Search Results for "help from above"

March 2015 NL

Madagascar: Lost – and Found – in Translation2015 Mar NL p1a

The famous explorer Marco Polo set out from Venice in 1271 AD to explore the East, returning more than twenty years later to chronicle his many travels in A Description of the World, published sometime around 1300. In his writings, Polo described a rich African island he called “Madeigascar,” his attempted transliteration of the name Mogadishu, the port city in Somalia – not at all the same place! The adventurer’s confusion spread to European cartographers, who mislabeled the island on their maps with Polo’s version of a different place’s name, and so it is known to this day as “Madagascar.”

Centuries later, in 1818, three missionaries from the London Missionary Society (of which the notable Dr. David Livingstone was a member) – James Cameron, David Jones, and David Griffith – came to Madagascar to spread the gospel, build schools, and introduce the people to new inventions. Jones and Griffith translated Scripture into Malagasy, the native tongue, and Cameron oversaw the installation of the first printing press on the island. Their combined efforts produced the first Bible ever published in an African language.

2015 Mar NL p2aToday, nearly two hundred years later, World Missionary Press is carrying the torch of these LMS missionaries, supplying Dries D., our national coordinator for Madagascar, with regular shipments of Scripture booklets in Malagasy. Dries has been using WMP literature for almost a quarter of a century now, first encountering our materials while ministering in South Africa.

Since moving to Madagascar nearly twenty years ago to minister full-time as national director for Every Home for Christ (EHC), Dries has continued to order WMP booklets to the present day. In February, 2014, WMP sent him a 20-foot ship container carrying over 1,000,000 booklets. It arrived in late April and when it finally cleared customs in mid-May, Dries sent encouraging photos to WMP and wrote, “Thank you, WMP, for letting us have so many powerful tools from you, so that we can share the blessed Good News by giving a paper missionary to so many homes in our country.” Some days EHC teams in Madagascar visit up to 6,000 homes. They’d like to do that at least three days a week in different locations in the country. Each home gets a minimum of one Help From Above booklet (for adults) and one Way to God booklet (for children).

Recently Dries emailed an enthusiastic report of EHC ministry in 2014:2015 Mar NL p2b

“We had the best year ever … God is moving, and we need to be ready at all times with His Word. Our Harvest project (Nov/Dec) and our Christmas project were wonderful. Totals for the 2 projects were 145,650 homes visited, 353,000 tracts distributed, and 8,198 responses. Believe me, it is awesome.

“I can’t explain the feeling when I go through all the reports that come from our six regions. The other day, in just one day, more than 11,000 homes received two or three tracts per home. If I remember correctly, we had over 1,200 responses. God is so GOOD, dear friends. We are VERY excited about our next container (we are always excited about our containers). May our Lord and God bless WMP even MORE.”

Distributors all over Madagascar look to Dries for a supply of literature from the containers WMP regularly sends him. Islands Mission is leading an inter-denominational church-planting movement in the Indian Ocean islands. Already, third-generational churches have been planted in 1,500 remote villages. But in Madagascar’s mountainous region, crisscrossed with rivers, there are more than 15,000 unreached villages hidden in dense rainforest, many not even appearing on a map. “The people groups in these villages are steeped in generations of witchcraft, superstition, and animistic religions – unreached, and they need to be followers of Jesus Christ!” wrote Dinah R. when she asked WMP for the Malagasy material they need – more than 10,000 booklets for now.

Richard R. found WMP’s website and requested a small supply of booklets on behalf of a foundation focusing on the health of women looking for medical attention and financial aid in their fight against cancer. He wrote, “I saw these booklets for the first time in a waiting room of a private hospital. I took some and placed them also on my desk. I saw that the patients who came into my office were very interested to get some, either to practice English or really to look for help from God by reading them. I am not a good Christian, but I am trying to search a  better way to help other
people who would like to get a chance to know the way to God with the help of your booklets.”

2015 Mar NL p2c
God’s love for Madagascar is obvious and so is His work there. WMP is glad to be a part of the continuing missionary tradition in this island nation – from the envoys of the London Missionary Society who first translated God’s Word into Malagasy to the devotion of Dries D. and so many other evangelistic distributors across the country today. May the Lord Jesus, the Word Himself, continue to make His love, a language free of mistranslation, clear to hearts in Madagascar, a land with a misplaced name.

  [You can help supply God’s Word to Madagascar. Your gift of $20 provides for about 500 Scripture booklets; $100 helps to supply 2,500 booklets.]

Grateful Quotes2015 Mar NL p3a

Sharing God’s Word from Michigan

“The Children’s Church program here at our church adopted your organization for a month and raised $80.00 to help support theUSS Scripture Booklets project. We are a small church and generally have 4-6 kids in the Children’s Church, so we were very pleased with the amount donated.

“I have enclosed a check and a picture of Avalon, Amelia, Autumn, and Olivia – the girls present the day the picture was taken. They took this very seriously and were very interested to hear all the info about what you are doing to spread the Good News. I actually have some of your booklets and passed them out in class and asked the girls to read them at home, but Avalon wanted to read hers immediately and did not put it down until she had read it through.

“Thanks for all you are doing in the name of Jesus!”      -Theresa P., Michigan

Meet the Team

2015 Mar NL p3bStephen M., Creative Team

I heard about World Missionary Press when my parents discovered WMP via Intercristo in 1994. After a trip to Indiana to investigate, and serious prayer for guidance, we moved from Reading, Pennsylvania, so they both could start working here. I was five when we relocated in September of that year.

When I was sixteen, I had the opportunity to fill a part-time position as an assistant to my dad, who was WMP’s Systems Manager at the time. I’ve been here for nine years, serving in a variety of areas including IT, data entry, field representation, and shipment tracking. Currently I’m working in the Creative Development department, which involves editing and producing promotional videos, graphic design and illustration (in which I have a bachelor’s degree from Grace College), as well as writing for WMP’s monthly newsletter.

I appreciate the opportunity to serve God alongside Christians of various backgrounds and convictions who lay aside personal preferences and doctrine to cooperate for the sake of the gospel. It’s also a privilege to be part of something that impacts people all over the world. The gratitude and enthusiasm of so many who receive Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press inspire me.2015 Mar NL p3c-shipstatus

In my spare time I enjoy drawing and painting, dabbling in music and writing, reading, and spending time with friends. I’m an only child and don’t live very close to many relatives, but I’ve been blessed with a number of close friendships here in Indiana, and there are always opportunities to travel and see extended family. I commute to WMP each day from Winona Lake, where World Missionary Press began and where I attended college while commuting from home in New Paris.

WMP Partners Around the World

Dennis G., Distributor in China

Since 2006, WMP has provided 432 ten-pound boxes of Scripture booklets for Dennis and his teams from the U.S. to distribute in China. Two pallets of literature will soon be produced and shipped to a storage/distribution facility in Hong Kong to help keep teams supplied.

WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.

Dennis: I began gospel literature distribution in China about ten years ago. Our focus has been on unreached people groups. Over the years we have used WMP booklets to reach Chinese, Mongolian, Muslim, and Buddhist cities, towns, and villages across China. I would estimate that we’ve distributed several tons of literature in areas that had never heard a clear presentation of the gospel.

2015 Mar NL p4aWMP: How does the availability of free literature affect your evangelism in China?

Dennis: Having access to good, free gospel literature has been essential to fulfilling our mission of reaching the vast areas we focus on. This year alone we hope to take as many as four or five teams to China. Each team works for as long as a month to see that unreached areas hear the gospel message. I honestly don’t know how we would do what we do if it weren’t for the help we get from WMP.

Our supplies from WMP are used immediately. We order just enough to cover the needs of the teams on the field at that given time. We are currently obtaining a large shipment (384 boxes) from WMP that we hope will greatly meet the needs of our teams for a number of months.

WMP: What challenges do you face in the free and open distribution of WMP literature?

