Dear Friends,

I’m so encouraged by the continued growth of World Missionary Press! In recent years especially, the Lord has increased our capacity for production by adding much-needed warehouse and shipment staging space, streamlining our workflow, providing for additional equipment, and bringing additional workers. During this same time, He has brought new opportunities for providing significantly increased quantities of His Word around the world to existing and new distribution partners. In fact, the recent increased demand for Scripture materials is even outpacing our growth in production!

As World Missionary Press continues to grow, recently I’ve sensed an ongoing decrease in strength and energy level on my part. First Peter 1:23-25 tells us that the word of God endures forever, but that people fade; “All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” As we draw ever closer to the return of Christ, the need and urgency for His word to flood the earth continues to grow, as does the ministry of World Missionary Press. Billions have yet to hear of and experience the love of Christ, and be “born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever.”

Through prayerful consideration I have decided it is time for me to retire, turning over my leadership role to the next person God has chosen for this position. Lord willing, I will serve as president through the end of November. Our Board of Directors has formed a search committee, and has engaged an executive search firm that specializes in finding Christian leaders for nonprofits, to help find the next person God has chosen to serve as president of this amazing worldwide ministry.

Thank you for the ways you are partnering with World Missionary Press to produce and send portions of God’s powerful word throughout the earth! As the Lord leads us through the coming months and upcoming transition, your continued partnership in prayer and support is greatly appreciated! May the Lord bless and encourage you!

Sincerely in Christ,
Harold Mack


PS. For more information or to apply, visit World Missionary Press – President (