Search Results for "help from above"

January 2016 Newsletter- Special Edition

January 2016 Newsletter-Special Edition PDF



GOD IS RAISING UP A TEAM throughout the world to share His Good News, to provide portions of His Word to those who have none, to make disciples in all nations as Jesus commissioned His followers to do. As part of that larger team for 54 years, World Missionary Press continues to praise God for how He has been enlarging and strengthening us for the future. In recent years He has expanded our property and provided for newer and upgraded equipment, enabling us now to breeze through levels of production that we used to struggle with, to stage more large shipments simultaneously, and to be more flexible and effective in scheduling and tracking production of hundreds of languages and titles.p1b

This past year God has built up our team in amazing ways as we have increased the use of full-color covers; and focused on the electronic formatting of Scripture booklets—necessary for direct computer-to-plate processing for in-plant printing as well as for making them accessible worldwide from smart phones, tablets, and computers.

 Every day God is at work through His Word. What a privilege it is to provide tools for God’s team in all parts of the globe!

 In Colombo, Sri Lanka, a two-day conference onboard the OM ship Logos Hope encouraged pastors with a missions focus to persevere in the race. With humility and transparency, George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilisation, imparted lessons from years of ministry and shared his life verse: 
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24). When these energetic pastors were offered boxes of WMP Scripture booklets to take with them,  96,000 copies of The Way to God in Sinhala and Tamil left the ship as seed to be sown.

  In Honduras, WMP’s coordinator Walter P. held eleven  personal evangelism seminars in various places, with 680 pastors from different churches attending; 747 ten-pound boxes of Spanish Scripture booklets went home with them, including the last of his supply. Other boxes had been delivered to those working with the military and among children in poverty as well as to those evangelizing in hospitals and prisons.

Requests for Scripture booklets are increasing from those working with refugees in various places. Imagine the need for Arabic and Farsi-language booklets in Finland! “A lot of people in Helsinki on the street are turning to the living Jesus.” In Sweden, a couple from South Africa reported, “We have three main language groups arriving here . . . something like 40 nations represented in our town which  has a population of 3500!” Thirty-five boxes sent to Hungary arrived just in time for outreach by a Bible college to a refugee camp. A couple from Michigan, ministering with food and blankets to Iraqi refugees in Jordan, reported, “These people, nominal Christians, many professional people, having been stripped of everything, now realize that who they need is Jesus.” Many have come to Christ for salvation and for healing from  anxiety and trauma.

Josemon P. is a missionary  evangelist with a fruitful ministry in North India. He loves the WMP booklets he was getting from a brother, describing them as “the complete gospel” and “very much useful for pioneer evangelism” and has seen Hindus getting saved. For two months every year he sets up a book shop in a big trade fair attended by 50,000 people.

“Gospel bags,” given to tourists from mainland China coming to Hong Kong and Macau and containing WMP Scripture booklets, continue to bear fruit, with hundreds receiving Christ right on the spot when the gospel is explained. As one lady prayed, her heart was touched by the Holy Spirit and her eyes filled with tears. “God has already prepared the hearts.”  

 [You can impact people around the world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 24 powerful Scripture booklets for Christians eager to share God’s Word in the languages of their nation. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,400 people; $1,000 will impact 24,000 people who need to know God.]p4b-UpcomingFrtShipments

FROM THE TIME WMP receives a request for a shipment of literature from a national coordinator or major distributor until the booklets are distributed throughout the country, WMP carefully guides the order through preparation, production, shipment, and final receipt. Our coordinators are national pastors, missionaries, or ministry leaders who know the value of the printed word and give much time and effort into working with WMP to provide Scripture booklets for their countries.

As the accompanying charts show, there are many, many shipments in process at one time, each requiring a financial commitment from WMP for printing, shipping and distribution support.

What we can do is heavily dependent on  the funds we receive. The requests keep coming and we want to honor each one of them. Only as God supplies through His people can we print and send the word for those who are waiting to go and share.

May God bless you as you consider the requests of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are looking to WMP for tools for the harvest.p4c-ShipStatus

The Urgent Need for Increase

WMP networks extensively with hundreds of ministries in providing tools to national Christians eager to reach their nations for Christ, by making disciples and planting new-believer groups where there are no churches.

More than 80 ministry leaders in 74 nations serve as volunteer WMP national coordinators to receive container-size shipments and share the contents with booklet distributors throughout their countries. This arrangement saves as much as $130,000 per container over what it would cost to send boxes through the postal system to individual distributors.

Over the years WMP coordinators have developed strong distribution networks in their respective countries. As the distribution of WMP Scripture booklets has been used by God to great eternal effect, the distributors have been greatly encouraged by the fruit of their labors, and the urgent plea for WMP materials from around the world continues to increase significantly. For many distributors p3bWMP is the only source of free gospel literature—God’s Word accomplishing His purpose in reaching the lost and discipling new believers. We frequently hear that entire distribution networks are idled when they run out of WMP materials.  National coordinators regularly wait many months, sometimes even a year or more, for replenished supplies.

It is the desire of our hearts to increase production to an equivalency volume of 9,000,000 Scripture booklets per month in-plant. (Equivalency=relating different size booklets to our standard unit of production: a 48-page Help From Above Scripture booklet.) The urgent need is to grow far beyond our current budget of 7 million per month in-plant production as soon as possible.

The addition of increased work-space, faster and more reliable equipment, and key staff has positioned us for growth as God provides the budget and beyond.

p3aGod is building us!

The Lord continues to build our infrastructure. Just as He has blessed us recently with additional property, buildings, and equipment, this past year He has also been building our staff. During 2015 eleven staff members left, most through retirement or moving to other locations. But the Lord brought just the right people to replace them—talented, energetic, and joy-filled workers that are a real blessing to our team! Praise the Lord, He is positioning us for the future!












November 2015 Newsletter

November 2015 Newsletter PDF



When Every Home for Christ national directors gathered in Zimbabwe in August to discuss strategies for saturating their countries with the gospel, WMP President Harold Mack and his son Stephen (WMP Visual Communications) were there. As ministry partners of World Missionary Press, EHC Africa directors often double as national coordinators for WMP, receiving large shipments of materials to supply hundreds of volunteers who journey village to village, door to door, to bring the Good News to every last person.Nov15NL-p1b

Scripture Booklets Are Vital

For many, Scripture booklets from WMP are indispensable for their ministries. Antonie B. was emphatic: “Our team in South Africa cannot be successful without this literature. Whenever I go, wherever I am – if I do not have it, I feel incomplete…. This is something that we could never, ever in our lives be without.”
“Without the support of gospel booklets,” said Richard K., EHC’s director for Zambia, “our campaigns would have been almost impossible. We have seen our work in the nation penetrating so many areas, particularly because of WMP. We couldn’t really make it, communicating the gospel verbally. [It’s] different when you give something to somebody to read. That is the power behind the printed page.”

Responses to Scripture Booklets

Story after story unfolded of people responding enthusiastically to the Scripture booklets, even becoming distributors themselves right in their own neighborhoods. Fred M. of EHC Uganda shared, “I found that one guy, who I used to give these booklets to, had torn [them] in half. I said, ‘Why are you spoiling this?’ He said, ‘I’m not spoiling it. Did you not know each page carries a different message? So, I’m able to reach more people with one booklet when I tear it up….’ That was so amazing.”

Antonie B. of South Africa related, “Many times when we go into an area and minister to people, people get saved, and you’ll always have one or two persons say, ‘Can I get five booklets?’ I give him the
five booklets, and immediately he turns around and starts to minister where he lives. Immediately! I look at what we do at Every Home for Christ, and the impact that World Missionary Press has with the literature, and I can see the fruit of the gospel being produced.”

Richard’s testimony was especially powerful: “It’s one thing to distribute, and [another] when you begin to hear testimonies of how God is using those booklets. A woman told us of visiting a village house. No one was home, so she dropped a booklet inside the house and left. When the owners of the house came back, they found the booklet and read it. After some months, she went back to that village and was amazed to be told that… the booklet Who Am I that a King Should Die in My Place? led them to the Lord. This is a true story, proven by many people around.”Nov15NL-p2-PleasePray

Upcoming Shipments

Tanga C. from Botswana is eagerly awaiting his shipment of booklets and Bible studies in English and Tswana, currently in production. Tanga effused, “[I’m] so glad and happy, excited and expectant for the shipment of literature that is coming to our country. We have been waiting for this for a long time, and we can’t downplay the impact that this shipment will bring to this nation, where you can hardly find a piece of literature anywhere. We are desperately in need of this. A lot of churches have [contacted] my office requesting gospel literature. It will actually help make our work much easier, because we will have something to give to the people as we go home to home preaching the gospel, particularly in rural places where people are least reached. Nothing excites me more than the printed page of the gospel.”

WMP is also preparing a shipment, scheduled for early 2016, for Rwanda, where EHC’s Ananie B. will use Scripture booklets to “invade Rwanda with the gospel.”

New Faces

Among familiar faces, the Macks encountered some new ones. Douglas M., who has taken the helm of EHC’s activities in Namibia, a largely unreached country, said, “I believe that hearts are very receptive to the gospel and this is a time that we can partner together and make Jesus Christ known to the nation.” (WMP is preparing its first large shipment in many years for Namibia.)
In Mozambique, Godfrey B. has taken up the torch when the beloved Anacleto F. was suddenly called Home to be with the Lord. “I want to assure you that the Lord is on the move,” Godfrey reported. “These wonderful gospel booklets have helped us impact communities and change lives. Lives marred with drug and alcohol abuse and prostitution have been transformed. My team says they love to use WMP booklets because of their portability. They are very small but very powerful, and in many homes it will be the only piece of gospel they have.” Expressing appreciation for WMP’s national coordinator in Mozambique, Tanneken F., who channels materials to EHC, Godfrey said, “She always gives us the literature when we request it; she always brings it rapidly, without any delay. Our partnership with her has gone a long way in taking the gospel across the nation of Mozambique.”

For Harold and Stephen, the trip was well worth four intense days of travel, as the bond between the two ministries was heartily reaffirmed. The intrepid Americans sampled such delicacies as crocodile and
warthog (which they found especially delicious) and witnessed a variety of wildlife during their stay by the Zambezi River, including an elephant which skirted the perimeter of their outdoor dining area one evening at dinner.