Dennis: Since the open spread of the gospel is not possible in our target country (China), our work is done during the night hours. We have been able to saturate areas with the Good News. A partner missionary on the ground in China is able to follow up when the teams have completed their work.

WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of the topical Scripture booklets?

Dennis: It is an awesome thing to see people standing on the street or at the door of their business or home, reading the literature they find in the morning as they begin their day. This is by no means an unusual occurrence. In the mornings after we work the street in areas near schools, we often see young children sharing the gospel booklets they find with their friends. These booklets are read in China!

We work in areas where we often don’t know of any established churches. These are truly unreached areas. Often these booklets are the first seed sown in these areas. Thank you for your prayers for us as we work in China. We are very thankful for the help we receive from WMP to get the job done.

President’s Corner

We continue to stand in awe of all God has been doing at World Missionary Press. Now that new (for us) equipment is in place and operational, we are experiencing the greatly increased potential for production we anticipated. The six-color press and direct-to-plate equipment give much-needed flexibility in scheduling production of covers; and wow, can that press produce! The Pivano cover cutter is running like a champ, turning large press sheets into bindery-size sheets. The Osako bindery and our newest piece of equipment, the Palamides stacker/bundler, give greater efficiency and higher speed when binding and boxing Scripture booklets. What a blessing it was, as we zoomed through more than 9 million Help From Above-size equivalency on our binderies during the month of January! Praise the Lord!

The challenge now is to make use of this new production capacity to meet the urgent high demand for Scripture booklets throughout the world. Our operating budget for this fiscal year allows for production of 7.5 million booklets per month on average – but the need is for so much more! Would you join with us, fervently seeking the Lord for a significant increase in income – so we can bump that monthly average up to 9 million or more? The need is great. Distributors in countries around the world are crying out for more of God’s eternal life-giving Word, and our time is short. Because of economy of operation, WMP Treasurer Marie Mack calculates it will cost $45,000 per month over budget to increase from a monthly average of 7.5 to 9 million (only about 3 cents per additional booklet for both production and shipping).

Thank you so much for your faithful support for World Missionary Press! We greatly appreciate your prayers, all the time freely given each month by hundreds of volunteer workers, and the funds donated to the work of the Lord. We praise the Lord for you!

A long-time WMP supporter and distributor writes,

“Be encouraged and press on in this life-giving eternal work. Praise God for increases in output of Scripture booklets and Bible studies and all other food for the soul. Your improvements/changes in packaging the Scripture booklets [Palamides bundles] are making a difference in their condition upon arrival. The paper banding of bundles within the boxes helps keep them from moving and becoming bent and folded-over…. The new glossy color cover on Who Am I That A King Would Die In My Place? is outstanding.”

What a blessing to serve the King of kings in such a meaningful way!

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World Missionary Press . . . Our Founders

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” —Hebrews 11:1

Watson&Rose 6-20-04World Missionary Press celebrates the beginning of our 63rd year. WMP began in the hearts of Watson and Rose Goodman while they were missionaries.

On their wedding day they dedicated themselves to missions. Having died to self and being totally committed to God, they began their 16-year ministry in South Africa. In 1951, they established Gospel Centre Work, a faith ministry, concentrating their efforts mainly on evangelizing the children and youth in neglected black areas.

At home, the Goodmans would clear off their dining room table, place a mimeograph machine on it, and run pages with Scriptures and pictures to color for the 2,000 black children they taught weekly in the five townships surrounding Germiston, South Africa.

24_02.TIFWatson and Rose’s printing progressed to a small printing press in their garage. They began printing the 48-page Scripture booklet Help From Above in the Zulu language, stapling the booklets by hand.

Watson’s vision for reaching the world through Scripture booklets distributed free of charge grew in intensity. In 1961 God led them to the U.S. to establish World Missionary Press in Winona Lake, Indiana. A small building was dedicated November 11, 1961.


goodmanfamilyWatson’s initial three goals for WMP were:

1. To believe God eventually for a million dollars a year.

2. To send out one million Scripture booklets a month free of charge.

3. To print in 300 languages.

God’s provision has far surpassed Watson’s first two goals. Income has risen to about $4 million a year. WMP currently prints 10 million Scripture booklets per month for free distribution in 210 countries and islands. The third goal was reached in January 2000 with the production of language number 300 – Hmong Daw for Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. We are currently printing in more than 350  languages.



In 1970 WMP outgrew its Winona Lake facilities, and due to rezoning was unable to expand on-site. Believing that “disappointments are God’s appointments,” the Goodman’s searched for a new location.


fcvrA couple from New Paris, Indiana, who had been driving to Winona Lake to volunteer at World Missionary Press, had been impressed by God not to sell their land in New Paris just yet. When Watson and Rose Goodman approached them about buying the land for WMP’s new headquarters, the couple offered the land at one-fourth of its value, because it was to be used for the Lord’s work.

Rose always remembered her precious black children in South Africa, whom she tearfully but obediently left behind. So in 1991, when given the opportunity, she gladly wrote the illustrated children’s booklet, The Way to God. WMP now prints 19 publications, including topical Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments.

Watson and Rose passed the baton when they retired from WMP in 1987 to begin another work, Enterprises For Emmanuel, producing children’s salvation coloring books including He Is Risen!. However, in January of 2000 EFE closed its doors and publication rights were given to World Missionary Press to produce the coloring books. Watson Goodman passed away in January 2002 at the age of 82. Rose Goodman passed away in February 2006 at the age of 86.

On September 14, 2013, WMP’s members and Board of Directors unanimously elected Harold Mack – WMP’s long-time Director of Global Distribution and Director of Information Technology – as president of World Missionary Press, effective immediately. He succeeds Jay Benson, who went to be with the Lord on January 5th, 2013 after serving almost 25 years as WMP president. Vicky (Goodman) Benson, oldest child of Watson and Rose, served as WMP vice president until she went to be with the Lord on Saturday, April 23, 2022.

You can read more about Watson and Rose, including their time as missionaries in South Africa and the founding of World Missionary Press, from Footprints of Faith by clicking one of the following links: English or Spanish.

For 62-plus years Scripture booklet production and free worldwide distribution have continued through dependence on God and the efforts of staff, volunteers, and distributors, just as Watson and Rose Goodman had first envisioned.

Read a Booklet

All of the below titles will be downloaded as a PDF file.


The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ:









 Help From Above:

















































Swahili Congo












How to Know God:




















Let’s Praise the Lord:







The Power of God:











Satan versus CHRIST:















The Way to God:









































Who Am I That a King Would Die in My Place:







901-FC 200





Wings Over Zion:









A Bible Study On John:

















A Bible Study On Matthew:




REV english 150 dpi













A Bible Study On Revelation:

















A Bible Study On Romans:












Meditations in the Psalms:




















A Basic Study of New Testament Scriptures:










A Bible Study On Genesis:





































He Is Risen (coloring book):



Other Titles

Gospel of John: Arabic

Gospel of Luke: Arabic

Gospel of Matthew: Arabic

Tour the Plant


Welcome to World Missionary Press, Inc.


World Missionary Press, Inc., founded in 1961, is an interdenominational service ministry producing topical Scripture booklets in 350 languages and growing, along with Bible study booklets and New Testaments, for free distribution in 210 countries of the world.

Letters and verbal reports confirm that God is using His Word in powerful ways to draw many thousands of souls to Himself. World Missionary Press operates by trusting the Lord Jesus Christ to raise up staff and volunteers and to provide finances through contributions from His people.





Scripture booklets are typeset on computer.







In the Pre-press Department, after new languages are typeset, proofread, and corrected, they are sent directly from the computer to the CTP (computer to plate) machine.





ink10 web-2



Our Man-Roland 6-color Press can print 2 over 4 colors at high speeds. What once took 14 hours to produce on the Hashimoto can be produced in 2.5 hours on the Man-Roland.






The Robertson-King web press produces and folds the insides of up to 60,000 Help From Above-size booklets  (48 pages each) per hour.









