WHEN PHILIP WAS CALLED by Jesus to follow Him, he immediately found Nathanael to share the good news. “We have found Him of whom Moses . . . and the prophets did write!” he said. Nathanael was skeptical. But Philip’s confident reply was, “Come and see.” His own experience with Jesus urged him to share his discovery with others. He offered no great theological reasoning. Instead, he offered Nathanael what had touched his own heart.
Today, thousands are discovering the great love of God and the redemption offered through His Son, Jesus Christ, by reading His Word in a Scripture booklet from World Missionary Press. Typically, their immediate desire is to share the joy they found, using the same Scripture booklet they received.
“It was through one of these booklets that I came to know the Lord Jesus,” wrote Maurico. “People on the streets never have time to hear the gospel, but I know that when they get to their homes and read these booklets (The Way to God), they will be converted as I was.”
Such testimonies are received over and over from around the world. Booklets received with gladness result in a multiplication of booklets shared with others, thereby increasing the demand on WMP’s national coordinators for greater supplies. That demand is passed on to WMP as a new request for another container shipment (up to 2.1 million booklets) from many of the 81 countries with established WMP volunteer coordinators.
Additional orders come directly to WMP through emails and letters from countries which have no WMP national coordinator. “I was part of a ministry in Athens, Greece, in the 90’s,” wrote Joel S., “and we received lots of wonderful booklets from you. As a result, hundreds of refugees on the Refugee Highway were saved during my years in Athens. To God be the glory for the power of His written Word!” He then requested booklets in various languages, as he would be stopping for layovers in Dubai, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, and India on his way to Nepal. “During these long layovers, I want to sow as much literature as I can and put Bible resources in the hands of believers I meet.”
In the past few years God has provided sufficient personnel, machinery, and technology for WMP to project a possible increase in production to 10 million booklets per month. However, a recent dramatic shortfall in income has led to a 30-percent cut in monthly production, putting off by several months the delivery date of more than 42 container shipments already on order.
Many national coordinators are finding themselves without WMP literature to share with the hundreds of distributors who rely on WMP Scripture booklets as a major factor in their ministry. A recent report from Philipson P. presents a need that is repeated in many countries:
“India is a large country with a population of around 1.25 billion people, of whom only 2.3% are Christians. WMP Scripture booklets are great, as they contain Scripture in simple and pure form. The Word of God contained in them has turned many souls to Christ. India has more than 100 languages, and WMP booklets are available in most of the prime Indian languages. This helps us to work even in provinces where we are not familiar with the local language. They also serve as a resource that helps workers to quickly share the gospel with someone.

“It is the shortage of literature that many times makes it difficult to work in certain areas. The need is increasing day by day, as more and more evangelization missions are taken up in India.
“Gospel workers often face opposition from gospel haters. But by God’s grace the efforts to spread the good news have increased more than ever. WMP literature provides a way to pass around the Word quietly even in places with heavy opposition. God’s Word is powerful, and it continues to stir hearts. We have heard testimonies from people who got the gospel literature from the trash, read it, and gave their lives to Jesus. Kindly pray for the ministry in India so that the Lord will enable us to distribute as many of these Scripture booklets as possible to every nook and corner of the nation.”
[You can help us make up our shortfall and push forward to the goal of 10 million booklets per month! No gift is too small to have an impact, or too large to efficiently affect souls worldwide for eternity. Every dollar is prayerfully used in producing 27 Scripture booklets, destined for countries all over the world!]
Grateful Quotes
“More than 300 boxes were stacked high!”
The boys and girls attending Vacation Bible School at Salem Mennonite Church in New Paris, Indiana, had a special project this summer. They would give their accumulated offerings to help World Missionary Press fill boxes with 48-page Scripture booklets!
Ken M. from Salem Church asked WMP for 300 empty cardboard boxes—the kind used for shipping ten pounds of Scripture booklets overseas—so that the children could see their progress each day. For each $20.00 collected, a box was placed on a stack at the front of the church. Day after day the boxes piled up. Ken had to get more empty boxes from WMP!