Nov15NL-p2aNetworking to Reach Zambia

Cleopas C.  of Zimbabwe, recently installed as EHC’s regional director over 25 Southern and East African nations, was the keynote speaker at WMP’s 54th anniversary dinner in October. Soles for Jesus (partner of EHC and WMP) was represented by founder Diane S. New or lightly-used shoes were to be collected through October to be part of a shipment of 8,000 pairs of shoes and more than one million Scripture booklets for EHC ministry in Zambia.Thank God for cooperation between believers to reach the world for Him!

Nov15NL-p2b   Visit or scan the QR code on the right to view national leader testimonies from Harold and Stephen’s trip.

[You can play an important part in reaching African nations with the gospel – Each 48-page Scripture booklet costs under 5 cents on average to produce and ship! No gift is too big or too small to make an eternal impact through the printed Word of God!]



Meet the Team

Nov15NL-p3b-JennyJenny H.

Volunteer Coordinator

My family heard about World Missionary Press in 1994 through friends who volunteered here. Our large family has attended WMP’s annual dinner each fall for many years. In November of last year, my family and friends were volunteering at WMP when my dad heard about a job opening. Growing up, I had a desire to work at WMP, but never really thought I would be able to for various reasons. I was so excited when I heard that God had opened the door. I started working two days a week as a receptionist and assistant to Angelee, secretary to the president.
Nov15NL-p2c-ShipStatusSince March of this year I have worked as Volunteer Coordinator, which involves scheduling the many bindery groups that come to WMP on a regular (usually monthly) basis to man our binderies which operate many hours of every work day. I also schedule and oversee volunteers who regularly stuff envelopes for mailing. My involvement with donor communications consists mostly of entering data and handling the bulk mailings, which include the monthly newsletter and prayer letter, the Public Service Announcement (PSA) mailing to radio stations, and introductory packets to new partners.

I thoroughly enjoy the work I do at WMP, mostly because of the many Christians I come into contact with. From co-workers to volunteers, many have blessed my life in so many ways. I also appreciate the time set aside each day to meet in chapel. It is such a blessing to be able to pray for and encourage one another.

When I am not at work, I enjoy practicing piano and flute, reading, gardening, writing to friends, and being outdoors. Most of all I enjoy spending time with my brothers and sisters. I live in South Bend with my family. I have eight older siblings and four younger. Two of my siblings are married and have a total of five children.


Grateful Quotes

Nov15NL-p3cRefugees Arriving in Europe Receive Scripture Booklets

 As the immigrant situation has intensified in Europe, pleas for WMP Scripture booklets have increased from several churches in Hungary who are reaching out to Muslim refugees from Syria and Afghanistan.

   “The church is doing outreach to Muslim refugees who are arrested at the border and taken to the train station here for a few hours. We help with food and clothes as well as share the gospel when the language permits.”   -Andrew F. (July 2015)

“Thousands of immigrants are flooding into Hungary from both the Middle East and Africa. Some are living at the train station in Budapest. We need these booklets to distribute among them! Help!!”  -Zachary G. (August 2015)

“Received the Arabic booklets! We will hand them out to the Syrian refugees in Hungary this week.”  -Zachary G. (September 2015)

“We spent the day at Keleti train station again. Hundreds more had arrived late that night.”  -Phil M. (September 2015)

“Calvary Chapel has a Bible college and churches throughout Hungary which have been serving the thousands of refugees who are crossing the border into Europe daily. We work with other churches and relief agencies and have been sending teams out in various cities and refugee camps to service these people’s desperate physical and spiritual needs. We have been giving out the How to Know God booklets, and almost every person we give it to receives it gladly. They are a great way to communicate the gospel and share Bible verses when no translator is available. We have pretty much run out. We would like to place a large order so that we can distribute booklets to various churches and teams.”  -Andrew F. (September 15, 2015)

   Upon receiving word from WMP that his order would be sent out right away (a total of 12,000 booklets in Arabic, Farsi, Hungarian, English, Urdu, Dari, Bengali, Uzbek, French, and German), Andrew replied,

 “Thank you so much! We are blown away by the work of the body of Christ. If the refugees end up being rerouted around Hungary, we are still working with them just across the border in Serbia. Thank you for your prayers and support.”   -Andrew F. (September 16, 2015)


WMP Partners Around the World

Nov15NL-p4bHarrell Family Missions, Honduras

Harrell Family Missions has received almost 1,850 boxes of Scripture booklets, New Testaments, and salvation coloring books in Spanish over several years. Recently Ken Harrell shared many ways in which WMP materials have been used as part of their varied programs and projects in Honduras. We thank God for this wonderful partnership and the seed that has been sown in a needy land.

“Harrell Family Missions and Children’s Gift Ministry is celebrating eight years of ministry to Honduras and among many other things we’re giving God thanks for thirteen construction projects, many of them churches! These churches were birthed because of evangelism, many with World Missionary Press Scripture booklets. They continue to grow through discipleship and small groups which also use WMP Scripture booklets.

“WMP Scripture booklets are used in our Children’s Gift Ministry outreach programs such as EQUIP children’s pastors’ conferences, which have trained hundreds of children’s pastors who are presently reaching thousands of children throughout Honduras. These new children’s pastors use Scripture booklets and coloring books in outreach events to evangelize the children in their communities, to bring children to the knowledge of God’s love in their children’s churches and Sunday schools, and then for discipleship as children grow in their relationship with God.
Nov15NL-p4a   “In January 2015, through its annual ‘Back to Classes with Jesus’ event, in which WMP Scripture booklets are included in each backpack filled with school supplies, Children’s Gift Ministry reached 2,600 children in twelve cities across Honduras. This truly is a great need, as Honduras continues to be the most violent and dangerous country in the world per capita for violent murders, mostly because of the gangs that recruit children to peddle their drugs and commit murders, as many cannot afford the basic school supplies required to attend school. Our goal for January 2016 is to reach 4,000 children in twenty cities across Honduras, getting them off the streets and out of the reach of the gangs through the ‘Back to Classes with Jesus’ event.

“The Children’s Gift Ministry recently received a special request from the Honduran Assemblies of God National Office for 100 boxes of Scripture booklets for National Day of the Bible outreaches on September 26, when young people from many churches would be out on the streets, at tollbooths, at red lights, and [going] from house to house in many communities, sharing the love of God through WMP Scripture booklets.

“Finally, at the National Evangelical Conference in December, more than 1,200 pastors and church planters from all over Honduras will receive Scripture booklets to take back with them to use for evangelism outreaches, church planting, and discipleship – from the jungles of the Moskitia to the islands of the Caribbean (including the Northern island of Roatan), to mountainous villages and to inner cities like the one we live in – San Pedro Sula – dubbed the most violent and dangerous city in the world.Nov15NL-p4c-FreightShips

“We are nearly completely out of booklets and are praying for a shipment that will give us fresh wind in our sails. We’re committed to planting and building churches and reaching as many as we can as long as we can, and WMP Scripture booklets are an integral part of that.

“Words cannot express our gratitude to World Missionary Press for your partnership with us, enabling us to provide the invaluable tool of the Word of God in such a convenient Scripture booklet form, as well as the evangelistic He is Risen coloring books. Thank you!”  -The Ken Harrell Family

Harrell Family Missions is scheduled to receive another 768 ten-pound boxes of WMP literature to continue and expand the projects and opportunities Ken described. They will be shipped on a 20-foot container holding a total of 2,560 boxes, also supplying WMP’s national coordinator Walter P. and Jim T. of  “Jesus Es Real Ministries” of Honduras.

[You can help reach Hondurans with powerful portions of God’s eternal Word! A gift of $25 enables us to produce and send 500 Scripture booklets; $100 helps provide 2,000 souls with Help From Above!]


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October 2015 Newsletter

October, 2015 Newsletter (pdf)


Teenagers “Acquire the Fire” in Myanmar
p1aMISSION MYANMAR began July 16 when 50 young missionaries from the U.S. and additional teams from China, South Korea, and Taiwan converged on the city of Yangon,” stated a press release from Teen Mania International, announcing that they had been invited by Myanmar Evangelical Christian Association to share the gospel in their country (also known as Burma). Other ministries joined in this unprecedented opportunity “to provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take His life-giving message to the ends of the earth!”

After two days of intense training, these young missionaries provided support for ministries and local churches, working in orphanages and medical missions as well as visiting destitute communities to extend invitations to the two-day “Acquire the Fire” youth rally in the capital city. Invitations had been posted throughout Yangon and teams had traveled all over Myanmar for six months to appeal to pastors, youth workers, and leaders to attend this life-changing event. No one could predict how many would come. It had been 60 years since the gospel was publicly proclaimed to this predominantly Buddhist nation. “We were completely dependent on God.”A group of ladies prayed “on location” for 24 hours before the rally began on Friday, July 24.

Seven hundred volunteers from area churches assisted with all aspects of the amazing event. Enormous tents provided cover for 10,000 seats on the field of Yangon’s outdoor Insein Football (soccer) Stadium, with its covered bleachers.

Just days before the main event, David J. (picturedp1b right, already in Myanmar) called Kendall C., his long-time associate in Thailand, about a possible supply of Christian literature. Apparently certain literature plans had not come through, and other sources had to be found quickly. Kendall thought of WMP’s national coordinator in Myanmar and offered to make the connection. “It was a shot in the dark getting a quick reply from Martin (pictured above left),” said Kendall. “But I tried, and he responded!”

For more than half an hour, Kendall in Thailand and Martin in Myanmar shot messages back and forth on Facebook concerning what WMP booklets Martin had available for the event that weekend. “It really was something that only the Lord could have orchestrated!” Kendall wrote later.

Martin committed to 5,000 copies total of Help From Above, A Bible Study on Genesis, He Is Risen! and God Loves You as well as copies of The Way to God andHow to Know God from his “very low supply.”

That very day a Twitter message from David J. informed his followers: “Just secured over 5,000 free Christian booklets from @WMP_USA in Yangon for the @TeenMania @acquirethefire Mission Myanmar! So blessed.”