Our high-speed bindery collates, staples, and trims 30,000 booklets per hour. Much of the work at the bindery is done by volunteers. More than 440 volunteers from 68 churches help in the ministry.










The slitter trims 500 Scripture booklets per minute. Millions of booklets per month are produced through World Missionary Press ministry.





Ten-pound boxes of Scripture booklets are often stacked on skids and wrapped for shipment overseas. An average of 1.5 tons of literature leave World Missionary Press each working day.

Mailing personnel, including volunteers, fill orders that come from the U.S. and overseas. Our goal is to produce and send as much of God’s Word as we can as economically as possible while we yet have freedom to do so.



If you are in the area and would like a tour, please stop in, give us a call or email us.  If it is a large group, please call in advance.




July 2023 Newsletter



I will open rivers in desolate heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys. – Isaiah 41:18a


In 2007, Harold Mack, WMP President, visited several countries in South America, meeting with distributors and hearing how the Scripture booklets blessed so many. A primary focus of that trip was to establish a WMP national coordinator for Peru. At distributor meetings in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, prayer was lifted up for this critical need.


God did indeed supply a centralized distribution point in Lima. That distribution point has served the many current distributors in the country and provided larger supplies to encourage other churches, evangelists, and ministries to include the Scripture booklets in their outreach.


As a result, requests for WMP literature have grown, with several ministries asking for large shipments to serve their associated pastors and churches. “We need a lot of evangelistic literature for Southern Peru. We beg you to send more.” This plea from Austin V. is repeated again and again. Two major shipments are currently in line for production to meet these needs.


One shipment will supply 9 pastors and their churches with a total of 920,000 booklets. The second shipment will supply a new ministry partner who learned of WMP through our coordinator in Bolivia. They will be receiving 1,343,440 booklets, including 50,000 copies of The Way to God booklet in Low German (a new item just added to the WMP list of available languages).


During the pandemic, many workers left Lima and returned to their villages in the highlands and jungles. Many of these people live in impoverished conditions. Workers with David B.’s ministry in one of these deprived areas encounter violent young men from troubled homes and “students in the midst of the darkest family struggles. How wonderful it is to be able to give them something beautiful and true.”



After several years of limited opportunities in Uruguay, the close working partnership of Every Home for Christ and WMP has found new energy through Silvana P., the new EHC director, and EHC’s purchase of a 3,200 sq. ft. warehouse “where we can receive all the material that you send us for the blessing of our country.” WMP has sent a container with 466,310 booklets, Bible studies, and God Loves You! salvation coloring books.


Silvana tells why Pastor Sandro, who partners with EHC Uruguay, believes in the booklet ministry. Sandro was a homeless person who slept with wrapped cardboard on the streets of Brazil. One day someone threw a New Testament and an evangelistic tract through his cardboard. They caught his attention and he began to read. “Before long he turned his life over to the Lord and began the process of getting his life back. That is how literature helped him get out of his addictions.”


Silvana explains that Uruguay is “a country where the Word is unknown and where, if one stops in front of a school to distribute evangelistic tracts, the teachers accuse us of being bothersome. We thank God, because despite being known as a sad country, we know that God is moving His hand, so that many will know Him. Thank you for investing in Uruguay.”


[WMP has set a goal to increase production in 2023, by streamlining efficiency, adding capital improvements, adding a third booklet bindery, and extending press hours. Our prayer is that the growing demand for booklets will be filled and the people groups still unreached will have the opportunity to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank you for your faithful partnership with WMP! Every donated dollar helps produce 24 Scripture booklets.]





Grateful Quotes: Booklets in use at ICE Detention Center

“I use the booklets in my service as a chaplain in a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center. The population I serve are non-citizens, currently numbering around 500 and representing over 40 nations and multiple languages. There is a steady turnover in the make-up of those whom I serve because they arrive and depart— some released here and others returning to where their citizenship lies. Seeking to know the God of the Bible and to explore Christianity is an active pursuit of many I meet with daily.” —Donna L.




Meet the Team: Mike C., Strategist


I first heard about World Missionary Press while listening to Pulse FM. They were advertising a job on the presses, but after interviewing with the heads of several departments, WMP offered me work as a strategist.


Before coming here, I had never experienced a job interview that opened with prayer. Scripture says we come up with our plans, but the Lord directs our steps. “He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think,” according to Ephesians. I’m thankful He’s done that by bringing me here to the Press. I’ve been here almost a year.


The strategy job is in the Partner Relations Department, which involves fundraising, communications, and special events. In addition, they loan me out to the Product Development Department for special projects. Right now we’re preparing for a trip to Ghana, to film distribution efforts and collect testimonies. What a blessing!


In my personal life, I’m learning French, developing a startup, and earning credits at Ivy Tech. My favorite TV show is a black-and-white series called Combat, about soldiers fighting in Europe during World War Two. As followers of Christ, we’re also called to fight the good fight, to retake fallen ground. But our weapons are not carnal. They’re spiritual. Not planes and tanks, but prayer and Scripture.


My dad passed away a few years ago. I have a kindhearted, godly mom, who lives in South Bend, and a daughter who lives out east.


One thing I know working here, no, two: we’ve been given the Words of Life, and prayer is crucial.






World Missionary Press continues to receive testimonies of what God is doing around the world through the free Scripture booklets.



October 2022 Newsletter

Building For New Horizons

“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” —John 8:12b

The sun just cresting the horizon on a mild and beautiful cloudless day makes the heart rejoice and the mind fill with words of praise. It is with that feeling of gratitude and wonderment that on November 5th, World Missionary Press will be dedicating our new building that the Lord has provided for the expansion of His work. Interestingly the new building’s ground breaking took place 60 years to the day from the dedication of the original building that housed World Missionary Press in 1961. Eight buildings the size of that first building would fit inside this 16,400 square foot warehouse.

This warehouse is not just so we can be a bigger company, or have a larger presence in the community. As stated in our September, 2021 newsletter, “Our vision is beyond buildings and machinery. It remains a calling from our Savior to take His Word to the world.” The vision for the building began forming in 2013 when the property was bought with two standalone buildings. It was felt that a building connecting the two could someday be constructed. The new warehouse is a memorial to our faith that God would build it “in His time for His purpose.” For the past 8 years procedures have been put in place, staff hired, and production increased. When the time was right (and we asked for your help) the funds poured in from willing hearts.


In this fiscal year fifty-three containers have been sent, with ten more slated to leave as shipping is available. We are producing at a rate equivalent to more than 9 million booklets a month. The new building facilitates keeping up with increasing production demands by creating more shipment staging space, more room for equipment, relieving workflow bottlenecks, and the addition of a new booklet bindery and baler. It is exciting to consider what God will do with this increased capacity– “The sky’s the limit!”


The truth of the light of the gospel crossing more and more horizons is borne out in the ever-increasing demand for materials. For example, in Peru our coordinator could only take a few pallets at a time (showing how a lack of space can hinder the work), however two other ministries have emerged in Peru and are requesting increased amounts of literature. In South Africa a former WMP national coordinator has seen his own ministry increase to the point that he has requested an additional container of literature because of the expanding open doors for outreach.


From a human stand point there is always urgency in production. We must work while it is day, there are souls lost every second, and doors are sometimes open for a limited time. Thus we have worked and prayed hard that production would continue without interruption. Romania is one example of open doors into many of the Balkan states, Ukraine, and other bordering countries. In Africa, a new ministry partner, New Covenant Missions, is asking for materials to use in 26 countries. Many of our distributors are increasing their orders as churches and mission organizations in their countries are continuing and renewing their outreach efforts in a vital way. The Lord is also working to get Scripture into closed countries like Mauritania through Senegal. Our partner ministries are growing in Ghana, Chad, Kenya, and throughout the African continent.