By the end of the two-week Bible School, more than 300 boxes were stacked high, and the total offerings provided enough to produce more than 162,000 Scripture booklets for boys and girls around the world! WMP thanks all the boys and girls and teachers of Salem Mennonite Church Summer Vacation Bible School for this wonderful gift. Praise God!
Meet the Team
Bindery operator
The first time I was in the World Missionary Press building was years ago when Dale C.—at the time a WMP pressman who attended our church in Syracuse, Indiana—gave me some instruction on analog plate exposure and developing. Later, when I was working for Midwest Printing Equipment, I was in the building more often.
When business greatly slowed down, I spent a year out of work. One day WMP’s plant coordinator, Ron L., asked me if I would like to try operating the bindery for the summer. I thought, “Why not?” as I did not like being unemployed. I worked during the summer, then I was asked about working full-time and felt that that was what God wanted me to do.
I have now worked at World Missionary Press for more than five years, operating binderies, dealing with maintenance of the bindery lines, and ordering parts.
What I like best about working at WMP is the Christian atmosphere and working with volunteer groups. I have always preferred that my technical skills be used in ministry rather than secular work.
My hobby is printing at my church, with a good dose of maintenance work. When not working, I like to read and do maintenance (my wife Lois says take naps).
Lois and I were married in 1988 and have three children. Abigail, the oldest, is employed full-time at World Missionary Press, operating binderies. Anna works for Quaker Haven Camp, and David is at home.
WMP Partners Around the World
Since 1982 World Missionary Press has partnered with Peter H. and Frontline Fellowship Mission in giving out the Word of God throughout war-torn areas of Africa. With holy boldness and a sure calling, Peter has faced bombing, rebels, prison, heresy, death threats, bandits, crocodiles, desert, and jungle for the sake of the gospel.
WMP: Please describe your background and current ministry.
Peter: I was raised in war-torn Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), converted to Christ in 1977 and called to missions. Within weeks of coming to Christ, I was fully involved in mass-literature distribution. Frontline Fellowship developed out of a Bible-study and prayer fellowship that I began in the Army, and for the past 35 years we have been dedicated to serving persecuted Christians and evangelizing in restricted-access areas throughout Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, and as far afield as Nigeria and Egypt.

WMP: How long have you been involved in distributing WMP literature?
Peter: I came across World Missionary Press booklets in 1977, and they have been a mainstay of my evangelistic outreaches and a key part of every Frontline Fellowship mission since April, 1982. On my first cross-border mission into communist Mozambique, boxes of WMP booklets in Portuguese and Shangaan/Tsonga were in each side panel of my off-road motorbike as I went in with four reels of the Jesus film.
WMP: How effective are the topical Scripture booklets and Bible studies in your country?
Peter: Numerous Bible-study groups begin by going through the Scriptures in Satan vs. CHRIST, The Power of God, The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ, and other outstanding gospel booklets. The topical Scripture booklets are much needed and greatly appreciated. I prefer the How to Know God booklet when ministering to Muslims. We know of people who have been brought to repentance and delivered from witchcraft because of the Satan vs. CHRIST booklet, especially in Zulu and Xhosa. There is no doubt that WMP booklets have helped to plant many congregations and establish Bible-study fellowships in schools and military bases. We have also been able to distribute them widely in prisons and hospitals. The military chaplains that we have trained and supply in Sudan, Nigeria, Zambia, and the Congo, in particular, continually request more. We never have enough for the demand in Zimbabwe either. I have spoken to people who have told us how they came to Christ through a WMP booklet that they found lying on the ground or in a trash can! So even those which some may have thrown away, have been used of the Lord to bring people to repentance!
Thank you so very much for investing in our Mission and equipping and empowering us with excellent gospel booklets which empower our evangelism, aid in discipleship, strengthen believers, help establish congregations and Bible-study fellowships, and bring the lost to repentance and salvation.