Teen Mania reported, “Many people traveled hours and hours, by car or bus or train. Some groups rode the train for three days, coming from the northern region…. You could sense the desperation for God that transcended language.p2a

“What a stunning, awe-filled moment to hear the sound of thousands of voices singing in worship to our God! Even more amazing to experience it in the pouring rain, under a massive tent, right in the middle of the capital city of a country where it has only become legal to worship God with this kind of freedom in the past several years. The sounds of around 13,000 people worshiping in both Burmese and English… felt a lot like heaven.”

p2bWhen the invitation was given to follow Jesus Christ with their whole lives for the first time, “thousands got out of their seats and moved through the mud-soaked ground to lay their hearts before God. About 3,000 people over the course of Friday and Saturday committed their lives to Christ.”

It was on the second day of the “Acquire the Fire” youth conference thatnearly 6,000 WMP booklets were handed out to attendees, along with a free lunch provided by the conference hosts. What a privilege for WMP to be involved in providing God’s Word for such a far-reaching event!
In recent weeks, heavy monsoon rains and Cyclone Komen (with landslides and flash floods) have devastated vast areas of Myanmar. In the Kalay region p2calone, where Martin’s ministry has churches and where some of WMP’s booklet distributors live, nearly 5,000 families still need food and shelter.

Printings of Help From Above in the Shan language and Meditations in the Psalms in Mizo for Bible study have recently been completed in Myanmar. Martin wants to print 100,000 copies of How to Know Godand 30,000 copies of God Loves You in Burmese to distribute along with relief aid to flood-affected families. “During this time of disaster in Myanmar, people are looking for God.”

Find out more about the Myanmar “Acquire the Fire” event and the recent devastation in Myanmar by scanning the QR code at right or visit

  [You can help provide Myanmar with much-needed Scripture materials – a gift of $50 to produce 1,000 Scripture booklets; God Loves You salvation coloring books cost just 15 cents each!]


Grateful Quotes

p3a“Something Written in Their Language”

   Bruce and Gail U. have used World Missionary Press literature in Peru for 20 years. They have planted churches, built safe houses for women and children in distress, established a Bible school for pastors, and developed a camp ministry for children and families. They also visit those in hospitals and prisons.

“Greetings from Peru! Gail has been ministering to four women in prison – one from Germany and three from Thailand – who need Christian literature in their languages. The German [woman] comes from an atheistic family where not one believes in God. And the Thai women all believed in and served Buddha. But now they have all accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior! Praise God! Is it possible that you could send us literature in German and Thai for these new believers?”

 In response, WMP sent Scripture booklets in Thai and German as p3bwell as a German New Testament which someone had donated to WMP. Bruce replied,

“Thank you so much for the German New Testament and the booklets in German and Thai. They arrived safely and have already been given to the four women in the Iquitos prison. I wish you could have seen the three Thai women as they saw something written in their language. They were exuberant!! They told me the titles of the booklets and were all smiles as they kept telling me thank you for such a precious gift. The thanks go to you and WMP for making this all possible. May God continue to bless you and the ministry of WMP.”         –Bruce U., Peru


Meet the Team
Marilyn C., Prepress Assistant
p3cI first heard about World Missionary Press through Every Home for Christ. Their prayer request list included World Missionary Press at New Paris, Indiana. When I discovered it was only 55 miles from where I lived, I decided to attend the next open house. A desire had always been in my heart to work for a mission ministry. A couple of years after my first visit, I was asking God if it would be possible for me to be involved with this ministry. It wasn’t long before He  answered this prayer!

After expressing my interest, I was interviewed by Jay and Vicky Benson and Jay asked me to join the staff.  I  guess I passed the test!  I started in January, 2006, more than nine years ago, in the prepress department. I burned and developed printing press plates – before we acquired CTP (Computer-To-Plate) equipment, scanned booklet typesetting and negatives into the computer, and now I prepare languages on the computer for plating.  I also enjoy proofreading.

The best part of WMP is the  printing and sending  of Scripture booklets in many languages to get the  Word of God into the hands and hearts of those who don’t know who Jesus is. It’s amazing how God has brought together so many different personalities, all with the goal of producing and sending out Scripture booklets all over the world. I feel “at home” here, working alongside others who share my desire.

In my spare time I enjoy playing the piano (especially when accompanying someone who sings or plays an instrument), reading, and Bible study.  A friend and I give music programs each week for residents in nursing homes in the Knox, Indiana area.  She plays the flute and I accompany her. With the Lord’s help, I have participated in ministry trips to Guatemala (twice), Cuba, and Argentina.

The Lord has blessed me with  four wonderful children, fourteen grandchildren, three granddaughters-in-law, and six great grandchildren – who were a great comfort to me when my husband passed away in December, 2013. Several have been on mission trips to various countries, which is a great blessing to this mother’s heart!

And now Dale C., a long-time staff member at WMP, is part of my family, too, since we were married on July 18! God brought us together to serve him here at WMP.  To God be the Glory!

   [Last month’s Meet the Team featured Marilyn’s new husband, Dale.]


WMP Partners Around the World

Pioneer Outreach Ministries, Int’l.

For 40 years Howard and Helen T. have been leading teams overseas to build, teach, and evangelize. Each team takes World Missionary Press literature to help give every opportunity to share the message of Christ’s love and sacrifice for hurting, hungry hearts.  WMP celebrates with this faithful couple in what God has done through their obedience to His call.

p4aWMP: Could you briefly describe your ministry and the impact WMP literature has had?

Helen:  I am excited to write a short testimony regarding World Missionary Press literature. We are Rev. Howard and Helen T., Pioneer Outreach Ministries, Int’l. We will celebrate 40 years of ministry and 57 years of marriage in October. Pioneer is a building ministry for churches, Bible schools, pastors’ homes, and feeding centers in remote parts of the world. We have helped in 33 countries, teaching and preaching the Word of God with helps from WMP in many languages and dialects.

Approximately 35 years ago, I was given a coloring book from World Missionary Press by a pastor in Ohio. My heart was inflamed by this book. I immediately made contact with WMP and began receiving these coloring books, New Testaments, and Scripture booklets for Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, India, and many other countries. Many children and adults in remote areas have never seen a coloring book, crayons, or literature such as this. These items are first in our packing. We see smiles from every recipient and have even had teachers of schools request them as literature to teach with. Pastors request the material over and over.p4b-PresCorner

Our visit to World Missionary Press [several years ago for the Open House and Anniversary Dinner] was amazing – to see seniors and others volunteering to run machines. May God keep this press rolling for Jesus!

Howard and Helen both struggle with major health issues. But when planning for a team to Peru in July of this year, Helen (82) called WMP from her hospital bed to be sure they would have Spanish coloring books and New Testaments for the pastors and for the children particularly. The team of 17 returned home with full hearts – blessed beyond measure – stirred by the great needs and what the next step would be for each of them.

President’s Corner

Here at World Missionary Press we just can’t stop praisingGod for the privilege of producing and sending millions of portions of His Word throughout the world every month!Imagine the eternal impact, as He uses these Scripture materials to bring light and life to the lost. Wow!

As a valued member of our team, you are invited to join us October 24 to celebrate our 54th year of ministry! See the enclosed flyer for details about our open house and carry-in dinner. Has it been awhile since you’ve visited? Come see our new property, building upgrades, and new equipment in operation.
You don’t want to miss our carry-in dinner that evening, featuring main speaker Dr. Cleopas Chitapa, Regional Director of the Every Home for Christ work in 25 African nations. Too far to
drive? You can join us via live stream at

A Bonus Blessing – This fall WMP is partnering

with Soles for Jesus, collecting shoes for a container shipment to Africa. Shoes and Scripture are shared together, meeting both physical and spiritual needs. Bring new or gently-used pairs of shoes to our Open House or Dinner to bless bodies and souls in Africa!

Thank you so much for your partnership in reaching millions with the Gospel!

Harold Mack, President




September 2015 Newsletter

September, 2015 Newsletter (pdf)

Outreach to Our “Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria”

CHRIST’S COMMISSION to His disciples – and to those who followed after – was to GO. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and “unto the uttermost part of the earth.” The beginning of obedience to this far-reaching command is to GO to those in our “Jerusalem” – the place where we live.

Summer in the United States is a time of festivals, fairs, reunions, parades, sporting events, and busy tourist attractions. These are times when people gather to celebrate, to come out into the community for something new to do and see. Many cities have annual festivals that draw people from surrounding areas – “Judea” and “Samaria” – and even include people from around the world.

Many churches and ministries get involved, realizing that God’s grace has drawn people to their area to perhaps hear the truth of His Word for the first time or to have personal contact with someone who will pray with them and introduce them to the Savior. WMP Scripture booklets play an important role to provide God’s printed Word, which is able to go home with people and speak to hearts over and over.

Michael C. wrote, “We lead people to Christ at fairs. Last year we had 4,400 salvations in Washington State. We use your booklets in our efforts. Thank you so much.”

Joan K. ordered copies of The Way to God and shared plans to man a Prayer Station Booth at the Ohio State Fair. She wrote, “Last year we prayed for 1,000 people and gave out numerous booklets.”

God’s plan for sharing Himself and His Word with the world is implemented when His people follow His command to GO.

Juanita I. was referred to WMP by a minister in Fairbanks, Alaska, where she lives. She wrote, “I have English and French-speaking neighbors who I know are not saved, and I would love the opportunity to reach out to them with the Word of God in both languages. No, I don’t speak or read French, but I’m willing to try to be a witness. We used to have a Bible study in our building for seniors, disabled vets, and other residents, but not anymore. Because I would like to try and get it started again, I am requesting a sample [booklet] display to help me.”

Many groups take WMP gospel literature on summer mission trips. A mission team from northern Indiana reported the blessing of taking Kreyol New Testaments to Haiti. Since Haiti is not a closed country and is so close to the USA, they thought everyone would have a Bible or New Testament. They were saddened to find out that many have never had one. The few Bibles they saw were hard to read, with small print on dark pages.