Even with this urgency we know and believe that all literature leaving our plant goes in God’s time and under His direction. Although the internet is ever growing in popularity (WMP has a website, a mobile app, and various social media sites), the vast majority of the 8 billion people on this earth use printed materials for information. Often we receive testimonies of people who find a booklet in a trash can, or lying on the street; or they remember it in their pocket, or on the table; at just the right time they read it, and accept Jesus as Savior. A lady from the USA related how someone gave her a Scripture booklet and it changed her life completely. In requesting more copies she wrote, “I want to be able to give [them] to someone else for Jesus to change their life.” This is the power of God’s Word.


We are dedicating this building and rededicating this campus to sending the light of the gospel beyond our present day horizons.

[You can help fund Scripture booklets containing the light of the gospel for worldwide distribution! Every donated dollar provides for the production of 28 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,800 people; $1,000 will impact 28,000 people who need to know God.]



Meet the Team

Steve K.

Prayer Mobilization Coordinator

I became aware of WMP in 2004 when I moved to northern Indiana from Kansas City, Missouri. Recently my term on the Indiana Haiti Benefit Auction ended (which raises money for Mennonite Haiti missions), so I was praying about another ministry opportunity. My daughter noticed from the highway sign that WMP was hiring and I felt impressed to check it out.

WMP offered the Prayer Mobilization Coordinator (PMC) position, which I accepted at the end of July. PMC is a new position, designed to close just some of the gaps created by the home going of Vicky Benson. As PMC I am collaborating on newsletter content, preparing the Prayer and Praise Letter, promoting and scheduling the usage of the World Prayer Center and Fireplace Prayer Room. In short, promoting prayer.

I appreciate this opportunity for two reasons: first, without self-aggrandizement or fanfare World Missionary Press is consistently fulfilling its mission, devoted to Christian ministries around the world that need literature, and completely dependent on prayer to victoriously spread the Word of God. Second, this position pulls together many of my experiences in pastoral ministry, in the publication industry, and as an editor/writer.

I am an ordained minister, a published author, and a master electrician. My wife and I live in Milford, by Lake Waubee, where we spend much of our time kayaking, bicycling, remodeling our home, landscaping, gardening, crafting, reading, and entertaining our 7 children and 8 grandchildren.

Grateful Quotes

“Because of this I now know who God is in my heart.”

“I pray that this finds you highly favored and truly blessed.

“Originally, I just obtained one of your datebooks because it was a free calendar, but a nagging sensation compelled me to start reading the Scripture contained within. Because of this I now know who God is in my heart. I do my best now to spend time with Him in prayer every day. I delve into the Scripture so much that I have a great deal committed to memory. Thank you for helping me rekindle that spark which ignited my fire and passion for a relationship with God.

“Blessings in Messiah”

—Thomas S.



WMP Partners Around the World


Ademir C.


As we introduce one of our faithful ministry partners each month we are reminded of how many have served for years and years and how the Lord has blessed that faithfulness. It is a blessing to the WMP staff and supporters to provide the seed for the sowers who continue to labor while it is day. We praise God for their example. 


WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry. 

Ademir: I am coordinator of the Chaplaincy for the Assemblies of God in Belém, Brazil. My role here is evangelism; we distribute WMP material, Bibles, and other reading material. I focus on two areas. First is the prisons. Brazil currently has nearly one million people incarcerated in prisons and jails. Through the Assemblies of God ministry, we have been able to reach almost all of them in some way with these materials. Second, Amazonia; a very large region where transport relies on boats. God gave me a vision of someone traveling on those routes but not having anything to do during the trip. What’s he going to do? He’s going to read. What’s he going to read? He’s going to read about God and His plan for salvation. Above all, I want to take the message of God summarized by John 3:16, the love of God, the plan of God for mankind.


WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature? 

Ademir: I first heard about WMP through Pastor Erno E., who is the WMP coordinator here in Brazil. We have worked and ministered together now for over 30 years.


WMP: How does the availability of free literature affect evangelism in your country?

Ademir: A huge portion of the population in Brazil today is evangelical! I praise God for your lives and ministry because you have everything to do with that. Only in eternity will we know the real scope of your work because I know you operate in many countries, but in Brazil the number of people who are evangelical has increased significantly, and continues to grow.


WMP: How long does a shipment of WMP literature last?

Ademir: I do my best to stretch a shipment for one year – but I would love to receive two [containers]     of material per year. Brazil is a huge country, and the material that I receive is excellent but doesn’t quite cover the number of people I’d like to reach throughout the entire nation.


WMP: What challenges do you have in your country to the free and open distribution of literature from WMP?

Ademir: The largest challenge I have is that I support missionaries and missionary families spread throughout the Amazon region. They work full-time as missionaries to spread the Gospel and rely on support. Recently we have had some financial difficulties which have been a significant challenge. Another issue is shipping in the Amazonia region – so much relies on boats in that region, which can be very costly and slow. It can take a long time and cost a lot for the literature to be distributed fully in that area.


WMP: How would you describe the effectiveness of the topical Scripture booklets in your country?

Ademir: We distribute the material in hard to reach locations or other areas where people move around a lot, so it’s hard to speak of one specific testimony. We have seen great change in our nation over time and again, eternity will tell just how effective these wonderful booklets of pure Bible text are here.


WMP: How do the Bible studies and Scripture booklets from WMP help establish believers and strengthen churches in your country?

Ademir: Thirty years ago, Brazil was primarily Catholic or even Catholic in name-only. God raised up ministries like WMP and others – and today we have a huge number of Evangelical Christians of different denominations. We are so thankful for you, for the people who support the work both in prayer and otherwise. May God reward your work; without it, this wouldn’t be possible. You are helping us win a nation for Christ. Thank you.

June 2021 Newsletter

Growing Openness to the Gospel in Europe

“And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ ” —Acts 16:9

It is especially exciting to receive requests which present new opportunities to provide Scripture booklets and to develop new relationships to reach the world with the Word of God. Such was an email from Denitsa K., who wrote on behalf of a Christian ministry started in Bulgaria in 2003, but which has a wide outreach even beyond Bulgaria.

“We have reached hundreds of thousands of people, preaching in evangelistic tents as well as in the open-air, on the streets of many cities and villages as well as in different institutions: in hospitals, schools, old-age homes and orphanages.

“We believe that every person is precious in the sight of God. His dream is for everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. And we have the privilege to fulfill the dream of God.”

This ministry organizes and carries out different kinds of evangelistic events, working in cooperation with ministers from Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, England, Sweden, Belarus, Russia, Buryatia (in Siberia), Poland, Spain, as well as from the United States.

Their next goal is to focus on Poland, as they have many missionary teams there which are active for the gospel. Denitsa continued, “In view of the fact that Christian literature in Poland is not easily available, we kindly ask for information whether you have available Scripture booklets in Polish. Also, we need booklets and literature in Bulgarian, as we continually serve in Bulgaria and there is a shortage of many kinds of booklets in Bulgarian as well.

“And last, but not least, we ask whether you can offer us Scripture booklets and other Christian literature in Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian, which will be really useful for our missionary work in Central Europe.”

Follow-up with this ministry led to an initial order for Poland and 35,000 Bulgarian booklets supplied though our coordinator in Romania.

Week after week the Lord leads in ways we had not known or considered.

A faithful WMP partner from Finland, with personal street evangelism experience, has felt the Lord’s call to reach out in unique ways. “One project in my heart,” wrote Ed G., “is to travel around Finland in a motor­home with a bicycle, driving into cities and cycling around delivering Scripture booklets door-to-door. There is much demand here for Persian/Farsi, Russian, Estonian, Somali, and Arabic. I recently embarked on new outreaches of seeking foreigners by visiting foreign restaurants. It takes many years to learn Finnish fluently (I am still learning after 20 years). I feel peace when giving people booklets in their mother tongue.”

A pastor in Lisbon, Portugal, who reaches out to refugees, looking for help with literature in Portuguese and Arabic, was excited to receive his first supply of Scripture booklets as “paper missionaries” to offer these refugees a continuing message from the One who loves them.

