[God] Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling…according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 1:9a)


In September of 1994, Harold and Marie Mack left their home and business in Pennsylvania and headed for a small town in Indiana. Sensing God’s call to serve at World Missionary Press, they took on new responsibilities and began a 30-year journey as part of giving the Word to the world through free Scripture booklets. Over the years, both took on greater responsibility, as Marie became WMP Treasurer and Harold became President.


In recent months they have sensed the Lord’s calling to a new season in life. Harold has retired as President of World Missionary Press, which means the Lord has called someone to take up the mantle of leadership. Marie will be retiring in the coming months, as the Lord has provided a new Director of Accounting to work with her in becoming acquainted with all the financial responsibilities and requirements. Harold will be staying on to assist during a 6-month transition period to help our new president learn the unique worldwide system the Lord has put together through our networks of donors, WMP staff and volunteers, and distributors.


During this time, God had also been calling Darryl Ramey to a new chapter in his life. When he received notice that WMP would be looking for a new president, he felt drawn to apply. He sensed that his heart for evangelism plus his experience in manufacturing reflected God’s plan of preparation for such an opportunity. Darryl has been involved in church-planting and pastored for over ten years. The last 30 years have been spent in manufacturing in areas such as aerospace, automotive, and commercial. He has worked at all levels, from machinist to Chief Operations Officer. But his passion is primarily a commitment to evangelism. In World Missionary Press, he sees the collaboration of manufacturing and ministry and is excited to become part of the team as the next president of WMP. With the full support of his wife Cathy, Darryl Ramey brings a humility and enthusiasm that will be well received by the staff. His experience in manufacturing will bring additional support to the production department as we work to increase production and support new ministry partners with the Word of God.


Paul wrote that one plants and another waters but God gives the increase. So it is that as each one obeys the call and is faithful in the work, another can follow in those footsteps and God can and will give His divinely ordained increase.


We invite each one to join us this October at our 63rd Anniversary Celebration as we honor Harold and Marie Mack for 30 years of faithfulness to the Lord’s call. They have served well, leaving behind an example that will prove a strong foundation for the next chapter in the history of World Missionary Press.


Come and meet new WMP President Darryl and wife Cathy Ramey. Join us at our Anniversary Celebration as we pray with them and for them as they obey the Lord’s call. How wonderful to know that the Lord is leading and that His Spirit is still at work as it was 63 years ago when our founders obeyed the Lord’s call. To God be the glory, great things He hath done!



“Many years ago, I had strayed from the ways of the Lord. I was no longer attending church. One day, passing by the Novo Rio bus station, I sat on the bench and looked to the side. I found a booklet entitled Help From Above. I picked it up and started reading. That day, God spoke to me through the booklet. Years later, on the boats, I found a brother in Christ distributing the same booklet – Help From Above. From that date on, I have never stopped distributing these booklets. I deliver the booklets to churches and in stores, where I leave them on the counter and people take them. I also do social work, delivering food baskets to people in need. I always put a booklet inside to spread the gospel.” –Melchizedek, S., Brazil




Lucas R., Maintenance


I first learned about World Missionary Press when I started dating Katie. She and her family have worked at the Press for years. I was looking for another job and when I learned of an opening at the Press, I knew God was calling me to it. Katie and I were recently married, and I think it is nice to be able to work with her.


Before working here, I helped with my uncle’s lawn care business. I have worked at the Press now for 6 months doing the landscaping, mowing, janitorial duties in the production area, and anything else that needs doing. I love working outside and the other employees make working here enjoyable.


I am the oldest of three and we spend time together about every weekend, including my grandparents. We love the summertime the most when we can go out on the lake on Grandpa’s boat. Katie and I like to cook at home. We also enjoy movies, especially in the theater. I enjoy bowling and any new fun activities with friends and family.