Produced in-plant August:  5,971,532

Produced in-plant YTD since October 1, 2020:  73,905,260

Equivalency produced in plant August:  8,685,376

Equivalency produced in plant YTD since October 1, 2020:  93,612,002

Path to Life produced in plant August:  0

Path to Life produced in-plant since October 1, 2020:  253,709

Path to Life equivalency produced in August:  0

Path to Life equivalency produced in plant YTD since October 1, 2020:  169,224

Outside printing (including overseas) for July:  0

Outside printing (including overseas) Equivalency for July:  0



Date Shipped Country Number of Boxes Number of Booklets *Equivalency Date of Arrival
4/26/2021 S. ASIA  3,915  1,724,150  1,951,820 8/4/2021
4/26/2021 S. ASIA  300  124,000  149,000 8/4/2021
4/26/2021 S. ASIA  2,780  1,258,500  1,378,500 8/4/2021
4/26/2021 S. ASIA  1,435  646,275  712,525 8/4/2021
6/9/2021 HONG KONG  2,615  929,200  1,352,936 8/9/2021
8/5/2021 CANADA 160 62,815 81,497 8/12/2021
8/19/2021 USA AND SIERRA 1,680  599,475 859,949 8/23/2021
8/20/2021 MEXICO  4,218  1,907,410  2,099,845 8/23/2021
6/22/2021 MACAU  2,620  667,100  1,397,460 8/24/2021
7/6/2021 BRAZIL 4,213  1,915,705  2,103,704 8/25/2021
7/6/2021 BRAZIL  4,215  1,363,000  2,159,420 8/25/2021
8/19/2021 SOUTH SUDAN 240 84,325 123,535 8/25/2021
3/25/2021 MADAGASCAR  4,216  1,472,890  2,099,199 8/26/2021
11/10/2020 D.R.C. – SOUTH 2,520 1,182,340 1,265,677 8/27/2021
12/22/2020 ZIMBABWE 2,560 1,022,450 1,285,120 8/27/2021
8/24/2021 CANADA 180 83,080 90,147 8/27/2021
8/19/2021 USA for Mexico 208 78,050 105,700 8/30/2021
8/30/2021 HAITI 55 18,740 27,662 8/30/2021
8/24/2021 SOUTH SUDAN 720 265,750 366,060 8/31/2021



Date  Shipped Country Number of Boxes Number of Booklets *Equivalency Estimated Arrival
8/12/2021 UGANDA 4,215  1,580,835  2,116,300 10/14/2021
8/12/2021 UGANDA 1,000  304,590  521,028 10/14/2021
8/12/2021 UGANDA 512  206,925  248,647 10/14/2021
8/12/2021 UGANDA  4,215  1,546,380  2,135,142 10/14/2021