Friederike S. wrote, “We are the largest distributor of Bibles and evangelistic literature in Switzerland.” They have been a WMP distributor for 30 years, faithfully requesting small supplies of specific languages and titles as needed. The most recent request from Friederike included The Way to God booklets in German, French, Italian, English, Spanish, Arabic, and Turkish.

One current project that is most encouraging is a 20-foot container shipment being prepared for Denmark. Booklets in 23 languages, including Icelandic and Dari (Afghanistan), will be distributed throughout Europe by believers who are faithfully sharing the truth of God’s Word. The shipment also includes 11,000 Persian/Farsi New Testaments which our contacts have been eagerly waiting for, to share with Iranians living in northern Europe who are interested and open to receiving God’s Word.

Our coordinator in Denmark, Tonny M., has been evangelizing on the streets for 25 years, faithfully proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been working on the logistics needed to receive a container shipment and finally believes that now is the time. “Don’t ever give up on us!” he wrote. “We will never give up working for Christ, till the work is terminated from above either way! Receptivity to Scripture booklets/tracts and witnessing conversations continues to be very good!”

One interesting point about the growing openness to the gospel in Europe was shared by a Nigerian pastor in Stockholm, Sweden and reiterated by our coordinator in Denmark. There seems to be “an evangelistic boomerang from Africa and Asia coming to Europe.” In past years, “God’s Word went from Europe to Africa, and now it has come back from those places. Much of the spiritual life in [European] countries now comes from former mission fields!”

Praise God for His sovereign plan and purpose, moving peoples from lands of restriction to lands where the gospel can be freely heard and received. Praise Him for the strong Church He is building around the world for His glory!

[You can help provide God’s Word for Europe and the world. Every donated dollar helps produce 29 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,900 people; $1,000 will impact 29,000 people who need to know God.]


Grateful Quotes

“A great need to hear the gospel in Norway.”

“I just want to send a big thank you to you all for the Norwegian Scripture booklets I received from you last week. There is a great need here for people to hear the gospel. Evangelism and local missions seem not YET a great priority here, but I pray that God will change hearts and that your booklets will all fall on good soil to produce salvation and passionate new-born believers. Will also send a financial gift so that you are thanked not with words only. Many thanks!”

—Alan B., Norway



Meet the Team

Brent M.

Partner Relations Team


My father- and mother-in-law volunteered at WMP in the past, and when I would drive by on the way to Warsaw to visit family, the sign out front would catch my eye, and I would take a second to think about working here. I was looking for a Christian ministry to work with, and the opportunity presented itself to join World Missionary Press and put my skills to work for God’s ministry.

As of mid-April, I have been here almost two months. As part of the Partner Relations team, I help develop and schedule email communications, special projects, and other campaigns that allow us to share what’s happening at World Missionary Press. The thing I like best about WMP is that the work we do here has a direct impact on the gospel being shared throughout the world. It is also a joy to come to work knowing that every person is willing to pray with me. That is not always the case with every job.

When I’m not working, I love to play soccer. I play year-round in both indoor and outdoor leagues. As part of my involvement, I am on the board of my outdoor league. I am also a realtor and enjoy helping people in that capacity. I have set up a woodworking shop at my home and have made a few shop projects and a bench for our dining table. It’s a skill I enjoyed learning in high school and have picked up again in the past few years.

I have a beautiful wife of five years and a two-year-old daughter who is full of energy. We love to go on walks through our neighborhood and enjoy our backyard. A fun fact is we were married locally in January 2016, and also had a private vow-renewal ceremony on our honeymoon in Hawaii that summer. So, we celebrate two anniversaries each year!



WMP Partners Around the World

Steve B.
Nicaragua Update

In 2004 the Messiah Project in Nicaragua began using WMP literature. As they reached more remote regions, the Lord opened doors to bring the Word of God to the Miskito Indians of the Rio Coco for the first time in their own language. What the Spirit of God has done through His Word and the faithfulness of many is a ringing testimony of God’s unfailing love for all people, wherever they are and whatever language they speak.

WMP: Steve, how did having Scripture booklets in the Miskito language help establish believers in the Rio Coco region?

Steve: After years of experiencing their impact first-hand, I believe that God truly inspired the topical format of the Scripture booklets to effectively introduce people to the Word of God. Though many in rural and remote regions haven’t had the benefit of a high-school education, they are able—with the help of the Holy Spirit—to grasp a topic through the selected verses.

WMP: How has the pandemic affected the work of recently established churches and believers?

Steve: On my return to Nicaragua in March, we had wonderful, joy-filled meetings and services. I have been humbled to see how powerfully the Lord has moved during this pandemic phase. At a time of fear and uncertainty, the brothers and sisters of Messiah Project chose to try and make a difference. They took to the streets and marketplaces to share the good news of Jesus. Pooling together the offerings from each church, they purchased basic food supplies and prepared gift bags, making sure to include several Scripture booklets in each bag, sowing the Word of God in homes that otherwise might not receive spiritual food.

WMP: You have called the Scripture booklets “invaluable resources.” Can you elaborate?

Steve: WMP Scripture booklets are an essential part in sowing the love of God and hope for a better future. Though people will listen to what we have to say, they can soon forget. But when we give them a Scripture booklet, we know the Word of God will go back with them to their homes and continue to bear fruit. Many of our brothers and sisters want to do something for the Lord but feel inadequate or unprepared. Scripture booklets are an invaluable resource in training and equipping these precious saints. Anyone can “go” and give someone a Scripture booklet, which is part of the foundation we build upon in making disciples of Jesus Christ.

WMP: Another container of literature is ready to send to Nicaragua. Are you ready to receive it?

Steve: As I reviewed last year’s report of our evangelistic outreaches across the country, I was amazed at the amount of literature they had given out in my absence—over 1,600 boxes! I know the literature from WMP has been an intrinsic part of the Lord’s work through Messiah Project. I have spent the better part of two days signing certificates of baptism, rededications of lives restored, and the dedication of children to the Lord from new members of the Messiah Project churches across the country. We are ready to receive another shipment of literature! After I see how the virus has affected the customs process, I will initiate the process of shipping the literature at your earliest convenience!

Messiah Project is responding to the need to provide New Testaments in the Miskito language by providing a translation and raising funds to help WMP print 25,000 copies! Preparation for printing is almost complete. From not even knowing the name of Jesus, to learning of God’s love through a feeding program in hundreds of centers and being introduced to God’s Word through Scripture booklets, to having churches established along the Rio Coco with the New Testament in their own language—“Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” (Psalm 107:8).






January 2019 Special Edition Newsletter

God’s Plan to Use His Word

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;…
it shall accomplish what I please.”
 —Isaiah 55:11

For 57 years World Missionary Press has been “holding forth the word of life” to the world through topical Scripture booklets, demonstrating that the God of the Bible is indeed the one and only true God who loves all people, no matter ethnicity or language. God has faithfully provided for the production of more than 2.2 billion pieces of literature, which have been distributed throughout the world in 348 languages. People from the high mountains of Nepal to the icy expanse of southern Argentina have received WMP Scripture booklets introducing the God who loves them. “For God so loved the world…” rings a welcome chord in any language. This is the vision and continuing mission of World Missionary Press—until the whole world knows!


Each year seems to be more exciting and challenging than the one before, as God opens doors and brings new ministry partners—each with their unique focus and methods—to share God’s Word. After many years of limited activity in Europe and Russia, WMP has been contacted regarding major distribution in Europe. Through the impetus of one man’s passion and vision, WMP is planning for a 20-foot container of literature in many of the languages of Eastern Europe. In addition, a request for a shipment to Kazakhstan would make WMP literature available to 18 million people (70% Muslim) in a pivotal nation of Central Asia.


In response to increased requests from churches and individuals across Europe, plans for major distribution points to reach all of Europe are being reviewed, so that booklets will be more readily accessible, with major savings in mailing expenses.