“The thrilling thing about WMP [New Testaments],” they wrote, “is the larger print on white pages. They are the perfect size! The Bible coloring books were a blessing beyond words! We always pray for an evangelistic tool – these were perfect.” When they return to Haiti in October, they plan to provide salvation coloring books and goodie bags for a pastor/principal who has a school of 1,000 children. “The booklets and teaching books (John and Matthew) will be handed out in the churches, encouraging evangelism among the Haitians – to reach out and share Jesus with their neighbors! Thank you so much for blessing so many!!”

Several WMP staff have also been involved in mission trips to Cuba, India, Mexico, and Nicaragua. In late July, office worker Sharon Z. took a team of five young women to Mozambique (photo below) to work with WMP’s national coordinators in various activities. Their plans included a three-day VBS (using WMP’s coloring book God Loves You in Portuguese), a one-day youth revival, and a special birthday party for orphans.

WMP’s outreach to our own community includes manning a booth at our local county fair – said to be the second largest in the U.S. While sharing Scripture booklets, there is often opportunity for one-on-one conversations and prayer with visitors who have heavy hearts.

Cal Z. asked concerning an India festival in Saginaw, Michigan: “What should we have done? Nothing? Complain about non-Christian immigrants? Or GO and evangelize.” He chose to GO, his green shoulder bag made in India filled with Hindi Scripture booklets from WMP. He reported: “Not one single Hindi-speaking person refused our Scripture booklets.” One man who had been seated when given a copy of Help From Above in Hindi, got up and followed them, exclaiming, “I value this! I value this! Please give me some more.”

As we lift our eyes and see opportunities around us, let us ask the Lord of the harvest where He would have us work for Him this day. At a local softball tournament? A city celebration? A family reunion across the street? As we GO, He has promised to be with us.

   [You can help provide Scripture materials for short-term mission trips, and for outreaches throughout the US and Canada. $25 will fund production and shipping of 500 power-packed Scripture booklets; A gift of $100 will help reach 2,000 with portions of Gods eternal Word!]

Grateful Quotes

So Many People Groups to Reach in the Netherlands

“I pray the Lord will lead me in giving booklets, tracts, Bibles, etc. I meet people from many countries because there are so many people groups in the Netherlands. First of all I evangelize among truck drivers, but I also see other people. Last Sunday I was biking in our city, and I felt led to offer a Gospel of John to a man I saw walking along the road. I soon discovered he couldn’t talk and read Dutch very well, so I said, ‘I’m sorry to ask, but perhaps your native language isn’t Dutch?’ He admitted it. He told me he could speak Farsi, so I looked for something in Farsi. I couldn’t find Farsi so quick, and I said, ‘I see a Dari New Testament, but well, that’s not Farsi.’ He said, ‘But Dari is officially my mother language. Dari is better than Farsi!’ I have so long taken this Dari New Testament with me for nothing, but after all these years I could give it to this person!

“A week before, I was evangelizing at a parking place. There were many truck drivers. After I had given them tracts, etc. I saw a coach from Germany. Most of them were Germans. Only some of them would accept a booklet. I also saw some very dark-skinned people. I also offered them a booklet, but they couldn’t speak German.  They could speak English, but their native language was Hindi. For the first time in years I met someone who could speak Hindi, so I offered them a booklet in Hindi that I once ordered from WMP…. They were so happy!

“There are nationalities I meet very often, like Polish, Lithuanian, Bulgarian truckers, but I try to take as many languages with me as I can. I always think I might meet a ‘new nationality.’ In those years I couldn’t once offer anything. Those people were from Ethiopia or Eritrea, I don’t remember exactly. I would like to also order languages I didn’t meet until now because I know there are people of those languages in my country. May God bless you.”     Francis W.

   Francis ordered booklets in 27 languages, including the Gospel of John in Dari.


Meet the Team

Dale C., Small Orders

I found a Help From Above in the tract rack in my church in Wisconsin and sent for a sample packet. I was planning a three-day vacation, pondering where to go, saw the newsletter on the coffee table, and decided to come for a visit and volunteer. I worked in a variety of jobs while here and asked the president to keep me in mind if they ever needed a pressman. About four weeks later I was employed at WMP.

I first learned how to run a printing press in the basement of my church in Wisconsin, printing the Gospel of John and Romans. While working in the printing ministry at church, I was able to get a job in a commercial print shop. I prayed many times asking the Lord to let me work full time printing His Word. As useful as other tracts may be, I felt the Word of God was the best piece of literature a lost soul could receive.

I’ve been working at WMP for 22 years. Currently I work in the Small Orders Department with eight faithful and dedicated volunteers, fulfilling domestic and foreign orders from one booklet up to 50 ten-pound boxes. Over the years I have also worked on the web press, printing the insides of booklets, and the two-color Hashimoto press printing the covers of the booklets.

God reveals Himself through His Word. He reveals the true condition of a person’s heart toward God, the need for forgiveness of sin, and the worship due to the true and living God through the Lord Jesus Christ. He has saved me for this purpose and that I would be a laborer in His harvest field. I see how God is using others by the number of different languages requested, and sending the booklets all over the world to the people who have prayed asking the Lord to supply a means for reaching the lost. We at WMP are privileged to be a part of God’s answer to their prayer.

I enjoy gardening and woodworking as well as being a frustrated student of the hammer dulcimer. I am also head greeter at church and involved in a men’s prayer group and nursing home ministry. I am married to the most beautiful, godly woman I know. I see much of Jesus in her and she encourages me much in Christlikeness. God has blessed Marilyn with great piano accompaniment skill and much patience as we attempt to play our instruments together.

   [Dale and Marilyn met at WMP and were married July 18, 2015. Marilyn will be featured in next month’s Meet the Team.]


WMP Partners Around the World

Ricardo M., Costa Rica

Pastor Ricardo has served as WMP’s national coordinator in Costa Rica since 2010. Availability of WMP literature has energized believers in Costa Rica, leading to greater outreach. On a visit to the U.S., Pastor Ricardo encouraged our staff with his enthusiasm and gratitude for the Scripture booklets. He will soon receive another 20-foot container of Scripture booklets for Costa Rica as well as for a new, developing ministry in Belize.

   WMP: Please describe how you are currently reaching your country with the gospel.

   Ricardo: As a missionary/pastor in the Republic of Costa Rica, it has been a great blessing of God to be able to count on the help of WMP to reach more lives in communities and cities. [Your material] is a powerful tool for pastoral work in the various denominations and ministries of Costa Rica. One of the greatest things that has happened is that [it has] united the body of Christ, breaking down denominational divisions and lifting up the powerful name of Christ.

   WMP: How long have you been distributing WMP literature?

   Ricardo: In 2008 I met Brother Adalberto S. [WMP’s national coordinator in Puerto Rico] at a Voice of the Martyrs conference in Costa Rica. He visited us where we did street evangelism. When I saw the booklets, my soul was happy. I told him that we needed booklets in Costa Rica, as we did not have any.  He gave us about 800 booklets in a bag and told us that we would soon receive more. We began to learn about WMP and to receive booklets by mail. A year later we received 2 skids of booklets [95,000 Scripture booklets plus Bible studies and salvation coloring books] that provoked great joy in the people of God. We have been distributing them for six years. Every year we have received more. Last time there were 1,782 boxes, and with this new order, we hope for 2,000 boxes.  (He will receive 2,560 boxes – 1,186,340 items –  in the upcoming 20-foot container shipment.)

WMP: How does having free literature affect evangelism in your country?

   Ricardo: Since Scripture booklets became available, we have been able to develop massive campaigns in communities, which have brought growth to the congregations. It’s a blessing of God to see both children and adults reaching people for Christ. Organizing churches to work together, not considering denominations, has brought down walls that had divided them. There is much work in the streets, and many desire to reach out with the gospel.

It has helped the churches deepen their faith, and we have made discipleship classes with the children on Sundays. Those who do not have a Bible now have a New Testament and can read the Word of the Lord. What a blessing it has been to respond to these questions! We desire rich and abundant blessing in the Lord to all that comprise WMP!

   [WMP is planning the next shipment for Brother Ricardo in Costa Rica. You can help impact lives for eternity! A gift of $26.70 will fund a box of 30 Spanish New Testaments; $50 will provide 1,000 48-page Scripture booklets.]



2014 Special Edition Newsletter

14specialednl (pdf)

A Year of Great Increase

God has done amazing things this past fiscal year, and it is evident that He is positioning World Missionary Press for even more increase in sending His Word around the world to fulfill His purpose in the lives of individual people, one by one.“Other sheep I have… ; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice” (John 10:16a).

The highest annual income in WMP’s 52-year history led to record production. By God’s grace we received 43% more in contributions than the previous year (including $442,618 designated for capital needs). We praise God for enabling WMP to increase its volume of printing by 31% (see “Interesting Facts” on page 2 for more details). Besides filling many small orders, WMP shipped 152,707 ten-pound boxes destined for 118 nations, including 39 ship containers (see shipment summary table on page 4).

Because of the God-given increases in provision and production, millions more souls throughout the world are being touched with God’s eternal Word! It was God who enlarged our territory as He blessed us with additional land, facilities, and equipment. Property adjoining WMP, purchased in April with cash previously received, needed extensive upgrades to make two large buildings functional for our use. A 12-pocket bindery/collator was purchased at auction to streamline production of New Testaments. (Kreyol New Testaments for Haiti will be the first to be produced in the upgraded facility.) These and other needs were all provided for by God’s people, whose hearts He had touched!

As we look back at the amazing events of the past year, we are filled with awe at the bountiful provisions of the Lord and humbly look to Him as He leads us forward.

Knowing that God does all things well, that He is not willing that any should perish, that His way is to send His Word(Isaiah 55:8-11), and that He is the One enlarging us even through loss, we are filled with eager expectation for what the coming year holds – looking to Him to continue His work in and through World Missionary Press.


Equipment Needs for Continued Growth

As the Lord positions WMP for ongoing increased production, we are seeking Him for specified funds to purchase three key pieces of equipment in the coming months:

� a reconditioned primary cover cutter (estimated $20,000) to cut large sheets of covers down to the size needed for the booklet binderies;

� a reconditioned newer, faster, more dependable bindery to replace an ailing one (estimated $70,000-$100,000); and

� an automated stacker/bundler for gathering booklets off the new bindery, aiding in full-speed operation (estimated $166,000).

