languages.

“We are certainly looking forward [through late October] to display Scripture booklets in MULTI-LANGUAGE array for Danes, Germans, and all the other refugee, EU, and migrant languages! This BOOK TABLE will not just be an efficient way to attract seekers and believers, but we pray also that it will attract not-quite-so-bold believers to become ‘street librarians’ for Jesus Christ.

“Please pray for a team of about 7-12 faithful saints. We plan to cover an area of 50 by 80-100 miles, with 350,000 residents. So far, we are targeting the seven major cities of the ‘South Denmark’ region, and pray that this book table concept may spread to other regions, churches, and saints nationwide. Of course they all need Danish How to Know God, The Way to God, and Help From Above plus the other titles and about 100 languages. We’ve got a way to go yet!”

An exciting addition to this shipment is How to Know God in Danish. Translated several years ago, it had never been printed. While looking at what was available for Denmark, WMP staff found this booklet was ready to print! When Tonny received this news, he was “wonderfully shocked.” Everything, always, in God’s time!