Shipments to Russia have been halted in recent years, even though the work of the Kingdom continues there. A new request for WMP literature for Russia has prompted WMP to authorize the printing of 250,000 Scripture booklets in Russia! We continue to pray for the day when we can again send container shipments full of Scripture booklets into Russia.


Growing persecution in many parts of Asia increases the sense of urgency to proclaim the good news of salvation and hope through Jesus Christ to 4.6 billion people! WMP was able to produce 21 million Scripture booklets for India in the past year, providing thousands of pastors and evangelists with “seed” to sow. Teams continued to take booklets deep into China as the Lord led. Thousands of tourists from mainland China have come to Christ while visiting Hong Kong and Macau through the personal witness of believers and gift bags which included WMP booklets.


Two major shipments to the Philippines filled empty shelves and waiting requests for Scripture booklets in 16 Filipino languages. Shipments are planned for India, Thailand, Pakistan, Hong Kong, and Macau this year. Printings of 1.3 million booklets in Indonesia will help fill requests from our coordinator and another partnering ministry in the world’s most populous Muslim nation.


Scripture booklets are often carried into dangerous and challenging areas where there is great resistance to the spread of the gospel. In Liberia, teams boldly and prayerfully seek out villages controlled by witch doctors or “devils” feared by the people. As the Holy Spirit moves, and God’s power and love is demonstrated, ancient barriers are broken down and new life takes root. Many in Africa are seeing such a moving of the Spirit. Recent shipments to Africa have impacted nations which have been without continuing supplies of Scripture booklets for years. New contacts in Benin, Togo, Ethiopia, and Democratic Republic of the Congo now have Scripture booklets to leave in every home they visit, confident that God will use His Word as He has planned. Shipments projected for Africa total 54 million booklet equivalency for 25 countries!


WMP Scripture booklets can be found in every country in Latin America. Requests from national coordinators and individual distributors are increasing in frequency and volume. In countries experiencing political and economic turmoil, believers are finding new receptivity to the message of a sure foundation in Jesus Christ. Migration from country to country brings new challenges to reach across national identities and meet common needs.


A group from California which works to provide essential aid and the Word of God to needy children in Mexico was challenged by the plight of immigrants leaving their home countries to find help and hope in the USA. They contacted WMP for help in providing Scripture booklets to accompany the humanitarian supplies they had gathered. WMP quickly shipped 5,000 copies of The Way to God in Spanish.


A woman from Jamaica discovered a copy of The Way to God Scripture booklet someone had given her 40 years before. She realized she had never read it! At a time of difficulty and change in her life, the truths in that booklet encouraged and blessed her. She believed it was just for this time that the booklet had been kept, and she determined to give her life to the Lord.


We do not know all that God will do with the millions of Scripture booklets that are printed and shipped, but we are confident that God has a purpose and plan and that as we do our part in being obedient to offer the Word, His purpose will be accomplished.


[You can help provide a sure foundation in an unstable world. Every donated dollar provides for the production of 26 powerful Scripture booklets for people around the world in their own language. An investment of $100 will touch the lives of 2,600 people; $1,000 will impact 26,000 people who need to know God.]




Looking Forward

When looking forward to an exciting time, we often keep asking, “Are we ready yet?” Bags are packed, the chores all done—what are we waiting for? Sometimes that feeling haunts the prayers of WMP’s staff as we ask God for increased production to meet the ever-increasing demand for Scripture booklets from every corner of the world. At this time last year, we cited new property, newer and up-graded equipment, and increased efficiency in production. Today we can look back on 2018 and praise God for the new cutter-trimmer we needed (provided by designated funds), key staff members, access to the Digital Bible Library, and two new Scripture booklets which will further develop the range of material available from WMP.

Even as God continues to prepare us, He is enlarging our borders. Requests for WMP literature continue to grow as the effectiveness of the booklets is discovered by pastors, evangelists, and individuals. We sense the urgency of the times and the peril of those who may soon face eternity without ever hearing the gospel. Our prayer is that God would provide the financial resources for WMP to increase production by almost 43% (from the equivalency of 7 million Scripture booklets to 10 million per month), allowing us to fill requests sooner. Given the increased efficiency of high-volume production, we can produce and ship each extra million above our base of 7 million per month at acost of just $30,000!


The container shipment summary for 2017-2018 shows 53,296,941 pieces shipped. Projected shipments for 2018-2019 account for 109,796,515 pieces! Coordinators often wait a year before receiving their next shipment. Some are asking that we send two containers at a time so that the supply will not run out so quickly after filling requests which have been accumulating for up to a year.


The stark statistics and pleading for literature from so many faithful friends keep us on our knees, asking our great God for the opportunity to meet these needs, echoing His heart’s desire that none should perish.


The story of David reminds us that while God was preparing David to be king, He was also using him to defeat Goliath and to be a testimony of faith to all Israel. WMP will continue to fulfill God’s immediate purpose for us, even as He continues to prepare us to produce at the level of His choosing.



October 2017 Newsletter


God’s Word at Work in South America


COLOMBIA: “WMP—with the literature sent to us—is creating peace in our nation.”


For many years Raul has been sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ in a remote region of southern Colombia. Putumayo, Colombia, located on Colombia’s southern border with Ecuador, is a land of great beauty and natural resources, but for many years it was also a land of fear and violence as a result of the drug trade that flourished there.


Raul has been using WMP literature since 2003. His requests for another shipment included impassioned pleas for more booklets than the previous shipment. When he received 120 ten-pound boxes of Scripture booklets he wrote, “Only God knows the gratitude in my heart and the hearts of more than thirty pastors who were blessed by the material and resources you sent for Putumayo.”p1a


For eight years Pastor Pablo worked hard in a local jail with more than 540 inmates, visiting three times a week. At one point 30 percent of the prisoners had come to Christ. He also visited the needy families, hoping to see all of the prisoners and their families come to know the Lord Jesus as Savior. He requested more Scripture booklets to help his dream become a reality.


Late last year Raul sent another plea for material:  “The ministry I represent has no resources to invest in Bible literature. We work in an area where there is much fighting. We work with people who have been displaced by the violence.” He requested 1,300 boxes of literature for the expanding work in this remote area.


p2aTransportation to this area is difficult. Sending boxes to Raul from WMP’s national coordinator in Colombia (located in Barranquilla) takes almost four days and nights and is very expensive. However, WMP’s national coordinator in Ecuador can provide boxes to Putumayo in about 14 hours at a very reasonable cost. This option led Raul to ask for a larger shipment so that they could distribute material not only in prisons and to churches and ministries, but also to schools where teachers reported a desire to have booklets for their students. He wrote, “Unfortunately, we now have none to share.” 


These faithful servants of the Lord who have worked so long with so little are pleading for help. WMP is blessed to send a “double portion” of Scripture booklets to be used by the Holy Spirit to change the heart of a nation.


ARGENTINA: “We had literature in our warehouse . . . is it not wonderful?”


In June of last year, when Rino B. (above right), WMP’s national coordinator in Argentina, reported on the arrival of a new shipment of WMP literature to be shared throughout the country, he was giving glory to God. Their warehouse was full, and they could begin immediate distribution. Within days, four pallets (1,024 ten-pound boxes) were on their way to field workers for the churches that distribute WMP material.


When Rino visited one of the prisons where his ministry works, about 40 prisoners received literature, accepted the Lord as their Savior, and were baptized! They were given a Certificate of Baptism and WMP booklets to share with other prisoners (more than 400 men), seeking to draw them also into the loving arms of the Savior.


Rino reported that their supply of WMP literature would last only until August, 2017, and then he would need another 40-foot container. The material for this container is in production, and should ship by the end of this year Lord willing. We look forward to another joyful report when the new supply of Scripture booklets arrives in Argentina.


VENEZUELA: “We desperately need Bibles [New Testaments] in this country!”

The world watches with grave concern as Venezuela struggles with an economic crisis demonstrated by shortages of basic goods and soaring inflation. Social programs have been curtailed amid a wave of anti-government protests. Plummeting oil prices have brought rising inflation of more than 50 percent a year [BBC].