Please pray:

� for wisdom in the effective use of new staff, facilities, and equipment as WMP continues to step up production in 2014;

� that contributions will continue strong and that God will provide the additional equipment needed for continued growth;

� that equipment will run smoothly and that additional volunteer groups will get involved;

� for distributors who faithfully go where God’s Word is needed; and

� that multitudes will come to Christ and be transformed through the power of God’s Word in their own languages.

[You can impact people around the world. Every donated dollar provides for the printing and shipping of 25 powerful Scripture booklets to Christians eager to share God’s Word in the languages of their nation. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,500 people; $1,000 will impact 25,000 people who need to know God.]

Free DVD of WMP’s 52nd Anniversary Program, available on request, includes the commissioning of Harold Mack as WMP president and message by Dick Eastman, “The Power of a Single Seed.”


World Watch

One of the most complex projects in WMP history was 18 months in the planning, as 15 shipments to Francophone African nations were prepared, some going where we had never before sent large quantities of God’s Word. Extra prayer was needed. Shipments arrived safely; however, the Gabon container is still awaiting release from customs.

Four new translations were printed in 2013: How to Know God in Uzbek; The Way to God in Nyaneka; Help From Above inInuktitut; and The Power of God in Blin, bringing the total number of languages printed by WMP to 341 languages. Three Bible study booklets (Psalms, John, and Romans) were printed in Portuguese for the first time.

More than 2,240,000 copies of A Bible Study on John were printed in nine languages this past year. One missionary wrote, “Out here in the more remote parts of the world, your literature is a total GOD thing. I was out talking to pastors this morning about the new study of John in Portuguese.”

Partnering Toward Completion!

A Special Word from Dick Eastman
International President, Every Home for Christ

“Blessed are those who die in the Lord …. They are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!” -Revelation 14:13-14 (NLT)

IT HAS BEEN SUCH A JOY to partner with World Missionary Press in taking the Good News of Jesus to the uttermost parts of the earth. It wasn’t long after I became the international president of Every Home for Christ 25 years ago that one of my first assignments from the Lord was to visit the WMP headquarters in Indiana. I wanted to meet more personally with Jay and Vicky Benson to look at ways we might strengthen our partnership in reaching literally millions of homes together with the gospel and thus see an even greater harvest of souls than either of our ministries could gather on our own.

Over the ensuing years that partnership has grown dramatically, and it is not an exaggeration in any sense to say that Every Home for Christ is literally following up multiplied thousands of new believers globally every month as the result of the contribution World Missionary Press continues to make to this thriving partnership.

Because Jay Benson was so specifically used of the Lord to initiate and cultivate this partnership over the years, one can imagine the shock and sadness we felt at EHC with the sudden home-going of Jay early in 2013. My wife Dee and I felt that we needed to travel as soon as possible to New Paris to share our appreciation for all WMP had done over the years and especially to celebrate Jay’s unique contribution to this Christ-honoring partnership. We invited a key EHC board member, Doug Stanich, with his wife Joan to join us for the visit, specifically to help express on behalf of all the EHC board of directors what Jay has meant to all of us personally in our ministry.

It was during this visit, while having a tour of the WMP operations, that Doug asked one of the pressmen if the ministry had everything it needed to do all that was desired. As a result of this conversation, we became aware that a six-color press would be a special boost to all that World Missionary Press is presently accomplishing. On the drive back to Chicago following our time in New Paris, the four of us – Doug, Joan and Dee and me – discussed the possibility of Every Home for Christ purchasing that press yet this year, and presenting it in Jay’s memory. It was such a joy to see how quickly God provided all the funds needed for this gift, which now is becoming a wonderful reality.
We continue to thank the Lord for the continuing partnership with World Missionary Press in reaching the nations for Jesus and the surge in the ministry’s growth in recent months. We are particularly joyful over the new appointment of Harold Mack as WMP president and that our beloved friend, Vicky Benson, continues to serve Harold and the WMP team with her unique gifts.

As the Revelation passage I quoted at the outset declares, and particularly as we think of Jay in reading those words, we can say with a certainty that Jay is truly “blessed indeed” and as he enjoys a well-deserved eternal rest from his lifetime of hard work, his good deeds (in the form of a remarkable harvest) do follow him.















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Booklets Available

For widespread distribution:
(Pocket-size 48-page Scripture-by-subject booklets)


Help From Above (HFA): Designed to lead the reader to Christ and to live a victorious life. Good for evangelism and follow-up of new believers. (Languages)


hkg-smHow to Know God (HKG):
Tells how to have a personal relationship with God. Designed for Muslims, but excellent as a general evangelistic tool. (Languages)




Let’s Praise the Lord! (PTL): Especially for Christians. Compiled as a practical tool for praising God faithfully and joyfully. (Languages)




Satan versus CHRIST (SVC): Warns against demon worship, witchcraft, idolatry; reveals Satan’s character and tactics. Offers believers victory over the enemy through the power of Christ. Good especially for areas where occult practices are followed. (Languages)



The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ (ALC): Shows who Christ really is, why He came to earth, His miracles and teaching, His death and resurrection, and what He is doing now. Encourages a personal response.(Languages)


The Path to Life (LIF):  This 8-page Scripture handout includes a simple guide to salvation.  It can be used as an initial outreach tool and followed up with booklets as more interest is shown.   (Languages)





POG 105x70The Power of God (POG):
Shows God’s creative, saving, sustaining, and overcoming power. For believers and non-believers. (Languages)




The Way to God (WTG): Especially for children. Its purpose is to share God’s love and plan of salvation and how to live for Jesus. Features illustrations and a larger type size. (Languages)



WAI 105x70Who Am I That a King Would Die in My Place? (WAI): Shows who we were made to be, what we became, where that leads us, our need for God’s rescue, and what we can become by accepting God’s grace. (Languages)


Who Do You Say that I AM? (WDY): Contains some of the powerful things Jesus said about who He is, why He came to earth, and how we can receive eternal life, along with Old Testament passages confirming who He is.  (48 pages)





WOZ 105x70

Wings Over Zion (WOZ): Especially for Jewish friends, but is good for all who are interested in Biblical prophecy relating to Israel. (64 pages) (Languages)




For individual and group study only:
(Bible Studies – Not for widespread distribution)


Alive in Christ (ACH): Designed to disciple new believers, to understand who God created them to be– empowered by His Spirit to know and walk with Him in the light of eternity.  (96 pages)




englishmattcoverA Bible Study on Matthew (MAT): Teaches simple but important truths for Christian living. (64 pages) (Languages)






Meditations in the Psalms (PSA): A devotional booklet using selected Psalms. (64 pages) (Languages)






A Basic Study of New Testament Scriptures : For use with any Bible or Testament; lists many important topics along with Scripture references dealing with them. (48 pages) (Languages)






GEN 100X135A Bible Study on Genesis (GEN): Emphasizes God’s plan of salvation from creation; reveals the presence of Christ in Genesis. Includes much practical application. (112 pages) (Languages)






BSJ 100x135A Bible Study on John (BSJ): For assurance of salvation and personal growth in the Lord. Can also be used by new Christians in sharing their faith. (80 pages) (Languages)






A Bible Study on Revelation (REV): Exalts Christ, exposes Satan, inspires faith, comforts in persecution, and warns of false teaching and the wrath of God. (112 pages) (Languages)






BSORcoverartA Bible Study on Romans (ROM):   Paul’s masterful letter reveals God’s heart for mankind and the good news of freedom and transformation for all who put their trust in Jesus. (112 pages) (Languages)







God Loves You! Coloring Book (GLY): This salvation coloring book is ideal for children and adults.  The beautifully illustrated coloring pages bring associated verses to life–from creation to the second coming of Jesus. (48 pages)  (Languages)






What language do they read in that country?  Click here to find out!

ALC-The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ;
BSJ-A Bible Study on John;
BSS-New Testament Study Supplement;
GEN-A Bible Study on Genesis;
GLY- God Loves You! Coloring Book;
GOJ-Gospel of John;
GOL-Gospel of Luke
HFA-Help From Above;
HKG-How to Know God;
LIF- The Path to Life;
MAT-A Bible Study on Matthew;
POG-The Power of God;
PSA-Meditations in the Psalms;
PTL-Let’s Praise the Lord;
REV-A Bible Study on Revelation;
ROM-A Bible Study on Romans
SvC-Satan versus CHRIST;
WAI-Who Am I That a King Would Die in my Place?;
WDY-Who Do You say that I AM?;
WOZ-Wings Over Zion;
WTG-The Way to God.

* Note:  A 10-lb. box contains about 505 small-size booklets.  Booklets marked with * are twice the regular size and there are 250 or less per box.


May 2015 Newsletter

May, 2015 Newsletter (pdf) 

Spreading the Word in Asia


WHEN WMP CO-FOUNDER Watson Goodman first flew to the Philippines with enthusiastic supporter Dean Baker, little did he dream that a divine connection there would make such a difference to so many lives. A Filipino Christian, Bert M., was intent on contacting Watson, but it seemed a miracle that they found each other in Manila. Bert convinced the WMP team to accompany him to refugee camps in Bataan, to see for themselves the need for Scripture booklets in the languages of the people who had fled out of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Two camps, surrounded by barbed wire, housed up to 10,000 people without God’s Word. Watson promised Bert that he would go back and produce Scripture booklets for those in the camps. Soon the promised shipment of booklets arrived in Manila, and Bert was able to distribute it all among the refugees.

  Just two weeks after the distribution of the booklets, when Bert returned to the camps to follow up and meet with the pastors, the camps were empty! The refugees had been dispersed to other parts of the world. The shipment from WMP had come “just in time.” The refugees had been able to take Scripture booklets in their own languages with them, wherever they went.

Bert became WMP’s volunteer national coordinator for the Philippines and served faithfully in that capacity for more than 30 years, greatly expanding the availability and effectiveness of WMP literature in the Philippines through his conviction that the Word of God was and always will be the answer for man’s needs. Recently Bert turned over the coordinator responsibilities to Pastor Rene L., mentored for this responsibility by Bert for several years.

WMP will soon be producing two containers of Scripture materials for the Philippines:  one for coordinator Rene L. to share with thousands of distributors throughout the nation, and one for Every Home for Christ.


World Missionary Press has been blessed with the opportunity to print and ship gospel literature to people all over the globe for more than fifty years. Some areas, however, are harder to supply than others. When governments disapprove of such material coming into their countries, it becomes the joy of enterprising Christians who value our booklets to handle printings within their borders. Several ministries in Asia have been doing this for many years.

Myanmar (Burma)

Martin L., WMP’s long-time contact in Myanmar, emailed us in January after an extended trip to the state of Shan, networking with Gospel Outreach Mission’s evangelists and missionaries there. GOM distributes WMP booklets at their education centers, including their newest, Damadi Home, where they have an orphanage ministry and train leaders, and which will become the main distribution center for WMP materials nationwide.

Martin wrote, “Currently our missionaries and distributors need books and booklets for distribution in the areas where we have free education centers and [where] the population is growing. These areas are slum areas and most of the people are very poor. But they are very eager to hear the good news of Jesus Christ …. Please pray for our missionaries, evangelists, and pastors who are reaching out to non-Christians in these areas.”

Martin asked WMP to fund the printing of 50,000 copies of How to Know God in Wa – the language spoken by many in Shan State – as well as 100,000 copies of Help From Above and 25,000 copies of He Is Risen! salvation coloring books in Burmese. Martin reports that WMP Bible studies have proven very useful to Mizo-speaking churches in Myanmar with classes on Sundays, both for children and adults, because of the question-and-answer, fill-in-the-blank format. The translation of Meditations in the Psalms in Mizo is currently waiting to be printed, and the translation of Help From Above into Shan is in process.


Frans K., WMP’s national coordinator in Indonesia, is the primary printer of our materials there. We recently gave him the go-ahead to print 50,000 copies each of WMP’s Bible studies on John and Matthew in Indonesian. With the great demand for these Bible studies, these 100,000 copies will not last long. Some were to be sent to Papua as well as Central Borneo for use in Easter outreach.

Around the same time, our other printer in Indonesia, Jan L., sent an encouraging report on his own work in the island nation. In the nine months between May, 2014 and February, 2015, various churches and Christian groups distributed 90,000 copies of How to Know God in Indonesian and Javanese to cities and villages throughout the country, resulting in 178 confirmed conversions to Christ and four new churches formed! Jan’s report came with the request to print another 100,000 How to Know God booklets in Indonesian, which WMP happily agreed to.


Grateful Quotes

Enabled to be an outreach church in Kenya

“I am personally grateful to God for His provision for our church and Bishop Mulea (Every Home for Christ Kenya), who received a lot of gospel literature from World Missionary Press. This man of God has been generous to supply as much as we need when we have placed orders or requests to him.

“Thank God for the publications of World Missionary Press. These have enabled our church to be an outreach church this last year more than ever before; because of the many new converts, we have been able to plant three new churches (the smallest has 120 members). Glory to God in the highest!”   -Pastor C., Kenya

Changed lives and living testimonies

“I am so grateful to God for His provision of literature, of which booklets from World Missionary Press have been a big blessing to many Bible study clubs and groups. This has enabled many churches across my region to come up with organized Bible study sessions from time to time.

“I have a weekly ministry to prisoners in Kitui G.K. prison. These books have transformed lives of many inmates who have gone back with changed lives and living testimonies. During the last six months, I have seen 674 prisoners give their lives fully to Jesus Christ, and these [booklets] have enabled them to grow to maturity.”  -Rev. K., Kenya



Meet the Team

Karen W. -Business Displays, Volunteer

I saw a sign in front of World Missionary Press advertising an open house and tour. As I am home-schooling my grandson, I thought this would be a great field trip for us. Our family took the tour, and all of us were impressed by the whole operation! I signed up to volunteer and was excited to know that I could bring my grandson with me and that he could make boxes or stuff envelopes.

As I waited for my husband, Steve, to finish the tour (he was observing the new six-color press), I was eating a hot dog and talking to Marie Mack. When she told me that they were looking for someone to fill a part-time position in the Finance Department, I asked for an application. I loved the thought of being part of a team working to get God’s Word out to the world. I had always wanted to be a missionary and being part of the mission at WMP meant I could be on the mission field 20 minutes from home!

I am so thankful that God brought me here. I love it! The people are wonderful! I thank God for our “Press family” and the privilege of serving Him.

I worked in the Finance Department until last October, when, due to family illness, I had to be at home more. I still volunteer as much as I can. I like the fact that my son and grandson can also volunteer.

In my free time, I like to read and fish and garden. I like to can or dehydrate the food I have grown so that we can enjoy it in the winter. I also like to spend time with my family.

Steve W. -Quality Assurance Coordinator

My wife, Karen, heard about a free tour of World Missionary Press, and we decided to use it as a “field trip” for our grandson, Keith, whom we home school. When I mentioned to one of the tour guides that I had taught some printing classes and I liked seeing the operation of the large presses, he told me that WMP was hiring and that maybe I should apply. When I got to the car, I heard my wife was also told that she should apply if she would like to work here, so we both applied and were hired in July, 2014.

I am the Quality Assurance Coordinator and I also work in the prepress department. I love the atmosphere here at WMP. I am a retired public school teacher from South Bend, and I really appreciate the lack of “drama” here. People cooperate with each other, and we get the Lord’s work accomplished.

When I’m not working, I enjoy fishing, woodworking, and construction as hobbies. I also enjoy family time. I think I like working at WMP as much as any hobby. I have a wonderful wife, adopted grandson, and stepson living with me. Most of my extended family likes to fish, swim, or go for boat rides. As we live next to Lake Wawasee, we enjoy water sports all summer.

WMP Partners Around the World

Steve B., Nicaragua

Steve B. (center) and the Messiah Project have used WMP literature to reach the far corners of Nicaragua since 2004. By helping to translate WMP Scripture booklets and A Bible Study on John into the Miskito language, they introduced God’s Word to a people who had never heard of God’s love for them.

WMP: Please describe your background and ministry.

Steve: As a new believer, I began sharing the gospel in Northeast Oklahoma. Two years later, the Lord opened the door for ministry in Mexico, when I first began using WMP literature. In 2002 He opened another door – Nicaragua. For the past 12 years, the Lord has opened numerous doors for the Messiah Project (MP) to share the gospel, even to remote unreached regions – doors such as helping bring the written Word of God to the Miskito Indians of the Rio Coco for the first time, reaching mountainous villages throughout northern Nicaragua, and traveling the rivers of the Sumu Indians.

WMP: How has free literature affected evangelism?

Steve: Having free materials available increases exponentially our ability to share the gospel. Virtually everyone receives a Scripture booklet gladly. The gesture of offering a booklet to an individual as a “gift” often becomes a door to talk about Jesus.

Men, women, and children who otherwise might feel inadequate to share the gospel are often willing to share Scripture booklets, enabling more people to be involved in evangelism outreach. Often these individuals go on to be involved in hospital or jail visitations or become street preachers, pastors, or even MP missionaries. The value of the booklets in raising people to share the gospel is indispensable.

Each month native MP missionaries, loaded with WMP literature, are sent on short-term trips throughout northern Nicaragua. These missionaries – native pastors and church leaders prepared by the Lord through years of faithfully sharing the gospel locally – report God’s goodness and grace through numerous miracles and salvations each month.

Scripture booklets play an important role in 568 feeding centers, where more than 58,000 children, pregnant women, elderly, and disabled receive a vitamin-enriched meal along with the Word of God.

WMP: How effective are the topical Scripture booklets in your country?

Steve: After years of experiencing their impact first hand, I believe that God truly inspired the topical format of the Scripture booklets, as they have proven an effective way to introduce the Word of God to people in a  “bite-size” approach. Many in rural and remote regions haven’t had the benefit of a highschool education, but – with the help of the Holy Spirit – are able to grasp a topic through the selected verses. People of all education levels are able to focus on a particular topic without distraction. Plus, the format makes it easier for missionaries with less experience to share the gospel more effectively and with more confidence.


President’s Corner

Last month’s newsletter included a table of freight shipments awaiting production. I thought it would be helpful to summarize this information each month, to keep you up to date with what we have “in the works.” Each month we get new requests; work with the requesting coordinator or major distributor to refine, plan, and prioritize the requested shipment; and add it to our queue. Combined with the Shipment Status Report table we have been including in our newsletters, this monthly summary of waiting requests will help give you an overview of what’s happening here and insight on how best to pray for our ministry.

We use a standard unit of measure for planning and tracking production we refer to as “equivalency,” based on a 48-page English Help From Abovebooklet. For measuring our volume, items produced such as Bible studies, coloring books, and New Testaments are related to the equivalent number of Help From Above booklets.

Thank you so much for your partnership with World Missionary Press! We greatly appreciate your prayers and donations, helping send millions of portions of God’s eternal Word throughout the world each month. May He bless our efforts together with much lasting fruit!


Follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter and share us with your friends!