WMP’s national coordinator Hiske E. explained how the shortages and cutbacks have affected the availability of Bibles. “Because of the economic situation, it is very hard for us to print Bibles in other countries. Any company that wants to import something from the exterior can put in a request … and has to explain what he wants to import, and why. Only requests for essential materials will be considered. The importation of Bibles is not [considered] essential….”


p2-ShipstatusWMP has shipped one container (76,800 Spanish New Testaments) to help meet this need. Brother Hiske states that they could use more containers, but they can handle only two at this time. A new shipment of Scripture booklets including another 31,500 Spanish New Testaments is in production to be sent to Venezuela as soon as possible. Brother Hiske voiced concern that we cannot know how long the door will be open to import New Testaments. While the world sees the physical needs of the people of Venezuela, we as believers see the urgent need for spiritual food and will work to help meet that need as God provides.


The need for God’s Word in Latin America is great. At this time, Spanish Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments are being produced for shipments to Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, and Venezuela as well as Portuguese materials for Brazil (see interview with WMP’s coordinator in Brazil on page 4).


[You can help provide God’s life-transforming Word for Latin America and the world. Every dollar is prayerfully used in producing 27 powerful 48-page Scripture booklets.]


Meet the Team

p3-TaylorTaylor P.

Graphic designer/photographer

Growing up, I often heard people talking about World Missionary Press at church. Our youth group would volunteer on occasion. When I was a junior in high school looking for a job nearby—something unique among the dozens of fast-food jobs my classmates had—I remembered the last time I had volunteered at WMP, thinking that I could see myself working there. On a whim, I checked WMP’s website for open positions. All were full-time, which wouldn’t have been possible for a high-school student. I applied anyway and got a call from Harold Mack saying that someone I knew had put in a good word for me, and they would create a part-time position so I could join the team.


I started working at WMP towards the end of my junior year of high school, through the summer and my senior year, and also the summer before my first year of college.  In May of this year, I began working full-time and plan to be here for a long time.      Most recently I’ve been in Prepress doing a bit of graphic design (brochures and what-not), photography, social media, data entry, and cleaning. With a small amount of skill in a variety of areas, I can be put pretty much anywhere.


What I like best about working at WMP is how supportive everyone here is of each other! We are like one big family, complete with a few goofballs who make every day quite entertaining.


One of my passions is photography; that is the hobby I care about most. I do a lot of baking (mostly cupcakes) that my coworkers have come to love. I collect things like pins, coffee mugs, and tea. I enjoy going out with friends on photo shoots, exploring places, and watching Netflix with my bearded dragon, Fluffy. She likes to take naps and cuddle, and I think it’s so adorable.


I am the oldest of four children. I have one sister, Abby (17.9), and two brothers, Ben (15) and Carter (11). I like to think that we are all hilarious and one-of-a-kind. My mom is a nurse, and my dad is a music teacher. We have two guinea pigs, one turtle, and the bearded dragon. We like food and laughter and sending each other funny videos and pictures we find online.


In August I was part of a mission team that went to Haiti. I fell in love with the children, many of whom received the coloring books I took with me from WMP.


Grateful Quotes

“The only thing my father is hanging on to.”

“My father found your booklet [The Way to God] and held on to it for years. He and his best friend are retired and used to be owners of their own business. They say they have no purpose now in life, so they have started a Starbucks evangelism and want to lead as many people to the Lord as they can before they die. They asked me to [acquire] these booklets so they can complete their mission. . . .  Please send as many as you can—please! My mother died seven months ago, and I think this is the only thing my father is hanging on to. He feels that he was left on earth to lead people, ordinary everyday people, to the Lord.”   —Vanessa D., California


p4aWMP Partners Around the World

Erno E. — Brazil

It has been more than twenty years since WMP filled individual orders from Brazil—the world’s fifth largest country in area and population (206 million people)—by sending boxes via the postal service. Since 1996, Erno E., WMP’s national coordinator for Brazil, has received container shipments to disperse Scripture booklets to hundreds of distributors in Brazil at a tremendous savings in postage costs and making WMP material more readily available.


WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.


Erno: I was trained by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Brazil. For more than 17 years, I worked in a ministry which involved social work and evangelism. I also coordinated the distribution of 25 million New Testaments—a project called New Life 90—in partnership with The Chicago Bible Society. I am currently working with my son in business and also coordinating the distribution of booklets from World Missionary Press.


WMP: How long have you been distributing WMP literature?p4b


Erno: When the New Life 90 project ended, we looked for alternatives to continue literature distribution work. We had contact with several organizations, including an organization in Ireland that sent several containers with leaflets. Then we made contact with World Missionary Press and were able to start this partnership of more than 20 years.


WMP: How effective are the topical Scripture booklets and Bible studies in your country?


Erno: The distribution of literature has been fundamental for the work of evangelism in Brazil because through a booklet it is possible to initiate a dialogue with a person and have an opportunity to begin to witness about Jesus. Without this material, it is difficult for people to accept listening to anything. But with something to offer, the person is more willing to listen. The fastest growing churches are those that use literature intensely.


I think the best way to describe what WMP has done is to see people in the Amazon region, where travel is only by boat, as there are no roads. People spend days and sometimes weeks traveling to reach their destinations. During the trip, with nothing to do, they can read the literature they have received. Today there are—in every village in the middle of the forest—small churches and congregations of people saved by the work of organizations such as WMP.


WMP: What challenges do you face?p4c


Erno: Our great challenge is to reach the most distant places of our country, because our territory is very large, and we have distances of more than 4,500 miles. The large centers have easy access to this material, but today we are trying to reach the most distant places, which need more of this literature.


We receive a consignment of Scripture booklets every 18 months or so. The ideal would be to receive one container shipment every 12 to 14 months to make it possible to increase distribution and reach regions that have not yet been reached.


WMP: How would you describe the value of WMP literature in reaching the people of Brazil with the gospel?


Erno: World Missionary Press literature is of great value because it is the Word of God. Through these booklets, most people have a first contact with the Bible and from there a great opportunity to learn more about the Word of God.


When we think about what WMP has done in Brazil, it is impossible to imagine what this represents for us. There are no words to describe the wonderful blessing that is what WMP has done. Only eternity can reveal all the results achieved. But here we can just say, “Thank you very much; thank you, and thank you, World Missionary Press, for your vision and dedication in spreading the Word of God.”


In the same way, we thank every person who contributes, because without this participation, this project would have stopped. We want to challenge WMP and each collaborator not to be discouraged and stop the work that has blessed millions of people everywhere. May God bless and reward each one.


March 2017 Newsletter

March 2017 Newsletter PDF


Tools for Discipleship in Africa’s Growing Church


THE CHURCH IN AFRICA has grown into a diverse, energetic, and influential force for the gospel, establishing a presence in education, social outreach, and global missions. But it has been said that in the midst of all the growth, “discipleship is rightly being addressed as Africa’s greatest challenge” (Operation World).p1a

Centuries of a value system based on ancestor worship, tribal rivalry, and idolatry weigh heavily on the spirit of a new believer. It is vital that each believer be well-grounded in the Word of God, equipped to face conflicting concepts with the wisdom that is from above.
In recent months WMP has been able to provide shipping containers of Scripture booklets and Bible studies for believers in Tanzania, Liberia, Madagascar, Ghana, Burundi, Nigeria, Angola, and Zimbabwe. National coordinators eagerly await new supplies to fill unmet requests. Soon material will be produced for shipments to South Africa, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Rwanda, Benin, and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Two of these shipments provide insight into how the need for discipleship among African believers is being met.p2c-blurb


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Dr. Paul M. of Mission French Africa visited WMP to present what they are doing in Africa and to see how WMP could be of assistance. Mission French Africa operates in two ways:

Evangelism—by reaching out to all French-speaking populations (about 250 million people) living in 22 nations in Africa. Evangelism among both Muslims and non-Muslims is done through a daily radio broadcast and on-site evangelism rallies. About 30 million people listen to the radio programs daily throughout French-speaking Africa.