Languages Produced

Languages Produced by WMP


Acoli HFA
Afrikaans HFA, WTG, WAI
Agusan Manobo HFA
Ahanta HFA, SvC
Albanian HFA, HKG, WTG, MAT*
Amdo WTG*
Amharic HFA*, POG, SvC
Anal HFA
Arabic  HFA, HKG, WTG, GEN*, GOJ*, GOL*
Arabic (N. African) HFA, POG
Armenian HFA*
Assamese HFA, HKG
Assyrian WTG*
Ateso HFA*, HKG, WTG
Ayacucho Quechua HFA, WTG
(for Peru)
Aymara HFA*
Azumeina HFA*, PTL
Bambara HFA, WTG, HKG
Bangala HFA, SvC, WTG
Baoule HFA*
Bari HFA
Bariba HFA*
Basque HFA, HKG
Bassa (Cameroon) HFA
Bassa (Liberian) HFA, POG, WTG
Bassa-Kwomu HFA
Bassari HFA
Bemba HFA, WAI
Bengali HFA, HKG*, WTG, POG
Bengali, Muslim HKG*
Bhojpuri HFA
Bicol HFA
Blin (Bilin) POG*
Boomu HFA*
Bulgarian HFA, HKG, WTG, ALC,
Burmese HFA*, HKG*, BSS*, ALC*, WTG*, POG+
Catalan HFA
Cebuano (Visayan) HFA, HKG,
Chaldean (Roman) WTG*
Chaldean (Script) WTG*
Chavacano HFA
Chichewa (Nyanja) BSJ, HFA, HKG,
Chinese (Traditional) HFA, HKG,
Chinese (Simplified) HFA, HKG, GEN*,
Chisena HFA
Chitumbuka (see Tumbuka)
Chokwe HFA, WAI
Chol (Tumbala) HFA
Chumburung HFA*
Chuukese HFA
Corsican/French HFA*
Cree (Western Script) HFA*
Creole (See Kreyol)
Croatian HFA
Czech HFA, HKG
Dagbani HFA
Dangme HFA
Danish HFA, HKG, WTG
Dari HFA*, GOJ*
Darlong HFA
Dayak Ngaju+ HFA
Dendi HFA*
Dhu Alur HFA
Ditammari HFA*
Dompago HFA*
Douala HFA*
Dzongkha WTG
Ebembe HFA, POG, WAI
Ebira HFA
Ekegusii HFA
Elimbari HFA
English, KJV HFA,  WTG,
Estonian HFA, HKG, WTG
Etsako HFA
Fakai  GOL*
Fante HFA, SvC
Fijian HFA, WTG
Fijian Hindi WTG
Finnish HFA, HKG, WTG
Fon HFA*
Fulfulde (Cameroon) HFA
Gawigl HFA*
Georgian HFA, HKG, BSJ*
German HFA, HKG, WTG,
Getsogo HFA*
Giriama HFA
Goan Konkani (Roman) WTG
Goan Konkani (Script) WTG
Gourma HFA, WTG
Greek HFA
Guarani HFA
Gujarati HFA, HKG, WTG
Halbi HFA
Hamtai HFA*
Hausa HFA, HKG, WTG,
Hebrew HFA*, WOZ*
Hiligaynon (Ilongo) HFA, HKG
Hmong Daw HFA*
Hungarian HFA, HKG, WTG,
Ibaloi HFA
Ibanag HFA
Icelandic HFA
Idoma HFA
Ifugao: Batad HFA
Igede HFA*
Ilokano HFA, HKG, POG, WTG
Ilongo – see Hiligaynon
Indonesian HFA, HKG, WTG,
SvC, MAT*+, BSJ*+
nuktitut HFA*
Isoko HFA
Izi HFA*
Japanese HFA*, POG, WTG
Javanese HFA+, HKG+
Jibu HFA+
Jingphaw/Kachin HKG*+
Jula HFA
Kalenjin HFA, WTG, BSJ*
Kana HFA
Kannada (Kanarese) HFA,
Kanuri HFA
Kaonde HFA, WTG, WAI, MAT*
Karbi HFA
Karen S’gah HFA*, WTG
K’ekchi+ HFA*, WTG*
Kharia HFA
Khasi HFA
Khmer HFA
Kikamba HFA, SvC
Kikongo: Fioti HFA
Kikuyu HFA
Kilega HFA
Kiluba HFA, HKG, POG, SvC
Kimeru (Kenya) HFA, WTG
Kimeru (Tanzania) HFA
Kinandi HFA, HKG*, WTG
Kinshasa-Lingala HFA, WTG,
Kinyakyusa HFA
Kinyarwanda (Runyarwanda)
Kirundi HFA, WTG, HKG
Kisanga HFA
Kisongye HFA
Kissi HFA
Kiswahili GLY,HFA, HKG, SvC,
Kituba HFA, WTG, SvC
Kokborok BSJ+
Kom Rem HFA
Konkani (Kanarese script) HFA
Konkomba HFA*
Konyak Naga HFA
Kreyol (Creole) HFA*, HKG,
Kriol (Australian) HFA
Kumam HFA
Kuranko HFA*
Kuteb HFA
Lahu HKG+
Lamba HFA
Lango HFA
Lao HFA*
Latvian HFA
Lepcha WTG
Liangmai Naga HFA
Lingala (Haut Fleuve) HFA,
Lingala (see Kinshasa)
Lisu HKG*+
Lithuanian HFA, WTG
Lozi HFA, SvC, WTG
Lubukusu HFA, WTG
Luchazi HFA
Luganda HFA, HKG, POG,
Lugbara HFA
Lumasaaba HFA*
Luo HFA, WAI,  SvC
Luragoli HFA
Luvale HFA
Luyia HFA, HKG, WTG, SvC
Maasai HFA
Macedonian HFA
Ma’di HFA, WTG
Maithily HFA
Makua  GOJ*
Malagasy ALC*, GLY, HFA, HKG, SvC*, WTG
Malay HFA
Malayalam HFA, HKG*, WTG, ALC
Maltese HFA, HKG
Mam, Northern HFA, HKG
Mam, Southern HFA*
Mambila HFA
Mandinka WTG
Manipuri HFA, HKG*
Maori WTG
Marathi HFA, HKG, WTG, ALC
Marshallese HFA, WTG
Marwari HFA
Mashi HFA
Mataco HFA
Mawchi HFA, WAI
Melanesian Pidgin (see Tok Pisin)
Miskito HFA*, HKG*, WTG, BSJ*
Mizo HFA, POG+
Mofa HFA
Mongolian  HKG, ROM*, WTG
Monkole HFA*
Moore  WTG
Mufian HFA*
Mundari HFA
Nangjere HFA, HKG, SvC, WAI
Naga HKG+
Navajo HFA*
Ncam (Bassar) HFA*, WTG*
Ndau HFA
Ndonga HFA*, WTG
Nduga HFA*
Nebaj Ixil WTG
Nembe HFA, HKG
Nepali HFA, HKG*, WTG
Ngakarimojong HFA, HKG, WTG, ALC
Ngambai HFA*, HKG*, POG
Ngo-Chang HKG*+
Norwegian HFA, HKG, WTG
Nupe HFA
Nyaneka WTG
Nzebi HFA
Nzema HFA, POG
Odia (Oriya) GLY, HFA, HKG, WTG
Oraon HFA
Oromiffa HFA*
Otelela HFA
Paite HFA
Pampango HFA, HKG, POG,
Pangasinan HFA, HKG
Papiamento HFA*
Pare HFA
Persian (Farsi) HFA*, HKG*, GOJ*
Plautdietsch (Low German) WTG
Polish HFA, SvC, WTG
Portuguese HFA, HKG, WTG,
Portuguese-Creole HFA, HKG
Punjabi HFA, HKG, ALC, WTG,
Quechua, Ayacucho HFA, WTG
(for Peru)
Quechua (S. Bol.) HFA*
Quiche, Central HFA, WTG,
Rawang HKG*+
Reshe  GOL*
Romanian HFA, HKG, WTG,
Rongmei Naga HFA, POG
Roviana HFA
Runyankore-Rukiga HFA
Runyoro-Rutooro HFA
Russian HFA, HKG, WTG,
Sabaot HFA*
Sadri HFA*
Samoan HFA, WTG
Sango HFA, WTG
Santali HFA
Santali-Odia HFA*
Sepedi HFA
Serbian HFA, WTG+
Sesotho HFA, WTG, MAT*
Shona HFA, POG, SvC, WAI
Sindhi HFA*
Sinhala HFA, HKG, WTG,
SiSwati HFA
Slovak HFA, HKG, WTG
Slovenian HFA
Songhai  HKG
Soomaali HFA
Spanish GLY, HFA, HKG, WTG,
Sranantongo WTG
Subanen Lupuyan HFA
Sukuma HFA
Sundanese HFA+, HKG+
Surigaonon HFA
Swahili, Congo RDC HFA,
Swedish HFA, WTG
Tagalog HFA, HKG, WTG,
Tahitian HFA
Taita HFA
Tangkhul Naga HFA
Tboli HFA*
Tedim Kam HFA, SvC
Telugu HFA, HKG* WTG, ALC,
POG, SvC*,  MAT*
Temne HFA
Tibetan HFA
Ticuna (Brazil) WTG
Ticuna Peru/Colombia WTG
Tigan Rom-Gypsy HFA
Tigrinya HFA*, POG, WTG
Tok Pisin HFA, SvC*, WTG
Tshiluba HFA, SvC, WAI
Tshwa HFA
Tsonga (Shangaan) HFA, WTG
Tswana HFA
Tumbuka HFA, WAI
Turkana HFA
Turkish, Roman HFA, HKG, WTG, GOJ*
Turkish, Cyrillic WTG, GOJ*
Twi (Asanti) HFA, HKG SvC
Tzeltal de Oxchuc HFA*
Ukrainian HFA, HKG, WTG,
Umbundu HFA, WTG
Urdu HFA, HKG*, WTG, SvC*
Urhobo HFA
Uzbek HKG*
Vaiphei HFA
Venda HFA
Vietnamese HFA, HKG, WTG
Wa HKG*+
Waray HFA
Xhosa HFA, HKG, POG, SvC
Yagaria HFA*
Yalunka HFA*
Yipunu HFA
Yissangou HFA
Yoruba HFA, HKG, SvC, WAI
Zande HFA*, WTG
Zarma HFA
Zomi HFA
Zulu HFA, SvC, WTG

Belarusian WTG
Ojibwe HFA


ACH- Alive in Christ;
ALC-The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ;
BRB-Bible Reading Book;
BSJ-A Bible Study on John;
BSS-New Testament Study Supplement;
GEN-A Bible Study on Genesis;
GLY-God Loves You;
GOJ-Gospel of John;
GOL-Gospel of Luke
HFA-Help From Above;
HKG-How to Know God;
LIF- The Path to Life;
MAT-A Bible Study on Matthew;

POG-The Power of God;
PSA-Meditations in the Psalms;
PTL-Let’s Praise the Lord;
REV-A Bible Study on Revelation;
ROM-A Bible Study on Romans
SMB-Scripture Memory Book;
SvC-Satan versus CHRIST;
WAI-Who Am I That a King Would Die in my Place?;
WDY-Who Do YOU say that I AM?;
WOZ-Wings Over Zion;
WTG-The Way to God.