Brother Paul’s wife, Christine, prepares weekly radio broadcasts for Muslim women who are forbidden to attend church and also reaches out to Christian women in Central Africa who struggle with issues related to emotional and physical abuse,
poverty, and AIDS.p2a

Discipleship—through Bible correspondence courses and by providing theological and pastoral training for local pastors
who have had no training. About 5,000 students are enrolled in the Bible correspondence courses. Offices are already operating in Congo, Central African Republic, and Benin.

WMP will be providing Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments in French, Lingala, and Swahili for Mission French Africa in D.R.C. Future shipments are planned for Benin and Angola.p2b-shipstatus



Pastor Pierre of Benin Bible Institute (BBI) in Cotonou, Benin, visited WMP to see how we could help supply their students with material for evangelism and for their own spiritual growth. Students come from all over the country to study for short terms and then return to their homes and churches. They can then return for another short-term training, returning home again to put into practice what they have learned.

Currently 225 students are engaged in study. BBI also seeks to share material with 200 various denominations in Benin. For 2017 they calculate that each student needs 20 copies of each of nine French booklet titles plus five French New Testaments. For each of the 200 denominations they requested 1,000 copies of each French title and 150 New Testaments in French. They also requested Scripture booklets in nine regional languages. Their anticipated total need is for 2,215,000 booklets, 409,000 Bible studies, and 31,125 French New Testaments.

From this training center students will spread throughout West Africa with their faith established and with tools to share that faith. Denominations and churches which may not know about the resources available from WMP will discover help to train believers to go and share the gospel with confidence.



South Africa

A recent shipment of two million Scripture booklets to a major distributor in South Africa is already producing exciting results. A six-month plan to touch six regions with the good news has been developed with leaders in eight towns already established, each receiving booklets to use for evangelism. On one day 70 volunteers reached 100,000 people with the Scripture booklets, encouraging those reached to also reach one person with the gospel. Every day they open a new area for outreach. The teams are excited as people receive God’s Word, and the Lord opens doors.

Three more shipments scheduled for South Africa will provide Scripture booklets as vital tools for evangelism and discipleship for three distinct ministries: WMP’s national coordinator, Every Home for Christ SA, and Frontline Fellowship (Peter Hammond).





A new shipment for Guinea, West Africa will provide God’s Word in Arabic, English, and French for WMP’s national coordinator, Brother Adrien, as well as for the Every Home for Christ team in Guinea. Through Brother Adrien’s ministry, men and women are trained in evangelism and then given a supply of Scripture booklets and sent out to the villages, planting the Word of God in every cornerp3a of Guinea.

  Every Scripture booklet, Bible study, and New Testament sent out from WMP carries God’s instructions on how to know Him and how to share that knowledge with others. God has a plan…and it works!

   [You can help send discipleship tools to African nations! Every donated dollar provides for the production of 27 powerful Scripture booklets to ship to Christians eager to share God’s Word in the languages of their nation. An investment of $25 will reach 675 people; $100 will touch the lives of 2,700 people; $1,000 will impact 27,000 people with the transforming Word of God.]



Grateful Quotes

Students in the UK Hungry for the Word

“I work as an evangelist with a team of evangelists in the United Kingdom. We have Christian book tables in key cities such as Manchester and Liverpool. We also go to many universities.

“You sent me booklets last year, and we have used them to reach thousands of people, including many students and Muslims. Many have been saved from the booklets you sent us.

“We work with evangelical churches, and all the evangelists are Biblical and accountable to local churches. We need your help to stock the Christian book tables in these cities and to have material to reach students. We talk to thousands of Muslims, and we find Chinese students are hungry for the Word. We have seen hundreds of Chinese come to the Lord the past few years. Islam is growing fast in the UK, so we need material to reach them. Your last shipment many months ago has been used and blessed of the Lord. Thanks for any help you can send us. Love and prayers.”   —Jason B.





Meet the Team

p3cRoger H.

Equipment/Building Maintenance

I remember considering employment at World Missionary Press after high school. My parents moved to the New Paris, Indiana area about the same time WMP moved here from Winona Lake.

My wife Lois, who is a nurse, and I celebrated our first seven wedding anniversaries in Bolivia, South America, where we ministered for 7½ years in community development—starting a health clinic, training the people in growing vegetables and other crops as well as basic hygiene and sanitation, including drilling wells to provide clean water.

After returning to the U.S., I began farming organically-grown corn, beans, and other crops. I became interested in applying for work at WMP, which is a great ministry I could be involved with close to home. My responsibilities in building, equipment, and electrical maintenance mesh nicely with my farm work. I have worked here as part of the maintenance team since May, 1993.

What I like best about working at WMP is that my job has a lot of variety. I enjoy helping people get their jobs done easily and more efficiently. I live close by and am always on call, even during times when I am working at home. I enjoy being able to do work that saves WMP from having to call in outside professionals, like repairing the circuit boards on a printing press or heading up a team to tear down and then install a bindery that WMP purchased at auction.

Lois and I have six children: a son in Dallas, Texas; a son in Bolivia, South America; a daughter north of Seattle, Washington; and three who are intermittently at home. For a number of years, they and Lois have been raising and selling vegetables and eggs at the South Bend Farmer’s Market. Between work at WMP, the farm, and the “honey-dos,” there is always something to be done.


WMP Partners Around the World


MANY WMP PARTNERS serve as national coordinators who receive large shipments of Scripture booklets, making them available to churches and believers for evangelism. Others are local ministries who have a vision to reach beyond their own city and use larger quantities of booklets.

   Several partners arrange for printing and distribution of WMP literature in countries where restrictions limit what can be imported from WMP directly. And thousands more are individuals who care enough to give a Scripture booklet to someone.

   Each partner is fulfilling the Lord’s commission to tell the world of His love and salvation. WMP is blessed to share with each and every one in this great team effort.p4a


Printing and Distribution in Indonesia

For many years WMP has supported the printing of Scripture booklets in Javanese and Indonesian in Indonesia, a country which—for economic reasons—does not permit importing materials printed in the local languages. In this predominately Muslim nation, sharing the gospel is challenging and yet rewarding.

A long-time partner in Java recently reported on the distribution of 90,000 copies of How to Know God printed in two major languages—Javanese and Indonesian—during April to December, 2016, in eight areas of Sumatra, Mentawai, p4band Java by evangelists and pastors working with him. In addition, 10,000 copies were given to individuals coming to their office to ask personally for booklets.

“Many who received the booklets,” wrote Pastor Jan L., “need more explanation through counseling and through Bible study.  Our ministry aim is to tell them about the salvation our Lord Jesus offers to them, and about the true God. Our counselors send counseling letters to non-Christians who receive booklets, and most of them continue attending a Bible study which we arrange in those cities.”
From that distribution, 175 people are known to have received Christ as Savior, and three new churches were established through the follow-up Bible studies.

Syrians Coming to Christ in Finlandp4c

WMP’s national coordinator in Finland, Brother Ali, reports encouraging news from the distribution of WMP Scripture booklets in 2016, even though one of his co-workers in charge of transporting boxes of material in the Helsinki area became seriously ill for a time.

 “Onwards we go with Jesus! Our work has gone in the right direction and we have received a lot of material to share WMPress in every corner of Finland. Year after year the same people share the truth and do the job.

   p4d“A lot of Arabic material has gone to those who have come to Finland from Syria. Yesterday I delivered booklets to three people when they went to meet with the Arabs in Helsinki. Really great job, and there are about 1,000 who have come to faith and been baptized in Finland.”
Brother Ali sees the need for the Church in Finland to encourage and train young people in how to share the gospel and “to keep Scripture booklets always in their pocket and tell about Jesus.”

Requesting prayer for additional colleagues to come alongside, he wrote, “But the work goes on. Thank you for the good cooperation, and greetings to all the staff.”