* Note:  A 10-lb. box contains about 505 small-size booklets.  Booklets marked with * are twice the regular size and there are 250 or less per box.

+ Languages marked with this symbol are available and produced overseas only.

What language do they read in that country?  Click Here to Find Out!

Updated as of August 2023

Mission Ideas for Children





Mission Ideas for Children


To request a copy of this brochure, e-mail or call 574-831-2111 ext. 213.  You may also download the following online version…Missions Ideas for Children(pdf)

For your children’s ministries, Sunday School, children’s church, or VBS – You will find here a variety of suggestions for your consideration as a focus for your children’s ministry missions offering.

These project ideas relate to reaching boys and girls in other countries with the powerful Word of God.

What better investment can there be! What better way to encourage children to begin focusing on worldwide outreach and the influence they personally can have in fulfilling the Great Commission?




Idea #1

God Loves You! Coloring Books

Your children can provide God Loves You! salvation coloring books, filled with pictures to color and excellent teaching from God’s Word!

WMP can provide a variety of languages for the God Loves You! coloring book so that you can use them to make an attractive poster or project display.

If you wish, you could announce that for every $10 raised, a picture of one coloring book will be added to a display at the front of your meeting room. (You can photo copy the front cover of a God Loves You! coloring book, making enough copies to represent the offering raised.)



Idea #2

Your Change Brings Change

About five cents will print and send one Scripture booklet anywhere in the world! $1 will print and send 21 Scripture booklets on average. Banks can be provided by WMP for this purpose. These banks can be placed in many locations–people always have loose change! When finished, collect the money from the bank(s), write a check to WMP for the amount, and re-use it!

You can also print your own labels at and tape them on a jar or can.


Idea #3

Fill a Suitcase

Leaders can present a big, empty suitcase at the beginning of VBS, labeled “Sending the Word to the World.” For each dollar a child brings in offerings, he/she can place a (rubber-banded) pack of 25 Scripture booklets into the suitcase. (It actually costs about $1 to produce 21 booklets!)

The goal is to fill the suitcase as full as possible with Scripture booklets!

You can request a supply of The Way to God Scripture booklets for this purpose. They come 500 per 10-lb. box.

Boys and girls in countries around the world need to learn about Jesus and His love. By reading Scripture booklets in their language, they can know how to have their sins forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life!


Idea #4

Thermometer Display

Make a large poster of a thermometer showing funds raised for The Way to God Scripture booklets. Color with a red marker as funds increase. Adjust the numbers on the poster according to your expectations.



Idea #5

Buy a Roll of Paper

One 35″-wide roll of paper for our big printing press, costing about $1,360, can produce the inside pages of more than 85,000 48-page Scripture booklets!

An investment of $680 provides for the inside pages of about 42,500 Scripture booklets like The Way to God!



Idea #6

Faces of the World

Prepare a large colored drawing of the world (about 10 ft. wide) to post at the front of your meeting room. Have the students color the faces of children from other parts of the world. (You can download these faces from our website:  As every $25 comes in for the missions offering, one of the children can glue or tape one of the colored faces onto the world.

This serves as a visual reminder that your students are touching other children around the world with God’s Word. At some point, each child can be given a copy of a God Loves You! coloring book or The Way to God Scripture booklet as a reminder of the ministry they are supporting! (Request enough free copies for this purpose.)

Boys and girls in countries around the world need to learn about Jesus and His love. By reading Scripture booklets in their language, they can know how to have their sins forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life!

Please send offerings in a check to the address below. If you can, please also send a photo and/or description of the project you used to raise funds.


PDF’s available:  Color or Black and White.

Pointers for Success

1. Help young people learn and practice faith by setting a realistic goal that is not simple to meet. Emphasize that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37).

2. Involve elements of suspense, surprise, and challenge, using realistic goals on the one hand, but at the same time acknowledging the power of God and the wonderful faith that children are capable of.
3. In telling the stories about the NEED involved in the project selected, be truthful. Use no fabricated stories. If the teacher has pondered the story so well that he/she is moved emotionally, it will relate effectively to the children. They will catch the impact and will respond enthusiastically.

4. It is good to show each day the total money given that day and the total number of booklets the offering represents. (Each booklet costs 5 cents for production and mailing. Each dollar pays for 20 booklets on average.)

If you have created projects of your own that would help to send out God’s Word, we would like to hear about them. Also, it would be of interest to us to hear about the blessings you received from using the projects listed above.

Projects for Adults

Our Number One Need

PRAYER – PRAYER – MORE PRAYER! Satan will bring every type of confusion, onslaught, and battle against the Word of God, which he despises.

We can send you a detailed prayer letter with a request for every day of the month. As you join thousands of others in prayer for specific requests, we will literally see God’s power at work. To join our prayer team, click here to receive our prayer sheet via E-mail, or click here to receive our  prayer letter  via regular mail.

Monthly Support

Establish a personal “$30.00 Club” (or “Club 30”). Through World Missionary Press you can reach an equivalent of one person every hour, 24 hours a day, for $30.00 per month.

Smaller Gifts

Perhaps you can’t take on any of the above projects, but you could send $5 or $10 each month, trusting God to provide it for you.Little is much when God is in it!

Projects which Cost Nothing in Dollars and Cents

Have a Garage Sale
Collect and sell items at a garage sale or auction. Several families could cooperate in conducting a garage sale and send proceeds to WMP.

Used Bibles
Many letters come from pastors, Sunday school teachers, and others overseas, asking for complete Bibles. Do you have good new or used King James Version or New King James Version Bibles you could send? Those with study helps are especially appreciated by workers overseas.

Used Postage Stamps
Yes, we can use them, too. They are exchanged for money so we can print more booklets. Care must be taken when cutting stamps off envelopes so the stamps are not cut or torn. Leave 1/4 inch border around the stamps. We can use only FOREIGN and COMMEMORATIVE U.S. stamps.

WMP Videos/DVDs
Invite some friends or neighbors in and show them one of WMP’s videos or DVDs. Give each one a copy of Help From Above and the latest issue of WMP News. Prayerfully introducing the work in this way can pay rich dividends.

For more resources click here.

Boys and girls in countries around the world need to learn about Jesus and His love. By reading Scripture booklets in their language, they can know how to have their sins forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life.

Please send offerings in a check to the address below.
If you can, please also send a photo and/or a description of the project you used to raise funds.

World Missionary Press, Inc.
P.O. Box 120, New Paris, IN 46553
(574) 831-2111 –  FAX (574) 831-2161

4-ECFA_Accredited-3color   E-mail:

Latin America

Extend Your Reach – To Latin America!


Every year World Missionary Press supplies large quantities of Scripture booklets, Bible study booklets, Spanish New Testaments, and Salvation coloring books to countries throughout Latin America. The following are some of the projects you can help us with:




Bolivia: The WMP booklet The Way to God has become a standard teaching tool in hundreds of rural schools in Bolivia. Teams are able to go into classrooms, give each student their own copy and then teach the material to the class. Many students and teachers are finding the Savior through this wonderful open door. Such a project requires thousands of copies of The Way to God in Spanish. WMP is preparing a shipment of over 1 million copies along with Bible studies, New Testaments, and salvation coloring books for Bolivia. Total cost to print and ship the material requested for Bolivia is $51,200. You can provide The Way to God booklet for 500 Bolivian children through a donation of just $20. You Can Help!






Cuba: Opportunities to share WMP literature in Cuba are steadily growing. Believers are finding encouragement and strength through WMP Bible studies and have asked for large quantities of the Bible studies on Matthew and Romans. To meet the challenge of filling these needs WMP is preparing a 20′ container of material that will include over 100,000 copies of each of these Bible studies as well as the Help From Above Scripture booklet and He Is Risen salvation coloring book. Total cost to print and ship the almost 700,000 items in 2,560 boxes for this project is $51,200. A donation of $5,120 will provide a pallet of 51,456 Bible study books. You Can Help!







Dominican Republic: Outreach to children in their local communities is a vital part of ministry in Dominican Republic. Teams hold local Bible clubs, giving The Way to God booklet from WMP to each child. Churches are also meeting the needs of Haitians who have come to find work and help. Through Scripture booklets, New Testaments, study books, and topical Scripture booklets the word of God is meeting needs in this country. WMP is preparing a shipment of 874,000 items in Spanish and Kreyol, including more than 10,000 New Testaments for Dominican Republic. Total cost to print and ship the 2,350 boxes of literature is $47,000. You can provide 100 Spanish New Testaments for a donation of $90. You Can Help!






Mexico: Violence, uncertainty, and fear are part of the daily life of many Mexican people. Christian workers there know that to face these difficulties it is vital THAT the word of God be planted in the heart. Teams are spreading out to every state in Mexico with WMP literature, bringing the message of hope and peace through Jesus Christ. They often face danger, threats, and personal attacks, but they keep on. To assist these faithful believers WMP is preparing a shipment of over 1.475 million Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments at a total cost of $80,000. A donation of $6,180 will provide 154,500 copies of the booklet Satan Versus CHRIST . You Can Help!






Paraguay: Through the faithful partnership of the Bible Society of Paraguay WMP is able to provide more than 1.7 million Scripture booklets, Bible Studies, and salvation coloring books for large and small ministries in Paraguay. They work in schools, train pastors and teachers, and evangelize villages and cities, making known the truth of the word of God. Included in a new shipment being prepared for Paraguay is a supply of 51,500 Help From Above booklets in Guarani, a second national language understood by almost 90% of the people. Each of the ministries receiving a portion of this shipment is serving in a different way toward a common goal. Total cost to print the 4,215 boxes for this shipment is $84,300. Every dollar will help to provide 25 school children with a copy of The Way to God.. You Can Help!








Peru: A newly formed association of churches in Peru has taken on the task of reaching into the schools and remote areas with the word of God. They have asked WMP to provide the literature to help them fulfill this commitment. In addition they recognize the need to train those who accept Christ as Savior and have requested WMP Bible study books.WMP is preparing a shipment of over 650,000 items including over half a million copies of The Way to God booklet in Spanish. Total cost to print and ship the 2,075 boxes of literature for Peru is $41,500. Your donation of $1 will provide 25 school children with a copy of The Way to God. You Can Help!